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Chapter 422 Er Er is a boy

"Ah?" She realized that he might not like being touched and let go, and then asked with concern: "Master Wizard, your hands are really cold, and your body is also cold. If you continue like this, you will get sick. Otherwise, you

It’s better to go home and rest, and wear more clothes when you go out next time.”

Wei Ke felt that his hands were very hot, as if they were being burned by fire. He wanted to soak his hands in the sea water to cool them down for a while.

Wei Ke stood up: "I'm leaving first."

"Goodbye, Master Wizard. Wait a minute, Master Wizard, when will you come again?"

"have no idea."

"Then I'll come here every night and wait. Master Wizard, remember to wear more clothes next time you go out, so you don't get sick." She said naturally.

Wei Ke frowned: "Why are you waiting for me? Do you really want to see me?"

"Master Wizard, you are so good-looking. It's not surprising that I want to see you. Moreover, you are very different from the legendary wizard. I think you are very approachable and easy to get along with. It is rare for me to see anyone other than the person who takes care of me."

, I will leave here in the autumn, so I cherish the days I can get along with the wizard." She had a harmless smile on her face, and her words were full of sincerity and innocence.

Wei Ke was a little surprised. This little human princess was just an inconspicuous passer-by to him. She lived a long life, so he never remembered certain people or things.

Wei Ke treats everything indifferently and has no desires or demands.

This is the first time I have heard someone speak of myself with such weight, that someone actually cherishes the time spent with him?

"What does the legendary wizard look like?" Wei Ke left in no hurry.

Nan Qing thought for a moment: "He is extremely ugly, with tumors all over his face. He wears a black cloak, has long black nails, is short and fat, has a particularly ugly voice, and has little hair. Most importantly, he is extremely vicious.

, that’s probably what it looks like.”

"Who told you that a wizard looks like this..."

"That's what's written in storybooks."

"Read less of those story books. They are all written in vain. Has the person who wrote those books ever seen a wizard?"

In fact, Wei Ke is not really a wizard, he is just a sea monster. He studied a lot of witchcraft out of boredom.

The sound of the waves became louder and louder, and a cold wind blew. Nan Qing couldn't help but shiver.

"It seems that the weather has changed. Master Wizard, please go back early. I will come to the coast every night, hoping to see you."

Just as Wei Ke was about to speak, shouts came from the distance.

"Your Highness Princess, don't play on the beach when the wind blows. Come back quickly!"

It was the maid who came looking for her with a lamp.

When Nan Qing looked back, Wei Ke had disappeared.

"This is the medicine for His Highness the Prince. The Prince is taking a nap right now. I will deliver it to him when he gets up." The head maid was instructing Ariel to do something.

Ariel listened very carefully. She had always known that human beings were very weak creatures. They could not live in the ocean, and they would even get sick if they were soaked in water for a long time.

She asked in sign language: How long will it take for His Royal Highness to recover from his illness?

She could hear him coughing every day.

Head Maid: "His Royal Highness the Prince's illness has almost recovered, and he will be completely healthy next month. At the ball, he and His Highness the Princess will dance together in the spotlight. They will definitely be a perfect match."

The head maid didn't notice that the face of the girl beside her changed.

Ariel didn't quite understand why she said that, so she asked: Are the prince and the princess a couple?

"You may not know that you have just arrived at the castle not long ago, but the kings of the two countries originally intended for Prince Shikel to marry our Princess Karina. This time Shikel went to sea just to come to our country to attend the dance next month.

The annual ball will be held very grandly. At the ball, the princes, nobles and ladies will dance enthusiastically in the middle of the dance floor. His Majesty the King should announce the engagement of the two His Highnesses at the ball."

This is not a secret. Apart from their servants, many princes and nobles also know about it.

Everyone was silently waiting for this good news.

Ariel's face turned pale as she listened.

Next month, next month they will get engaged...

"Ariel? Ariel? Why are you suddenly in a daze?"

Ariel came to her senses: It's okay.

"It's okay. You must remember what I just told you. When His Highness wakes up, I will send you the medicine."

okay, I get it.

The head maid left, but Ariel was in a panic.

Apart from checking in in front of the prince every day, Nan Qing was busy with his own affairs at other times, trying not to interfere with the two protagonists' interactions.

"I put more sugar in this half of the pastries. Erer, your system won't have cavities, right?"

She specially made the pastries into two levels of sweetness. The normal sweetness is for herself and for Wei Ke, and the sweeter one is for Erer.

Although Er Er doesn't say anything, it can be seen from his behavior that he likes sweets.

A cold voice came from Er Er's mind: "I'm not a human being. I can't get cavities in my system. I look like I'm four or five years old. I'm not a real child."

Only real human children will develop tooth decay if they eat too much sugar.

"Are your teeth made of the same material as human teeth? If they are the same, they may break if you eat too much sugar."

"It's different. My teeth can even bite diamonds. They are made of the top materials of the space station."

"That's good."

Nan Qing added a lot more sugar.

"...It's sweet enough."

Since outside things cannot be brought into the space, Er Er went out to eat in the afternoon. Er Er sat on a chair and ate in small bites. He reached out to pick up the black tea and took an elegant sip.

Nan Qing sat opposite it, holding his face in his hands and looking at it: "Er Er, you are so delicate. You will definitely be a pretty boy when you grow up."


"Do you have a teenage form? Can you make it bigger so I can see? See if you are a pretty boy."


"When I say pretty boy, I'm not scolding you. In fact, pretty boy can also express a good-looking, gentle and polite boy."

Er Er swallowed the cake in his mouth and took out a white handkerchief from somewhere to wipe his mouth, "You are just scolding me, goodbye!"

Er Er left and returned to space.

Nan Qing was depressed and had a mean mouth. He obviously wanted to pinch his face, but he couldn't hold back his mouth and lost his popularity.

Nan Qing opened her wardrobe and picked out a small white skirt. Then she braided her golden curly hair. She put the pastries into a flower basket and carried it out.

The head maid followed: "Your Highness, the weather is not very good today. It may rain heavily tonight. Otherwise, you should not go to the beach today."

The beach is very dangerous when it rains, as there may be high tides and big waves at any time.

"It's okay. It hasn't rained yet. I'll be back when it rains."

"Then you must remember to come back. Your Highness, please bring your umbrella with you."

If it rains, you won’t come back wet.

Nan Qing took the small umbrella and carried the flower basket and went out. When she went out, she found that the sky was covered with dark clouds and it was very dark outside. Nan Qing went back and picked up a lamp and went out.

Slowly walking from the path towards the coastline, Nan Qing saw a girl in a blue skirt walking very slowly in front of her from a distance.

As I got closer, I saw that it was the heroine of the world.

Because her legs were so painful, Ariel walked very slowly. She also saw Nan Qing.

Nan Qing walked over with a lantern: "Ai...Li'er? Why are you here?"

She didn't seem to remember her appearance very well, which made Ariel even more depressed. Princess Karina didn't remember her, but she remembered her person firmly!

Ariel than sign language.

"I'm sorry, I can't understand sign language. You should go back as soon as it gets dark."

Of course Nan Qing can understand it. She also read books about sign language before she was alive. Although she is not in good health, her brain is good. She can basically memorize sign language and understand it.

Ariel said she went to the beach for a walk.

Nan Qing passed by her carrying something, and Ariel looked at her back as she walked further and further away. Dark clouds were rolling in the distance, and the tide was already high on the beach...

This chapter has been completed!
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