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Chapter 305 He, like Jordan, is destined to be unstoppable

Chicago, eighty minutes later, the postgame press conference begins.

"Old K, do you have anything to say about today's penalty?" The first reporter to ask the question was a New York Times reporter.

"I don't want to deny that today's home whistle was too obvious. The league should create a more level playing field. If it were in Phoenix tonight, we would have to beat the Bulls by at least 20 to 30 points instead of playing until the last minute.

Only then will the winner be determined." Lao Wang said bluntly.

"Mr. Colangelo, will the management file a complaint with the league?" the reporter asked instead.

Colangelo nodded and said: "That's for sure. In tonight's game, there were at least 6 misjudgments and misjudgments that happened to Lao K alone. The management will definitely apply to the league."

"Old K, if you sweep the championship in four rounds, what would you most like to do?" the next reporter asked.

"Four-wheel sweep?"

Lao Wang thought about it for a while, and said with a smile: "That must be very cool, yes, very cool. As for what I want to do most, well, I want to discuss with Jordan the feeling of being swept away, haha..."

"No! No one can sweep us in the finals, no one can do it."

At the home team's press conference, faced with reporters' questions, Jordan responded angrily.

"What do you want to say about today's home whistle?" the next reporter asked.

"I have nothing to say. Which home court doesn't have a home whistle? The home court is the home team's territory. Do the visiting teams still want to be cared for here?" Jordan said disdainfully.

"Michael, do you think the Bulls can come back in this Finals?" the next reporter asked.

Jordan's face was as black as iron and he replied coldly: "It's not that we don't have the strength to win in the away game. If they can do it, we can do it too. Before the game is finalized, everything is possible."

"Michael, if you are really swept away, what do you want to do most?" the next reporter asked.

Jordan's eyes flashed with anger and he said coldly: "I said, we refuse to be swept. No team in the world has the strength to sweep us."

"Michael, you were defeated by the Suns in the 1993 Finals and fell behind again this time. Do you think the Suns' lineup can restrain the Bulls?" the next reporter asked.

This question made Jordan feel like he was born at the wrong time. When he had just started to create his own era, a destructive beast broke into his era.

Even if he plays against the three super centers, he is still confident, and his dream of being the strongest is not out of the question, but when playing against the old K team, his inside teammates are really vulnerable.

He watched from the outside as one of his inside teammates fell to the feet of that giant beast. The terrifying and destructive beating really frightened him.

Even in O'Neal, he didn't see the destructive power of Old K in him.

He said in deep thought: "We really have to face the difficulties we encounter in the interior and find ways to solve them. But when it comes to the Suns' lineup restraining us, this is not comprehensive.

We are just a bit unlucky. If Kukoc is not injured, our spacing tactics can continue. We can do better in rebound control, secondary offense, low post offense, breakthrough points, etc.

, we have every chance to beat the Suns."

Having said this, he hated Old K very much, because that guy probably had the intention of killing Kukoc and the others from the beginning.

Think about it, a strong man like the postman had his ribs broken. Can Kukoc and Kerry with their bodies be able to withstand his beating?

"Coach Phil Jackson, we have lost two consecutive games at home, how do you cope with the current situation?" the next reporter asked.

Phil Jackson said: "We first need to determine whether the injured Luke Longley can still play, this is very important.

So far, only Kukoc has been confirmed to be out for the season, and the injuries of those injured tonight have not yet been determined. If they can come back, the situation will be much better, and we will have more abundant manpower available."

His mood was extremely bad, and it had always been bad. It started when Kukoc was injured. In fact, he knew from that time that the Bulls would encounter a very bad situation, and now the results have proved that his prediction was right.

Now the inside is completely out of control. In the next series, the beast will do whatever it wants in the Bulls' penalty area. That huge advantage will directly lead to high-quality scoring. What should the Bulls do on the outside to regain the lost points?


Think about it, the hit rate is as high as 80% of 50, how terrifying must it be?

In fact, he can be sure that as long as Old K continues to perform this terrifying 50-point performance, in the next three away games, the Bulls, who are mainly outsiders, will have almost no chance of winning.

Bulls, need to rebuild?

At this moment, such thoughts emerged uncontrollably in his mind.

At the same time, next to him, general manager Jerry Krause also had this idea in his mind, which was stronger than his.

The interior defense needs a better center. Facts have proved that Clifford Robinson cannot deal with Old K.

Even if he can pull out to shoot and score, he can't guard against Old K at all. Compared with Old K's scoring quality, there will be a huge gap. This gap is so big that Jordan and Pippen cannot make up for it.


In addition to rebounding and weak-side defense capabilities, we need better inside players.

At the very least, he needs to find an All-Star center and a strong defensive player who mainly focuses on defensive rebounds. Even if the combination of these two people cannot completely resist the old K, it can still limit his performance and reduce his shooting percentage.

