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Chapter 465: Chi Xiao, Can't Raise Big Fish

Popular Recommendations: The Emperor's Arrival in Hongmeng Heaven: The Sims' Beast Control starting from the Pillar Destruction: The pet beast is just a heavenly order to punish evil that brings me bonds.

Thinking of this, he thought about the Suns again. There is basically no problem winning this time. So with three championships in five years, will the Colangelo family and team shareholders continue to invest heavily to win the championship? If not, should they support the old team?

What about K leaving Phoenix?

Old K's commercial value and his contribution to the league are currently limited to the Phoenix market and have not been fully explored. He knows this very well.

Based on his judgment, in a sports market like the Phoenix Suns, the willingness to invest heavily in winning the championship may be significantly reduced in the future. The shareholders will be unwilling to hold three championships. As long as the team maintains a comparable lineup and enough ball in the future.

The team lay down and ate and drank for many years.

I'm afraid Colangelo Sr. has the same idea, because even if the Suns start a dynasty later, it won't really change the Phoenix market.

The size of a football market is determined by factors such as the city's economic scale, consumption power, population size, middle class size, international influence, etc. Team performance is only one aspect. (For example, the Spurs in reality)

The foundation of the Suns is a third-tier ball market. In recent years, they have improved by relying on their record, but the foundation of the ball market cannot be changed.

In particular, the Suns have too many shareholders. For these small investors, making money is the most important thing. Since they have so many honors, why not cash in the championship bonus and why continue to invest heavily?

In the end, he decided to wait and see. If the Suns continue to invest, it can only be decided by Old K. Otherwise, he will have to find a way to mobilize Old K to go to a big market.

After thinking clearly about the matter between Old K and the Suns, he began to think back to the issue of Jordan.

"God gave Tim Duncan to the Lakers. The Lakers still have big dreams of getting old completely. The lineup will be quite strong, so they must not have Jordan anymore, otherwise it will be unfair to the Suns, and the east is weak and the west is strong, which destroys the balance.

, then Jordan should continue to stay in the East."

Now Jordan still has a big contract worth $25 million next season, which is a Bird Rights over-cap contract.

According to the existing Larry Bird terms, the Bird Rights can be continued. That is to say, when a Bird Rights player is traded, the receiving team can continue his Bird Rights.

"The Beauty of the Sun and the Moon"

But there has never been a Bird Rights contract for a superstar like Jordan to be traded before, so the Larry Bird clause has no relevant content.

The so-called relevant content is that when a superstar like Jordan who holds bird rights is traded, whether the receiving team can inherit his bird rights in virtual space.

Specifically, it is whether the virtual space occupied by Jordan's Bird Rights contract can be inherited by the receiving team.

This is quite critical. If the receiving team cannot inherit the virtual space, then it will be impossible to trade at all. The salary cap for next season is about 27 million US dollars, and Jordan’s salary is 25 million US dollars. If any team cannot inherit the virtual space,

, there is no way to trade him.

But precisely because there is no such specific clause in the Larry Bird clause, there is now a loophole that can be exploited, that is, anything that is not prohibited by the existing clause is legal, and any team can inherit Jordan's Bird Rights through a trade.

This right of virtual space.

It's just him who will ultimately decide whether the transaction goes through.

As long as he immediately adds a detail to the Larry Bird clause, if a player with a Bird Rights contract is traded before the end of the Bird Rights contract, the receiving team is prohibited from owning the player's Bird Rights virtual space and must use actual

This loophole can be closed by calculating the salary cap in the contract.

If he didn't agree, the Bulls' idea of ​​completing their rebuild by trading Jordan would be impossible.

And his decision was to allow it.

The current situation is that the virtual space of Jordan's contract is not large, only about 6 million US dollars, and he can go to any team through trade.

"In the East, the management of the Magic team is too stupid, and Hardaway is in good shape after his comeback, so there is no need to consider this team. Moreover, the Magic is only a third-tier ball market and is not worthy of Jordan.

The Knicks, Jordan and O'Neal teaming up? It's too powerful, but it's not impossible to consider. If the Knicks can win the championship again, they may be able to steal some fans from the New York Giants of the NFL.

Or go to the Heat to partner with Mourning? You can consider it. The second-tier ball market is also good, and the owner of the Heat is very rich, richer than the owner of the Suns. The Suns have too many shareholders.

