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Chapter 188 The new core of the Suns

"Be careful, old K."

A bodyguard also got out of the car, holding a shotgun in his hand, and stood next to Wang Tiejun.

"Ak won't work. You can't shoot accurately from such a distance, and there's no continuous fire function. You have to use a shotgun." He glanced at the gun in Lao Wang's hand and said.


Lao Wang chuckled, and then suddenly fired a shot at the wolves.

It's a pity that it was too far away, and the bullet didn't even know where it flew.

The wolves and cougars showed no signs of panic and were still staring at the convoy.

"Let's find a high ground and deal with them."

At this time, the guide Harris came over and pointed to a high slope two kilometers away in the northwest.

"They won't run away, right?" Lao Wang said worriedly.

"The mountain lions don't know, but the wolves won't run away easily. If we have our sights on them, they will definitely have our sights on us. Even if they run away, they will come back," Harris said with a smile.

At this time, the puma on the opposite side suddenly broke out of the wolf pack and disappeared behind a sand slope, and the wolf pack immediately followed.

"Follow me?" Lao Wang said anxiously.

"Don't chase. There are a lot of wolves here. We have plenty of targets. They will look for us." The guide quickly stopped him.

So everyone got in the car again and headed northwest.

When they came to the selected high slope, everyone formed a circle around the car, with the front of the car facing outward, took out their guns, and began to make preparations.

"If you have enough bullets, just shoot." Lao Wang shouted.

He inserted a few magazines into his body, climbed into his pickup truck, placed an AK on the roof of the front of the car, and obtained a shotgun and a sniper rifle, both equipped with eight-power scopes.

Buckley shouted from below: "Old K, are those guys following?"

"No, I can't see it. He won't run away, right?"

Lao Wang replied while observing with the scope.

At this time, the guide Harris began to slaughter a few prepared live sheep to attract the wolves.

The sense of smell of wolves is forty times that of humans. Such a strong smell of blood can locate prey from a few kilometers away. It won't take long for wolves with a radius of dozens of kilometers to be attracted.

"Everyone, be prepared. It won't take long for a pack of wolves to come. Don't be careless."

The guide Harris drove a few dead sheep and threw them dozens of meters away, one in each direction. After returning, he warned: "Snipers, shoot at close range. Everyone must have a clear division of labor. Two people work in groups, and one person is responsible for the distance."

For sniping from a distance, one person is responsible for observation and close protection."

"I'm responsible for long-distance sniping. Knight, you take the AK." Old Wang said.


Knight stood next to Lao Wang and picked up the ak.

"Can you use it?"

Lao Wang asked without taking his eyes off the scope.


Knight casually fired a shot, hitting the dead sheep, and sneered: "Rookie, can you be a man?"

Lao Wang shut his mouth. This shooting technique was more accurate than him.

Next came the waiting time. After waiting for thirty or forty minutes, a pack of wolves came over smelling the smell of blood.

"This way." Kevin Johnson, who was guarding the west side, shouted loudly.

"I am coming."

Lao Wang quickly grabbed an AK and the sniper rifle in his hand, jumped out of the pickup truck, ran two steps forward and then ran back, grabbing another double-barreled spray gun from the trunk.

"Frank, go and help Nate, don't let him be eaten by wolves."

He climbed into the Lightning's car, pushed teammate Frank Johnson aside, and asked him to partner with Knight, who also had no choice but to get off.

"I saw it."

Following the direction Kevin Johnson was pointing, he looked through the scope and saw a group of wolves running towards this direction. They were soon approaching 200 meters away. He quickly turned on the safety of his sniper rifle.

"Don't shoot just yet, let me have a good time. I'll treat you later," he shouted.

"Make a bet, within a few shots, Old K will gain something?" Kevin Johnson shouted loudly.

"I bet he won't get anything within ten shots." Buckley responded first.

"I'll bet five shots," Dan Marley said.

"I bet you six shots," Danny Ainge said.

Everyone responded, the least being Tom Chambers' three shots.

