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Chapter 1083 The little snake demon is angry

When Nan Qing woke up, there was no one around. The fire not far away had been completely extinguished, and there was still dirt on the fire. It was obviously made by Xuanqing Yueli.

Nan Qing rolled on the haystack, her huge tail messing up the haystack. She coiled her tail into a ball and sat on her own tail.

The demon still likes his animal form, it's so comfortable.

Now that the demon elixir is locked, she can only change her appearance and cannot use any other spells.

Nan Qing: "He just left like that. Aren't you afraid that I would run away?"

Although she can no longer use spells, she can still run quite fast with her snake tail.

Er Er: "There is a barrier around it. You can't get out, and monsters can't get in."

"I see, it's really impossible for him to leave me here so simply."

Today is a cloudy day, snakes like cloudy days. Nan Qing was squinting on the haystack. It started to rain lightly outside, and gradually the rain became heavier and heavier. The roof of the ruined temple was rotten in many places, and there were broken tiles.

dripping water, Nan Qing curled up on a dry place.

There was the sound of footsteps outside, but the footsteps were very faint. Once you heard them, you knew they were not Xuan Qing Yue Li.

But he's not a monster either.

Is it human?

Nan Qing frowned: "This barrier won't block anyone, right?"

"Don't block..." Er Er didn't expect that there would be anyone in this wilderness, and Xuan Qing Yue Li probably didn't expect either.

Nan Qing turned his big tail into legs, straightened his skirt, and was about to hide it, but he saw that the haystack was all messed up by him, making it impossible to hide anyone.

There were quite a few footsteps, and four or five men in coarse cloths hurried in to take shelter from the rain.

They all carried large knives, ropes, and animal traps. They looked like hunters in the mountains. They went into the mountains together to hunt. They would not go down the mountain without hunting knives. They came to this ruined temple to take shelter when it rained heavily.

Four hunters hurried in and were a little startled when they saw a young girl sitting on the haystack.

The sky was gloomy and it was raining heavily. In this sparsely populated mountain, this old temple was in dilapidated condition, but this girl was dressed in a gorgeous dress and was as beautiful as a spirit. Who wouldn't be shocked to see it?

But while I was shocked, I was also attracted by her beauty.

They rough people have never seen such a beautiful woman.

The lust was greater than the courage, and the fright just now disappeared from the girl's face.

"Why is there a girl here? Girl, are you alone?" someone asked.

All four people stared directly at her.

Nan Qing hated the look in their eyes. These people were simply looking for death.

Nan Qing stood up: "My husband is nearby."

She staggered a little, and she looked injured. This information made the four men even more excited.

"The girl looks young, so is she already married? She is so beautiful, what kind of husband does she need to be worthy of her?"

Orion had an accent, but his voice, eyes, and gestures couldn't hide his vulgarity.

Er Er couldn't stand it any longer. It felt disgusted and said, "Conjure your big snake tail and beat them to death."

"Can I kill someone?"

two two:"……"

No, if you kill someone, you won't be able to get together with Xuan Qing Yue Li. This is the bottom line.

Er Er said impatiently: "Scare them away."


Nan Qing did not conjure up the snake tail in a hurry, but took a few steps back. This move completely aroused their interest, and they no longer tried to hide it. They stepped forward and surrounded Nan Qing from all sides.

"Girl, it's our fate to be able to shelter from the rain in this ruined temple together. Why don't you play with us? Your husband is not here anyway."

"Yes, we will definitely make you feel comfortable."

"Don't think we are all rough people. Only rough people have strength. I'm afraid you have thin skin and tender flesh, hahahahaha."

They approached Nanqing little by little.

Nan Qing: "Do you want to die?"

"Little girl, don't talk about death all the time. We are just looking for happiness."

A man rushed up and grabbed the hem of Nan Qing's skirt. Just when he was about to touch her thigh, something suddenly flashed past. The man's chest hurt so much that his whole body flew out.

Before the other three people could react, they were also beaten away by the snake's tail.

They fell heavily to the ground and couldn't get up for a while. When they saw the black and red snake tail, their backs instantly felt cold and they looked at this scene in disbelief.

The beautiful young girl's lower body was covered with a huge black and red snake tail. She looked at them with a sneer: "I said you are seeking death, but you still don't believe me."


"Monster, it's a monster..."

They rolled up and climbed up, trying to run, but their legs were weak. There was the sound of a giant thing pressing on the ground behind them, and the snake's tail was slowly paddling toward them.

Just when they thought they were about to be buried in the demon's belly, there was a thunder in the sky, and a Taoist priest came running from outside: "Snake demon!"

Xuanqing Yueli heard the noise in the ruined temple, and there were people screaming every day, and he felt something was wrong. He rushed back and saw this scene.

If he had been a little later, would these four people have been eaten by her?

Nan Qing was very happy to see Xuan Qing Yue Li, but when she saw his expression, she knew that he had misunderstood.

"Taoist Priest Xuanqing."

Nan Qing slid the snake's tail forward, and the four men beside him screamed in fright.

Xuan Qing Yue Li frowned: "Becoming a human, don't you know how scary you are?"

Nan Qing's smile froze. She did not turn into a human obediently. Instead, she looked at her tail: "I already look like this. If you think it's scary, you don't have to look at it. It's up to you to see it."

Xuanqing Yueli felt her unhappiness, and suddenly realized that what he just said was a bit hurtful. He said, "I didn't mean it that way."

"Taoist Master Xuanqing, you may not know that although I look scary in the eyes of you humans, in the eyes of the snake monsters, I am a rare beauty." Nan Qing sneered, then transformed into a full human form, she turned around and sat down

On the haystack, too lazy to pay attention to them.

Is she angry?

Xuan Qing Yue Li suddenly didn't know what to do.

A man crawled up to Xuanqing Yueli, pulled him by the hem of his clothes and said, "Taoist Master, this is a snake demon. She just wanted to eat us, and she even injured us. You have to protect us. You

Is she a Taoist priest? You have two swords on your back, one of which is a wooden sword. Are you a demon hunter? You should catch her quickly and kill her, otherwise she will eat more people."

Xuanqing Yueli didn't like others tugging at his clothes, so he took out the hem of his clothes and looked at the girl sitting on the haystack in the distance.

Nan Qing turned his back to them and did not move.

"Taoist Priest, what are you waiting for? Kill her quickly."

"Yes, aren't you a Taoist priest who eliminates monsters? The monster is right in front of you now, why don't you take action?"

Xuanqing Yueli felt noisy when he heard it, but he felt that these people were not injured. Otherwise, how could they still have the strength to howl here?

"I'll fight her, why don't you leave quickly?" Xuan Qing Yue Li said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the four hunters left immediately. They were afraid of being affected and also afraid that the Taoist priest would not be able to defeat the snake demon. They had better run away quickly.

After the others ran away, Xuan Qing Yue Li began to carefully observe his surroundings.

When he set up the protective barrier, he actually forgot to consider that humans would come in.

Fortunately, this little snake is very well-behaved, otherwise she would be really evil and these four people wouldn't be enough for her to fill her teeth.

The little snake demon kept its back to him, keeping motionless and not saying a word for a long time. Xuan Qing Yue Li was a little unaccustomed to her being so quiet.

Xuanqing Yueli said: "Why did you start fighting with them?"

"Aren't you going to fight with me? The mortal is gone and no innocents will be harmed. Why don't you fight a harmful monster like me?" Nan Qing said coldly.

This chapter has been completed!
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