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Chapter 343 Stern's Balance

On the 20th, the team gathered.

That evening, Wang Tiejun drove to the headquarters and met all his teammates.

"Hey, Dominic."

"Hey, old K."

When he arrived at the training hall, Wilkins happened to be at the door of the locker room and had not yet entered. He must have just arrived. He said hello to Wilkins first.

The two of them then went in. Assistant coaches Westphal and Danny Ainge were also inside, and almost all their teammates had arrived, so there was only one Lightning missing.

"Old K."

As soon as he entered, everyone stood up.

"Coach, Danny, Lewis..." Nodding to his teammates, he greeted several coaches first.

"Old K, it seems that your body shape has changed. The muscles of your lower limbs are stronger, but why do I feel that the muscles are more streamlined? Have you done explosive training?" Assistant coach Lewis was very sensitive when he saw Lao Wang for the first time.


Lao Wang gave Lewis a thumbs up and said: "I am indeed doing explosive training. The first training period is almost over, and there are some results. And I have gained weight. You read it right. The main increase is the lower limb muscles, so

My lower limbs will be more resistant to injuries."

"How much do you weigh now?" Westphal asked with concern.

"132 kilograms."

His weight gain has been completed, and the training content is only one or two days away. The same goes for other training content, and his weight has reached his weight gain target.

"132 kilograms? How about mobility?" Westphal asked with concern.

"Don't worry, it won't be worse than last season." He said with a smile.

Westphal nodded, noncommittal, whether it was good or not, he wanted to see the specific physical test results.

If Old K's mobility decreases, he will definitely prevent Old K from continuing to gain weight, or even suggest that he lose weight, because there is only one O'Neal in the current league, and others are not opponents of Old K at all in terms of tonnage, and the Magic

In his opinion, his strength cannot surpass that of the Bulls in the past two years.

In other words, the chance of the Magic and Suns meeting in the Finals in the playoffs is very small. As for the regular season, winning or losing doesn't matter at all.

To put it simply, from the perspective of the team's interests, O'Neal and Old K don't have many opportunities to compete directly now, unless O'Neal is traded to the West, or the Magic get past the Bulls.

Of course, this is from the team's perspective. If you consider the issue from Old K's personal perspective, he also knows that as long as he can beat O'Neal, Old K will not be polite, because this is a duel between two behemoths, and there will be no concessions.


Especially this year, the selection of the top 50 superstars will be held. Both O'Neal and Old K. are two giants who hope to enter this glorious series. The outcome of the duel between them is even more important.

At this time, Lewis analyzed: "Old K has done explosive training and weight gain in his lower limbs at the same time. I think he may increase some bounce and move faster. Of course, his explosive power will definitely increase. Old K, do you feel it?"

"There are some, but the changes are not too big." Lao Wang nodded and said.

Some of his qualities have improved. As for the reason, it is of course related to the increase in lower limb strength and explosive power. Even the training of the plum blossom step may have something to do with it.

"Of course, with such a large tonnage, the change cannot be huge, but based on the increase in weight, there is no decrease, which is already a very good effect." Lewis said with a smile.

After greeting the coaches, Lao Wang started talking to some teammates.

"Robert, did you do any extra training during the offseason?" He first approached Horry.

Horry patted his chest and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Old K. I've been practicing extra. I can do more in the new season. Just trust me."

Lao Wang looked at Horry with doubtful eyes. He couldn't believe this guy's words. His rookie season with the Mosaic team was his best year. In the past two years with the Suns, his performance has been getting worse year by year.

Last season's shooting percentage was 44.7%, and he had a lot of open shots. With this efficiency, he was always dissatisfied with Horry.

"I hope you will play the fourth position this season and give me accurate three-pointers from the open corners," he warned.

Now Thunder is gone, Glider is gone, and the two guys who can shoot three-pointers are gone. Wilkins has no three-pointers, and neither does the Lightning. I heard that the rookie Finley's three-pointers are not very reliable either. Three

None of the main outsiders are accurate in three-pointers, and their ability to stretch is seriously lacking. That means Horry can still shoot three-pointers. If this guy can't shoot open three-pointers accurately, then it will be really difficult for him to play this season.

