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Chapter 320 One person and three girls

Zhang Lili continued: "I talked with Tie Jun, and he said that he plans to build a large sports base in the open space behind the north and south streets, with basketball as the center. The place is huge, and there are hundreds of acres of open space. It should be possible to build a

Large basketball halls and more than 20 open-air basketball courts have been built, and Fengshen Street has become the basketball base of the capital city.

In addition, Tie Jun and I are planning to set up a youth basketball summer camp in Fengshen Street in the next summer to select a group of potential prospects from across the country. We will invite a group of the most professional trainers from the United States, and there are also the most professional trainers here.

Training equipment, and we will also prepare basketball shoes and other equipment for the children, free of charge..."

"Xiao Le, when your brother Jun comes back, I will send you to Fengshen Street. You have to practice hard there, or your brother Jun will beat you up."

Cangzhou Sports School, Wang Xiaoli's home, she said to Sun Le, who was holding a basketball.

The ball in Sun Le's hand is Jordan's signature basketball. Wang Tiejun got it from Jordan during the All-Star Weekend. It is his favorite collection.

"Mom, he is the most violent. I didn't even know he slapped Jordan. I was afraid that he would hit me and I didn't want to go." Sun Le resisted.


Wang Xiaoli slapped her son on the back of the head and cursed angrily: "You ungrateful little thing, if it weren't for your mother and I took care of him before, do you think you are qualified to train with him? You don't know how to cherish it in the future.

What's your future? Remember it for mom. If you get beaten by your military brother at Fengshen Street, your father and I will beat you again when you come back."

"Singles then doubles?"

Sun Le had a bitter look on his face and said in a low voice: "He likes to scare me the most. He is the reason why I am now afraid of heights. I get dizzy when I see the ceiling. Mom, please tell him to stop scaring me."


Wang Xiaoli burst into laughter.

"Are you still laughing?"

Sun Le glared at his mother angrily.

It was also at this time that the Yao family of three in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, after hearing Zhang Lili's words, had the idea of ​​​​going to the capital.

"Mom, the summer camp still has shoes. I want to get a few pairs."

Especially Yao Min, his eyes lit up when he heard that basketball shoes were provided for free.

He is now 217 centimeters tall, and his feet are getting bigger and bigger. It is difficult to buy shoes that fit well in China. He always has to ask someone to bring them back from abroad, which is expensive and troublesome. The cheapest pair of basketball shoes abroad costs more than 100 yuan.


Not to mention other things in Lao K's summer camp, just providing free basketball shoes was enough to attract him.

He joined the Sharks youth team three years ago and is 16 years old this year. The Sharks club has already talked with his family and hopes to be transferred to the first team next year, officially enter the CBA and play in the professional league.

"Dayao, please speak up, what do you mean by rubbing shoes?" Mother Fang laughed and scolded.

"Old Fang, please get in touch. This is a rare opportunity." Yao's father said.

Mother Fang nodded and said, "I'll find Lao Zhang. It should be no problem."

Of the two, Yao's father was the center of the Shanghai team's men's basketball team, and Fang's mother was the main center of the national team in the 1970s. When it comes to connections, Fang's mother is naturally the main center.

In particular, Fang's mother and Zhang Lili are of the same age and joined the national team at about the same time, so it goes without saying that they have a close relationship.

At the American West Arena, Wang Tiejun was holding the championship trophy in his left hand and the Finals Most Valuable Player trophy in his right hand. Next to him stood Yu Feihong, and the two were taking photos from the media together.

"Old K, he swept the championship in four rounds, even swept the Bulls and Jordan. What do you want to say most now?" a reporter asked.

"I hope I can do it again in the future if I have the opportunity." Lao Wang blurted out.

"Ha ha……"

All the reporters were startled, and then burst into laughter.

"You once said that you wanted to discuss the feeling of being swept with Jordan. Did you discuss it with him just now?" a reporter asked.

"No, that's too cruel, I'm just saying it." Lao Wang shook his head and smiled.

"Old K, what do you think of the title Sun King?" a local reporter asked excitedly.

"I hope I will live up to this title in the future." He nodded.

"Everyone in Phoenix hopes you can stay here forever, so what are your plans for the future? Will you be out of the last year of your contract next season?" the reporter asked.

