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Chapter 197 Doctor

"3400 points, let's start redeeming them."

He had long thought clearly that improving athletic quality was the most fundamental thing, so he quickly decided.

"System, restart the strength training and physical training that I interrupted last time."

"Yes, the training content has been reworked."

"To redeem the training card, I will redeem it again for speed and flexibility training, as well as coordination and balance training."


He took a look and saw that there were 2,600 points left, and the total points consumed reached 8,500, which was 1,500 away from 10,000.

When it reaches 10,000, a new function card will appear in the system.

I took another look at the training content. This time, the speed training and other four trainings lasted for two months. It can be improved to level 6, and the improvement speed is faster than before.

"The only remaining eight qualities are bounce and injury resistance. The system will exchange them for a training card to improve bounce."

"Host, please specify the range of bounce improvement, focusing on bounce height or bullet speed, or both."


He thought about it and realized that given his height and wingspan, the current bounce height was enough. What he lacked was actually the bounce speed.

And as a big center, it is actually very dangerous to jump so high, because if you jump high, you will fall hard, and if you fall on the floor, you will be less likely to be injured.

"Focus on bounce."

"Yes, redeemed."

He immediately started the training content of bounce. In the same two months of training, he could improve the bounce height by 2 levels and the bounce speed by 6 levels.

"The bounce data has been changed and is subdivided into bounce height and bullet speed. Please check the host."

He immediately looked at the personal information above again, and sure enough, the bounce was 66/74 (the bounce was 66/73, the bullet speed was 66/75), and the information had changed.

"Hey, that's wrong, system. I remember that the potential level of bouncing used to be level 70. Why has it changed now?"

"As other qualities of the host change, the corresponding qualities will also be improved."

"That's it, not bad. System, give me a rebound training card in exchange for it. I want to improve my rebounding ability."

"Yes, it has been redeemed."

The training period for rebounding also lasts for two months, and can be improved to 4 levels.

Including rebounding, eight exercises are performed at the same time. Although it is a lot, some of the exercises do not consume much physical energy, so it should be no problem.

After looking at the training content, he found that each item required at least one hour of training per day, plus rest time, he would have to spend at least ten hours in the training hall every day.

But it should be no problem to mix training that requires physical fitness with training that does not require physical fitness.

As for the training time, speed and other five trainings are all two months. The restarted physical training was originally two months. It had been upgraded to one level before the interruption. There is still a 35-day training period after this restart.

The restart of strength training lasted for two and a half months. He remembered that this training took nearly a month to complete last time, and it would take almost half a month to restart this time.

Calculating the time, it is now August and he will return to the United States in mid-October. He will spend two and a half months here, which is just enough time to complete the first period of training. By then, his athletic quality should have improved.

In addition, for all training projects this time, there are three opportunities to ask for leave, and each time shall not exceed two days.

The next day, August 2, he started training.

Get up at six o'clock in the morning, four hours in the morning, three hours in the afternoon, a total of seven hours of training, rest for ten minutes every half hour, and rest for fifteen minutes every hour.

Then there is rebounding training in the evening, which is also one hour, but this requires help, one person shoots, and one person blocks with him. The person blocking the position must also have good rebounding ability, so I can't train for the time being.

The office building is 12 meters long and has four rooms. The one facing the street was converted by Zhang Li into a kitchen, the second one was a restaurant, and he converted the third one into a massage room.

But now the massage table has been thrown aside, and a large steel frame is placed in the room.

He had people rush to make this thing today. The structure is very simple, with a large steel barrel placed on top and a large fire pit underneath.

After dinner, at seven o'clock, a strong smell of Chinese medicine emitted from the kitchen. This was the Chinese medicinal bath medicine he had brewed. He soaked it for an hour after training every day, and the fire must not be turned off. The medicine must be kept at 40 degrees.

After brewing, he brought the potion over and poured it into a large steel bucket. He lit a pot of charcoal fire underneath, then stripped off to only a pair of shorts and soaked it in it.

His father bought this formula from a martial arts school of aristocratic family for 150,000 yuan according to what he said. This price is a very high price nowadays, it can be called a sky-high price.