Although he can forcefully beat him, his physical fitness is limited and he cannot play like that every time. He will always fail to make shots when he distributes the ball. The opponent will definitely double-team him unscrupulously. It will be very difficult for him to win the game alone.

It is impossible to dominate the world.


He zeroed in on rookie Michael Finley in the corner of the locker room.

"Old K."

Finley stood up reflexively and looked at Lao Wang nervously.

"Is your three-point shot accurate?" he asked, following the train of thought just now.


Finley hesitated nervously: "I, I..."

Lao Wang is helpless, I didn't hurt you, why are you nervous?

At this time, Danny Ainge said: "Old K, based on his scouting report and his performance in the summer league and preseason games, the three-pointer is passable, with a 35% shooting rate."

Lao Wang frowned and lowered his head a little. In a game like the preseason, his shooting percentage was only 35%, so it will definitely be even lower in the regular season.

Moreover, Finley does not have strong ball-handling and breakthrough abilities, and his three-pointers are not very accurate, so his deterrence at the three-point line will not be enough, and the opponent can shrink its defense.

But in this era, people don't pay much attention to three-pointers. If they can break through, they will break through. They won't waste three-pointers, and he doesn't plan to say anything.

Now is not the time to think about this. He said to Finley: "Work hard, your model is Michael Jordan."

"I, I will."

Finley hated being nervous. Old K had a good attitude, but he couldn't help but be nervous, because this was a super beast who averaged 50 points per game in the finals. This was a super dominant superstar who swept Jordan and the Bulls.

He couldn't control his emotions at all.

Wang Tiejun moved a step to the side and arrived in front of Ben Wallace. The two rookies were sitting in the corner.

"Old K."

Daben said muffledly.


Lao Wang nodded and looked at this rookie who was 14 centimeters shorter than him but in the same position as him.

He looks quite strong, like black iron, but for his height, the weight in the data is 105 kilograms, which is not enough tonnage and height, so he cannot withstand people.

However, Ben's main position is now assigned to the fourth position. Horry's substitute will help defend the fifth position, and he is not in a hurry to gain weight.

"You were not selected. I was picked up by the boss from the street. We had similar fates before. I hope you can train hard and play games with the Suns, improve your strength, get more playing time, and then change your destiny.

." He encouraged.

"Yes, boss." Daben said in a muffled voice.

At this time, lightning arrived. After everyone changed their clothes, they went to the training ground.

The team gave Wang Tiejun a physical examination and measured his weight first, which was indeed 132 kilograms.

Then test the jumping ability. The heavier the weight, the weaker the jumping ability. But Lewis also said just now that as the strength of the lower limbs increases and the explosive power increases, the jumping ability will also increase. When the two offset each other, it is possible to maintain the original athletic quality.

Wang Tiejun raised his head and glanced at the ruler above, jumped up with all his strength, and hit the row of black and white rulers with his right hand.

"75 centimeters." The trainer next to him immediately shouted.

Assistant coach Danny Ainge immediately recorded this data and said: "Old K, compared with you before, it has increased by two centimeters, how about you jump twice more?"

"Forget it, I won't jump anymore." Lao Wang knew what he was doing and shook his head in refusal.

His original jumping was actually quite good. After many trainings, he could jump up to 73 centimeters on the spot, which was also his jumping limit. Now it has reached 75 centimeters, which has exceeded his original limit.

But he was not surprised. As long as his quality improved, the data in the system would sometimes change. He had long known that his bounce had reached level 76/level 76 (bounce height 75/level 75, bullet speed 77/level 77).

, two levels higher than before.

Other quality data, speed level and potential level have reached level 78, improved by one level, flexibility has reached level 80, the highest level improved, a full three levels, and coordination has reached level 92, improved by one level.

In terms of explosive power, this training will be completed in these two days. After three months of training, it has been upgraded to four levels. In two days, it will be upgraded to another level. It is now level 82/86.

In other words, now he is heavier, but he can jump faster and higher, and his explosive power is more powerful.

Next, I tested his movement speed, including running back and forth and sprinting short distances. It was a little faster, but not much.

