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Chapter 510 Exposing Nanqing

Lingxu also rushed out to help hold the coat, and reminded: "Be careful not to be bitten by it."

Zhao Bo held the cat's neck firmly, preventing it from biting him.

The door opened, and Nan Qing came in from the outside and was shocked by the scene: "What did you catch? What just happened?"

Lingxu raised his head: "Cat, a cat without eyes. I wonder if it is the pet kept by the eldest lady in this house. This little thing looks really unique."

Fortunately, Nan Qing's acting skills are good, and his emotions and anger are not superficial, otherwise he would really be amused by Ling Xu's words.

Nan Qing went over curiously, "I was watching outside and nothing came in. Where did this cat come from?"

Zhao Bo: "Not one, but two. The other one ran away with a bandage in its mouth. This cat eats cloth."

Nan Qing was surprised: "Eating cloth...then all the blood clothes were eaten..."

The cat in his hand was so strong that Zhao Bo's hand felt a little sore when he pressed it.

"Mao can't speak human language, so he can't ask anything." Although he figured out why those bloody clothes were missing, Zhao Bo still felt that there was a wall in front of him and could not see the truth behind the wall.

Lingxu: "This cat went back and forth from the darkness and then disappeared, proving that they can travel freely in the darkness. We have to find something to close it up and put it in a light place, otherwise it will have to run away sooner or later."

"There seems to be a bird cage in the living room. I'll go get it." Nan Qing suggested, and then quickly went downstairs to get the cage.

The cage was brought, and they carefully put the eyeless cat in, and then hung the bird cage at the window to let the light shine on it.


The eyeless cat kept meowing and huffing when they came near.

Nan Qing smiled secretly.

Lingxu looked at it and clicked his tongue in his heart. It was such a loss. After all, it was his own pet, and he was locked in a cage so ruthlessly.

Zhao Bo studied the black cat in front of the cage: "It has no eyes, and it is still bleeding from such a serious injury. Why can it still move? Or...is it dead?"

Dead things, but movable, doesn't make sense in real life, but it still makes sense in this hellish place.


There was a knock on the door, and then the butler's voice: "Has the guest gotten up? Breakfast is ready, please go downstairs to eat."

After the announcement, there was silence at the door.

Lingxu held his pocket and said, "Let's go downstairs and have breakfast. Hang it in a light place so it can't run away. When you're full, come back and think about what to do with it."

After finally catching something, you must use it to find out some truth.

When I came to the restaurant, I found that there were five breakfasts on the table.

There are only three of them, why did the butler prepare five breakfasts?

Rei Xu: "Are there new customers or are new customers coming soon?"

Zhao Bo: "I didn't hear any other noise. It should be that a new guest is coming."

At this time, the iron gate in the yard was opened. Footsteps were heard in the yard, and Sterko also went out.

Nan Qing: "Let's go and watch the fun."

Zhao Bo felt that she was really big-hearted, but Zhao Bo and Lingxu still followed her to the door.

I saw two girls in the yard sitting on the ground in embarrassment, panting heavily. Their clothes were torn and they were bleeding in many places.

When I saw their faces, I thought, these two embarrassed girls were old acquaintances.

Si Deke, wearing a suit, stood at the door as he had when he received them. He said in a calm tone: "Welcome the guests back. Guests, please come in and rest. Breakfast is ready."

Nan Qing felt that Zhong Wanwan and Liu Yunyun were a bit impressive. They actually showed up here in the morning and survived the most terrifying night in the forest.

22: "The aura of the heroine of the world is being depleted."

If she continues to consume it, she may perish.

Liu Yunyun and Zhong Wanwan suffered many injuries and lost a lot of weight. They were frightened and hungry.

Zhong Wanwan stood up: "Why can't we get around this place no matter what!"

No matter where they went for the past two days, they would see this hut from a distance, but since they left, they would not come back, so every time they saw the hut, they walked in the opposite direction.

But...the experience of these two days was simply hell!

Everyone else who followed them out died! Only Zhong Wanwan and Liu Yunyun were still alive.

Crows, mummies, clowns, it’s really a miracle that they are alive.

They couldn't hold it any longer, so they chose to go back to the hut, but when they came back they were full of anger. This was the source of the evil! They were trapped and they could never escape!

Sidko didn't reply to her, and after saying the invitation, he entered the house.

Nan Qing and Zhao Bo exchanged glances and then entered the room.

Liu Yunyun endured the pain in her body: "Zhong Wanwan, let's go in. What if the door is closed?"

"It won't be closed during the day." Although Zhong Wanwan said this, she still walked forward step by step into the house.

There was no one in the living room, they were all dining in the dining room.

Zhong Wanwan and Liu Yunyun had been hungry for a long time. After sitting down, they wolfed down the sandwiches in their hands. They were glad that what they saw when they came back was not bloody meat.

After she was full, Zhong Wanwan discovered that the amount of breakfast was wrong. Wang Lan was in a coma and could not eat, but she would prepare her breakfast.

"Where's Wang Lan?" Zhong Wanwan asked.

Zhao Bo: "Dead."

Zhong Wanwan felt something was wrong: "You have been here for two nights and only one person died?"

Zhao Bo also discovered that several of them went out, but only two came back, which meant that the number of people who died outside the house was irregular.

Lingxu: "Actually, the real rule is that something bloody will appear in the house every day, and it doesn't necessarily mean how many people will die."

Nan Qing squinted his eyes to watch their speculations.

Zhong Wanwan looked at Nan Qing who was looking happy and couldn't bear it anymore. She pointed at Nan Qing and said: "There is something wrong with her! On the first night we moved in, which was the night Zhang Feihu died, Liu Yunyun saw it with her own eyes

I saw her walking alone in the dark corridor!"


Double update completed~

From now on in the earthly time, please remind me that the update time will be 9:00-12:00 am in the future.

Everyone should pay attention to their health, go to bed early and get up early, and don't stay up late.

This chapter has been completed!
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