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Chapter 155 Advance to the Western Finals

At this time, Kevin Johnson broke through with the ball and entered the paint area. After attracting Robinson and Antoine Kyle to return to defense, he immediately passed the ball to Barkley.


Unfortunately, Barkley missed the mid-range shot and David Robinson grabbed the backcourt rebound.

Wang Tiejun was also near the landing point, but unfortunately his ball speed was not as fast as others. It was a long way off. When he jumped up, the ball had already been snatched away.

"Ouch, it only makes sense that this ball should be given to the Tiejun! In terms of close range attacks, Barkley's jump shots are not as high as his hook shots!"

In the audience, Zhang Liyi clapped his thigh and sighed.

Spurs attack.

David Robinson is very active and constantly moving to get rid of his opponents.

This time, Wang Tiejun had an extra thought, guarding against the inside rather than the outside.

When Robinson moves towards the paint area, follow closely. When the opponent runs counter-attack outside, he would rather let the opponent catch the ball outside, and also leave a little distance to prevent the opponent from following up and being reverse-cut again.

At this time, Avery Johnson's ball was passed down to the low left wing. Robinson received the ball outside the paint area and immediately completed the face-to-face basket before Wang Tiejun pounced on him.


Lao Wang braked with his feet, spread his legs and arms, and blocked him one meter away.

Robinson can only choose a jump shot. If he goes around, he has to take two big steps instead of one step, and he will be completely stuck.

His shots in the confrontation with Old K had a very low hit rate, and he didn't want to play like that.

Seeing his opponent take off to take a shot, Lao Wang quickly took off and blocked the shot. However, he was half a beat too late, the speed of the shot was also a bit lower than that of his opponent, and the height of the block was not high enough.


However, the ball failed to hit the target. It bounced off the basket and was caught by Comrade Lao Wang.

The Suns wanted to play a fast break, but Wang Tiejun was entangled by Robinson and the ball could not be passed out in time, turning into a positional battle.

Kevin Johnson pushed the ball into the frontcourt, made a pull gesture, and then gave the ball to Danny Ainge outside the left wing three-point line.

Sean Elliott could only move forward and did not dare to move down.

Danny Ainge dribbled away the defender and passed the ball to Wang Tiejun below.

At this time, the weak side, that is, the right wing, has Barkley and Dan Mulley, the top of the key is Kevin Johnson, and the strong side, the left wing, has Wang Tiejun and Danny Ainge.

This is a rule limited to the anti-isolation singles rule. The offensive side must retain at least two people on the strong side.

But now it was wide enough. Danny Ainge pulled Sean Elliott to the three-point line and wanted to come down to help defend. There was a distance of three or four meters in the middle, and it took at least two seconds to turn around and start.

The weak-side defense also takes time.

Wang Tiejun caught the ball and started hitting directly.


The left elbow used brute force to push away the entangled Robinson slightly, and then leaned against him instantly. The latter grunted, let go of his front foot, took a small step back, and turned to his back foot.

And at this moment, just after knocking Robinson back, he stepped inward with both feet and stood in the paint area with his feet. At the same time, the second hard hit followed.


After having more room to exert force, the iron mountain hit with greater force, causing Robinson to take a big step back again.

The next moment, he was so excited that he turned around and jumped into the air, suppressing the unsteady Robinson and flying up.

"Asshole, you want to dunk me again?"

David Robinson's eyes were splitting, and he grabbed Old K with both hands, trying to pull him down and throw him to death.


But the next moment, when he grabbed Old K before he could exert any force, Old K bumped into him. Under the huge force, he was knocked down head-on and fell to the floor, sliding backwards.

"Beep!" the referee blew his whistle.


As a violent slamming sound was heard, the basket frame suddenly sank two feet downward.


The American West Arena burst into flames instantly. Countless fans stood up from their seats, cheering wildly, and the surge of adrenaline made their emotions reach the peak. The buzzing noise made everyone's ears become decorations.


"Dunk! Frontal dunk! The crazy penalty area sweeper Old K dunked Admiral David Robinson from the front. He regarded the super center as nothing!"

"Yo ho ho ho ho, old K knocked over the super center Robinson and dunked him head-on! The penalty area sweeper performed the craziest, most gorgeous and brutal performance on his opponent."

The two on-site commentators roared wildly, and through the speakers, their voices resounded throughout the entire venue, raising the atmosphere of the home court to its peak.

"Hoo ho ho..."

Wang Tiejun stood under the basket, panting.

At his feet was David Robinson, around him were his teammates who rushed over to celebrate, and behind him were a large number of media reporters who were frantically snapping their shutters at him.

"Hoo ho ho..."

Wang Tiejun stood under the basket, panting.

At his feet was David Robinson, around him were his teammates who rushed over to celebrate, and behind him were a large number of media reporters who were frantically snapping their shutters at him.

