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Chapter 103 Fighting the Clippers (the last chapter today)

After training, the Suns organized a pre-game tactical meeting to analyze the opponent's lineup.

The Clippers are still very strong this season and are currently ranked 7th in the Western Conference.

The first position is Mark Jackson, a rising star among point guards. He is good at post-up play. He is the same as Barkley's strongest skill. He averaged nearly 9 assists per game this season and is a first-class point guard.

The second position is Ron Harper, who averaged 18 points, 5.3 rebounds, 4.5 assists and 2.2 steals per game this season. He is a first-class shooting guard with both offense and defense.

This backline combination is no weaker than the Suns' backline combination of Dan Marly and Kevin Johnson.

No. 3, Ken Norman, averaged 15 points, 7.5 rebounds and 2.2 assists per game this season, showing good strength.

No. 4, Danny Manning, the No. 1 pick in 1988, has excellent mid-range shooting and flexible face-to-the-basket skills. He has entered his peak period this year. This season, he has 22.8 points, 6.6 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.4 steals and 1.3 blocks, which is very good.

I hope to be selected for the All-Star Game soon.

No. 5, Stanley Roberts, the No. 23 pick of the Magic in the first round last year, was traded to the Clippers. This season he has 11.3 points, 6.2 rebounds and 1.8 blocks. He is 213 centimeters tall and weighs 130 kilograms. His main activity area is under the basket.

, has no shooting ability, and his free throw shooting rate is about the same as Wang Tiejun's.

Wang Tiejun's opponent tonight is of average skill and is unknown in the history of the NBA. The only thing that left a mark is that he was the first player to be expelled from the league for smoking marijuana after the current labor agreement was introduced.

At 7:30, the two teams announced their starting lineups.

Suns: Wang Tiejun, Barkley, Cedric Ceballos, Dan Marley, Kevin Johnson

Clippers: Stanley Roberts, Danny Manning, Ken Norman, Ron Harper, Mark Jackson

"Stanley, be careful with this rookie, we can't let him take away our basket."

In the players tunnel, looking at Wang Tiejun who had just appeared, Danny Manning warned him seriously.

"Don't worry, Danny, I won't let that Chinese guy get into the basket." The very strong Stanley Roberts slapped his chest and shouted.

The game starts at eight o'clock.

Wang Tiejun walked to the center circle and prepared to jump the ball.

"Rookie, I heard that you have strong confrontation ability?"

Stanley Roberts said with a cracked smile, but there was no smile on his face.

"You will know soon." Lao Wang said.

"Damn boy, if you dare to attack my basket, I will kill you." Roberts put away his smile and said viciously.

At this time, the ball was thrown up, and the two jumped almost at the same time, with similar bounce height and speed. However, Wang Tiejun's arm was longer and he was the first to move the ball away, and the Suns attacked.

He entered the frontcourt and went straight down the left wing. Roberts defended the back, and the two immediately began to push.

"Come on, Chinaman!"

After taking a few puffs before the game, Roberts seemed very excited. He immediately spat out racial slurs and pushed Wang Tiejun forward vigorously, occasionally hitting the latter's lower back hard with his elbow.

His tonnage is larger, and his strength is also good. In terms of height, strength, tonnage, and an absolutely huge human shield, Wang Tiejun really has an untenable momentum.

"Old K, hit him."

Kevin Johnson passed the ball in. He saw that Lao Wang was being squeezed, so he deliberately passed the ball a little outside.

Wang Tiejun took a step outside to catch the ball, and then Roberts followed up.

He immediately leaned over to dribble, and when the latter came up, he suddenly put down force with his feet, and the six forces exploded into one, and his left shoulder and back instantly leaned back.

Sufficient space for exerting force makes this hit full of power, fully reaching the upper limit of 10% power increase.


Roberts' center of gravity was still moving forward. His lower body was unstable. He screamed when he was hit in the throat. His huge body fell backward instantly. He took a step back and couldn't stop. He fell to the floor and slid backwards.