He thought for a moment and then said: "I also hope to stay here to complete my entire career and bring more honors to this city. That feeling should be great.

As for the contract for next season, I haven't considered it yet. All my energy is focused on the game. I think I will make a decision in the next offseason."

"Old K, do you expect a 100 million yuan contract?" a reporter asked.

"Am I worth it?" he asked with a smile.


All the reporters said at the same time.

Lao Wang laughed, but did not answer any more questions.

At this time, the host found him and asked him to say a few words to the fans. He took the microphone, waved to the surrounding auditorium, received cheers from the audience, and then said loudly: "Hey, sweep the championship in four rounds."

, are you satisfied?"


All Suns fans shouted in unison.

He continued: "As long as you are satisfied, without the support of your fans, it will be difficult for us to persist for a long season. You are the driving force for us to win.

In the next season, we may win the championship or be eliminated. We will have troughs, but there will definitely be peaks.

Just like the sun will set but eventually rise, our goal is always the championship.

We should be like the sun, after it sets, we hide in the valleys and accumulate strength. When we rise, we should use our light to illuminate the entire NBA league, and use our power to dominate all our opponents.

So, please always support us, no matter when we are at the trough or the peak, because in that way, you can join us to appreciate all the experiences, to see all our glory and the process of obtaining them, and to enrich every period of our lives."

"Oh oh oh..."

"Sun King! Sun King! Sun King..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Suns fans in the audience began to cheer crazily.

"Finally, congratulations to the Suns and Wang Tiejun. Our live broadcast ends here. This is also the last live broadcast of this season. Let's look forward to seeing you again next season!"

"Goodbye, audience friends, see you next season!"

In the CCTV commentary box, Zhang Lili and Su Qun stood up, waved to the camera, and said goodbye to the 1994/95 season.

Twenty minutes later, the Suns bid farewell to the Suns fans and returned to the locker room, where they were greeted with champagne.

No one could escape the baptism of alcohol, and the management and coaching staff in suits and ties were also soaked by the spray.

Lao Wang was the tallest, with a bottle in each hand, spraying this and that, having a great time.

There will be no medicinal bath today. After taking a bath, everyone will go to the post-match press conference.

"Kacha kacha..."

A dozen players stood together, with Wang and the Lightning in the middle, Dan Marley and Drexler next to them, accepting the baptism of media cameras.

During the question-and-answer session, the host took a look and saw that the reporters below were all raising their hands. He thought for a moment and pointed at Zhang Lili.

Zhang Lili is already very familiar with the Suns' management from top to bottom, and has long been able to freely enter and leave the Suns' training base and headquarters.

"Tie Jun, congratulations!" he said with a smile after taking the phone.


The two were extremely familiar with each other, and Zhang Lili immediately asked: "Tie Jun, will you give us a shot of the FMVP trophy tomorrow and conduct an exclusive interview?"


Zhang Lili stopped asking other questions and ended his questioning.

"Old K, do you intend to leave Phoenix?"

The second reporter who asked the question was a reporter from the Washington Post. He asked a question that everyone was interested in.

Lao Wang said without hesitation: "I have not made preparations or plans to leave Phoenix, and I have not even made a final decision on whether to opt out of the last year of my contract.

In fact, when he signed the contract, Mr. Colangelo's original contract, although it was also 31, had a team option in the last year. Later, he voluntarily changed it to a player option. At the time, I didn't even understand the significance of this.


So now I am not in a hurry to get out of the last year of my contract. For us Chinese, it is a virtue to reciprocate a favor."


His words surprised the reporters below.

"Colangelo, why did you take the initiative to change to a player option in the first place?" the reporter immediately asked.

Colangelo smiled and said: "The thing is like this. Mr. Jerry Krause of the Bulls offered a ten-million-dollar contract to Old K. But I didn't know about it because I was with Old K at the time.

K didn’t communicate in time, and Lao K thought I would only offer him a basic-salary contract. Do you know the difference between the two contracts? If it were you, how would you choose?"

"Oh, the base salary in 1992 was only $120,000, right? Then no one would refuse the contract from the Bulls, so Mr. Colangelo, can you tell us what happened next?" the reporter who asked the question said in surprise.

"But someone said no," Colangelo said.

"Oh my god, Old K, did you reject the Bulls' multi-million contract for the Suns' basic salary? Are you crazy?" a reporter asked loudly.

