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Chapter 305 The Second Mouth

Bazaar took away half of the team and left that day.

Seeing half of the team leaving, the other knights didn't panic at all. With the Marquis here, the Blood Hunters didn't pose any threat at all.

Even if the Marquis is not here, they will not panic because half of them are missing.

The Blood Hunters are a group of trash who only dare to attack by sneak attacks but never dare to resist directly.

The campground was quiet during the day. When the sun came out, only a small ray of sunlight filtered through the dense leaves.

Shan De led people to inspect the surrounding area.

A small figure wearing a skirt and a cloak was hiding behind a tree, waiting for the patrolling person to pass by before she quickly flashed past.

Then he sneaked into the coach's tent with familiarity.

Lingxuan Mulko had just fallen asleep, and Erer had already turned on the plug-in the moment Nan Qing entered the tent.

So Nan Qing did not deliberately reduce the sound of her footsteps, she walked to the bed.

And Lingzhen Mulko didn't sleep deeply. He woke up when he heard footsteps.

But he didn't know why he couldn't open his eyes. He could only vaguely see the scene in front of him. His brain was groggy, as if he was dreaming and yet he was awake.

It's this weird feeling again.

Did he miss Nan Nan so much that he had nightmares about it?

It's nice to be able to see that little thing in my dream.

Listening to Mulco's thoughts, he turned his head slightly and saw the person standing in front of the bed. She was standing in front of the bed and smiling at him.


"Yeah." Nan Qing responded to him softly.

Her voice was nice and soft, and it was clear. Mulko smiled in a daze.

"Lingxun Mulko, do you miss me very much?" Nan Qing looked at him with a sweet smile.

Her smile is so pretty and her voice is so nice.

It would be nice if this dream could be a little clearer, Lingzhuo. Mulko was a little dissatisfied with this groggy feeling.

He raised his arm weakly and reached out to touch the person in front of him.

In the dream, he didn't hide it so much. He said, "I miss you very much. I want to bite you hard and make you cry."

"Don't you feel bad when I cry?"

"I feel so bad that I can't help but let you go."

Every time he bit her until she cried, he couldn't help but let go of his fangs. Even though the bite was so comfortable, he still let go because of her cries.

He hugged her gently, couldn't help but coax and nudge her.

Ling Xun. Mulko's eyes were still very hot in his sleepy state.

Nan Qing let his hand touch her face: "Lingzun Mulko, why do you keep looking at me?"

"You look good and sound good when you cry."

His hoarse voice answered the question.

Nan Qing's eyes were smiling, and she leaned down and lay on her side beside the bed.

Nannan lay next to him in his dream.

In the past, every time after eating, he would put her back on her crib. Apart from cuddling and cuddling while they were eating, they had never laid on the same bed like this.

Ling Xun. Mulko struggled to gently turn sideways to hug her.

"Nannan, where have you been?"

"I won't tell you."

"I will definitely catch you back." Lingzun Mulko gently stroked her hair with his hand.

The mermaid's hair is long and black, as smooth as seaweed.

Nan Qing suddenly stretched out his hand to suppress Ling Chun Mulko's hand, turned over and sat directly on his chest.

She leaned over and lay down: "Lingjun Mulko, if I don't want to be caught by you, you won't be able to find me even if it takes tens of thousands of years."

"You can find it, but you can't run away."

Lingzun Mulko couldn't help but grabbed her arm forcefully.

Even though Lingxun Mulko was groggy and didn't have much strength, Nan Qing still felt a sudden pain.

He grabbed it so hard...

How can I be the only one in pain?

Nan Qing looked at the stunning Vampire man in front of him. He had fair skin, no heartbeat, and a cold body. He was a pure Vampire respected by thousands of people.

"Lingzun Mulko, you have bitten me so many times, how about I bite you back?"

The tip of Nan Qing's nose gently rubbed his chin.

Lingzun Mulko was lying on his back, and Nan Qing was sitting on top of him, the two of them touching each other in an extremely ambiguous posture.

"Okay, you can bite whatever you want in your dream."

"Then I'll bite..." Nan Qing's cold lips searched for a place to bite.

She rubbed his chin with her lips and listened. Mulko seemed to be tickled and swallowed unconsciously.

The Adam's apple on his slender and fair neck slid gently.

Nan Qing's eyes fell on the Adam's apple, and her expression was deep: "Ling Xun. Mulko."


She opened her mouth to hold it.


Bite down.



The author has something to say:

Good night~~ If you want to see how Nan Qing takes revenge, just say so. We will arrange it as we see fit.

This chapter has been completed!
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