"Crazy old K! Violent old K! He is indeed the sweeper of the restricted area..."

In the ESPN live broadcast booth, Winston Rollin shook his head and praised: "A super center is not in his eyes at all. He is destroying David Robinson with violence."

Carter Oldman also praised: "The most powerful frontal dunk. I think it was through a similar attack that Old K obtained a formal contract from Mr. Colangelo."

Rollin smiled and said: "Yes, the heavy dunk after knocking over O'Neal allowed him to not only get a big contract from the Suns, but also get the favor of General Manager Jerry Krause of the Bulls."

"Think about it, what if K had chosen the Bulls?" Oldman said.

"So now the Suns will cry to death and the Bulls will laugh to death." Rollin laughed.

Oldman said at this time: "If Old K strengthens his defense, then his strength will reach the level of a first-class center. There should be no doubt about this."

Luo Lin thought for a while and said: "Yes, now Old K's defense has really dragged down his overall strength. When he can score 20 points, his opponent can score more points on his head."


Wang Tiejun made an extra free throw, making 2 of 2 shots and 1 of 2 free throws. He scored 5 points in the opening game.

"Old K played too aggressively. Now David Robinson committed two fouls at the beginning. The Spurs are in big trouble, but the Spurs did not replace him." Winston Rollin said.

"Yes, the Spurs have no way out. Replacing Robinson, K and Barkley will turn the Spurs' penalty area into rubbish," Oldman said.

"The Suns put Danny Ainge on top of Old K, which is indeed a clever move. This can prevent Old K from being double-teamed from above." Rollin said with a smile.

"The same goes for bringing Dan Marley over. The effect will be better. He can shoot suddenly and cut in. He is more suitable for K's low post singles than Ceballos and Danny Ainge." Oldman laughed.

The Spurs attacked at this time, and Robinson followed the high pick-and-roll.

Wang Tiejun changed defense. At this time, Avery Johnson quickly pulled to the left wing and then passed it back to Robinson. The latter stepped up and tried to dunk him head-on.


With an angry grunt, he quickly moved aside and hid.


With a one-arm dunk, Robinson scored the second goal.

"Haha, Old K dodged. He couldn't guard the ball. When he turned around, Robinson had already jumped up. His bounce speed was too slow. If he didn't get out of the way, the only result would be to be dunked from the front."

During the ESPN live broadcast, Winston Rolling laughed.

"His static talent is on the same level as O'Neal, and his ability to play in the low post is unique and powerful, but his dynamic talent is the ceiling of Old K, which seriously limits his future development." Oldman shook his head sadly.

"Yes. But no matter what, I think he will become a truly first-class center, which can be expected."

Luo Lin nodded in agreement.

"You said last time that he has the potential to be a first-class center." Oldman smiled.

"Now I have changed my original mind." Luo Lin said with a smile.

Next, the two sides went back and forth, and the attacks continued.

The Spurs were eager to win this game and used all their firepower.

But today, both Barkley and Wang Tiejun were in good condition. Together with Dan Marley, the three of them teamed up to steadily suppress the Spurs' firepower.

Kevin Johnson took fewer shots today. His main function is to organize offense. He has performed very well in the previous games. However, this game was not very exciting. He did not attack with the ball very much. After two sudden attacks, he could not make sudden moves.


And Danny Ainge's main task is not to attack, but to open up defenders for Wang Tiejun and only take action when there is an open opportunity.

After the first quarter, at 26:34, the Suns led by 8 points.

Barkley played 11 minutes, made 4 of 5 shots, 4 of 4 free throws, scored 12 points and 3 rebounds, and turned Antoine Kyle into a scumbag.

Wang Tiejun played 9 minutes, making 3 of 4 shots, 2 of 3 free throws, and scored 8 points and 2 rebounds.

Dan Marley played 10 minutes, making 3 of 5 shots, 2 of 2 free throws, and also scored 8 points, 1 rebound and 1 assist.

The three of them jointly contributed 28 points. Most of the offense was shot under the basket, which was very efficient. This is because Robinson, who committed the second offense, was very passive on the defensive end and did not dare to reach out at all.

Robinson played the entire quarter, and at full strength, he made 6 of 10 shots, 2 of 2 free throws, and scored 14 points and 2 rebounds.

In the second quarter, the two teams were half main players and half substitutes. Only David Robinson played the entire quarter again without a second of rest.

After halftime, 50:55, the Suns still led by 5 points.

The Suns' substitute lineup was not good, and the main force played more in the second quarter. Barkley only rested for 3 minutes in the first half, Danny Ainge played 8 minutes in the first quarter and another 8 minutes in the second quarter, and Wang Tiejun also played 10 minutes in the second quarter.

Minutes, the same goes for other main players.