Lao Wang smiled and nodded and said: "I'm not crazy. We Chinese have a bottom line in doing things. Mr. Colangelo brought me here from Chinatown in New York and gave me a chance. I must repay him. At that time, I

How could you leave because of money?"

"Bah bang bang..." Countless applause erupted from the scene.

Colangelo said at this time: "So when I knew that Old K rejected the Bulls' big contract because of my basic salary, of course, the contract I decided to give was not actually the basic salary. This was just a beautiful misunderstanding, haha...

...Yes, I took the initiative to change my options for the final year, and this is what Mr. K deserves."

"Bah bang bang..." Warm applause erupted from the scene again.

"Mr. Colangelo, do you want to renew the contract with Old K in advance, or do you want him to execute the last year of the contract?" the reporter asked again.

Colangelo glanced at Old K, nodded with a smile, and then said: "I hope to renew the contract with Old K in advance. The rookie contract does not match his contribution to the team and this city at all.

He is already one of the greatest superstars in the history of this league. He averaged 50 points per game in the Finals and two consecutive 50-point games. Who can deny his status? He is a three-year veteran of the Suns, and he has enough

Qualifications to land a big new contract.

Yes, I have prepared a contract for him that matches his status, and I will use the bird rights

He deserves a super-cap extension, a multi-million dollar contract, which he deserves."

The Bird Rights contract extension exceeded the cap, the annual salary was tens of millions, and the contract was worth 100 million yuan. These words immediately aroused the interest of the reporters, and their hands raised to ask questions.

This is also the opportunity that Colangelo deliberately took advantage of the press conference to publicly give Old K's agent Lance Hoxman a warning and let him know his sincerity. At the same time, it also made it difficult for teams like the Lakers who want to poach Old K.

And retreat.

If he uses his bird rights to extend his contract beyond the cap, it will be almost impossible for other teams to follow him because they do not have the bird rights of K.

What are bird rights? Bird rights are also called Bird clauses. They refer to free agents who have played for a team for three seasons and have not changed clubs as free agents and have not had their contracts bought out.

Next, you are eligible for bird rights.

The current salary cap rules do not include a luxury tax. That is to say, the result of exceeding one dollar is the same as exceeding ten billion dollars. They are both the result of exceeding the salary cap and no more free agents can be introduced. There is no penalty.

Therefore, according to the bird rights rules, as long as he wants, he can offer any high-paying contract to Lao K.

Of course, after he used the Bird Rights to sign Old K over the cap, the team's total salary exceeded the salary cap and they could no longer sign free agents from the free market.

And if other teams want to sign Old K, they must free up the team's salary space, otherwise it will be impossible to poach Old K.

And if this is done, this team will only have one old K left, which has no championship competitiveness. It will have to wait for several years to train the rookies and slowly wait for their growth before they finally have the strength to win the championship.

For example, if the Lakers really poach the old K, the team will not be competitive for at least three years, because the old K will occupy at least half or most of the salary space, and then slowly select potential rookies to train.

But his Suns don't need it. He has bird rights and can sign over the cap without freeing up salary space, which will make it easier to complete the rebuild.

When Wang Tiejun heard Colangelo's words, his spirits were lifted.

His thoughts now are of course different from those in 1992. At that time, in order to repay Mr. Colangelo, he chose to stay in the Suns. But now that he has repaid the Suns, if he wants to stay, the Suns will definitely have to make concessions.

A contract he was satisfied with.

The press conference lasted for an hour before it ended. Next, the Suns team will go to a nightclub booked by the management, where everyone will celebrate all night long.

However, Wang Tiejun was blocked by two guys outside the locker room. They were Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

The two mysteriously pulled him into a corner, and then Earvin Johnson said: "Old K, come to the Lakers. Mr. Buss has already said that he will give you a blank check. You can fill in the numbers yourself."


Lao Wang opened his mouth and thought, "Stop being so funny. Can I give you a billion dollars?"

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar looked back at this time and saw a Suns staff member paying attention here, and quickly whispered: "Old K, Mr. Buss and Mr. West will be here tomorrow, don't be in a hurry.

Renew your contract with the Suns and listen to our conditions first."

Lao Wang secretly nodded, these words are more practical, the magician's words are not very reliable at first sight.

This was not the place for conversation, and the magician and Tiangou left shortly afterwards.

