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Chapter 1177 Assassination

At that time, I just wanted her to leave Mozhu Pavilion quickly, and then I forgot about the kite.

According to the character of the Sixth Princess, if she had forgotten, she would probably be furious on the spot and yell at him like a cat with explosive hair.

Liao Yan: "The kite will be delivered to His Highness's palace tomorrow."

Nan Qing looked at him suspiciously. Although Liao Yan was scary, he was actually a very tolerant person as long as he didn't violate his bottom line.

It was just a dormant poisonous snake. It was cold and terrifying beside him. It seemed safe, but in fact, no one knew whether the poisonous snake would suddenly bite someone in the next second.

"Okay, I'm waiting for Governor Liao's kite."

He called him Governor Liao outside, and Liao Yan in his Mozhu Pavilion. She still gave him face.

Nan Qing put down the reins in his hands, with an obvious expression on his bright face.

Liao Yan glanced at the rope and said, "Let's take the horse and accompany the princess to see the Dongcheng Military Camp?"

Nan Qing was particularly satisfied: "Then there will be Governor Lao Liao."

Liao Yan reached out and took the horse's rope, leading the horse around the Dongcheng military camp, while Chen An followed from a distance.

Nan Qing was very proud. The autumn wind blew and the pendant on her forehead swayed slightly. She said, "Liao Yan, I heard that everyone in the palace is afraid of you. You are very powerful."

"Princess, don't listen to those whispers."

Liao Yan's voice is soft, but it's not unpleasant at all, it's even nice.

Nan Qing touched the horse's mane and said: "After several contacts, I feel that those words are not very different from yours."

"What kind of people does your Highness think our family is?"

"You look pretty good, but I don't like your eyes. I like your slave-like eyes."

Liao Yan chuckled and led the horse away without replying.

"Did you not make my kite?"

"Your Highness will see the kite tomorrow."

"Are you treating me like a three-year-old child? You must have forgotten the kite."

Not easy to fool anymore, Liao Yan raised his eyes: "Your Highness, you will see the kite tomorrow."

"I want to see it when I return to the palace. Governor Liao, please go back with me." She just wanted to expose him. She had obviously forgotten her kite and was still lying there.

Liao Yan's temperament was a bit unclear, but he didn't seem to be angry, so Nan Qing was relieved.

Chen An was frightened behind him. The governor's temperament was not very good, and the sixth princess kept making troubles. She really didn't want her life.

Liao Yan took the horse and took her around the military camp and returned to the racecourse.

The princes' riding and archery lessons were also over, and Nangong Yu came towards them on horseback.

When he saw Liao Yan leading Nangong Qing'er's horse, Nangong Yu was stunned for a moment, frowning slightly with a deep look on his face.

Nangong Yu came over on horseback, followed by a group of people.

Liao Yan raised his eyes, loosened the reins in his hands, and saluted Nangong Yu: "I have met His Highness, Your Highness, I wish you all the best."

As soon as Nangong Yu came, everyone around him knelt down, but Liao Yan had given the order personally from the emperor. He didn't need to kneel down to anyone, he just had to pay a simple salute.

He is the only one who does not kneel wherever he stands, which makes him look extremely special.

Nan Qing did not dismount, but called directly: "Brother Prince."

"Governor Liao is here too, here to inspect the military camp?"

Nangong Yu also met with the generals of Dongcheng Barracks just now, but he did not see Liao Yan. Liao Yan should have come later.

"Yes." Liao Yan said with lowered eyes.

Nangong Yu looked at him standing next to Nangong Qing'er, and he said: "Sixth sister, please go back to the palace with me."

Nan Qing's expression was subtle. She had never gone with Nangong Yu, let alone returned to the palace with him.

What does it mean when Nangong Yu suddenly invites her to return to the palace with him?

Nangong Yu just looked at Liao Yan grabbing the reins of her horse...

Er Er: "To put it in layman's terms, your brother doesn't want you to play with bad people and wants to take you home with him."

"Brother Prince, Qing'er has to go to the city to buy some rouge and gouache. They are all things that my daughter's family likes. I might not be able to return to the palace so soon. Qing'er better not waste too much of my brother's time." Nan Qing refused directly.

Nangong Yu pursed her thin lips tightly, and then said: "Well, go back to the palace early, don't forget the time of palace confinement."

In the spacious carriage, Nan Qing was eating milk cream. She opened the curtain at her hand and looked at Liao Yan who was riding outside.ъìQυGΕtV.℃ǒΜ

"Director Liao, if you can't hand over the kite later, what will you do?"

"What do you want, Your Highness?"

Liao Yan held the reins and rode on a tall black horse. The horse looked like a BMW at first glance, and Liao Yan's riding posture showed that he must be proficient in riding skills.

