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Chapter 1359 A group of lunatics are besieging her

This group of lunatics are showing off their achievements on Weibo while still looking for people everywhere.

Nan Qing hid and took a breath before calling An Ci.

She said to An Ci in a normal voice: "Mom, don't come over to Anming Road. There are bastards staying here. I'm going home now. Let's order takeout and eat at home tonight."

Her voice was so calm that it was impossible to tell that she was being chased.

An Ci was a little worried and asked: "Baby, have you seen those people?"

"Well, I just saw those people from a distance. They were the same people in the parking lot last time. Mom, let's go home and eat tonight."

Of course, if you have an illegitimate child, you have to go home. An Ci quickly agreed, and at the same time, she said uneasily: "Baby, be careful, take a taxi home, and pay attention to safety."


There are no street lights in the surrounding alleys, and it's pitch black. Only the residential buildings above our heads have lights. It's actually quite scary here.

It's a bit difficult to take a taxi home. There's too much traffic on the road here, and even if you take a taxi, you probably won't be able to get in.

When hailing taxis on the road, during this rush hour, almost every car has a passenger.

She had to rely on her legs to get out of this area, and she had to be careful about encountering those illegitimate students just now.

Neither Nan Qing nor An Ci knew what these people were showing off on Weibo.

However, because they posted a photo of the baby, although the baby was wearing a mask, his eyes were exposed.

There have been no photos on the Internet that reveal the baby's facial features for more than ten years. This time, a pair of eyes can slowly stir up a big stir.

These people's Weibos are followed by many people who are also illegitimate, and also followed by some fans.

The bastards are partying under this photo.

[It turns out that the baby looks like this, and his eyes look like his mother’s. Anci gave birth to a little version of himself.],

[It’s so beautiful, why doesn’t it have a full face? Doesn’t the baby cooperate with taking pictures? 】

[I heard that I just ran away, haha, I really don’t understand any manners.]

[She can’t run away, hehe, thank you sister for revealing the address, I’m already on Anming Road.]

Fans also noticed the bastard's Weibo, and they were extremely angry when they saw the horrible stench below.

【You crazy people!】

[I advise you not to act recklessly. Baobao is just an amateur. Why are you doing this? I'm calling the police!]

[Sister An has just finished work. The baby will appear on Anming Road. She must be waiting for her mother to eat. Oh my god, where is she alone? Her address was exposed. There are so many perverts blocking her, and her mother is not here. I

She is about to cry. Who can help her?】

[My home is on Anming Road. The baby can come to my house to hide, but how do I contact her? 】

【I have already called the police.】

Nan Qing didn't turn on her phone. She walked calmly in the alley, following the path of Bagua.

She doesn't know yet that many illegitimate perverts are coming here, and there are even media, like a big hunt.

Jiang Shenlan had been lurking in Anci's fan group, and when the group member urgently explained the matter to the administrator, he happened to see it.

The group leader tweeted everyone and told everyone that she had told An Ci's assistant about the matter and that the matter should be resolved soon.

Jiang Shenlan read the announcement, then went to Weibo and saw the comments on the illegitimate Weibo post.

The man's face was gloomy, and his dark eyes were filled with anger. He was angry and worried.

Send a message to An Xiaochan as soon as possible.

'萳萳, the bastard posted the photo of you wearing a mask on the Internet, as well as the address. Now many people are looking for you in the past, but don't be afraid, find a place to hide, I have friends nearby, I will let you

He's going to pick you up.'

After sending the message, Jiang Shenlan went to the balcony to make a phone call.

The headquarters of team fl is in city a, and it happens to be on Anming Road. He called the captain of team fl and asked him to help pick him up. He asked him to go out first and send him the address later.

Jiang Shenlan also talked about An Xiaochan's physical characteristics and what she was wearing today. If he didn't give her a specific address later, FL's captain would look around for girls with the characteristics he mentioned.

In the alley of City A, Nan Qing saw Jiang Shenlan's message, but she was currently taking a call from An Ci, so she didn't reply.

"Baby, why didn't you tell me just now that those people were chasing you and taking pictures? Are you scared now? Don't be scared. Mom will be here soon." An Ci was worried to death.

She knew very well what was going on with her daughter. She had hugged and covered her face since she was a child, and had been blocked and frightened by illegitimate children and the unscrupulous media.

So An Xiaoping has actually been afraid of these things since she was a child. She doesn't even like to go out very much and is always cautious when going out.

Although it didn't affect my life very much, it did cause some psychological problems.

Now whenever she thinks of her daughter being found by a group of lunatics and facing this fearfully alone, Anci feels distressed and regrets why she came here for dinner today.

There are also problems with the address being exposed, but Anci doesn't have time to find out who leaked it now.

She just wants to see her daughter now.

An Ci comforted Nan Qing, but in fact Nan Qing was always calm, but her voice was trembling and worried.

Nan Qing didn't want her to worry so much, so he said: "Mom, I have a friend nearby, and he is coming to find me. I am in an alley, and those people can't find me. I'm fine. Don't worry, I won't either."

Scared, Mom, when I grow up, I really won’t be scared anymore.”

There was no fear in the soft voice, only calmness, and even heart-warming comfort to An Ci.

An Ci's eyes instantly became hot, and she felt very sad at the same time. She actually didn't need her daughter to grow up.

But it is true that my daughter is older and will not be frightened by such things, which is a good thing.

But she is still angry, she will not spare those people, she will definitely prosecute them.

It's all because of her job that her daughter has endured this since she was a child...

"Mom, don't think nonsense. We are not at fault. It is those people who are at fault. They broke the law today."

Nan Qing knew what An Ci was thinking without saying a word, so she said this.

An Ci couldn't help laughing when she heard it, and then said: "Well, baby, send me a message when you see your friends."


The phone hangs up.

Jiang Shenlan's call came in.

An Xiaojuan never responded to the message. In his mind, he always imagined that she was blocked by others. A group of people surrounded her and took away her mobile phone. They even pulled down her mask and forced her to take pictures.

During the few minutes of waiting for a reply, countless possibilities flashed through Jiang Shenlan's mind.

At the same time, he opened Weibo many times to see if those crazy people had posted anything new.

Jiang Shenlan tried to call.

Nan Qing pressed the answer button, and a man's anxious voice immediately came from the other side: "萳萳, where are you? Is it safe now?"

This chapter has been completed!
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