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Chapter 1547 Missing

Bai Yuanxing ignored the guard commander's words, stabbed him in the wrist with his sword, quickly grabbed the weapon, and then pressed the sword on his neck. The guard commander immediately did not dare to move.

"Put it down."

Bai Yuanxing's white clothes were stained with a lot of blood.

Few people knew that Bai Yuanxing's martial arts was so good. Everyone behind him was stunned by this decisive scene.

It was only when Bai Yuanxing spoke up that they came back to their senses.

The guard commander was taken down, and he was forced to kneel on the ground. His wrists were bleeding, but he did not scream in pain. He just shouted: "Master, you are treason! You are forcing the palace to rebel!"

He screamed in pain. On one side was His Majesty, whom he was loyal to, and on the other side was the god that everyone in Nanling believed in. At this moment, his faith was shattered.

Just like Bai Yuanxing's clothes, they are now stained with blood.

Bai Yuanxing led his men to force the palace, and King An Ding and his soldiers had an unimpeded journey. Bai Yuanxing defeated the people and had them taken away, unless they could not be captured alive.

The journey went smoothly, until Bai Yuanxing felt suspicious, and finally arrived at the main hall. This is the palace where Feng Chao lives. He always stays here with Nan Qing.

Bai Yuanxing has been mentally prepared to ask Feng Chao to abdicate. He will not kill Feng Chao, but will only say that Feng Chao abdicated on his own initiative.

King Anding had his explanation, and Bai Yuanxing felt that this was a very feasible thing.

Anyway, Feng Chao has no intention of becoming the emperor. Although their actions today are coercive, they can just get over it.

Bai Yuanxing opened the door, expecting to face a bunch of guards, but he didn't expect to be greeted by silence. The entire palace was silent, and there was no one in the courtyard.

Bai Yuanxing felt that things were about to get out of control, so he entered the main hall in a panic. This was Feng Chao's bedroom, and he and Nan Qing must be here.

It took Bai Yuanxing some time to get here from the palace gate. Feng Chao must have known what happened.

Bai Yuanxing rebelled and forced the palace.

The people brought by Bai Yuanxing searched the yard, and all of them looked confused.

"Why is there no one?" someone whispered.

"Ran away?"

Impossible, they sealed off the entire palace.

Several people followed Bai Yuan into the palace, and saw no one all the way to the inner hall. Feng Chao and Nan Qing were missing.

"Master Imperial Master, the harem has not been searched yet, they must be hiding."

Bai Yuanxing said: "Go and search."

The group continued to search the palace.

Bai Yuanxing walked around the inner hall and took a closer look. When he saw the three iron chains on the bed and the round size of the shackles, he knew who they were wearing. Bai Yuanxing scorned: "These two people have lost their minds."

The dignified emperor plays this kind of trick with people, and Nan Qing, what does he do when he gives him the time to deliver poison and change shifts?

Bai Yuanxing was walking beside the bed, and suddenly his eyes froze, and his expression became very complicated.

On purpose, she did it on purpose!

Maybe Feng Chao also meant it, both of them did it on purpose.

Feng Chao didn't want to be an emperor at all, but he also didn't want to quietly submit to his subordinates. He wanted to have a parade to anger everyone! Of course, it was also a wedding to satisfy the beauty and these two people.

Bai Yuanxing laughed in anger and smiled bitterly: "We can't find them, so there's no need to look for them."

The guard following him was a little confused: "Master National Preceptor?"

Bai Yuanxing sighed deeply, stood up straight and said, "Feng Chao voluntarily abdicated and welcomed Prince Anding into the palace."

The guard couldn't figure out what happened, but he still followed Bai Yuanxing's order.

The supporting ministers came to the court.

They stood as if they were going to court in the morning. After waiting for a long time, Bai Yuanxing came, wearing a white brocade court dress embroidered with gold.

King Anding went to the top of the throne from the side.

Bai Yuanxing led his ministers to pay homage to the new emperor.

King Anding looked at this scene and heard the voice shouting long live in his ears. He thought he was dreaming.

He is his father's least favorite son. When he reached his age, he sealed off a piece of barren land. He left the capital and did not come back for decades. Now he has grandchildren. He never expected to be able to sit on the throne.


King Anding did not rush to sit on the throne, but instead gave everyone a gift and said that he would be a good emperor, and finally sat on the throne.

Bai Yuanxing was exhausted, but luckily he realized one thing. King Anding had a soft temper, and the most important thing was that he really wanted to be a good emperor.

The moment King Anding sat on the throne, Bai Yuanxing looked at his face. He looked blessed. He was not a vicious person and he would not commit any evil in his life.


Today is just a casual matter, and the real enthronement ceremony will be held in a few days.

Bai Yuanxing hadn't had a good rest for several days, and his face looked ugly.

