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Chapter 540 Stealing Food

None of them could hear the sound, only he could. Wang Qing realized this.

"Your male colleague is not looking for the toilet. You are hungry and can't sleep, but he is eating the hidden food. Is such a person worthy of becoming a partner?"

The voice continues.

Wang Qing didn't want to hear her talk.

"Can you please stop talking to me? I don't care what he does. I just want the four of us to go out safely."

"It's impossible for four people to stay safe, but if you listen to me, you can leave safely."

It's a matter of life and death, so the temptation is relatively great.

"Can you let me go?"

"Of course, but you have to obey."

"How...how am I going to listen to you?" Wang Qing was shaken. It was important to have a partner, but she still wanted to live more.

"Now take this man and woman to find the person who stole the food."

Pan Dalei was stealing food instead of going to the toilet. Wang Qing also remembered that he carried a lot of food in his backpack. Although they grabbed it in a mess, they couldn't eat it all at once.

But if she takes someone to expose him, the situation will definitely be embarrassing and everyone will fall out.

"Go, take people with you to find him. Aren't you hungry? If you find him, you might be able to get a bite to eat."

Wang Qing's stomach was empty, and it made noises from time to time. It felt like his stomach was already digesting itself.

She stood up and looked at the two resting people and hesitated.


"What are you doing? If you have something to say, just say it quickly."

"I also want to go to the toilet, will you come with me?" Wang Qing asked.

"If you want to go to the toilet, go by yourself. You're not a child and you need everyone to accompany you." The male colleague said impatiently.

Mingqian: "Sister Qing, we are all very tired. We really don't have the energy to go to the toilet with you. You can go find Pan Zi. He has also gone to the toilet."

Seeing that none of them were willing to accompany him, Wang Qing finally couldn't hold it back anymore: "Pan Dalei didn't go to the toilet at all, he just wanted to avoid us and eat secretly."


"Pan Dalei has something to eat? Why doesn't he take it out if he has something? It's too selfish to eat secretly behind our backs."

The male colleague stood up and said, "Let's go find him."

Pan Dalei found the toilet but didn't go in. It was pitch dark and he was a little scared, but he was so hungry that he didn't go back even if he was scared.

Pan Dalei took out a few pieces of chocolate from his pocket and ate them quickly.

This was food he had just snatched out of his backpack. He had been hiding it in his pocket. Fortunately, he had the foresight to do so.

Pan Dalei ate two pieces of chocolate in big gulps, and when he was about to continue eating, a figure suddenly appeared next to him.


Pan Dalei was so frightened that he sat on the ground and dropped all the chocolates in his hands.

Si Deke came out of the darkness with a smile on his face but cold eyes: "Why are guests standing here eating? Doesn't eating here affect your appetite? There is a special restaurant in the house. You can move it."

Eat at the restaurant.”

The man who claimed to be the butler appeared again. Pan Dalei didn't hear the approaching footsteps just now.

He was scared but pretended to be calm.

"I, I've finished eating, I won't eat anymore."

Pan Dalei stammered.

Sidhe glanced at the chocolate and wrapping paper that fell at his feet: "Guests, please don't make the house dirty. Remember to put away the garbage."

"Okay... okay, I'll take it away."

Pan Dalei trembled and quickly picked up the garbage on the ground and stuffed it into his pocket.

The ground was clean, and Sidko left with great satisfaction.

Pan Dalei's whole body seemed to have been soaked by the rain, dripping with sweat.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps.

Pan Dalei's legs were so frightened that he stood up slowly while holding on to the wall. As soon as he stood up, he saw a familiar person.

A male colleague walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar: "Pan Dalei, you actually stole food behind our backs!"

Pan Dalei was frightened, but he knew clearly that if they found out that he had stolen food, they would definitely exclude him.

"I didn't steal anything, I just came to use the toilet." Pan Dalei argued.

Anyway, these people didn't see it.

Pan Dalei: "You said I ate food secretly, where did I get the food to eat? All the food in the backpack was eaten by the three of us, how could I clean up the food and eat it secretly behind your back?"

At that time, everyone was grabbing the food in the backpack, and no one noticed that Pan Dalei had hidden something secretly.

The male colleague let go of his hand and asked, "Are you really not eating behind our backs?"

This chapter has been completed!
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