It's just that for the team, he can still increase his speed a little while gaining weight, which is already a huge surprise.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after completing the training, Lao Wang left the headquarters, went to the K martial arts gym to have dinner, returned to the villa, rested for a while, and began to train plum blossom steps.

In the past few days, his brothers from the martial arts school have buried dozens of plum blossom stakes for him in the backyard. He has been constantly moving up and down these stakes, and he already looks like he is in shape, a little stronger than before.


At this time, he failed to take a step well, staggered, and hit his face on a wooden stake. The pain made him burst into tears, and the left side of his face was also bruised. Fortunately, his nose was not hit.

"Damn it, I'll wrap a layer of cotton padding for you tomorrow and see how you hit me." He cursed angrily and continued practicing.

After practicing for a while, it got dark, so he turned on the headlights in the backyard and continued practicing. It took him two hours to complete the training.

While taking a leisurely stroll on the grass, I would habitually open the system and check my own data.

During this period, he watched it every day, hoping to see the plum blossom step upgraded, but more than two months later, he still could not achieve it.

This also shows that his talent in this martial art is really not good, and he can only rely on long-term hard training.


But this time, when I saw it, I was pleasantly surprised. The Plum Blossom Step had finally reached the second level of the first glimpse.

“Finally upgraded, it’s not easy!”

He had the idea of ​​having a drink to celebrate, but then he thought about it, this second state took more than two months, and the next third state would not take more than two years? When he thought about it, the idea of ​​​​having a drink immediately disappeared.

And light.

Now he feels that although he has only improved the plum blossom step by one level after practicing it for so long, the effect is still there. The improvement of some of his qualities may also be related to this.

In addition, he feels that his lateral movement and turning speed have also improved. These improvements in ability should make his offense in the low post more flexible.

Simply put, it saves more effort.

Another point is that with the improvement of mobility, his low-position pace has been increased from level 92 to level 93, and low-position confrontation has been increased from level 94 to level 95.

"What an unexpected surprise, the plum blossom step is really important!" He was very happy.

"By the way, there may be room for improvement in defense, such as improved lateral movement, and the ability to assist defense should also be improved."

However, I opened the system and took a look, and there was no change in the assisting defense level. It should be that further assisting defense training is needed, right?

"Can the system and assistive defense be trained and improved?"


He immediately estimated that the strength training for explosive power and weight gain would be over soon, and only physical fitness training was left. He still had 600 points, so he could exchange them for an assist defense training card and a single defense training card.

After redemption, the training content will be generated immediately, which will last for three months, one hour a day, and single defense will be upgraded to three levels, and assisted defense will be upgraded to five levels.

These two trainings and physical training can be completed during team training, so that after returning home, you can concentrate on training plum blossom steps.

As for the final period of weight gain, it should be postponed until next year. After each weight gain, the body needs to have a proper adaptation process to achieve the maximum purpose of protecting the body. This is a requirement of the system.

The strength training he gave Dayao to gain weight a few days ago was also planned in this way. A small amount of weight gain will allow the body to slowly adapt, including bones, joints, ligaments, internal organs and other body organ components, so that it can better

Adapt to weight gain and become stronger.

The most taboo thing about the increase in tonnage is the sudden increase, which should be done slowly and gradually.

At the same time, explosive training should also be carried out next year, and should be carried out at the same time as the last period of weight-gaining training. The effect should be the best.

Two days later, the three-month weight gain training and explosive strength training was finally completed. In fact, due to some delays in the middle, it had already been more than three months.

The explosive power has been increased to level 83, and there is still room for improvement of 3 levels.

There is no improvement in strength, which is offset by explosive training, and it is still level 98.

His low post confrontation ability has been improved by one level due to the weight gain. Now it has reached level 96. The harvest this offseason is still very good, and it has been upgraded two levels in a row.

On the 21st, the NBA held a media conference in New York and announced to the entire league that starting from the 1995/96 season, the following new rules will be implemented.

First, it is a violation to carry your back for five seconds.

Second, illegal use of hands.

Third, defend for three seconds.

Fourth, reasonable collision zone.

Four major rules were introduced at once, including illegal use of hands, defense for three seconds, and reasonable collision zone. All three rules are conducive to outside attacks, and outside breakthroughs will become easier.