The jet black girdle was tightly tied around his waist, stretching out Liao Yan's figure. Although Liao Yan was an eunuch, his figure and face were definitely superior.

Nan Qing looked at his face and felt a little pity. It's a pity that he is an eunuch and a slave.

Liao Yan naturally noticed her look. He was all too familiar with this look, a look of condescension from a noble person, a look of disgust and disdain for him.

Many people used to look at him like this, and those people were almost dead.

"Of course I will punish you. You should be whipped for deceiving the Lord."

Nan Qing bites

She took a bite of the milk cake and it was so sweet. She was in a very good mood.

Liao Yan's horse was quite close to the carriage, and he could smell the milky smell with the wind, which should be the smell of the pastries in Nangong Qing'er's hand. He hated this sweet smell.

You can tell it's sweet as soon as you smell it.

A few days ago, Nangong Qing'er called the imperial doctor in the middle of the night and said it was an emergency. The next day, the entire palace knew that the sixth princess had a toothache and had broken her tooth after eating too many sweets.

From the corner of his eye, Liao Yan caught a glimpse of her eating with great interest. It didn't look like her tooth was broken.

As the carriage passed through the busy city, Nan Qing had no intention of buying rouge and gouache. He just tried to trick Nangong Yu.

When noble people go out, the common people will give way.

All the people on the street lowered their heads, and no one dared to look up at the noble man.

But they saw it from a distance. It was a royal carriage, and there were many eunuchs accompanying it.

If you want to say who is the most hated person in the world? It must be the eunuchs, and then the Nangong royal family who helps the evildoers do evil.


Suddenly a small sound came.

Liao Yan quickly raised his hand and grabbed an arrow feather!

But once there is one, there are countless flying arrows.

Maple! Countless wind-breaking sounds, arrows piercing the horses pulling the carriage, and piercing the carriage through the windows.

Nan Qing's forearm was grazed by the arrow, and he felt a sharp pain. Before he could react, he heard Liao Yan's serious voice outside the carriage: "Get down!"

Nan Qing quickly leaned over and hid himself under the couch.

But the horse was stabbed by an arrow and lost control. It pulled the carriage directly into the alley on the side. Debris piled up at the end of the alley. If the horse didn't stop, the carriage would directly hit the debris. She would be seriously injured even if she didn't die!

Liao Yan patted his horse and went straight to chase the carriage.

"There's an assassin!"

"Protect Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"The Overlord!"

With the noisy sound, the orderly streets were instantly in chaos, and the people screamed and fled in all directions.

The eunuch with the sword immediately drew his sword to stop the assassin.

Chen An: "On that roof! Go around to the back and stop them. You must not let an assassin escape!"

The carriage ran all the way down the narrow alley. The alley was so narrow that the carriage scraped against the wall and made a loud noise.

Jiao Jiao'er in the carriage had already turned pale with fright, clutching the step seat tightly and not daring to move: "Help, Liao Yan, Liao Yan..."

She shouted his name in fear.

Liao Yan patted the horse's back, flew forward, stepped on the roof of the carriage, turned over and entered through the window.

Liao Yan saw the shrinking little figure and stretched out his hand to pull her over: "Let's go."

"Liao Yan, I am afraid..."

She immediately threw herself into his arms, hugged him tightly, and buried herself in his chest.

Liao Yan didn't expect that she would hold on to him. He moved uncomfortably, and the carriage was about to hit the debris in front. There was no time, so he hugged the person in his arms and jumped out of the window quickly.


There was a loud noise, and the carriage hit the debris. Two of the horses pulling the carriage died, and one fell to the ground and struggled to stand up.

Nan Qing buried herself in his arms with her eyes closed, not daring to look up and trembling.

Liao Yan wanted to pull her away, but couldn't.

"Your Highness, everything is fine now. The guards stopped the assassins."

The man in his arms was trembling and didn't respond at all, as if he couldn't hear him at all.

Why did Liao Yan feel uncomfortable because he was so close to her, and his face became more and more gloomy.

Liao Yan directly used brute force to pull the person away.

"Ah, no, no, Liao Yan, I'm afraid... I'm... afraid." She closed her eyes and held on to his clothes.

All that proud look was gone, and he was just a frightened cat.

As expected, he was so well protected that he could be frightened by such an assassination.

"Your Highness, we are safe now. Someone is coming. Are you sure you want to keep hugging us like this?"

Would she like to be seen holding a eunuch?

Sure enough, her words worked. She slowly raised her head, her beautiful eyes glowing red. Liao Yan lowered his head and looked at the skirt of her chest, which was a little water-stained. Sure enough, she had cried in his arms.

She stood up straight with a bad look on her face, but she didn't dare to take a step away from him and stood close to him.