However, Ceballos played well and took many shots. He made 4 of 7 shots in a single quarter and scored 8 points with dunks.

By the third quarter, veteran Danny Ainge was sitting on the bench, preparing for the final quarter.

In this quarter, the thickness of the Spurs' lineup played a role. As the physical fitness of the Suns' main players declined, so did their condition. The score gradually caught up. After three quarters, it was 76:77, and the Suns only led by one point.

Robinson played the full three quarters today and also played with high efficiency. He made 13 of 22 shots, nearly 60% from the field, and 2 of 5 free throws. He already scored 28 points.

However, the Spurs also have a big hidden danger, because he committed one foul each in the second quarter and the third quarter, and now has 4 fouls.

"Old K, it's up to you."

When he came on the court in the final quarter, Barkley, who had scored 25 points in the first three quarters, said.

"Leave it to me."

Wang Tiejun nodded. He was in a fishing state in the second and third quarters. He only scored 4 points in two quarters. This was to reserve his physical strength for the final quarter. It was time to go out and play hard.

Joining him on the court is Danny Ainge, whose task is to open up the defense for him so that he can have more space for low-post singles.

The first ball, the Suns' first attack, Wang Tiejun squeezed directly to the basket this time.

The coaching staff just said that Robinson has already committed four fouls, so let him strengthen his confrontation and attack more at the basket.

Robinson took a step forward and put him directly into the basket, intending to block the passing line.

"Get out of here!"

He pushed Robinson hard to the outside, leaving the basket free.

Under Avery Johnson's strict defense, Kevin Johnson took a step back to pass the ball and hoisted the ball in.

When Robinson saw the height of the ball, he knew he couldn't stop it, so he immediately turned around and tried to entangle Old K.

However, he did not dare to move too much for fear of the whistle blowing.

Robinson's scruples gave Wang Tiejun the best opportunity.

He didn't even use the iron mountain support. He took off with his right elbow on the former and caught the ball in the air with both hands. Kevin Johnson's pass was very good and there was no need to adjust at all. In the next moment, he took advantage of the trend and smashed forward.


As the basket trembled violently, the arena instantly boiled.

Looking back, Sean Elliott singled out Danny Ainge and missed a shot. Wang Tiejun protected the backcourt rebound. At this time, he saw Kevin Johnson struggling to get down quickly, and he quickly shouted and threw the ball away.


Kevin Johnson, who didn't do much offense today, received the ball and rushed into the frontcourt. He took two steps to the left three-point line. Suddenly he made an emergency stop and Avery Johnson, who was pursuing the defense, rushed over one step.

At this time, Dan Marley cut into the paint from the right wing, and the ball was passed by the horse. The latter caught the ball and made a two-step layup, making a hit.

76:81, the Suns lead by 5 points.

Looking back, Spurs shooting guard Dale Ellis broke through with the ball. Barkley was forced to slow down when he was covering up. Wang Tiejun came out from the basket to cover up again. The former made a strong shot and was slapped down.

Barkley grabbed the ball and the Suns attacked.

It was better to let Wang Tiejun play. He entered the basket again, blocked Robinson for the ball, and received the ball. The Spurs all shrank, but it was already too late.

After forcing a close attack and knocking out the space to get up, he turned around and held the ball in both hands.


Robinson could only take off to block the shot, but he was slapped on the wrist.


When the basket rang, the referee's whistle also sounded.


An on-site commentator let out an excited roar and shouted excitedly: "Old K beat Robinson hard under the basket. When he scored, he caused Robinson's fifth foul. We are in sight of the Western Conference Finals!"

"The Spurs have no way to double-team quickly unless they completely let go of Danny Ainge or Barkley, but if they do, the consequences will be equally bad." Another commentator laughed.

76:83, the Suns opened the final quarter with a 6-0 attack wave, leading by 7 points.

The Spurs served and called a timeout.

Head coach John Lucart was sweating profusely, but he didn't have time to wipe it off. To be honest, he was very flustered.

When David Robinson couldn't defend Old K alone, he couldn't come up with any good ideas.

Double-teaming won't work. After Sean Elliott was pulled away by Danny Angel, the Spurs didn't have the extra strength to double-team the basket. If forced to double-team, Old K can pass the ball and his assist ability is not weak.

Barkley should not be left alone. In fact, it is Barkley who should be double-teamed. That is the Suns' first scoring point.

"Avery, it's up to you now. I want you to cut off the connection between Kevin Johnson and Old K." In the end, he only had this way.


Avery Johnson nodded calmly.

"Offensively, David, now is the time for you to stand up and beat Old K. They didn't double-team you. I believe you can do it." John Lucart said to Robinson.

"Of course I can do it." David Robinson said solemnly.

The timeout ends and the Spurs attack.

David Robinson first started a pick-and-roll at the top of the arc, Avery Johnson broke through the wall, and the former went down.

