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Chapter 617 Don't Have Children

Nan Qing knew that her body was healthy, but because she was the host, she couldn't give birth to a child, and she couldn't give birth no matter what.

Er Er once explained that because mother and child are connected, the host will definitely be reluctant to leave the current world after giving birth to a child. He will even think of his child when doing tasks in the future and will be distracted and even be unable to continue the task. Therefore, the host cannot give birth. children's.

In the past world, the male partner didn't care much about whether he had children or not, as long as he had her, it was enough.

Now that Shen Huai'an suddenly mentioned this matter, Nan Qing felt guilty.

Shen Huaian put down the physical examination report and looked up to find that she was absent-minded.

"What's wrong? Do you want to have a baby now?"

Nan Qing lowered his head and shook his head dully.

Shen Huaian felt that she was in a bad mood, and immediately went over to pick her up and let her sit on his lap. He rubbed her hair: "Well? You can say whatever you want, and I will respect your opinion. , you can say whatever you want, don’t hold it back, just trust me.”

Nan Qing reached out and hugged his neck, burying her face in his neck.

Shen Huaian felt her caution, and immediately touched her back distressedly: "Nannan?"

He called her softly, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

She pressed her neck against his neck and said, "Husband, is it okay if we don't have children?"

After getting married, she only called her husband in bed, and she was forced to do so.

Now that she called Shen Huai'an, she was not very happy, but even more worried, because he could feel her caution and ingratiation.

Shen Huaian gently touched her back and comforted her: "Can you tell me why?"

"Because I'm afraid of having children, very scared."

When talking about giving birth to a baby, her body was shaking. Shen Huaian felt that it was not her who was shaking, but his own heart. He hugged her tightly and said, "It's okay. I won't give birth if I'm afraid. It's okay if we don't want the baby."

Nan Qing was stunned. Did he agree so easily?

Nan Qing raised his head and looked at him blankly: "Don't you advise me? Don't you say that it is safe to give birth now? If you are afraid of pain, is there a painless delivery?"

Shen Huaian was amused by her appearance. He touched her cheek and said, "Why should I persuade you? If you don't want to, you just don't want to. You must have thought it through clearly."

Shen Huaian was not surprised at all that he would agree so easily to her not to have children in the future, because he actually didn't have much obsession with children, and he even didn't really want children...

There are many reasons, one of which is that mental illness is hereditary. He and Shen Ting'an have the best ending now, but if something happens to their children in the future, he can't accept the blow, let alone Nan Nan suffer.

Shen Huaian comforted the person in his arms: "If you don't want to have a baby, I won't have a baby. I have no objection. Shen Ting'an and I have the same idea, so don't be burdened. We will decide together not to have a baby."

Nan Qing's eyes were red, and she felt warm in her heart.

She rubbed his neck again: "Husband, you are so kind, I love you."

"I love you too." Shen Huaian kissed her forehead tenderly.

This is an office and we can't do anything. Shen Huaian put her down and arranged her hair carefully.

As soon as he returned home in the evening, Shen Huaian pressed Nan Qing against the wall.

"Nan Nan, what did you call me when you were in the hospital?"

Nan Qing had never felt ashamed of the word husband before, but since they liked to call her this name in bed, the title has changed.

Today in the hospital, she only screamed for some reason, but now she really couldn't scream in the hallway at home in broad daylight.

"It's so hot today. It's almost winter. Why is it still so hot? I'm sweating and feel so uncomfortable. I have to take a shower." Nan Qing pretended to be stupid and ducked out from under his arm.

Shen Huaian was not in a hurry, he just followed her.

Nan Qing took her pajamas and found that he was still following her, "Why are you following me? Teacher Shen, don't you still have papers to read? I'll take a shower and you go to work. Can we do it at night?"

The last sentence was a softening.

But Shen Huaian didn't leave. He took Nan Qing's pajamas and said, "I'll give you a bath."

With that said, he entered the bathroom.

Nan Qing stood at the door with an ominous premonition.

The sound of water came from inside. The water was put and before she went in, the man inside said loudly: "Nan Nan, I like Shen Ting'an to give you a bath, but I can't do it?"