The martial arts school promised that there was no hidden secret. His father, Wang Aiguo, also paid for several witnesses in the martial arts industry. They were all well-known figures in the city's martial arts circles, so there should be no problem.

The medicinal ingredients have been prepared a few days ago, and a total of three pairs have been prepared. Let’s try them first.

After soaking for a while, he felt that the water temperature had risen a bit, so he quickly took out two pieces of charcoal with a pair of tongs and added a little cold water into it.

Just when I sat down, the system suddenly jumped and the screen flashed.

"Congratulations to the host, I have collected the second body refining formula and started the third profession, alchemist." The system prompted.

"I x!"

Staring at the word alchemist, he looked at it for a long time before saying: "System, what is the use of this profession?"

"The host can use the system's function card to integrate the formula resources you have to create more targeted formulas to improve the body's physical fitness." The system said.

"Can you turn me into Superman?"


"Where's the Sword Immortal?"


"What about becoming O'Neal?"


"Nine times in one night?"


The warm water was still very comfortable to soak in. He leaned lazily in the bucket and asked, "Can that improve any quality?"

"The body refining formula can improve the host's resistance to injury and physical fitness." The system said.


With a crash, he stood up directly from the steel barrel. After reacting, he sat down again and asked with some excitement: "Does this mean that I won't be injured or tired in the future?"


"I x! Well, it's good to be able to improve a little bit. So what kind of function card should I use to integrate the two recipes?"

"Skill synthesis card."

"1,000 points? I still have 2,200 points. That's enough. I'll redeem them right away."

"Reminder to the host, they must be of the same type of formula before they can be synthesized. And this type of synthesis can integrate multiple formulas at the same time, with an upper limit of five, which will generate a better formula."


He stood up, grabbed the cell phone next to him, and made a call back.

"Dad, the last recipe was not very effective. You can buy me a few more. I need both medicated bath and medicated oil recipes, at least four of each."

"That thing can't be eaten as food. Why are you buying so much? Do you plan to open a medicine shop?" His father answered the question. Hearing that he wanted to buy the formula again, and to buy so much, he couldn't help but feel a toothache.

"Dad, please don't save money for me. No matter how much money you spend, you have to buy it in the shortest possible time, and it has to be real," he warned.

"Okay, okay, you prodigal son, I'll look for you tomorrow, and it will be done in a few days. Last time, several martial arts schools wanted to sell to me, and they all used our family as money. Many people are stupid." Is Wang Aiguo over there?


"Dad, I'm useful. Money is nothing. I can earn it back in half a month."

"I know, I'll go tomorrow and I won't miss your business."

In the afternoon of the next day, Wang Tiejun drove to pick up Da Yaer Ya from the long-distance bus station.

"Eldest sister and second sister, are you tired?"

"Not tired, not tired."

"How can you get tired after sitting in a car for a while?"

The two of them took a long-distance bus, and they had to back up several times. They spent five or six hours on the road, and they were still in high spirits when they got off the bus. This was a hundred times easier than when the two of them were responsible for more than ten acres of farm work.

"Old man, did you buy this place?"

"Well, I will come back for training every year in the future. It will be more convenient to have my own venue."

Back at the warehouse, he took his two sisters to visit, and then went out to buy a mobile phone for the second sister. Anyway, it was not short of money.

After Da Ya and Er Ya arrived, he no longer had to cook. He would have meals at the same time, and his two sisters could also help out during training.

"Eldest sister and second sister, the weather is hot. If you have nothing to do, you can go swimming in the back. Just buy a few swimsuits."

"Let's go and buy it right away."

As soon as Erya heard this, she pulled him and ran out.

"Hey, Erya, don't delay my training. Wait until he finishes training before buying it." Da Ya quickly stopped him.

"Eldest sister and second sister, during this time, you guys should learn how to drive and go to the driving school to sign up," he said.

"Tie Jun, do you want me and my eldest sister to be drivers?" Erya asked doubtfully.

"No, what kind of driver do you want to be? It will be easier for you to travel after you learn to drive. I will buy you a car in the future and drive it by yourself wherever you want."

"oh oh."

The two women nodded repeatedly.

On the 4th, US time, in Charlotte, a construction worker went fishing and accidentally discovered a highly decomposed body near a wild fish pond in the forest. He immediately chose to call the police.

