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Chapter 1379 World 24: Supernatural: Demon Puppeteer vs Horror Doll

22: "Enter the new world."

As Er Er's childish voice slowly disappeared, Nan Qing fell into darkness.

Every time I change the world, I will face this kind of experience, and so far Nanqing has not adapted to it.

In a foggy mountain forest, there is a huge wooden house at the foot of a small slope.

A man in a black robe came back from outside, with an air of coldness and death all over his body.

Pushing the door and entering the wooden house, there was the sound of jingling bells, and the windowsills of the house were filled with dolls with missing arms and legs.

Each doll is missing a body part, either hands or feet, or a piece of its head is missing, or its eyeballs hang on its face, or its entire face is covered in scars.

There was still dried red liquid in the missing area. I knew it might be red paint, but I always thought it was blood.

The man took off his robe. He was wearing a black Western European medieval style shirt, with rubies on the buttons on the collar and lace on the sleeves.

With broad shoulders and a narrow waist, the man raised his head. He had long hair and three-dimensional and soft facial features, but his eyes were as calm and terrifying as those of a dead person.

Parosay hung up his robe, got up, walked into the house, and opened the basement door.

In the dark, gloomy and cold basement, Palosi went down with an orange oil lamp, and the weak light illuminated the entire basement in a blur.

There are many arms and severed limbs hanging on the walls, which look like they were chopped off from real people. Any coward who enters this place will probably be scared to death.

Parosai's face was expressionless, with his long black hair hanging loose. The warm light of the oil lamp shone on his face, which gave him a slight sense of blood.

As he walked closer, Parosai's eyes gradually became focused, and his eyes showed joy.

His arm raised the oil lamp, and there was a 'person' hanging on the empty table in the basement.

To be precise, it is a doll, the kind where all the joints in the body can move, fully human-like proportions, naked, pale, delicate and beautiful blond doll.

"My most satisfying work, Lilith, you will wake up soon."

Parosay reached out and touched her face, touching every inch of her body.

This is the most satisfying work he has ever created.

At the exit of Country D International Airport, a tall white man stood at the exit holding a Chinese sign. He kept looking at the passers-by.

Many people came out, and Peter's eyes were always looking for the guests he wanted to pick up.

Suddenly he saw three young people, both in number and gender.

Two men and one woman walked out pushing their luggage. One man and one woman were still laughing and joking, while the other tall boy followed quietly.

Peter immediately shook the sign in his hand: "Here! Hello? Hello?"

His Chinese language has a strong accent.

A tall and quiet boy wearing a black jacket, he heard the sound here first and looked up.

Peter quickly waved the sign in his hand.

Three Chinese names were clearly written on the sign: Cheng Leyao, Xu Mingrui and Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu reminded the two young lovers beside him: "I saw our tour guide."

Cheng Leyao held the hand of her boyfriend Xu Mingrui. The two were sweet. They were planning to take a photo at the exit. When they heard Jiang Yu's words, Xu Mingrui immediately asked: "Where? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"


Cheng Leyao smiled and patted Xu Mingrui's head: "Look, that man, our tour guide is so young and quite handsome."

Xu Mingrui: "Am I as handsome as I am?"

"No, no, you are the most handsome." Cheng Leyao also kissed Xu Mingrui on the face.

A trace of disgust flashed in Jiang Xian's eyes, and he walked towards Peter alone.


Peter immediately greeted happily: "Hello, hello, my name is Peter, and I am your tour guide. Are you three this and this?"

He asked, pointing to the three names on the sign.

Jiang Xie: "Yeah."

Jiang Yu was wearing a black jacket and a mask on her face. She obviously didn't talk much and didn't seem to be an easy person to get along with.

The couple at that time came all the way and greeted each other very warmly.

"Tour guide, you look so young. Have you ever led a team?"

Peter was a little embarrassed and said: "I have taken many Chinese tourists, but this is my first time to go to the Island of the Dolls. However, I have been there with other guides before, and it is basically no problem. If you mind, I can help you find other guides."

A familiar guide, but I’m afraid it’s not easy to find…”

Jiang Xuan frowned: "You haven't brought any guests there before?"

Peter: "No, I'm just an ordinary tour guide. I already said that in the email, didn't you see?"

Jiang Xuan looked at Xu Mingrui and Cheng Leyao.

Cheng Leyao pouted and said nothing, hiding behind her boyfriend.