These two people must at least catch up with Lao K in terms of movement speed. The center must have very strong confrontation capabilities and good offensive capabilities.

This is quite difficult. The ability to counterattack means that the tonnage must be very large, and the greater tonnage means that the mobility will not be very strong. This is an endless cycle.

So he doesn't have any confidence that he can find such a center, unless he directly brings in Old K or O'Neal, or any of the three super centers, but that is almost impossible.

However, his mind has been set. The inside line needs to be cleaned and rebuilt. If he needs chips, he may even allow Pippen to be traded away.

Simply put, except for Jordan, everyone else can be a trading chip, and the Bulls will rebuild.

As for the rebuilt team building model, he will strive to create two cores, both inside and outside, instead of the current pure outside core.

His idea is to see if he can get Da Meng, because he has a source of information. Da Meng is forcing the palace, and he hopes the management will bring in Drexler. However, with Alexander's stinginess, he might refuse. Once Da Meng is triggered,

If you run away, the Bulls will have a chance.

In addition, the big bug is not gregarious and out of control in the Spurs. Maybe he can find a loophole. He believes that Jordan can handle the difficult big bug.

"Coach Jackson, how do you evaluate K's performance in the finals?" a reporter from the Arizona State newspaper asked with some pride.

"All I can say is that he played great in both series."

After giving his own evaluation, Phil Jackson added: "I have never seen such a strong dominance. He can overpower any opponent in the low post. He is one of the very few people who is destined to be unable to guard, just like Michael."


"Then how are you going to guard against him?" the reporter asked proudly.

Phil Jackson lowered his head and was silent for a while, and finally said: "I can only say that I will do my best."

On the 8th, while the Suns were still sleeping in the hotel, media across the United States and even around the world were hyping up last night's game.

“If swept, the Flyers era will be over.” Washington Post

“With two consecutive losses at home, the Bulls’ hopes of defending their title have been reduced to the lowest level.” New York Times.

"When Old K hits 50 consecutive performances in the finals, the sun will surely rise. The era of flying men may be a thing of the past, and the era of behemoths has arrived." Los Angeles Times.

"We will win the championship with an invincible victory in four rounds, and the Phoenix Suns will become the greatest team in the history of the league! And Old K is our Sun King." Phoenix Sports News.

"50 consecutive points in the finals, the K era is rising, and the era of behemoths belonging to Phoenix is ​​coming!" Phoenix Daily.

"Asian behemoths tower over the Flyers, and the Sun King's light shines on the NBA league." Japan's Kyoto Daily News.

After losing two consecutive games at home, Chicago's major media outlets still tried their best to cheer for the Bulls, but they were no match for the fact that media outlets across the United States and around the world looked down on the Bulls.

The era of monsters has once again become a term enthusiastically praised by the media. Whether it is the era of flying men or the era of super centers, they all feel like they are struggling under the huge attention.

When Wang Tiejun woke up, it was already broad daylight.

When I turned on my phone, it kept ringing, all of which were text messages.

I took a look and saw the congratulatory phone calls from various advertising endorsers on my body, as well as congratulatory text messages from some friends, including Chenglong's.

Chenglong did not come over last night and went to New York to promote the movie. The text message said that he would rush to Phoenix for two days of movie promotion today.

He calculated that, including customers, the project revenue in the past few months was no less than 10 million, with a total of more than 30 million US dollars in cash on hand.

The operating expenses of a martial arts school are not high, and the cost of Chinese medicinal materials is relatively low. The annual salary of a hundred or so brothers is only a few million, plus other expenses and taxes, the total is 15 million.

So he can definitely use part of this money to open more branches.

The Los Angeles branch is under construction, and he is planning to open a branch in New York, the world's largest city and financial center.

In addition to New York, he even wants to open branches in several other big cities, such as Miami, Houston, etc., which are also possible, and the scale can be slightly smaller.

As soon as he thought of it, he immediately called Wang Tielong and asked him to start preparing for the New York branch.

"Tie Jun, where do you plan to build the New York branch?" Wang Tielong asked on the other side of the phone.

"The richest man in Manhattan is right there." He thought for a while and said.

"You don't have a good relationship with those people in Manhattan's Chinatown. How are you going to deal with this problem?" Wang Tielong asked again.

"Don't worry about them. We are not building in Chinatown, Manhattan. Brother Tielong, our customers are all rich people. Those gang members in Chinatown who only know how to bully their own people are nothing to worry about. They don't dare to mess with us." Wang Tiejun said.

"Okay, the location of the branch library in Los Angeles has been selected. I asked Yang Jiang to be responsible for the decoration there. Deputy manager Jason Benson and I will go to New York in the next two days." Wang Tielong said.