The enthronement ceremony was very famous, but it was held simply. King Anding said that there was no need to spend so much money. It would be better to keep the money for disaster relief and benefit the people. Bai Yuanxing was very satisfied.

The people outside the palace knew that Feng Chao, the Hunjun, had abdicated, and they all cheered. No one thought about what happened to the Hunjun and the Demon Queen now.

There were night banquets inside the palace and night market lantern festivals outside the palace, and the entire imperial city was immersed in joy.

Jiang Wantan followed her mother into the palace to attend the banquet.

She was not present at the last night banquet when Feng Chao ascended the throne because she did not go out because of the murder of her fiancé.

Men and women were seated separately, and the ministers' families were in another place, so Jiang Wantan thought she would not see Bai Yuan all night.

As a result, a young eunuch came in to pour wine for Jiang Wantan and said: "Girl, the Imperial Master invites you."

Jiang Wantan was a little surprised. She saw that her mother was talking to another lady and did not notice her, so she got up and quietly went out with the young eunuch.

There are many garden corridors, large and small, in the palace. In autumn, the leaves of many trees have turned yellow, and the lanterns shine on the leaves fiery red.

Bai Yuanxing, who was dressed in white, stood out among the red. The little eunuch brought Jiang Wantan and left. She looked around and saw that they were the only two here.

Jiang Wantan walked forward with a smile and said: "Master Imperial Master, you succeeded."

Bai Yuanxing turned around, with a helpless smile in his eyes: "Well, the rock has settled."

Jiang Wantan felt that he was unhappy and approached: "Why is the Imperial Master so worried?"

"No, I just feel tired. I finally understand why my father came home when he was only forty."

Bai Yuanxing sometimes just wants to be a powerless national preceptor, just doing calculations and praying for blessings every day.

But after this incident, he was even more afraid to delegate power. It was his power that could drive Feng Chao out of office.

King Anding is very good now, but no one dares to say whether it will change.

If something happens, he can control it if he has the power. If he doesn't have the power, then Nanling's future depends on fate.

Jiang Wantan could see how tired he was and knew what he was thinking.

Jiang Wantan bit her lip and said boldly: "Master Imperial Master, since you believe in fate, why do you sometimes deliberately change your fate against nature? You should not be responsible for Nanling's fate alone. If this continues, you will not

Who is tired?"

Bai Yuanxing was stunned.

Jiang Wantan: "The current Imperial Master will fulfill his duties. When you reach forty, you can return to your hometown like your father and no longer care about anyone's fate."

Bai Yuanxing was stunned for a while, and finally bowed his head in shame: "I still don't understand what you think."

"You are just too tired and think too much. Bystanders can see clearly." Jiang Wantan said with concern: "You look very bad. Please take a leave of absence and rest in the past few days."


On the streets, the red lanterns used for the Queen's Conferment Ceremony were not removed, but instead transformed into festive decorations for the Enthronement Ceremony.

Children carrying lanterns chased each other on the streets, vendors hawked their goods, and at night there were lights everywhere, making it a bustling place.

A handsome man walked through the crowd holding his little wife.

A laughing child looked up and saw the little lady's face, and stayed where he was, "What a beautiful sister."

"What's so beautiful?" the playmate caught up and asked.

"That's it...hey, where's the person? Where's the beautiful sister?"

In front of the mask stall, Feng Chao casually picked up a mask with a green face and fangs and put it on Nan Qing's face, "How about we wear the mask and play together?"

Nan Qing: "Are you also jealous of children?"

Feng Chao: "No, today is a festival, and it is customary to wear ghost-faced jacquard lanterns."

What kind of festival is it? It is obviously someone else's enthronement ceremony. As the late emperor, Feng Chao can still call it a festival. It seems that he really has no regrets at all about losing the throne.

Nan Qing: "The one you chose for me is too ugly. Can't you choose a nice-looking mask?"

Feng Chao: "The uglier the ghost mask, the better."

Nan Qing took the mask and put it on her face. It was quite clear to see the outside through the two small holes. She lowered her head and chose an uglier one for Feng Chao, with a big red face and two protruding teeth.

Feng Chao didn't mind wearing it on his face at all.

Many people are choosing masks, and the boss is very busy.

Feng Chao took out some broken silver from his pocket and handed it over, "We want these two masks."

When the boss saw that it was silver, he said, "I don't need silver. Do you have any copper coins?"

Feng Chao fumbled around in the money bag, but there was no copper plate, so he came out with the smallest piece of broken silver.

In the end, the boss stuffed an extra mask into Feng Chao's face.

Feng Chao simply wore two masks, one in front and one behind, like a two-faced person.

Nan Qing also teased him for a while.