Go to the Pacers to join forces with Ewing? No, there is Reggie Miller there, unless the Pacers trade Reggie Miller for Jordan. Moreover, the market is too small, not even as good as the Suns, and completely unworthy of Jordan.

What about the Hawks? Teaming up with Mutombo, the Hawks are fifth in the Eastern Conference this season and have good strength. With Jordan, there should be a sublimation and they will definitely become a championship-level team. But the market is about the same as the original Suns.

, the third level, even with Jordan, at most it can be promoted to the second level based on record."

After much consideration, the Knicks and Heat are the most suitable sports markets for Jordan in the Eastern Conference, and the Hawks can barely be considered one.

In addition, Jordan's move to the Hawks also has the advantage of adding a championship-level team to the Eastern Conference.

While David Stern was thinking about these issues, Jordan's agent David Frank was also busy and dizzy.

He was busy thinking about where Jordan would go.

The general managers or owners of 29 teams in the league, except for the Bulls and the Suns, and the other 28 teams are calling him, hoping to trade Jordan.

Colangelo Jr. told him that, except for Old K, anyone on the Suns team could be a bargaining chip.

The Lakers told him that in addition to the newly acquired No. 1 pick, the entire team could be used as a bargaining chip.

The Spurs told him anyone but David Robinson could be a bargaining chip.

Ever since Jordan fell out with the Bulls, his phone calls have not stopped in the past two days, with each team calling him at least ten times.

After last night's G4 game, he unplugged his mobile phone card, unplugged the phone line, and quietly considered Jordan's whereabouts at his home in Chicago.

His first consideration was the big ball markets, namely the Lakers and Knicks.

The Clippers are also under his consideration. He believes that if Jordan joins the Clippers, with Jordan's ability to attract stars, as long as the owner is willing to invest and backed by the big ball market of Los Angeles, the Clippers will definitely have a lot to do.

Of course, the Clippers also contacted him. General manager Kim Baylor personally called him and told him that no one on the Clippers was for sale.

The Nets are also under his consideration. The Nets are right next to New York, and New York is Jordan's hometown. As long as Jordan goes wherever he goes, the basketball market should be fine.

But the premise for him to consider the team is whether the team is willing to invest heavily. Jordan wants to compete with Old K for the championship. After Jordan joins, the team must have championship-level strength.

The most important point is that this team must have a center who is good at both offense and defense, a center who can limit Old K's offensive efficiency.

Including this time, the Bulls lost three times to the Suns in the Finals, but they suffered at the center position.

Old K can produce explosive statistics every time in the finals. In 1995, he averaged 50+ per game and four single games with 50+. Does he really have that ability?

He believes that it is not the case, but that the Bulls' center is relatively weak, which can be seen from the efficiency of old K.

It can be said that the Bulls single-handedly made Old K's glory in the finals, and even affected Michael's position as the number one player in history.

So from the perspective of center, the Lakers are actually the best. They have Da Meng and the No. 1 pick Tim Duncan. Da Meng is actually in pretty good shape this season and his figure is not out of shape. It can be seen that he has been maintaining

Training, as long as Duncan is not a parallel import, this pair of insiders will be the top insider combination in the league, and they are both good at offense and defense.

Next is the combination of the Knicks, O'Neal and Oakley, which is also considered to be excellent both offensively and defensively.

The inside combinations of these two teams are both old and young. If Michael joins these two teams, with both internal and external cores, and some role players, it will be enough to sweep the entire league. Even if Old K's Suns maintain their current lineup

, and definitely not an opponent.

Just, would David Stern allow Michael to join these two teams?

Last time he considered using the threat of retirement to force the Bulls to buy out Michael's contract and then join another team with a minimum salary. This method was in Michael's best interest.

But the Bulls also know that Michael will not retire easily, so I am afraid they will not agree to buy out the contract unless Michael does not want the last year of the contract and buys out the contract himself.

It's just that this will cause great losses to Michael's interests. He doesn't want to take this approach. The final result may still require a transaction.

But Michael will not let the Bulls trade him. He will only go to the team he wants to go to, otherwise he would rather retire. So now he and the Bulls management have formed a tacit understanding. Michael can choose the team he wants to go to, but he must try his best.

Consider the Bulls' rebuilding requirements.

What the Bulls need to rebuild is the future, that is, future draft picks, and young players with potential.