Paint area.


The home fans screamed in surprise. They couldn't believe that the 130-kilogram guy was knocked over so easily.

Wang Tiejun grabbed the ball with his right hand, turned around and strode into the paint area. After a step, he flew over Roberts, held the ball with both arms, and smashed it towards the basket.

Danny Manning returned to the basket from the weak side of the right wing. He stared at the soaring Wang Tiejun, feeling like a beast was coming from the opposite side.

His tonnage was only 105 kilograms, so he didn't dare to fight head-on for fear of being knocked away, so he could only adjust his position and jump from the side to block the shot.


He slapped Wang Tiejun hard on his right wrist.


But in the next moment, Wang Tiejun crushed Manning's palm and completed the dunk.

The huge basket rack was hit and sank suddenly, then bounced up again.


The whistle sounded, the referee pointed at Danny Manning, the player fouled, and an extra penalty was awarded.

"Damn it!"

With the help of his teammates, Roberts got up in disgrace. Having just been humiliated, he was filled with hatred and looked at Wang Tiejun with gritted teeth.

"Damn pig..."

But before Roberts could say anything, Wang Tiejun was the first to curse. He pointed at the basket above his head and shouted in a low voice: "Remember this, I will definitely take off your basket today, even if you have four legs."

Can't stop me."

"Asshole! What ability do you have to pick off my basket?"

Roberts' brain was congested, and he rushed over with great excitement, and in two steps he was in front of Wang Tiejun.

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

Barkley emerged from Wang Tiejun and blocked Roberts.


The referee quickly stepped in, first pushed Wang Tiejun away, and then said to both parties in a warning tone: "Please be patient, otherwise your only end will be to leave the court, I promise."

Under the strong force of the referee, the conflict that had not yet started was calmed down and the game restarted.

"Damn Chinaman, we have to teach him a lesson. Don't let him run rampant here. We must not let him take away our basket."

In the VIP room, Clippers owner Sterling cursed.


Fortunately, Wang Tiejun made a free throw.

Clippers attack.

Stanley Roberts screamed and squeezed towards the basket, and Wang Tiejun made a dead push.


The two may have the same mobility, or Wang Tiejun may be a little stronger. They were squeezing and going around. Although Roberts got in a little bit, he couldn't get close to the basket. When the time was up, he had to give up and go to the left wing to post in the low post.


He was carrying Wang Tiejun with his left hand. When the ball came in, he suddenly bent his elbow, turned sideways and hit the latter's chest hard, taking advantage of the latter's pain, and then took the opportunity to complete the ball.


Roberts started to hit Wang Tiejun with his back. At the same time, with the referee's eyes away, he used the force of the back hit to hit Wang Tiejun with his elbow.

Wang Tiejun got close to him, and after his opponent hit him with an elbow from behind again, he took a small step back.

"Damn Chinaman, is this all you have?"

Roberts was overjoyed and immediately stepped into the paint and continued to hit with backs and elbows.

Wang Tiejun retreated a little further, then moved a little further, and brought his opponent in about half a meter. He estimated that the time was up, and suddenly stepped forward with his right foot and activated the Bear Step. When he completed the close contact, he also activated the Iron Mountain Back Strike.

The bear step is a living pile without major deformation of the whole body. In other words, in the eyes of outsiders, it is a normal movement without intentional collision.

However, after having sufficient space to exert force, and with the blessing of Xiong Bu, Tieshan relied on strength and achieved considerable growth.

This increase is not a 10% bonus from the system, but the increase in Tieshan's strength through Xiongbu's support.


At this time, Roberts was thinking of jumping out, and was completely unprepared. He was hit by this fierce blow. He groaned, suddenly stumbled forward, and fell to the floor. The ball also rolled to the side.

Wang Tiejun quickly stepped forward and grabbed the ball from the floor.

This defense caused the opponent to make a mistake and got the ball. Although he did not get data, the defense was extremely successful.