After Qiu settled her accounts, Shen Ting'an came in while she was taking a bath last time, and then came once in the bathtub. Shen Huaian still remembers it to this day.

We are obviously the same person, why should we be jealous of each other? Nan Qing finally understood Er Er’s warning.

At this time, Er Er's cold little voice came from his mind: "Go take a shower quickly, the male partner is waiting for you, I'm going to close the dark room."

Er Er is now calm.

Nan Qing resigned herself to her fate and went in. Although she was a little miserable and tired, she had to admit that she felt comfortable and happy.

In the bathroom, Shen Huai'an was still fully dressed and was feeling the water temperature. The more neatly he dressed, the more Nan Qing felt a little weak in his legs.

"Teacher Shen..."

"Why are you still wearing clothes? Do you know that you need to take off your clothes when taking a shower?"

Of course she knows such a retarded thing!

Before Nan Qing could take action, Shen Huaian came over and said, "Nan Nan is being coquettish and doesn't want to take it off by himself? Then let me help you."


The sound of water was very loud, and the water in the bathtub was very full and kept splashing out rhythmically.

"Will it be cold if there is less water?"

In a daze she heard his voice.

Then I heard him turn on the water and add hot water. The whole bathroom was warm, and so was my body.


After Shen Ting'an woke up, he accepted the memory and agreed not to have children. His concerns were the same as Shen Huai'an's, fearing that the disease would be hereditary.

"It's good not to have children, and we will be very happy living this way."

"Well, it's just a pity that my brother can't find anyone to inherit such a huge property."

"It's okay, just adopt a child. When you graduate, we will go to the orphanage to check it out." Shen Ting'an didn't care much about this.

Later, they told both parents about not wanting the child. The Ji family did not object. As long as the daughter didn't want it, they would not want it. Father Shen was angry, but Shen Huaian didn't listen to him at all. She heard that Mother Shen had a family abroad. Not much was said about the news.

Nan Qing has been living with them and has no contact with Father Shen except for a brief meeting during the Chinese New Year.

Shen Ting'an and Shen Huaian change each other every week, and they become more and more similar, but there are also some differences.

After getting married, they have been living in the wedding house they bought. Shen Ting'an and Shen Huaian have never returned to their former home.

After graduating from college, Nan Qing went to the orphanage with them to adopt a pair of twins whose parents both died. Nan Qing also got a job after graduation. The children were mostly taken care of by nannies, but they would stay with them whenever they had time.

Treat your children as your own.

One year after graduation, Nan Qing received a wedding invitation from Jiang Yuyin. She was getting married to her former high school monitor.

Nan Qing and Shen Ting'an also took their children to attend her wedding. Jiang Yuyin's face was all red and she looked very happy. There was no history of heart disease at all. The squad leader looked very handsome after taking off his glasses. The two of them were very happy.


"Your husband looks exactly the same as Mr. Shen!"

When Nan Qing got married, Jiang Yuyin happened to be sick and didn't come. Jiang Yuyin only knew that Nan Nan was married to a very rich boss, and they loved each other very much, but she never knew how close the boss and Mr. Shen were.

Exactly the same!

Seeing Jiang Yuyin's shocked eyes, Nan Qing made a shushing gesture and whispered, "He is Teacher Shen."





Tomorrow's New World is about e-sports. The male partner is an e-sports master and Nan Qing is a female star in the entertainment industry.

Because of training, he has dark circles under his eyes, slightly long hair and a bit of beard, but he is a very good-looking e-sports player (he can tidy up so that he doesn’t look sloppy)

An exquisite and beautiful female star who is a beauty in the world. She is a seductress, capable of making love, beating and tearing her apart.

I hope you like it. If you don't like it, just skip it. Suisui only has one hand and can't write much. Suisui saw the theme you recommended. I'm sorry that I won't be able to write for a while. I apologize if it's not what you recommended. Please understand.


[Please give me a small gift, Suisui worked very hard today, do you feel it? Knock on the little broken bowl (●'??'●)]

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