Xu Mingrui said embarrassedly: "I saw it, but it's okay. He is also from D country, the same."

It is difficult to find a new guide now, and they plan to go to the Island of the Dolls tonight.

Peter: "Now that we are all here, should we eat first or set off? First of all, let me say that Doll Island is really remote. It takes more than ten hours to drive there. I suggest you have a good meal before leaving."

Although Peter spoke with a strong accent, he had taken Chinese tourists before, so he had no problem communicating, and the three of them could understand him.

Cheng Leyao: "Let's eat first. I'm almost hungry. The food on the long-distance flight is really terrible. Hey, it would be better if I could stay one night before going. I'm so tired now."

Jiang Wei: "Our plan is to go to the Island of the Dolls tonight."

Cheng Leyao: "But we are traveling, so we just want to relax."

Xu Mingrui: "Okay, okay, let's go eat first. I heard that the D-country style barbecue is very delicious. Eat until you are full before setting off. Yaoyao, I will take pictures for you later."

"Okay." Cheng Leyao was immediately coaxed.

Peter took the three of them to a famous local barbecue restaurant, had a meal, and then went to the car rental company to pick up the car and set off.

Peter is both a guide and a driver. He has been introducing the customs and customs of country D to the three people.

Peter also started talking about the destination they wanted to go to.

"Do you really want to go? That place is very weird and many tourists would not want to go there. Why would you want to go?"

Cheng Leyao: "Because of curiosity, of course I want to go to the top ten most terrifying places in the world."

Jiang Xuan sat in the passenger seat with her arms folded and said nothing.

From the time they set out, the weather suddenly turned gloomy. The entire journey was covered with dark clouds, and it felt like there would be strong winds and heavy rain at any time.

Peter: "Then let me introduce you to the Island of the Dolls. Maybe you have heard about it before."

"Well, you say."

Peter: "The Island of the Dolls was just an ordinary island at first, but a girl drowned in the river. The farmer by the river saw her, but he couldn't save her. The farmer could hear the girl's cry every night.

Even residents on other small islands can hear that the farmer is fishing in the river and often catches dolls. He thinks this is what the little girl is hinting at."

"The farmers placed dolls all over the river, and the residents on the island also hung dolls on the trees by the river, in this way to pay homage to the soul of the little girl who comforted her."

"It has been more than seventy years since this incident happened. The residents on the island have either moved away or died. Now it is an empty island."

"But there are many people who go there. There is a rule when you go there, which is to buy a doll and hang it on the tree. If you don't buy it, the little girl will be angry. She will follow you back and lie on your belly in the middle of the night.

Ask for the doll."

Peter's voice became deeper and slower.

The atmosphere in the car gradually became uncomfortable.

Obviously this was something they had known about for a long time, but now when they heard Peter say it, they all felt a little weird and a little scary.

Cheng Leyao hugged Xu Mingrui: "I'm a little scared..."

Xu Mingrui smiled brightly: "It's okay, it's all rumors. Rumors just get more and more mysterious as they spread. If you're not afraid, it's okay."

Peter also laughed instantly: "It didn't scare you. There are different opinions on the Internet from all over the world. In fact, many people visit the Island of the Dolls every year. I also visited the Island of the Dolls when I was a child. In fact, it is not as scary as the legend says.


Jiang Qi suddenly said: "I heard that many people commit suicide there, and dead embryos from abortions are buried there. Many children go missing in country D every year, and the police have found the remains of many missing children there."

Peter's expression changed: "This... there is such a thing, but it is also exaggerated."

Cheng Leyao: "Can I stop and take pictures? I want to take pictures of the street sign in front."

Peter immediately smiled and said: "No problem, I also brought a drone. I can help you take pictures if you need it."

Peter pulled over and the three of them got out. Only Jiang Yu sat in the car.

He took out some photos from his backpack.

The black river is lined with trees, but the trees are all dead. The branches are covered with vines. There are dolls hanging on every tree. The clothes on the dolls are dirty and torn, and many of the dolls are missing arms.

With so few legs, the whole photo has a lifeless and weird atmosphere.

Nan Qing's body was so weak that she couldn't move a finger, couldn't open her eyes, and couldn't speak at all.

She felt as if she was lifeless, unable to move, speak, or see anything.

Her hearing and touch were also muddy.

There was always a quiet tapping sound in her ears, and there seemed to be a man's voice talking, but she couldn't hear what he was saying clearly.