"Tom, you are my brother." Lao Wang said movedly.

"With a sniper rifle with an eight-fold scope, if you can't hit a prey within two hundred meters with three shots, you're a waste." Tom Chambers laughed.


Lao Wang became angry and yelled at Buckley: "Charles, you damn fat guy, you actually bet that I will miss ten shots? How useless do you think I am?"

"Haha..." Everyone burst into laughter.

At this time, the wolves had entered a range of 150 meters, stopped on a small sandy slope, and began to observe them.

Wang Tiejun calmed down and used the crosshairs on the scope to focus on a guy who looked like a wolf.

He has been practicing regularly since he bought the gun. He is not a novice, it is just his first time hunting and he has no actual combat experience.

"You have to be decisive when shooting, and you have to hold it with your shoulders. The recoil of the sniper rifle is very strong. Also, don't attack the wolf." Kevin Johnson warned.

"Why?" He was startled and asked quickly.

"If you kill a wolf, the pack will be leaderless and the wolves may run away." Kevin Johnson laughed.


He changed his target and locked on a larger wolf on the far side.

Take a deep breath, move your fingers, and fire.


After the gunshots and a commotion among the wolves, not only did they not run away, but at the urging of the alpha wolf, they began to charge towards this side.

"Haha..." Buckley took the lead in laughing.

"What the hell, it flew away!"

Lao Wang cursed in frustration and started to aim again.

"Bang bang bang..."

Then he fired several more shots, but still found nothing. He couldn't hit the stationary wolf, and it was ten times more difficult to hit the galloping wolf.

"Ha ha……"

Even Tom Chambers laughed now.

"No more playing with this!"

At this time, the wolves were already dozens of meters away. Others had already started hunting and killed two of them. Lao Wang quickly turned off the safety and put the sniper rifle aside.

He didn't pick up an AK either. This thing only has a single-fire function and is of no use at all. He didn't have a pistol either, so he picked up the double-barreled spray gun.

This thing is very powerful at close range, hitting a large area.

"Be careful! Don't point your gun at anyone," the guide Harris warned sharply.

He is not afraid that these guys will be eaten by wolves. There are still a few experienced bodyguards who have not taken action. If any unexpected situation arises, they will take action.

What he's worried about is that these Suns weaklings will kill him.

Especially the spray gun in Lao K's hand, no matter how dangerous he thinks it is, it is much more dangerous than the pack of wolves outside.

"Bang! Bang!"

Lao Wang fired twice at a wolf about ten meters away, causing the wolf to run away with its head in its arms.

"I'm dizzy. I won't die even if I do this?" He was dumbfounded when he saw that the wolf was still alive and kicking.

However, the effect was still there. The wolf's body was already mangled with blood, and there were bloody wounds everywhere. It sharpened its canthus at him, barked a few times, then turned around and ran away.


Seeing the wolf running away, he quickly threw away the spray gun, grabbed the AK and shot it.

The gunshot sounded, and the wolf shuddered and continued running.

"Ba! Ba! Ba! Ba!"

He pulled the trigger continuously and fired several shots in a row. He didn't know how many shots he was hit. Anyway, the wolf finally fell down.

"Haha, I finally got something!"

He turned to Kevin John and shouted excitedly.

Kevin Johnson was so frightened that he squatted down and cursed loudly: "Old K, the gun is pointed at the sky, damn it!"

"Uh, haha, I forgot!" Lao Wang laughed and quickly moved the gun away.

Kevin Johnson stood up and kicked him on the butt, cursing: "Next time I will never go hunting with you again. You are not a hunter, you are a hunter!"

At this time, there was a burst of rhythmic gunshots. It turned out that a bodyguard took action and killed the two remaining wolves. The two wolves almost jumped into the circle of cars. If they didn't take action, it would be too late.

"If I don't team up with Old K anymore, I will be shot to death by him sooner or later." Kevin Johnson ran away decisively.

"Brother, Charles, come here quickly, we are a group." Lao Wang waved and shouted.