"Asshole! You pushed me?"

Roberts got up and angrily threw himself at Wang Tiejun.

"Get away!"

Wang Tiejun smashed the ball in front of his chest with both hands, swung his elbows flat, turned sideways suddenly, and completed a sweep with a pair of huge iron elbows in an instant.


Roberts, who rushed forward, was struck in the right chest by an elbow. He screamed in pain and staggered back. His face turned pale on the spot.

The referee glanced at it and said nothing.

At this time, Dan Malli made a fast break and Wang Tiejun made a long pass. The former went to the basket and hit a layup, giving the latter an assist.

"He pushed me, why didn't he call a foul?" Roberts, who had a bad temper, roared angrily and walked quickly towards the referee.

"Hey, Stanley, don't get excited, he didn't do that."

Mark Jackson hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, pushed Roberts away, and then turned back to explain to the referee: "Sorry, he was impulsive and thought the rookie pushed him."

He could see clearly that Wang Tiejun didn't push anyone just now, and if he yelled at the referee again, he might be fined.

But the referee didn't let Roberts go. A guy who was nothing actually dared to yell at him. Who gave you the courage?

He ran in front of Roberts, made a technical foul signal, and threw a free throw.

"Are you crazy?"

Roberts opened his mouth wide and his head was filled with blood again.

Several Clippers players came up and separated Roberts to prevent him from going crazy again and completely irritating the referee. This is their home court. If the referee continues to cause trouble, it will be very embarrassing.

Next, Dan Marley took the penalty and scored a free throw, and then the Suns attacked.

"Brother, give me the ball, I'm going to pick it off his basket." Wang Tiejun stood low on the left wing and shouted toward the top of the arc.


Roberts roared angrily and punched Wang Tiejun in the lower back.

"That's all you have? Can you tickle me?"

The effort was not sufficient at all, Wang Tiejun said with great disdain.

"Baby..." Roberts cursed.

At this time, the ball was passed down. Wang Tiejun grabbed the ball with his right hand and started a low post shot while dribbling.

As soon as he leaned on it, Roberts' body weighing 130 kilograms did not move much. He just leaned his upper body slightly back, which did not affect his center of gravity. He recovered immediately. He was worthy of being a human shield.

But at this moment, Wang Tiejun suddenly turned his head to the right, moved his arms, dribbled the ball with his left hand, flicked his right elbow back, and struck Roberts on the chest with a bang.

This elbow is a sweeping elbow by Tieshan Lean. Taking advantage of the momentum of the bear step, the elbow force is huge and sharp.

The next moment, when Roberts was in pain, Wang Tiejun twisted his waist, switched legs, shifted his weight from his right foot to his left foot, successfully completed the turn of the bear step, and then entered the paint area in one step.

From turning his head, swinging his arms, twisting his waist, and changing legs, the entire dribbling and turning movement can be done in one go. It is much smoother and faster than he used to.

This is the emphasis on rhythm control and turning and exerting force in martial arts steps. The result is only one word, fast.


When Buckley and others saw Wang Tiejun turning around and slipping away, their mouths opened wide in surprise.

"Is this Old K?"

Likewise, the sidelines, coaching staff and bench were all stunned.


With his arms violently smashed, the Clippers' basket and backboard were once again violently abused by Wang Tiejun.

"The quality of the backboard is pretty good!"

Lao Wang let go and glanced at the backboard, feeling that it would be enough if he could do it a few more times.

He could even see a few small cracks where the basket and the backboard came into contact.

In fact, he did it just for the sake of points. Others would not use up their energy to deliberately break the backboard when they were full and had nothing to do during the game.

The league will fine you if you smash a backboard, but there is no reward. Who would do that intentionally except for being provoked and doing it accidentally?

For example, O'Neal, with his size and explosive power, is more destructive to backboards, but apart from occasionally, he does not deliberately smash them. In the two months since he entered the league, he has only smashed two boards and pulled down a basket frame.