After police inspection, there was nothing on the body that could prove his identity, and there were no missing persons reports in nearby urban areas, so there was no progress in the case.

On the morning of the 5th, at Tsinghua University, the national team basketball training base, the men’s and women’s basketball teams were training.

This is a large training hall, larger than Wang Tiejun's 800-square-meter warehouse. There are six complete basketball courts lined up, and both men's and women's basketball teams train here.

Just after 10 o'clock, a middle-aged man appeared. This man was Zhang Lili.

"Ah, Director Zhang is here?"

"Director Zhang."

As the main second center of the men's basketball team in the 1970s, and a man of the same era as Mu Tiezhu, Zhang Lili is a true senior of the national men's basketball team, so when he appeared, the men's and women's basketball players who knew him started to express their opinions.

Say hello.

"Hey, hello, Director Jiang, hello, hello!" Zhang Lili also greeted cheerfully.

"Xiao Zhang, why are you here?" Jiang Xinquan asked in surprise.

"Come and take a look, take a look. Hey, Yaguang, long time no see!"

Jiang Xinquan's qualifications were older than his, so Zhang Liji hurriedly replied, and then quickly greeted Li Yaguang, the head coach of the women's basketball team, who came over to greet him.

"Brother Zhang, it's been a long time indeed."

Li Yaguang was also a member of the men's basketball team in the 1970s and 1980s, an offensive guard. However, when he joined the national team, Zhang Lili was about to retire and was half a generation older than him.

"Hello, Director Zhang."

The eldest sister of the women's basketball team, Zheng Haixia, came last and was walking a little unsteadily.

"Hai Xia, are you injured again?" Zhang Lili glanced at Zheng Hai Xia's somewhat deformed knees and asked worriedly: "Is it serious?"

"I can persist." Zheng Haixia nodded heavily.


Li Yaguang sighed and said, "It's a bit serious."

Zhang Lili understands that the level of domestic medical care is limited, especially in the field of sports medicine. From medical technology to medical equipment, it is seriously behind foreign countries, and is even completely blank. There are no professional sports medicine hospitals in China. Zheng Haixia’s knee cannot be cured in China.


Moreover, the current strength training methods in China are also very primitive, resulting in severe exercise losses. If there are foreign training methods, they will definitely be better.

It's a pity that although he has been in the United States for several years, he doesn't know much about strength training.

He looked at several men's basketball players, Shan Tao, Liu Yudong, Sun Jun, Zheng Wu, etc. Some were old players and some were newcomers.

I don’t know these newcomers very well. Among them, Liu Yudong, Hu Weidong and others were only selected for the national team last year. I heard that they are very strong and are competing for the main position.

"Xiao Zhang, do you have anything to do today?" Jiang Xinquan asked.

"Oh, there is indeed something wrong."

Nodding, he said: "Director Jiang, Wang Tiejun, you should know, right?"

"I know, I know, I've watched his finals too." Jiang Xiquan was startled and nodded repeatedly.

"Director Zhang, is he going to join the national team?" Shan Tao asked immediately.

He quickly shook his head and said, "That's not true, the higher-ups haven't let go yet."


Although there was nothing wrong with Dan Tao on the surface, he was relieved in his heart.

He has also watched this NBA Finals. Wang Tiejun's performance and strength surprised him. If this young man enters the national team, his position as the main center may not be retained.

Not only is he concerned about Wang Tiejun joining the national team, but the Capital Sports Bureau is also very concerned. After all, it is related to the honor of local provinces and cities. There are so many people playing basketball in various provinces and cities, and no one wants to join the national team.

Jiang Xinquan asked at this time: "Xiao Zhang, are you coming today?"

"That's right, he is also training in the capital now. He bought the warehouse of the East Third Ring Road Sports Commission for almost half a million dollars," he said.


There was a sound of breathing all around.

"Xiao Zhang, how much money can you make playing basketball in the United States?" Jiang Xiquan was well-informed and felt that he couldn't accept it at this time.

"It also depends on the strength. Many people only earn a basic salary of over 100,000 US dollars a year." He said.

"A hundred thousand dollars is a lot," Jiang Xinquan said.

