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Chapter 1352

A security guard saw that Jiang Shenlan did not dare to follow openly, so he took a detour and quietly followed An Xiaochan from a distance.

Nan Qing was strolling down the street, wearing a mask and lowering her head slightly. The original owner always hid her face when going out.

Er Er's cold voice said: "He's following."

Sure enough, he still followed me, and his behavior began to become abnormal.

But when he was in front of her just now, he would pretend to have a sense of boundaries to make her less afraid.

Now he is following quietly.

Jiang Shenlan has been following behind. From such a distance, normal people would not be able to detect his following.

Nan Qing noticed it but pretended not to notice it and went straight to the supermarket.

Since Anci came back, Auntie only came here to clean the house. Now Anci cooks at home.

Originally, the mother and daughter planned to go out to buy groceries together, but they were worried that they would be photographed secretly.

An Ci would definitely be mobbed if she went out to buy groceries alone, so the task of buying groceries was handed over to An Xiaochan.

Nan Qing entered the supermarket and pushed her shopping cart to buy things.

The pillars in the supermarket are reflectors. From some angles, Nan Qing can see Jiang Shenlan.

Nan Qing commented in his mind: "This leg is not lame at all. It walks quite flexibly and seems to be able to trot."

Er Er: "The recovery is very good."

He has recovered better than the doctor originally expected. It seems that Jiang Shenlan has worked hard on it.

"Has he grown taller again?"

We haven't seen each other for a while, but Nan Qing always felt that Jiang Shenlan seemed taller than he remembered when we were standing together.

Er Er was speechless: "Have you ever seen people in their twenties who are still growing taller?"

"I've seen it before."


"Third brother."


Jiang Shenlan has not grown taller, but his legs have improved. He has grown straighter than before. He does not need to carefully support things to walk, nor does he need to be hunched over his back.

Seeing that he was healthy, Nan Qing was very happy.

Nan Qing chose a lot of fresh vegetables, a few pieces of beef, and then picked fruits. Before leaving, he didn't forget to grab a few cans of fruit beer for himself.

Every weekend is her time to stock up.

Since An Ci came back, she no longer dared to blatantly take alcohol with high alcohol content.

Jiang Shenlan carefully wrote down her things. He knew how to cook and would cook these dishes for her if he had the opportunity in the future.

Although this opportunity may be a bit slim, he will work hard to fight for it.

Nan Qing left the supermarket carrying several large bags. The bags were very heavy and she walked slowly.

Jiang Shenlan frowned and watched this scene. He took a long detour and went directly to the intersection where she had to go home and waited.

A few minutes later.

Nan Qing looked up and saw Jiang Shenlan in the distance. Jiang Shenlan was standing there looking at her, obviously waiting for her.

Nan Qing stood there for a while, then walked over with his head lowered and carrying his things, intending to just walk in front of him in silence.

But Jiang Shenlan stopped her and said, "Let me lift it for you, your palms are all red."

"Need not."

"萳萳, I'm going to the airport in an hour, so I'll help you carry your things." Jiang Shenlan said warmly.

This bag is really heavy, it would be a fool not to take advantage of someone else.

And with Jiang Shenlan's attitude, it felt like even if she didn't give it to him, he would grab it.

Jiang Shenlan observed her expression and felt her looseness. He smiled and reached out to take the bag in her.

"Why did you buy so many things? It's quite heavy. You should have an aunt at home. Next time you go out with your aunt, you can carry less. Besides, it's safer if you have an aunt around, in case you meet fans or bad guys.

There is someone to help you."

Nan Qing walked in front, and Jiang Shenlan followed her.

When she heard what he said, she became angry. Nan Qing muttered: "I regret not taking my aunt with me today because I met a bad person like you."

Her voice was relatively soft, but Jiang Shenlan still heard everything.

Being called a bad person by her was not a good thing, but Jiang Shenlan felt a strange sense of relief in her heart.

He even answered happily: "Yes, I am a bad person, very bad, but I will not hurt you."

Nan Qing: "..."

Jiang Shenlan thought she was cute when she saw her sulking.

He really misses her.

The distance between the supermarket and the community is not very far, so Jiang Shenlan took the time to talk to her.

"萳萳, your pot of roses has bloomed again. It is estimated that they will bloom next week. I placed a camera next to the rose to record the moment it blooms."

Nan Qing didn't answer.

"I'll send you a video of it blooming then, okay? Don't you like roses? The new flowers are big and they will be very beautiful when you drive."

Nan Qing raised his head: "I didn't delete your friend, what do you mean by that?"

Jiang Shenlan's eyes moved slightly: "I just thought of sending you the flower video. I know you didn't delete me. I'm very happy that you didn't delete me."

Er Er said quietly: "You have deleted that stupid online dating boyfriend for 800 years. Jiang Shenlan is treated well by you, tsk."

As soon as the online boyfriend contacted her, Nan Qing deleted him the next day.

This chapter has been completed!
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