Then there is another problem, that is, Michael's contract is very large. Without the support of the league, no team can trade Michael. Only if the receiving team can obtain the right to virtual space can the transaction be completed.

Therefore, he and the Bulls had to test David Stern's attitude first. Without the consent of the God of the League, Michael ultimately had no choice but to leave the Bulls through a self-buyout.

Anyway, with the Bulls selling Michael almost openly, Michael must leave the Bulls.

That afternoon, David Stern came to Chicago with the championship trophy, the Larry O'Brien Cup.

Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf and general manager Jerry Krause, as well as Suns owners Jerry Colangelo and Colangelo Jr., went to the airport to greet him.

After a brief chat at the airport, Stern chose to get in Reinsdorf's silver Rolls-Royce and head to the hotel.

Colangelo and his son followed in their car and headed to the hotel together. Stern had already made an appointment with them to communicate.

In the car, Stern discussed Jordan issues with Reinsdorf and Krause.

He didn't ask the Bulls if they really wanted to trade Jordan. There was no need. The Bulls wanted to trade Jordan, which already offended him.

He originally hoped that Jordan would stay with the Bulls forever and fulfill Jordan's greatness of one man and one city. Jordan made the Bulls from a small team to the hottest team in the league, and also developed a small ball market into a second-tier ball market. The Bulls

He knew how much money he made from Jordan, but what the Bulls are doing now is too mean and ungrateful.

With Jordan's great contribution to the league, he never wants to give the Bulls another No. 1 pick in his life.

The issue he wants to discuss is actually very simple. He hopes that the Bulls can allow Jordan to choose his own team and even suffer some losses. Otherwise, he will not allow Jordan's trade. By today next year, Jordan will be free to leave and the Bulls will gain nothing.

Of course, Jordan will be one year older next year, so he hopes Jordan will leave this year.

To this end, he will allow the receiving team to enjoy virtual space in Jordan's Bird Rights contract to help complete Jordan's trade.

Of course Reinsdorf and Krause will not refuse, this is exactly what they want, otherwise Jordan will continue to stay on the team and they will get nothing next year.

After a brief conversation, both parties reached an agreement. After arriving at the hotel, Stern got out of the car and walked into the hotel without looking back.

Reinsdorf and Krause stood by the car and smiled bitterly. They knew Stern's love for Jordan, and now they were completely offended by Stern.

Colangelo and his son walked past and followed Stern into the hotel.

"Father, I contacted David Frank yesterday. Except for old K, anyone can be a bargaining chip." Colangelo Jr. said in a low voice.


Old Colangelo was startled. His son had never told him about this.

Colangelo Jr. explained: "If we get Jordan and bring together the two most influential people in the league, the market should go one step further and truly reach the second-tier market like Chicago."

The elder Colangelo frowned and said: "Now we are not sure whether Jordan's transaction can be approved by the league. Even if he agrees, we can continue the virtual space rights, and we do not have the ability to support Jordan's $25 million next year.


"Father, even counting the profits from the playoffs, don't we have enough?" Colangelo Jr. is not responsible for the team's operations and is not very clear about these, so he said with some confusion.

"In that case, our salary next season will reach more than 70 million US dollars, which far exceeds the financial capacity of the Suns. In fact, we will be reluctant to maintain Old K's contract. Moreover, Brian, shareholders require dividends, and their attitude is very


At this time, Stern and his party had already entered the elevator, and the elder Colangelo said a hasty word, signaling for the younger Colangelo to follow them quickly.

Little Colangelo was startled and understood immediately.

Stern smiled and nodded to the Colangelo father and son who came in, and said, "Jerry, I want to congratulate you in advance."

"Thank you, Mr. Stern." Old Colangelo smiled.

"Call me David." Stern smiled.

"Okay, David." Old Colangelo smiled.

While his father was chatting with Stern, Colangelo was still thinking about what his father had just said.

Because when the operating conditions were good in the previous few seasons, in order to compete for the championship, there was no dividend distribution, but continuous investment. Now shareholders are in urgent need of dividends to enjoy the dividends of the team's three championships in five years. This is also normal.

However, shareholders are demanding dividends, which also indicates that the team can no longer continue to invest heavily, which also means that the team will lose the motivation to continue to compete for the championship.

This is very important to the Suns. In order to reduce expenses, shareholders will even force the team to trade Old K, because Old K's super contract, the largest in the history of the league, is the Suns' biggest expense.