"Hey man, how did you do that? What did you just do? You actually pulled off a great slide? This is unbelievable!"

Buckley rushed over excitedly, shouting.

"Old K, are you possessed by some super center? Is it Da Meng? Your turning speed is almost catching up with him."

Kevin Johnson ran over excitedly and shouted.

Lao Wang smiled proudly and said: "I have been doing strength training and pace training. I practice for at least three hours every day. This is the result of the extra practice."

Several people were shouting and yelling while returning to defense.

The Clippers advanced to the frontcourt, and Roberts asked for the ball. No one paid attention to him this time. He has the lowest qualifications among the players on the court. He cannot always be allowed to play. He does not have the qualifications.

The others pulled away, and Mark Jackson started to fart Kevin Johnson. His big ass arched and arched until he was very close to the paint area, and he made a turn over jumper and hit a ball.

"Charles, is that your brother?" Wang Tiejun said in surprise.


Dan Marli and others burst into laughter.

Buckley said with a dark face: "He just learned my skills. Old K, please don't talk nonsense, I can sue you."

"He also roasted your big ass." Wang Tiejun joked.

"Haha..." Several people burst into laughter.

Barkley and Mark Jackson, who were ridiculed, were relatively speechless and silent, and at the same time raised their middle fingers towards Comrade Lao Wang.

After three rounds, Dan Malley missed a three-pointer. The ball bounced a little far and fell on Roberts' head. He picked up an offensive rebound. He stepped on the paint area with one foot and the other in the paint area.

Besides, he started to beat Wang Tiejun from behind.

Lao Wang again used the experience taught by Barkley. He let it go for a while, and then suddenly increased the intensity of the confrontation, disrupting the opponent's offensive rhythm.


Roberts hurriedly took off for a floater, but was blocked by his slap.

Ceballos picked up the ball, and the Suns came to the offensive end. The ball was handed to Wang Tiejun, who started to hit Roberts with his back in the low post on the left wing.

He leaned on it first, instead of relying on the human shield behind him.

This time, Roberts was mentally prepared to prevent Wang Tiejun from slipping. After holding the first position, he took a small step back to prepare to block Lao Wang's slip.

However, Lao Wang's second support broke out.

With Roberts retreating himself, there was enough space between the two to exert force.

When the stance is activated, Wang Tiejun steps forward with his left foot, follows up with his right foot, and stamps both feet. The six forces unite into one, and Tieshan's attack instantly explodes.


Roberts groaned in pain, feeling as if his chest had been collapsed and blood rushing into his throat. He was knocked directly to the ground just like before.


Seeing their own human shield center being knocked down again, countless home fans were shocked.

The next moment after knocking his opponent away, Wang Tiejun first turned his head to the left, took advantage of the momentum and swung his left elbow back, then twisted his waist, then his hips, and finally completed his turn by quickly changing legs. Stepping next to Roberts' head, he flew up.


With the violent sound of the basket exploding, the entire backboard shattered.


The Toyota Center screamed again.

"I got 200 points."

Wang Tiejun grabbed the Clippers basket, looked down at the several Clippers players around him, and then glanced at Roberts who was struggling to get up from the floor, and sneered.

"Old K, you did something bad again, and Stern is going to fine you again."

Buckley and others rushed up, teasing him while escorting him off the field.

"You can take any penalty, I just want the basket." Comrade Lao Wang said nonchalantly.

It's not that he doesn't care about money. If a basketball league wants to fine him three thousand dollars, he won't be willing to part with it, but points are more important.

"This bastard!"

Roberts gasped and climbed up, looking at Wang Tiejun's back, his arrogance was no longer so presumptuous this time.

Being knocked over twice in a row, not only was his chest about to collapse from the huge force of the blow, but his psychology was also knocked down.

With his size and strength, not even the three super centers could knock him over. Unexpectedly, he was knocked over twice by a rookie, which greatly damaged his morale.

Next, the pause time entered.


I will continue to update tomorrow, thank you all for your support!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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