Turn off the lights
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Chapter 1204

Nan Qing finally took off the several kilograms of jewelry on her head, took off her clothes, and immediately felt comfortable in her undergarments.

It was extremely cold tonight, and there was a strong wind, which made the windows rattle.

Some more charcoal was added to the fire in the hall, and Nanny handed Mrs. Tang to Nan Qing.

Nan Qing reached out with one hand to take it and cover it, while Qing Shang was holding the other hand to apply the medicine.

The obvious finger marks on his wrists were all blue.

They noticed it when they were taking off their clothes, but neither Nanny nor Qing Shang asked any questions.

After thinking about it, I know when it was injured. The only time His Highness left their eyes today was during the night banquet. He said that he wanted to go alone and did not want them to follow him.

Qing Shang took the medicine and said, "Your Highness, be careful about this when you rest. Don't stress it."

"Well..." Nan Qing's eyelids dropped. She had been pulled up to dress up early today, and there was a hairpin gift, and a night banquet, and she was also frightened by Liao Yan. She was very tired now.

Grandma helped her to sleep on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

The lights in the inner hall were all blown out, but the lights in the outer hall were left, and there was a maid keeping watch.

After leaving the palace, Qing Shang said anxiously: "Who dares to hurt His Highness, only uh uh..."

Auntie covered her mouth: "Qingshang, don't say anything."

Qingshang nodded.

Mammy let go of her hand and didn't say much. She just sighed heavily: "Qingshang, you should rest early. If the marks on His Highness's hands are not gone tomorrow, go to the Imperial Hospital and ask the Imperial Doctor to prescribe some medicine."



It's quiet at night.

The little princess on the bed was sleeping soundly, and she didn't even know that someone had come in through the window.

However, people outside heard the commotion, and the night watch maid walked in and took a look. When she saw who it was, she immediately lowered her head and walked out.

She is Liao Yan's spy here.

Liao Yan was wearing silver-white clothes, and her long hair was tied up with a hair tie. He walked to the bed and sat down, reached out and lifted the quilt, and carefully took out her injured hand.

Liao Yan took out a medicine bottle from his arms, uncorked it, poured the medicine on her wrist, and then gently kneaded it to help the medicine seep in.

It was probably because the pinching hurt her, because she hummed a few times when she fell asleep.

The sleepy and soft voice made Liao Yan want to hear it a few more times, but he was afraid of completely waking her up.

"I should give you some medicine..." he said in a deep voice.

After finishing the medicine, Liao Yan put the medicine bottle on the table, took off his boots and climbed into bed.

Liao Yan carefully held her in his arms, pinched her wrist with one hand, and was careful not to press her.

"Why is it so soft and tender? It hurts when you touch it."

Could it be that if he touched her a little harder, there would be marks all over her body.

Liao Yan thought again of that night at Zhuangzi, and the thin and tender skin under her lips.

She was sleeping soundly, and this concept made Liao Yan eager to move.

Finally, Liao Yan couldn't hold back and untied her clothes with his slender fingers.

Little by little kisses, lips lightly touching the skin, and sometimes I couldn't help but bite it.

No traces can be left, no traces can be left...

Liao Yan told himself the last bit of reason.

It turned out that even without that thing, he could feel happy. Whenever he touched her, his heart would beat wildly.


Nan Qing felt uncomfortable and hot all over, but she was too sleepy and tired to open her eyes, so she didn't sleep well that night.

Nan Qing heard the noise outside at dawn. She didn't want to get up. It was cold. It was so cold. Was the charcoal fire extinguished?


Someone pushed the door open and came in. It was Qingshang.

"Your Highness, it snowed in the middle of the night last night, and now the jade path in the courtyard is covered with snow." Qing Shang said happily.

The first snowfall every year makes people happy.

The original owner liked to play in the snow, so he was naturally happy to hear the news, but Nan Qing was so happy that he asked doubtfully: "It's not winter yet, why did it snow so early?"

Qingshang: "Yes, this year is also strange. The snow fell too early, and it is also extremely cold. Your Highness needs to wear more clothes today, so you don't get cold."

22: "The plot point begins, a once-in-a-hundred-year snow disaster."


While Nan Qing was getting dressed, he suddenly remembered something: "Qingshang, where are those little fat fishes in my palace? They won't freeze to death, right?"

Qingshang: "No, it snowed last night, so my slave asked people to fish out all the koi from the pond. Now they are raising them in a bathtub in the house."

"Yeah, but what's the point of keeping it in a bathtub... Bring in hot spring water and mix it with stream water. The pond can't freeze anyway. If you're sure it's OK, just ask the little fat fish to pour it back in."

"Okay, I'll go give you the instructions this time."

Now that it's snowing, Nan Qing went to build a snowman and find a personality to earn some points.

I took several little maids to build a snowman in the place with the thickest snow.

Other princesses and princes also came. The six- or seven-year-old children were dressed like dolls and were thick and thick. Nan Qing thought they were cute and pinched them several times.

There were piles of snowmen, and someone started throwing snowballs, which triggered a fight. A group of people started to fight in the snow, laughing and laughing.

Two people were walking in the distance.

Nan Qing recognized Liao Yan and Chen An at a glance.

Nan Qing was holding two snowballs in her hands. Her hands were already red and numb from the cold. She deliberately pointed them in their direction.

A group of people were fighting and fighting. Nan Qing raised his hand and threw the snow in his hand at Liao Yan and Chen An.

Chen An picked up the knife at his waist, and without moving back the handle, he raised his hand and swatted away the two flying snowballs.

Chen An was still a little angry and wanted to see who was so bold as to attack the governor, but he saw the proud Sixth Princess.

Chen An: "..."

Forget it, that's the sixth princess.

Yes, that was the snowball thrown by the Sixth Princess. Out of some intuition, Chen An turned back and glanced at his master.

Sure enough, he found that his master was looking at him with an evil look.

Chen An regretted it. He shouldn't have raised the knife to hit the snowball just now...

Nan Qing lost Liao Yan. The seventh princess Nangong Yin was shocked when she saw Liao Yan. Others gradually stopped the farce when they saw Liao Yan.

Nan Qing took advantage of this opportunity to grab a few balls of snow and hit the person who had just hit him hard.

"Ah!" Nangong Yin's face was smashed, and there was snow in her eyes.

Nan Qing waved his hands: "It's so cold."

Qingshang quickly handed Mrs. Tang to her and covered the back of her hands, "Your Highness, your hands are red from the cold. It's too cold. Let's go back to the palace."

If the nanny didn't come, no one would be able to control the princess.

Nan Qing also felt cold and flustered. Thinking that her body was not very good, she said: "Go back."

Liao Yan and Chen An had left early. Looking in that direction, they must have left the palace.

Nan Qing earned points by building a snowman today, but also paid a price.

It was very hot that night and the wind was chilly!

This chapter has been completed!
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