"Don't even think about it, I still want to live a few more days." Buckley decisively refused.

"You unloyal guy!" Raised his middle finger, Lao Wang cursed: "I can do it alone, that's how sharpshooters are made."


At this time, Colangelo, who was busy preparing for the draft at the Suns headquarters in Phoenix, received a piece of news that shocked him.

Today, the 28th, he will go to New York at noon to participate in the 1993 draft to be held tomorrow.

"These bastards, let them come back immediately. No, I will contact them personally."

The news he received was that the entire team went hunting together. God knows, if something happened, his Suns team would be finished.

However, he made several calls but was unable to get through. Guessing that the bastards must have left the cell phone signal area, he quickly organized manpower and personally led a team to search.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

"Ta! Ta! Ta..."

On the high slope, there was fierce gunfire, and another group of wolves fell down the slope.

The strong smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger, which will attract more predators.

Wang Tiejun killed another wolf. It wasn't too bad. There were too many people. Some people didn't even get one, only some assists.

However, wolves are not stupid. The wolves that arrived later saw a large number of corpses of the same kind, so they all stopped far away.

"Guys, shoot 'em," Kevin Johnson yelled.


Lao Wang fired a shot, and a wolf fell down with his head exploded.

"Haha...I got a headshot with one shot!" He jumped up with excitement while holding up the sniper rifle.

Almost two hours later, after killing several wolves again, a puma floated up from behind a sandy slope more than 400 meters away. Wang Tiejun happened to find it, and he almost jumped up with joy.

"Hey, brothers, have you seen it? A puma. Don't fight with me. I'll treat you to a treat after you kill it. Do you hear me?" he shouted quickly.

"I want to have a French meal." Dan Marly shouted immediately.

"I want to have a Chinese feast, braised lion's head." Danny Ainge said with a smile.

The others were not polite and shouted after him, but no one competed with him for the puma.

However, the puma seemed to sense danger and stayed on the sandy slope for two seconds before sinking again.

"Don't worry, it will appear again. Here is the food it wants." Buckley shouted.

Two minutes later, it indeed appeared. This time it was not at its original place, but fifty meters away. Lao Wang quickly locked it and pulled it into the cross of the scope.

"What a cunning guy!"

Unfortunately, this time it disappeared again, and Lao Wang, who was about to pull the trigger, couldn't help but curse.

The third time it appeared in his scope was already two minutes later.

This time, the puma seemed to be unable to bear the desire for the strong smell of blood, and seemed to want to get down the sandy slope.


Before it could move, he finally pulled the trigger.


The moment after the gunshot, a bloody hole opened in the puma's neck. It roared loudly, turned around and disappeared behind the sandy slope.

"If I catch up with it and hit it, who will drive for me?"

Lao Wang yelled, then threw his sniper rifle, grabbed an AK and jumped out of the car.

"I'll do it."

Buckley ran over, opened the car door and got in.

"Hurry up, it must be dying. Don't let those wolves eat it. I want an intact puma."

Lao Wang urged, sitting on the passenger seat and slamming the door.

"Let's go too, everyone should follow."

Of course, the guide Harris would not let Lao Wang and Buckley chase a puma. There are an unknown number of wolves in this area, and it is safe for everyone to act together.

So, with the rumbling sound of the accelerator, nine pickup trucks roared down the high slope and chased in the direction where the puma disappeared.

Behind the convoy, nine huge plumes of smoke mixed together and rose to an altitude of tens of meters under the scorching sun.

"Mr. Colangelo, they should be there."

More than ten kilometers away, there was a convoy of more than ten off-road vehicles and pickup trucks. A guide pointed at the puff of smoke in the distance and shouted loudly.

"Hurry over."

Colangelo, who was sitting in the back, stuck his head out of the car window to take a look and immediately ordered.


This section is the junction area between the Gobi and the desert. The front left wheel hit a stone buried in the sand. The car swerved and almost overturned. Buckley was so frightened that he cursed and hurriedly dropped the accelerator and stabilized the steering wheel.

