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Chapter 120 Entering the Second Dimension 2

There really is such a beautiful child in the world, because this child is right in front of her.

Er Er sat aside a little: "Fortunately, I bought a reclining chair, which can accommodate two people. No one has come into my space for hundreds of millions of years, so the furniture I buy is all single-person and only has this chair."

Er Er moved his buttocks and sat a little to the side to make room for Nan Qing. This little move made Nan Qing very cute.

Such a beautiful little baby, but she talks a little coldly, which is so special.

Nan Qing walked over and sat down unceremoniously. At this moment, she also noticed the transparent light screen monitor floating in the air, which was playing the outside scene. At this moment, her body was unconscious.

"Er Er, how big is your space?"

"As you can see, it's boundless." Er Er crossed his legs habitually.

To be honest, it really doesn’t look good to have such short calves with cross-legged legs crossed, but because Er Er is so cute, any action he makes will be cute.

Er Er is a little unaccustomed to having other people in the space. This is the first time it has allowed a host to enter its own space.

It has signed contracts with countless hosts in the past, but it has never let any host in. Maybe Nanqing is more to its liking. It usually talks to her about some systematic things unconsciously, and even invited her to come to the space just now.

It’s not bad. It feels good to have one more person in the space.

With a wave of his hands, a light screen floating in the air immediately appeared in front of the two people: "This is my usual console. There is a lot of data in it, and the points are also stored in it. These are my points, not too much."

If you have many friends, you should be ordinary."

Er Er generously showed his points to Nan Qing.

Nan Qing took a look, and all she saw was a series of countless zeros at the back...

"Can this be called ordinary? There are so many zeros." The corner of Nan Qing's mouth twitched.

Er Er glanced at it: "Not much, very ordinary, but the system must be stingy in order to save more points. I am not a stingy type."

Nan Qing silently counted the zeros on the light screen. Er Er noticed that his hand swept to the next page: "Stop counting. After counting the zeros on this page, there will be several pages after it."


Erer is a little helpless, it's really not that rich.

It has a friend named Seise. Seise is a very stingy system. It is reluctant to use points to buy things. It will definitely not open cheats for the host. It will definitely not buy clothes. It will definitely run naked for hundreds of millions of years.

I hope Sexy will not invite the host to its space, otherwise the host will take notice.

Nan Qing came to Er Er's space for the first time. Er Er enthusiastically showed her many operations on the light screen. It was okay to show it to the host. It was not a secret anyway, and this console could only be controlled by it.

This light screen can be regarded as a clone of the system and a part of the system.

Nan Qing and Er Er were chatting and felt that the system seemed quite lonely.

"Has no one entered your space for hundreds of millions of years? Have you always stayed here alone?"

"Yeah." Er Er is used to it, so it doesn't think anything of it: "Don't look at me with pity, I think it's okay. This is the fate of the system, and I'm not bored. If I'm unhappy, I can use points to buy something.

Something, I can also chat with the host."

"Er Er, do you have many friends?"

"Not many, just a few. We are produced by the same production system, so we knew each other when we were young, but we have been separated for hundreds of millions of years now."

One person and one system chatting.

Nan Qing suddenly discovered that Er Er's friends were also very lively.

There is a system with a sinister character, a system that is gentle and calm, a system that likes to read pornographic books, and a system that...

"Er Er, can you get some space?"

"I can, but I don't want to go out. It's so dirty outside."


Nan Qing looked at the spotless space. Could it be that his own system still has mysophobia?


The author has something to say:

The connecting content of the series of articles should be understandable to old readers, and new readers can also read it alone. It does not need to be understood. The main purpose here is to let everyone understand Er Er better~

This chapter has been completed!
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