Once the rules were announced, the league and the media reacted immediately.

Jordan accepted an interview with Chicago TV media. The reporter asked: "Michael, what impact do you think these four rules will have on your offense?"

"My breakthrough will be smoother, there is no doubt about it." Jordan said.

"So if the Bulls play against the Suns, will these rules help the Bulls gain an advantage?" the reporter continued to ask.

Jordan said: "First of all, it is impossible for Old K to sit under the basket all year round on the defensive end. He has to leave the basket from time to time, which is conducive to our breakthrough and improves the quantity and quality of our basket attacks.

At the same time, the lethality of our outside line against their inside line will increase, further weakening the quality of their inside line defense."

"I don't seem to see that these rules can limit K's dominance on the offensive end, so do you think they can achieve the purpose of limiting the two behemoths K and O'Neal?" the reporter asked again.

Jordan spread his hands and said regretfully: "The league let K go. These rules seem to only limit his defense, but they don't limit his offense.

Of course, these rules increase our offensive energy on the outside, and can also be regarded as a disguised suppression of them."

"What do you think the establishment of a reasonable collision zone means?" the reporter asked again.

"It puts the offense in the driver's seat. It's a rule that encourages offense."

Jordan said something, then thought for a moment and said: "This rule is good for us, but it is also good for those insiders with strong low-post dominance, such as Old K, O'Neal, and Rainman. They will become better under the basket."

Be more unscrupulous, and your attacks on the basket will become more terrifying and more dominant."

"Like Lao K?" the reporter asked.


Jordan looked serious and said: "I don't know why the league introduced such a rule? Maybe it's out of some kind of balance?

This rule makes teams with poor interior defense completely lose their defensive initiative in front of super centers like Old K, O'Neal, and Dameng, and they can only passively wait to be dominated."

"Then why do you think the league doesn't introduce rules specifically to restrict Lao K, just like it did to restrict you?" the reporter asked again.

"Maybe he's not qualified enough? But I didn't even have a championship at the time, and the league introduced that rule to restrict me, and now he has two championships."

When Jordan said this, he said with some helplessness: "Who knows, I am not Mr. President Stern, so I don't understand his considerations."


In the president's office of the NBA headquarters, Stern stepped forward and turned off the TV and sat back in his executive chair.

He understood Jordan, and the league did not do it fairly in this matter. Old K had shown Jordan's overwhelming dominance back then, but he did not enjoy the treatment of the special rules.

His management of the league is all about balance.

So the Jordan Rules were introduced, and after the season is over, we are going to introduce rules to restrict the old K.

But for the alliance, in addition to management, there is another point, that is, the development of the alliance, the development of North America, and its promotion to the world are the top priorities for development.

He also needs to seek a balance between management and development.

Last season, Old K led his team to sweep the championship in four rounds, averaging 50 points per game in the finals. This terrifying performance has made his influence reach a high level in North America and the world. If it weren't for Jordan's first-mover advantage,

Maybe he can reach the heights of Jordan, and this is something he can't help but care about.

At the same time, the basketball atmosphere in China ushered in an explosive growth last season. Old K returned to Fengshen Street in the capital, and the scene where thousands of people greeted him was reported by the US media and became known to the whole world.

From this, we can see the huge potential market of NBA in China.

As long as China's economy further develops and its consumption power increases, the NBA will usher in a boom in that huge country.

And Old K is the most critical factor in that market. Once the restrictions on Old K dampen the enthusiasm of those new fans for the NBA, he absolutely does not want to see it.

Therefore, in addition to balancing, he also needs to consider the disadvantages of restricting the old K. This disadvantage must not affect the NBA's market development in China, or in other words, this impact must be minimized.

In the end, after repeated consideration, he decided not to introduce rules to restrict Lao K for the time being, but instead introduced several rules to increase the strength of his opponents. If he cannot suppress you for the time being, then he will help your opponents become stronger.

As for the reasonable collision zone that Jordan complained about, his starting point is that this rule is conducive to offense, and it was not introduced to increase the dominance of O'Neal and Old K at the basket. Whether Jordan understands it or not, he doesn't care.

This chapter has been completed!
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