Kevin Johnson was left one step behind, and Wang Tiejun had no choice but to switch defense.

When David Robinson saw it, he immediately stopped at the high free throw line, and Avery Johnson immediately passed the ball back. The former received the ball and shot a jumper over Kevin Johnson, who was changing defense.


The ball hit the basket and made a two-pointer.

After succeeding, Robinson gasped twice with his mouth open, then turned back to defend.

"It can be seen that David Robinson's running speed has slowed down a lot, and there should be problems with his physical fitness."

Winston Rollin said during the ESPN live broadcast.

"I have been focusing on attacking with all my strength, taking as many as 23 shots in the three quarters, and I still have to contend with Old K on the defensive end. It is good to be able to persist until now." Carter Oldman said.

On the court, the Suns attack.

Avery Johnson tried his best to defend Kevin Johnson, but the strength of the two sides was at least one, or even two, different. His efforts were not successful, and the ball was still passed in and reached the hands of Wang Tiejun in the low post on the left wing.

There was not much attack in the second and third quarters. Comrade Lao Wang still had some energy left, so he relied on fighting with all his strength. The ferocious force hit David Robinson and he could not stand at all.

"Bang! Bang!"

After two consecutive blows, Robinson staggered back.

He played the first three quarters with all his strength, but his current physical condition is not as good as Wang Tiejun's. Under such fierce fighting, he doesn't seem to have much ability to compete.


Wang Tiejun turned around and jumped up, directly pressing Robinson and smashing the ball into the basket. The latter was knocked over again and fell under the basket.

"Beautiful! Old K broke out at the critical moment. With his low post play, no one in this league can defend him with one-on-one defense. As long as he is given a one-on-one opportunity, he can beat anyone in this way. I

That’s anyone!”

The commentator's roar echoed throughout the home arena.

Wang Tiejun gasped and glanced at David Robinson at his feet. He looked up at the excited and shouting fans and waved to them.


The excited home fans immediately responded with even louder cheers.

In the following time, the Spurs had no choice but to force a double-team and let the person closest to the basket let go of his own to double-team the basket.

Of course, John Lucas only chooses to double-team the basket, while Wang Tiejun can also get singles opportunities on both wings in the low post.

In the 10th minute of the final quarter, 92:100, the Suns still led by 8 points, and victory was in sight.

Wang Tiejun made all three shots in the first quarter and one in the last three in the final quarter. He made 4 of 6 shots and 2 of 4 free throws. He scored 10 points in a single quarter.

On David Robinson's side, his energy was exhausted and he could no longer hit the basket. He could only shoot jumpers from outside. His efficiency dropped drastically. He made 3 of 9 shots and 2 of 2 free throws, and scored 8 points.

In the last two minutes, Barkley stood up and successfully beat Antoine Kyle twice. He made consecutive free throws and scored 5 points, establishing the final victory.

At the end, with the whistle blowing, the game is over.

"Four to one, I win!"

"Western Conference Finals, here we come!"

The two on-site commentators shouted excitedly.

"Pa bang bang..."

The home fans all stood up and gave them warm applause.

The Spurs were unable to make a comeback. They lost the G5 game by 9 points at 95:106. The total score was 1:4 and they were eliminated. The Suns advanced to the Western Conference Finals with their heads held high.

David Robinson made 16 of 31 shots in 48 minutes, a shooting percentage of 51.6%, and 4 of 9 free throws. His free throw percentage was not enough, only 44.4%. He scored 36 points, 8 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, 1 block, 4 turnovers and 5 fouls.


The opponent, Wang Tiejun, made 8 of 13 shots, 61% from the field, and 6 of 10 free throws in 39 minutes. He scored 22 points, 11 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steal, 2 blocks, 2 turnovers, and 4 fouls.

In contrast, Robinson was still beaten in scoring, and he still couldn't guard the opponent.

But his offensive efficiency was high enough. This was also because Robinson fouled too quickly and his defensive intensity dropped sharply in the final quarter.

Barkley scored 32 points, won the best of the game, and accepted an on-site interview.

"Charles, congratulations, you finally reached the finals for the first time." The reporter said with a smile.

"No, I made it to the Eastern Conference Finals my rookie season."

Barkley immediately corrected him. This was one of the few hard honors he had, and he couldn't erase it with just a word from a reporter.

"But you were just a rookie at that time, and Moses Malone was the star." The reporter laughed.

"Damn reporters!"

Barkley sneered and insisted: "Anyway, this is my second time in the finals, my first time in the Western Conference Finals."

"Okay, okay, then what do you think of the next Western Conference Finals?" the reporter asked.

"Mosaic and SuperSonics are still playing. They will have another game or a tiebreaker. This is very beneficial to us. We will have more time to rest. We are full of hope for the Western Conference Finals." Barkley


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