After leaving America West Arena and arriving at the nightclub, the coaching staff and players were separated and each had their own space.

All kinds of drinks have been placed on the table, and all kinds of fruit plates are available.

"Old K, where are the girls you sent? Call them here quickly, we are too lonely!"

Kevin Johnson threw himself on the sofa, took out his cigar, and asked.

"That's it, old K, hurry up, I can't wait any longer."

"Old K, where is my girl?"

The crowd, all overflowing with hormones, immediately screamed and screamed, as if they had not seen a woman in eight lifetimes.

"okok, let me make a call."

Lao Wang took out his cell phone and called Hoxman, said a few words and then hung up.

"Are you here?" Dan Marly asked excitedly.

"Already outside."

Lao Wang said with a smile: "Let's talk about it first, they are serious models. If you have the ability, you can take them away. If you don't, you can only drink."

"I am very confident in my charm." Kevin Johnson said with a smile.

Within two minutes, a large group of young and beautiful female models of various colors walked in, just like a catwalk, causing everyone to howl excitedly, like a pack of hungry wolves, making the models giggle.

"Three for each person, I will do what I say. Kevin, you pick first." Lao Wang said with a smile.

"Thank you, old K."

Lightning shouted together, quickly jumped up from the sofa, and limped to the models.

"Hey, beauties, do you know me?" He said hello first while chewing his cigar while looking at these beauties.

"Hey, Lightning." Many beauties smiled coquettishly.

They are all regular models in Hollywood, some are on catwalks, some are print models, and they have their own model agencies. Their positions are not very big, none of them are first-tier, but there are also a few who are second-tier, and Hawksman selected them.

, flew to Phoenix yesterday.

If you can take this business, you have already prepared for it, so there is nothing to be reserved about. It just depends on whether the person who picked them is right.

For them, the best targets are unmarried players so that they can get along with each other for a period of time. The only purpose for them to take this business is to create scandals.

However, if you fall in love with any Suns star, it's not impossible to stay together for a long time.

The best target is of course Lao K. If any of them has the opportunity to hang out with Lao K, they will probably become famous immediately.

Now Lao K lets others pick first, so they all pray in their hearts that it is best not to pick me and leave me to Lao K.

Several of the second-tier models did not want Lightning to pick them out, so they were not very enthusiastic about Lightning and hid in the back.

Who is Lightning? He is planning to enter politics in the future. He has a sharp eye and a sharp mind. One look at the attitude of the best and most beautiful people towards him and he will know what they are planning.

He quickly picked three. He didn't pick the second-tier models. He picked his favorite type, the slightly chubby black rose. He liked this one.

However, others were not lightning and would not try to figure out the thoughts of these second-tier models. They were quickly picked away, leaving none for Lao Wang.

Among them, Danny Ainge picked one, Drexler picked two, and the remaining one was picked by Thunder.

There were only three left for Lao Wang that no one wanted, and he didn't care. He just wanted to drink with them. Yu Feihong was at home, and he didn't want to cause any trouble.

And everyone’s aesthetics are different, so the remaining three selected are not bad either.

After drinking a lot of wine, Wang Tiejun also became unconscious after drinking.

However, he was a big man, and he drank more and more. He kept drinking until he was dizzy, but he couldn't get drunk.

At three o'clock in the morning, Kevin Johnson and the others stopped drinking and left the nightclub with the models.

No model refused to be taken away, not even the four second-tier models, because Hawksman had agreed with them before coming here that they could not refuse. Who dares to refuse CAA's agent's request to stop living in Hollywood?

After seeing off his last teammate, Wang Tiejun sent his three girls away and was about to go home when Colangelo and Colangelo Jr. came over specifically to look for him.

The three chatted for a while, and it turned out that Colangelo invited him to his home. After the team's three-day celebration, he agreed on the 16th.

After leaving the nightclub, team staff drove him back home in a prepared car.

Yu Feihong was woken up from his sleep. He thought a thief had come in. When he came out, he saw that he was a drunkard. He was a little surprised and said: "Old K, you are back. I thought which hotel should I go to find you tomorrow?"

"Beauty, wait for me. I'll take a shower and come. It's been more than a month. We have to do some activities." Lao Wang said with a smile.

"Bah! Are you tired?" Yu Feihong blushed.

This chapter has been completed!
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