Sometimes she always felt like there were ants crawling on her body. Later, she gradually felt that they were hands, and these hands were touching her body.

Sometimes he held her arms and lifted her up, sometimes he pulled her legs and made many extreme arc movements. These were definitely not actions that a living person could complete.

Nan Qing: "Two two."

Er Er has finished watching the story of the whole world and said: "This is a CP-free channel, which means there is no love, only the protagonist and supporting characters."

There are male and female protagonists, but the male and female protagonists do not fall in love, so there is no original plot story with no main line or cp.

22: "The male protagonist in this world is named Jiang Wei. He is a college student. This time he traveled to country D. He and his roommate, his roommate's girlfriend, and a young tour guide from country D formed a team."

"By the way, I want to tell you, this is a world with a supernatural background, and many non-human things will happen~"

Nan Qing is not afraid of non-human beings at all. Her focus is: "Am I not a human being?"

She felt that her legs were being pressed into a straight line, a pair of hands was folding her waist, and something was hooking and pulling in her stomach.

If this were a living person, if his spine could be bent like this and his intestines were pulled back and forth, he would have died many times over.

"Well, you are not a human, but you are not a ghost either. You are a doll, a very beautiful doll."

If Er Er can be called very beautiful, then it must be very beautiful.

Er Er continued: "The protagonist's team of four came to the Island of the Dolls to explore, and almost died there, and the person who killed them was the villain Puppet Master Paro Sai."

"Palosai is a member of an ancient witch family. He can drive the undead. He loves lifeless places the most. He also loves corpses and human bones, because these are the best materials for making dolls."

"He has lived on the Island of the Dolls for more than fifty years. He..."

"Wait!" Nan Qing interrupted Er Er. "How old is he?!"

She can accept the strategy to save the character when he is twenty, thirty, two hundred, or three hundred years old, but she absolutely cannot accept that the other person is fifty or seventy years old!

Er Er was speechless: "Listen clearly, he has lived here for over fifty years, not over fifty years old!!"

"Then how old is he?"

Er Er: "Unknown, he has lived for a long time anyway. He is a more terrifying person than ghosts. All the undead on the island are afraid of him."

Nan Qing: "For such a powerful person, the protagonist is now a mortal? How did the protagonist escape from his grasp?"

Er Er: "Asking is the halo of the protagonist."



Er Er continued: "Palosei likes death by nature, so he likes lifeless things, such as dolls. In addition to being a wizard, he is also a puppet maker. He likes to make dolls, and you are his most satisfying work.

It will also be his favorite work."

When Er Er mentioned the puppet master, Nan Qing had already guessed her relationship with him.

Er Er: "Palosai is very lonely and doesn't have much emotion. He has been living in a deformed life and was finally killed by Jiang Zhen. What you have to do is to change the ending of his death and change his life completely.

Save his soul."

Er Er: "Such a person living in this world will greatly affect the value of the Three Thousand Worlds. You change him and save him."

Nan Qing thought carefully, picturing the person of Pa Luo Sai in his mind.

Er Er also sent some pictures to her.

There was heavy fog in the forest, all the trees were dry and dead, and dolls were hung one after another on the branches of the dead trees.

These dolls have been baptized by rain and fog, their clothes are in tatters, and even moss has grown on their bodies. Some have broken heads, some have broken stomachs, and black and yellow cotton leaks...

He has lived here alone for more than fifty years, accompanying evil ghosts and the dead.

Er Er suddenly laughed and said: "The identity I chose for you is very good. You are the most beautiful doll he has ever made. He loves you very much~"

He loves you very much.

Nan Qing's scalp suddenly became numb.

At the same time, a pair of cold hands touched her lips.

"What should I name you? Should you wake up and choose it yourself, or should I name you..."

The man's voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for decades.

Nan Qing felt that his hearing and touch were much more sensitive.

At the same time, she also felt that her stomach was still open...


Suisui: Puppet master and doll~ Do you like the tone of the new world???

He created her, and he likes her because she is his most satisfying work, but he is only satisfied with her body. He loves the doll he created, but not her, (understand, do you understand what I mean? Love)

Doll, but it is not love, but he loves it very much, hahahaha, although it is a bit of a tongue twister, but you understand~ It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, just read on.)

The beginning of the story is inspired by the Island of the Dolls in Mexico. If you are interested, you can check it out.

Okay, good night, babies, bobo.

This chapter has been completed!
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