The two held hands and walked around the market for a long time, and finally returned to the house. Feng Chao was holding a bunch of things in his hands, including lantern masks, candied haws pastries, and rice wine.

When the boy saw that the master and his wife were back, he hurried forward to pick up the things.

"If the master and his wife don't come back, I will take someone out to look for her," the boy said.

Feng Chao took off the mask on his face: "What are you looking for? The night market hasn't ended yet. Sir, can something happen to me because of my high martial arts skills?"

The boy smiled and said nothing.

Nan Qing was tired and said, "Wash up quickly. This is the first time I've stayed out so late."

Feng Chao directly picked her up in front of the servants and returned to the hospital. Nan Qing was not surprised and skillfully hugged his neck and pressed her against him.

The house Feng Chao bought was quite large, with several gardens, several courtyards, and three fish ponds. He also bought twenty servants.

Where does this money come from?

While running away, Feng Chao stole something from the treasury...

Feng Chao said at that time: "I let them get the throne without any effort. What's the matter with taking some money when they leave? It takes more than this money to raise the emperor."

Nan Qing didn't know how much he took. It seemed that it was not only money, but also land for the shop.

Bai Yuanxing will definitely be able to find this out. Feng Chao didn't even leave the capital. The house he bought is in the city. Bai Yuanxing must have known everything about Feng Chao and her in the past few days.

But according to Bai Yuanxing's temperament, he would not disturb her, but he would often make people stare at the house, Feng Chao and her.

Nan Qing thought it didn't matter, he just stared and was stared at, as if he was protected by a group of invisible guards.

Feng Chao carried Nan Qing into the house. In the large room, the birdcage that had been built was extremely conspicuous, it was large and golden.

A few days ago, Feng Chao took Nan Qing out of the palace, and then came directly to this house. Feng Chao said that this would be their home from now on.

Nan Qing thought it was a spacious and luxurious mansion. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the main room, a pure gold birdcage was placed next to the bed. There were also gold pillows and silk quilts inside, just as Feng Chao had said at the beginning.

Feng Chao: "After it's done, I'll have it sent here."

Nan Qing thought it was impossible to have a golden birdcage, but he didn't expect it.

However, Nan Qing only went in and sat in the birdcage for a while, and never really lived in it.

The backyard of the main house is a natural hot spring pool, and no servant will enter this yard without orders.

Feng Chao took Nan Qing to the hot springs to wash himself and relieve his fatigue.

He washed her long hair, and Nan Qing felt dizzy with comfort.

Nan Qing was soaked in water from her shoulders down. Feng Chao took a handkerchief to dry and wrap her hair. It took a long time to dry her hair. Nan Qing felt sleepy after it was done.

Feng Chao really couldn't sleep at all, and neither of them got dressed when they washed up. He had only been married to her for a few days, and as a man who had just started having sex, he never rested for a single night.

Feng Chao stood up and went back to the house with Nan Qing in his arms.

Nan Qing thought she was going to lie down on a comfortable bed, but she heard the sound of the golden cage opening. She was placed on the silk quilt, her body soft.

Nan Qing opened his eyes and said softly: "Every time I enter this cage, I feel that this cage is really big. It's not a problem to put a bed in it."

Feng Chao suddenly pressed on her: "I specially asked them to make them bigger so that I can lie here with you."

Nan Qing smiled: "Isn't this my exclusive birdcage? What are you doing here?" gōΠb.ōγg

"Do it..." Feng Chao lowered his head and bit her shoulder. There was still a little scar on that spot, which was left by his previous bite.

He gently bit it, licked it, and then bit it again. It was obvious what it meant.

Nan Qing reflexively wanted to touch the pillow to block him: "Don't bother, it's almost dawn."

Feng Chao kissed the tip of her ear and said, "Then go to sleep before dawn and put down the bed curtains. Even if it's dawn, there won't be any light on you."

The man's breath touched her ears, which was Nan Qing's sensitive spot, and her hands and body quickly became soft.

Feng Chao's eyes were dark and he said with a smile: "This is my first time sleeping in this cage. It's very interesting, what do you think?"

"I'm afraid you will damage my golden cage. Gold is inherently soft."

"I will be more careful. If it breaks, I will make a new one for you."

"If you don't believe it, pure gold is too valuable. You are not the emperor now, so you can't have a gold cage just by asking for it. And I like this."

Nan Qing looked up and saw the top of the birdcage. She suddenly felt so shy. She pushed Feng Chao: "Go to the bed, not here. Here I miss a canary even more, being bullied by the owner in the cage."


Feng Chao kissed her nose and said, "Nannan is my canary. You can't fly out of my hands. I just like to press you in the cage and play with you."

Feng Chao's eyes were dark, and he was obviously not ready to leave the cage. He was going to torment her like this tonight.


Suisui: Good night everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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