"Brother Tielong, tell the brothers that the business of the martial arts school is good. We will give you a big red envelope at the end of the year. We can go back to our hometown to marry a wife, buy a car, and build a new house." Wang Tiejun said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

Even the stern Wang Tielong couldn't help laughing.

The G3 game was held on the 10th, and the time was not urgent. The Suns had lunch in the hotel before boarding the special plane back to Phoenix.

"Di Di Di Di..."

They were greeted by countless Suns fans. From the airport to the city center, the fans' vehicles were lined up in two lines. As the bus drove out of the airport, countless horns sounded.

Back at the headquarters, the team is on vacation directly and has a training session tomorrow afternoon.

Wang Tiejun drove back home, and Yu Feihong had already arrived before him. The two were going to the martial arts studio to have dinner. Zhang Lili called and said they wanted to have dinner together, so they happened to make an appointment to go together.

At this time, Chenglong and his party also arrived in Phoenix.

"Wow, they are all photos and advertisements of Lao K."

Along the way, from the airport to the city center, Chenglong saw at least more than a hundred large advertising photos of Wang Tiejun. He had never seen such scenes in Xiangcheng.

Publisher Mike Robert said: "Old K is the only super sports star in this city and Arizona, and his status here is very high."

Around five o'clock, a group of them arrived at the location of the K martial arts gym. The business was not yet closed at this time. Hundreds of Americans were still taking martial arts classes in the martial arts gym. Some of them were police officers. The martial arts gym in Nuo Da was packed.

, the scale of the scene was quite grand, and they were dumbfounded when they entered.

"Brother Cheng, Mr. Robert, Boss Zhou, Director Tang, you are here, welcome!" Lao Wang came over to greet him after seeing it.

After everyone greeted them, Chenglong smiled enviously and said, "Old K, the business of the martial arts gym is good. There is no martial arts gym of this size in Xiangcheng."

"It's funny, this kind of martial arts class can't be sold for much money, it's a project." Lao Wang said modestly.

"That's right, let's become a member." Chenglong said cheerfully.

Mike Robert, a fan of Lao Wang, also said: "Old K, get me a membership too. I know that the medicated bath service of K martial arts studios is very popular in Hollywood now. It's great!"

Zhou Wenhuai and Tang Jili had agreed long ago that this could be regarded as a kind of investment in personal connections. With the current popularity of K-Martial Arts among Hollywood stars, membership is equivalent to joining a circle.

"Okay." Lao Wang nodded.

After receiving the membership card, Robert seemed very happy and asked: "Old K, there are so many martial arts masters in K martial arts hall, do you have any idea of ​​letting them enter Hollywood?

In fact, Hollywood has always been interested in the martial arts team in Xiangcheng. You can definitely ask the K martial arts gym to form such a team.

So many celebrities are surrounded by people from K-Martial Arts Schools, which is a huge advantage that you can definitely take advantage of."

Chenglong opened his mouth next to him, "My family class is fine too!" But after hearing Robert's last words, he closed his mouth again.

Let alone Married Ban, even he has no status in Hollywood in the United States. He is far from being comparable to K-Martial Arts. There is no comparison.

Lao Wang was also startled, he had never thought about this.

However, my cousin Liu Changfeng was engaged in martial arts at the beginning and did not make much money. There was probably no profit in this industry and he was not very interested.

"Let's talk about it later. Now K Martial Arts is planning to open branches in Los Angeles and New York. Our development direction is not martial arts." He responded.

"That's such a pity!" Robert said regretfully.

"Old K, doing martial arts and practicing martial arts are completely different. I have the most professional martial arts team. Your K martial arts gym has connections and reputation in Hollywood. Let's join forces. We will definitely be able to work together. Maybe we can make a career in Hollywood.

Find a way." Chenglong said with great interest.

Lao Wang thought for a while, but did not refuse directly. He nodded and said: "Then we will find time to talk about this issue later.

It just so happens that Feihong will open a film and television company when he returns to China this time. Maybe some of my brothers also want to do that, and they can indeed form their own martial arts team. You can cooperate when the time comes."

"Oh, Miss Feihong, are you planning to invest in film and television? That's great, we can cooperate." Zhou Wenhuai immediately said with a smile on his face.

Yu Feihong smiled and said: "I'll ask Mr. Zhou to take care of me then."

"Where." Zhou Wenhuai said politely.

On the morning of the 9th, ESPN released the latest prediction probability of winning the championship.

After the G1 war, this sports TV station did not change the winning chances before the finals, but with the end of the G2 war, they had to make changes, otherwise their winning chances would truly become a joke, and their professionalism would be greatly affected.

Big doubt.

The Bulls' predicted probability of winning the championship dropped from 51% to 35%, while the Suns' predicted probability of winning the championship increased from 49% to 65%, which is a significant change.

This chapter has been completed!
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