There were sounds of fighting and killing outside the alley.

The entrance to the alley and the rooftops on both sides are guarded by eunuchs with knives, making it very safe.

Nan Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw such a scene, and asked in a low voice: "Are these assassins trying to kill me?"


It's him.

These assassins wanted to kill him, and Liao Yan was used to this kind of assassination.

Liao Yan felt a little happy when he saw her whole body wilted and downcast.

The most pampered little princess? Jiaojiao is so well-protected. She has never encountered anything like this. This is the first time.

This body was really frightened. Nan Qing's head was buzzing and she felt uncomfortable. She didn't hear clearly what Liao Yan said to Chen An.

A new carriage arrived, Liao Yan raised his hand slightly: "Your Highness."

Nan Qing was still a little confused, so she put her hand on Liao Yan's arm and let him help her get into the carriage.

But after she went up, she didn't sit down alone. Instead, she pulled Liao Yan's sleeve and said, "You come up too..."

Liao Yan had a deep look on his face, opened the curtain and sat on it.

The carriage moved slowly towards the palace. The two people in the carriage were very quiet. She didn't say a word all the way.

When she returned to the palace, she also forgot about the kite.

The carriage stopped by the palace road, and someone came to pick up Nangong Qing'er.

Liao Yan raised his forearm and asked her to ride on his carriage.

Mammy was a little afraid of Liao Yan, so she dodged her eyes when she came forward. But when she saw Nan Qing, she immediately covered her with a cloak, helped her up the steps, and said distressedly: "Your Highness must be frightened."

"Mommy." A crying voice.

"Oh, Your Highness, don't cry." Auntie found blood on her sleeve, "Your Highness is injured!"

Liao Yan watched them go away.

Mozhu Pavilion.

As soon as Liao Yan came back, the young eunuch immediately brought a kite: "Master, this is..."

Liao Yan interrupted him: "Leave it alone."


Liao Yan glanced at the kite and the cat with wings, which looked ugly. She didn't know how she could like such an unlikeable thing.

I was so frightened today that it will probably take me a few days to think about the kite.

Anyway, the kite was found and she could give it to her if she wanted it.

Nangong Qing'er developed a high fever that night, accompanied by toothache, and the entire hospital was called in.

The palace was brightly lit, and the imperial concubine did not sleep a wink all night.

In the morning of the next day, someone mentioned the assassination of the Sixth Princess, and the emperor was furious.

"Liao Yan, I leave this matter to you. Find out who is so bold as to assassinate the princess in the imperial city and find out who is behind it," the emperor said.

Standing at the bottom, Liao Yan, wearing court uniform, bowed his head and accepted the order: "Yes."

After retiring from the imperial court, Liao Yan followed the emperor to the imperial study. Although he had already been a eunuch writing eunuchs, he would also go in and out of the imperial study to serve the emperor.

The emperor looked at Liao Yan and said, "Liao Yan, you saved the enemy yesterday. What reward do you want?"

His slender white fingers held the ink stick and slowly circled it, and his other hand used a small spoon to drip a little water on the stone inkstone.

"This is what your subordinates should do. Your Majesty does not need to reward you."

The emperor laughed: "Okay, Liao Yan, it's better for you to make me worry-free."

Liao Yan left the imperial study room after finishing grinding.

As soon as he left, the emperor felt much more relaxed.

Although Liao Yan still served him and handled matters carefully as before, the emperor clearly felt his ambition.

Now Liao Yan's hands and eyes are all-powerful, many ministers have turned to him, and even he, the emperor, wants to give him face.

The more the emperor thought about it, the worse his face became, and finally he sighed heavily.

This was all caused by his heavy use of eunuchs.

Liao Yan, whom he personally trained, is now extremely afraid of him.

After the emperor finished processing the memorial, he immediately went to visit his beloved daughter.

Nanqing's toothache made him want to cry, and the tearful look in his eyes made the emperor very distressed.

"What is the use of raising you people? If the princess is in such pain, don't you have any other option?" The emperor was furious.

"Your Majesty, forgive me."

"Your Majesty, forgive me."

A group of imperial doctors were kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

"I can only say sorry, I want you to cure the princess!" The emperor directly smashed the cup on the side.

The cup broke with a bang.

Nan Qing's arm was wrapped with white gauze. It was injured yesterday when she was stabbed. Now her hand no longer hurts, but her teeth hurt. She covered her face and said, "Father, don't get angry and hurt yourself because of your son."

, my son is fine."

"I've been hurting all night and it still can't stop. Is this okay?" the emperor said.


Suisui: Everyone, please pay attention to protection and go to bed early.

Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, knock on my little broken bowl and ask for a gift! No kicking, no stealing, no robbing!

Bobo, good night~

This chapter has been completed!
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