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Chapter 267: A Troublesome Supporting Actor

Nan Qing was a little worried that he would be like this if he had legs??

Er Er listened to her thoughts and replied: "What are you thinking? The legs of the little mermaid in the fairy tale were exchanged with the sea witch."

"So I'm looking for a sea witch to replace my legs. This tail can't do anything."

Nothing can be done...

This means it has a more or less color, but it is still yellow inside.

Er Er crossed Erlang's legs and explained helplessly: "You don't need to ask anyone to replace your legs. When the water on your tail dries up, it will naturally turn into legs. However, these legs are very soft and almost paralyzed. If you walk more, your legs may not be so soft in a few months."

Mermaids are an amphibious species. Not only do they have two sets of respiratory systems, their tails can also turn into legs.

But mermaids live in the deep sea and their bodies are always wet, so few mermaids know that their tails can turn into legs when they come ashore.

Since I have never had legs, I have never walked and I don’t know how to use my legs. Having weak legs and not knowing how to use them is equivalent to paralysis.

Nan Qing felt relieved after hearing this.

Er Er continued: "The male partner you want to save is the owner of this castle. His name is Lingzun Mulko. He is the heir to the only pure-blooded family. He is 90,000 years old."

"Ninety thousand years old...Twenty-two, how old am I?"

"Fifty years old, you are just an adult at the age of a mermaid. Fortunately, you were fished ashore. If you meet a male mermaid at this age, you may have to mate. After all, mermaids are rare. Adult mermaids only need to meet the opposite sex.

The first thing is to mate and try to reproduce."

Mate and reproduce.

Er Er's choice of words made Nan Qing feel a little rude!

We are civilized people, we can't talk like this, it's not very elegant.

Er Er continued: "Lingzun Mulko has a noble status. Three years later, the blood family arranged a fiancée for him. The fiancée is also a noble blood family but not as good as his pure blood status. This fiancée is the heroine of the world, but the world

The female protagonist has long been in love with the male protagonist of the werewolf world. The female protagonist does not want to marry Lingzun Mulko, so she and the werewolf male protagonist designed a murder that seriously injured Lingzun Mulko.

He died when the Blood Hunter attacked him."

The little mermaid in the water prison frowned at this moment, and there was a hint of displeasure on her delicate face.

"He died innocently."

Er Er's failure to answer was all innocent. It said: "Ling Chun. Mulko is the male protagonist and the villain of this story. He controls the expansion of the blood clan. He has touched countless lives on his hands over the past tens of thousands of years."

"What's his personality like?"

Nan Qing felt that if he wanted to save Ling Chun Mulco, he should not let him get engaged or interact with the heroine of the world.

It would be best to let Lingzun Mulko fall in love with him within three years. Once he becomes the leader, he will not be engaged to the heroine of the world. Naturally, there will be no tragic ending for Lingzun Mulko.

To conquer the male partner, you need to know more about him.

Er Er shook his head and said in a cold little voice: "You can't tell for sure about his personality. He has the elegance and nobility of a vampire, and he also has the bloodthirsty and viciousness of a vampire. His temper is unpredictable."

He may be a noble and elegant man one second, and a terrifying madman the next.

Listening to Er Er's description, Nan Qing understood that this was definitely a difficult male partner.

When Nan Qing was thinking, he swung his tail unconsciously. The water prison was very small, and when his tail moved, water would splash.

Nan Qing looked at the pearl tears still shining in the water, and then looked at his tail.

"Two two, did the original owner have any legs when he was fished out?"

She was so naked, so she wouldn't have been exposed the entire time.

Er Er touched his nose: "The original owner was fished out and put into a closed water tank. His tail was wet from beginning to end."

Nan Qing still sounded a little depressed, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside.

With a bang, the door of the water cell opened from the outside, and a man with fair skin and dark circles walked in.

Er Er reminded: "This person's name is Baza, the captain under Lingzun Mulko. He is the original owner who wanted to please Lingzun Mulko."

The reason why Er Er chose the body of a mermaid for Nan Qing is because this mermaid can be close to the male co-star Ling Chun Mulco.

Ling Xun. Mulco is a pure blood, and it would be difficult for him to get close to him with other identities. If he were a human, he would almost die in seconds, but the mermaid is different. Moreover, Nan Qing's body is really beautiful.

The moment Bazaar came in, Nan Qing was soaked in the water. She pulled her hair to cover her chest.

Baza looked at the little mermaid with black hair and white skin in the water, who was so delicate and beautiful that it made people lose consciousness. His eyes were confused for a moment, but Baza quickly came back to his senses when he thought that this thing was dedicated to the Marquis.

With sharp eyes, Bazaar saw the pearls under the water: "Is the little mermaid crying? She cried a lot of pearls. Don't be afraid. My uncle will take you out to play and show you a world you have never seen before."

So obscene.

Nan Qing felt sick inside, but her eyes on her delicate face were still pure and flawless.

Fortunately, Bazaar wasn't so perverted as to touch her or anything. Bazaar called two maids to come in and put on a tube top for Nanqing. Then the maids helped Nanqing out of the water cell and sat down in a glass-like

inside the water tank.

Nan Qing kept covering herself with her hair, but her tube top was still very revealing.

Er Er didn't even turn on the screen. It couldn't laugh or cry: "Nan Qing, why don't you take the route of seducing the male partner?"

She lowered her head and looked at her fair waist and abdomen: "You don't need me to walk the route, this is almost the effect I get in front of him."

There are wheels under the water tank, and several vampires push the water tank and follow Bazaar.

The castle is very large, with many windows but almost all of them are closed, making the castle dark and dark.

Although pure bloods are not afraid of the sun, vampires don't like the sun deep down.

When I came to a room outside, the door of the room was huge, with European-style retro reliefs on it. It looked like the owner of the castle lived in this room.

Baza stood outside the door, put his hands on his chest, bent down and saluted, and said: "Your Majesty the Marquis, I have sent a mermaid over."

The vampires around the water tank also saluted.

There was silence in the corridor.

Nan Qing was lying on the transparent wall of the water tank, looking at the door with pure and clean eyes.

Suddenly the door opened automatically, and a magnetic voice inside said coldly: "Send it in."

This chapter has been completed!
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