"Hurry up, I saw it. It's right there. It can't run anymore. It's lying on the ground. Do you see it?" Pointing to the right front, Lao Wang shouted excitedly.

"I know, damn it, don't rush me, okay?" Buckley, who was sweating profusely, cursed, turned the steering wheel, and stepped on the accelerator again.

Half of the puma's body was stained red with blood, and it could no longer run. There were three wolves around it that were eyeing it, but as soon as the convoy arrived, they were scared away with a few gunshots.

"Don't go down, don't reload, wait until it dies on its own," the guide Harris yelled over the walkie-talkie.

"Ok." Lao Wang said quickly.

After a few minutes, the puma stopped making any movement at all.

The three bodyguards took out their pistols and got out of the car, all opened the safety, and carefully came to the side of the puma. Two were on guard, and one went up and kicked the puma a few times. When there was no movement, they gave a safety signal.

"Don't all go down, it's very dangerous here."

Harris also got out of the car, came to Lao Wang's car and said, "Old K, it belongs to you. Get it in the car and we'll leave here right away."


Lao Wang cheered, opened the door and got out of the car, and ran to the puma to have a look.

It's a pity that he shot him twice, and the whole neck was smashed. This beautiful fur was half useless.

With the help of his bodyguards, he carried the lion carcass to the pickup truck.

"It's noon, should we go back to the city or find a place to rest for lunch?" Harris asked.

"It's hard to play once, let's continue in the afternoon."

"I agree."

"I agree too."

Harris nodded, looked at the surrounding environment and said: "Follow me, let's go to another quiet place, the smell of blood here is too strong."

The group of people got into the car and left. After walking for a few minutes, Harris shouted on the walkie-talkie: "A convoy is following us. Who contacted others?"

"No one from our side has contacted the outside world. Is it the police?" Buckley asked.

"I don't know, let's wait a moment," Harris said.

The convoy stopped, and within five minutes, a larger convoy rushed over.

"Mr. Colangelo?"

Seeing the angry-faced boss appearing in front of them, Buckley and Lao Wang scratched their heads.

Colangelo glared at the bastards in front of him angrily. There were too many people here and it was difficult to curse, so he had to say: "Have you had enough?"

Lao Wang chuckled and said: "Sir, I got something good. Look, this is my prey."

Colangelo glanced at the pickup truck behind Mr. Wang, which had a bloody puma on it. He said helplessly: "Old K, what's the use of this thing?"

"Sir, let's just relax." Lao Wang said with a smile.

Colangelo shook his head and said: "It's too dangerous. There are too many of you. What if a chaotic emergency occurs and one of your own is hit? Come back with me now."

Under his compulsion, the Suns' collective hunting was suspended and a group of people were escorted back to Phoenix.

Before going back, Lao Wang went to collect some wolf fangs and wolf patella bones. It is said that men wear wolf fangs and women wear patella bones. These can ward off evil spirits.

Nine out of ten wolf teeth are cracked. From more than 30 wolves that were killed, only 17 basically intact canine teeth were collected, including 10 upper teeth and 7 lower teeth. He also collected more than a dozen other cracked wolf teeth. pieces.

He also asked the guide Harris to help him process the puma's fur before sending it to him. He paid a handling fee of several hundred dollars, and Harris readily agreed.

Back in Phoenix, they changed cars at a gas station. Wang Tiejun and others dispersed, while Barkley was stopped by Colangelo.

"Charles, I have to rush to Michigan to participate in the draft in the afternoon. Let's talk during lunch time."

"Okay." Buckley understood and nodded.

The two came to a restaurant and started chatting after the food was served.

Colangelo first thanked Barkley for his contribution to the Suns, and then went directly to the topic, saying: "Charles, the team has been determined. Old K will become our new core, and our future lineup will be built around him. .”

"Are we going to break up the current lineup?" Barkley couldn't help but ask, his heart racing.

This chapter has been completed!
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