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Chapter 485: Wearing Shoes

She wears white socks on her feet. Her feet are very small, and a small section of skin is exposed between the trouser leg and the white socks. She is not human, so her skin is extremely white, like a porcelain doll.

Sidko withdrew his eyes, bent down, lifted up her shoes and placed them on the chair next to her, then turned and left.

Nan Qing didn't care either. She sat on the table and stepped on her shoes and put them on easily.

Er Er: "You set the pace too fast, and your favorability level is not very high yet. How can he put on your shoes?"

"Tease him."

Nan Qing didn't really want him to wear shoes for her.

"Er Er, where did he come from?"

"I don't know, the original plot was all about the protagonists of the world, and many of the supporting characters were blank. I only know that the supporting actor from the world came to this house later. He was very powerful, so the original owner kept him and was very afraid of him.

, the two of them have nothing to do with each other.”

Many people accidentally come to another world. If they escape the clowns and crows, then those people will come to this cabin in the forest.

At first, Steku never interacted with anyone, but later, perhaps out of boredom, he started role-playing by himself. He claimed that he was the housekeeper in this house, receiving the humans who came and went.

Most of the people who kill people in the house are the original owners. Occasionally, those humans bump into other things in the house, and they are inevitably killed. Sterko rarely kills people, but he likes to see the fear of those humans, and he likes to see the ugliness of humans exposed in extreme situations.


Sidko didn't kill many people, but that doesn't mean he's easy to get along with or that he's not a dangerous person.

On the contrary, he is scarier than anything in this room.

When Nan Qing left the restaurant, he met a group of people coming down.

"Are you here for breakfast? The butler has already taken it away, so we can only wait until noon."

Guo Xiaoqing couldn't help but said: "Have you had breakfast? You could actually eat the meat last night, and you dare to eat the breakfast he prepared? How come you are not afraid?"

"It's not that I'm not scared, I ate because I was scared. Although the butler is mysterious, but if you listen to him, you may live longer. If you don't listen, you may not wake up tomorrow."

Zhao Bo: "Can you survive if you listen to him?"

The male protagonist of the world doesn't talk much, but he is always quietly observing and listening to every detail.

Nan Qing: "I'm not sure if I can survive if I listen to him, but if you don't obey, you will definitely die quickly. Although it is safer during the day, I advise everyone not to move around. It is best not to go to unknown places. In this house

It’s not just the butler.”

Zhong Wanwan: "Who else is in this room? Have you seen anyone else?"

"I haven't seen anyone. I only came one day before you. Didn't you hear the housekeeper say Miss? There must be a woman in this room. She likes to eat raw meat, but she has never appeared.


Nan Qing was slowly hinting.

They were horrified to hear it.

A boy blurted out: "That lady eats people! Was Zhang Feihu eaten by her in the middle of the night?"

Zhong Wanwan's face was solemn, and she also felt that this was a possibility.

Zhao Bo: "There is more than one lady, there is a housekeeper and a lady, and there must be servants. There must be more than one servant."

Nan Qing glanced at Zhao Bo, he was indeed the leading man in the world, he was smart.

Zhong Wanwan: "The housekeeper said not to disturb rooms with closed doors. There are servants living in those rooms?"

"But...but, this house is very big, and many rooms are closed." Liu Yunyun's voice trembled.


The double update is over, good night, please give me some small gifts, or maybe you can watch the video that pops up after the update reminder, 嘤嘤嘤, Suisui is holding a small broken bowl online.

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