At the same time, when the Suns lose the motivation to continue to compete for the championship, will Old K still be willing to stay with the Suns? I'm afraid he will also take the initiative to propose a trade.


As a young man, he felt very sorry. He still wanted to complete the dynasty, but as a team manager, he had to comply with the requirements of most shareholders.

At this time, he was very envious of the Lakers and Knicks. Such a big ball market could withstand almost unlimited investment and could continue to invest in the championship year after year.

"Phoenix is ​​still too small to accommodate old K."

This sigh, at this time, in this elevator, rose in the hearts of Stern and Colangelo at the same time.

"The pond is too small to raise big fish."

At this time, Zhang Lili said in a room of a low-rise, low-class hotel in a fringe neighborhood of Chicago.

Just now he discussed the issue of Jordan with Su Qun and three members of the camera team, and then contacted Wang Tiejun. The cameraman Liu asked whether Wang Tiejun would be like Jordan, who was traded by the Suns when he got old.

Suns forever, and then he said this.

Su Qun said in surprise: "Director Zhang, what do you mean?"

Zhang Lili said: "I have actually been thinking about this issue, whether Tiejun can finish his career with the Suns.

This issue is quite complicated. If it were just an ordinary player, it would be a bit simpler, but Tie Jun is not. He is now pursuing a very strong pursuit of the championship and hopes to surpass Jordan's historical status.

This requires the Suns to strongly support him. It simply means that the Suns have to spend real money to build a championship-level lineup."

Su Qun and others couldn't help but nod.

Zhang Lili continued: "Look at the current lineup of the Suns. Horry will leave soon. The Suns can't keep him and there is no room. Next year Rashid Walis will leave after playing, and there will be no room. Later.

And Kobe and Kidd, the same problem.

We don’t consider any luxury tax that may be introduced in the future. Just take the existing rules as an example. Is there really no room? No.

Let’s talk about Horry first. He has played for the Suns for four years. After three years, he meets the Larry Bird veteran clause, which means that the Suns have his Bird Rights. So are the Suns willing to offer him a Bird Rights?

What about the rights contract? Yes, but are the Suns willing? Obviously not.

Similarly, the same will be true for Rasheed Wallace next year. He was traded, which means that the Suns also inherited his Bird Rights. As long as he finishes next season, in three years, the Suns will own his Bird Rights.

We can also offer him a Bird Rights contract, but are the Suns willing?"

Su Qun nodded and said: "The same goes for Kobe and Kidd later. If the Suns offer Bird Rights contracts to all the main lineup, it is indeed impossible. They don't have that much financial resources."

Zhang Lijia smiled and said: "Not to mention the Suns, even the Knicks and Lakers cannot offer five Bird Rights contracts at the same time. It is difficult for ordinary teams to support one. The Lakers and Knicks can maintain two to the maximum.

, I can’t bear any more.

Moreover, the Bird Rights contract also occupies virtual space. Suppressed by the salary cap, the Bird Rights contract is too large and difficult to configure the lineup.

You see, the Suns, in order to compete for the championship, gave the Iron Army this contract, which is actually quite difficult. The operations in the past few seasons have been good, but the shareholders have not received any dividends. The team has continued to win without their benefit, and they have no objection.

? And this situation will be more serious in the following seasons, because the annual salary of the Iron Army will be higher in the following seasons."

From Zhang Lili's words, Su Qun seemed to understand something and asked in surprise: "Director Zhang, do you think the Suns will trade Old K?"

Zhang Lili sighed and said: "This time Suns shareholders want to sell their shares, it may be an act of forcing the management.

If the Suns reduce their investment, they will not be able to maintain their current lineup, which means that the Suns may no longer regard winning the championship as their goal."

Su Qun was shocked and murmured: "If we no longer compete for the championship, then even if the Suns don't trade Old K, he will definitely leave. He has said it a long time ago, and the Suns also promised him when he renewed his contract.


"So I say that Chi Xiao can't raise big fish. Tiejun is a super giant among super giants and is destined to belong to the big market. Unless he has no intention of competing for the championship, or others cut his salary or don't get a big contract, he can continue to win the championship.

Lineup." Zhang Lili sighed.

He finally added: "If the Suns really continue to invest, to put it mildly, with the financial resources of the Suns, it will be an aggressive move, which may not be a good thing. Shareholders will rebel, internal divisions and internal strife will cause various problems.


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