"However, Wang Tiejun mainly relies on commercial income, and his salary is more than one million US dollars per season." He said.

Jiang Xinquan and others think that a toothache only costs more than one million U.S. dollars? It’s easy to put it bluntly.

Zhang Lijia smiled and said: "That's right. He wants to practice his rebounding skills at night. He wants a center who can position himself with him. He can also be a power forward. Let me take a look. The money he gave is at least thirty US dollars a night."

"Give us dollars?" Jiang Xinquan asked in surprise.

"RMB is also available, two hundred and five," he said.

Jiang Xinquan rolled his eyes at Lao Zhang, "You are a two-hundred-year-old king. Of course you need U.S. dollars if you are given U.S. dollars. You will need U.S. dollars when you go abroad in the future."

"Which of you..."

He looked at the few insiders in the team, Shan Tao and Ji Shangmin, these are the two centers. The other two centers are Liu Yudong, Wu Naiqun, and Gong Xiaobing. There are five people in total. At this time, they all looked at him with burning eyes.


Are they all going to go? He quickly turned around and asked, "Just one?"

"It's best to alternate between the two. That guy is very powerful and it will be very tiring to play against him." Zhang Liyi said.

At this time Zheng Haixia interrupted: "Director Zhang, can we go and have a look?"

Zhang Lili was startled, then nodded quickly and said: "No problem, we can go together. I told him that I would take people to play when I have time, and he said it's no problem."

When he said this, Jiang Xiquan said: "Okay, let's go together and see how NBA players are trained."

He immediately made arrangements and continued training in the morning, but canceled the afternoon training. Li Yaguang, the women's basketball team over there, also kept up with the rhythm, and he wanted to see it too.

After having lunch here, a group of more than thirty people rushed to Wang Tiejun's warehouse.

There were so many people and it was so big that it was inconvenient to take the bus, so I rented two minibuses in advance.

"Tiejun Basketball Training Hall." Looking up at the signboard above, Jiang Xiquan asked Zhang Lili next to him: "The name has been changed?"

"Well, I exchanged it and you have to transfer it." Zhang Li said.

At this time, Wang Tiejun came out to greet them.

Zhang Lili introduced him, and everyone got to know each other after exchanging pleasantries.

"Tie Jun." Liang Da shouted from the crowd.

"Brother Liang? Hello, long time no see." When he saw it, it was Liang Da, a member of the Northern B Province Team, and he quickly said hello.

Liang Da and he both entered the provincial team in 1989, two years older than him.

"Have you been selected for the national team?" he asked.

"Well, I entered the National Youth Team in 1991 and was in the first team last year." Liang Da replied.


He nodded. That is, when Liang Da entered the National Youth Team, he was still in prison and had not come out.

As Jiang Xinquan followed him inside, he looked at Wang Tiejun. He had lots of muscles and was obviously much stronger than Dan Tao and the others.

"Tie Jun, how much do you weigh now?" he asked.

"124 kilograms." Wang Tiejun replied.

"He is still doing weight gain training and plans to increase to 126 kilograms this offseason." Zhang Lili said on the side.

"126 kilograms?"

Jiang Xiquan thought about it for a while, and found that the tonnage was not too big, Shan Tao was like this now, but the strength was obviously not as good as Wang Tiejun's.

He asked again: "How long do you plan to spend to gain weight?"

Wang Tiejun replied: "More than two months."

"Does it take so long?"

Not only Jiang Xinquan, but others were also a little surprised.

He said: "My weight gain is the most scientific. What I gain is all muscle. While using strength training to gain weight, my athletic quality will not be reduced."

"How is this possible?"

Not only Jiang Xinquan and the others didn't believe it, but Zhang Lili couldn't believe it either.

He smiled and said no more. This is a systematic training method that taps the potential of the human body through the most scientific training. It does not mean that he can violate the laws of physics.

Therefore, there is a limit to his weight gain, which is below 135 kilograms. If he gains weight above this, his athletic quality will definitely decrease.

Entering through the warehouse door is the basketball court, which is nothing interesting to see. He took them to the strength training gym on the right and at the back.

There are nearly a dozen large-scale training equipment inside, as well as some small equipment for training balance and flexibility in large rubber balls. The training hall of more than 200 square meters is also full, and there is not much free space.

"Wow, there's actually air conditioning in here?" Gong Xiaobing shouted as soon as he entered.

"What should I do if I don't want to leave?" Hu Weidong said with a look of fascination.

Others quickly squeezed in, and the air-conditioning made them feel so comfortable.

They are at the national team training base. Not to mention during training, even the dormitory has no air conditioning at night, just a ceiling fan.

"It's such a luxury for one person to live in such a big place with so many equipment!" After getting used to the air-conditioning, Hu Weidong exclaimed.

"Yes, it's too luxurious!" Liu Yudong agreed.

However, their attention was quickly attracted by those instruments, most of which they had never seen before and could not use.

Wang Tiejun said: "I did the strength training in the morning. If you want to have fun, just use it casually. Brother Zhang knows how to use these. Let him teach you when you use them, otherwise you will get hurt."

"I'll teach you later."

Zhang Lili opened the back door at this time and introduced: "There is a swimming pool behind this."

"Specialized in swimming?"

Is Wang Tiejun planning to change his career? Jiang Xiquan asked with a strange expression.

"It's mainly about running underwater and practicing physical fitness." Zhang Lili said.

"Underwater running?"

Jiang Xinquan and others were surprised. They had never heard of this method of physical training!

Zhang Lili glanced at Zheng Haixia and said with a smile: "This is very common in the United States, and generally qualified players will conduct this kind of training.

Hai Xia, if you use this method to train your physical fitness, it will be much better for your knees. Your waist injury is also serious, right? Running in the water can also reduce the burden on your waist. Of course, this is tap water and can only be used in this season.


"Really?" Zheng Haixia said in surprise.

"Sister Zheng, is your knee injury serious?"

Wang Tiejun, who is also a big center, naturally noticed that Zheng Haixia's knees were even a little deformed, and asked immediately.

"There are some broken bones in it, haha!" Zheng Haixia smiled.

"Some?" His face twitched.

He estimated that in addition to broken bones, there must be many other problems with these knees.

"Why not operate?" he asked.

"No, the national team has a heavy workload. The Asian Championships will be played this year, the World Championships next year, and the Olympics will follow. Where will there be time?" Zheng Haixia said with a smile.

He frowned and asked: "You have such a serious injury. If you heal the injury first, will you be able to serve the country later?"

After saying this, most people present disagreed with his statement, including Zheng Haixia himself.

She is a soldier, and it is her honor to fight for the country. It does not matter if she is injured, even if her leg is broken, she will not hesitate.

However, she was not familiar with Wang Tiejun, so she smiled honestly and stopped talking.

In fact, Wang Tiejun also thought like this before. Even though he was not a soldier, under the education of collectivism, his thoughts were no different from Zheng Haixia's. The collective interests of the country came first and personal interests did not matter.

But his two years of experience were a bit complicated, and some of his ideas were affected, and he was somewhat repulsed by desperate thoughts like Zheng Haixia's.

If he wants to join the national team, he will definitely not want to play in all national team games. The NBA schedule is cruel enough. With his body, if he adds the national team games to the mix, it will definitely be too much for his body after a long time, and it will also be injured. Very possible.

If you want to compete in both professional competitions and national competitions, you need to coordinate well and find a balance point based on the body's endurance.

"Sister Haixia, if you want to have surgery, I can introduce you to our doctor from the Suns. He is very good at treating knee sports injuries and will definitely help you recover better." He said to Zheng Haixia.

When Zhang Lili heard this, he quickly echoed: "Yes, I heard that Dr. Thomas Carter is really good, and he is also the best in the United States."

Zheng Haixia shook her head and smiled sadly: "Forget it, I don't have time. Besides, how can I have the conditions to go to the United States for surgery?"

At this time, the women's basketball coach Li Yaguang suddenly said: "Didn't the Sports Commission just sell this place and make half a million dollars?"

Everyone was stunned.

Jiang Xinquan shook his head secretly, "You have a good idea, but there are so many athletes under the sports committee and there are so many competitions. There are so many places to ask for money. Can the money be used for Zheng Haixia's surgery?"

If this example is established and other athletes also request the same, selling the sports committee will not cost so many dollars.

This chapter has been completed!
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