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Chapter 713: The Son of God Comes

Some people kept making sounds of disgust and exclamation.

"Oh, how could there be such dirty things? Oh my god, it smells so bad."

"Is this a human being? Dirty thing, don't pass by my door!"

Nan Qing: "..."

Nan Qing deliberately stood at that person's door for a while, almost making the owner of the house angry. When the owner was about to get angry, Nan Qing ran away.

Nan Qing was out of breath after running for a while.

How long had the original owner been a beggar? He was so hungry, skinny and obviously malnourished.

Nan Qing saw a family's clothes hanging outside, stole a dress and ran away.

Nan Qing didn't know how long he walked before he finally found a lake.

On the way there, she also stole a farmer's pumpkin.

The original owner had a flint in his tattered pocket, so Nan Qing picked up firewood, lit a fire by the lake and roasted the pumpkin.

Pumpkin roasted on the side.

Nan Qing couldn't wait to take off his dirty clothes, which were stained and smelly, and quickly went to the lake to take a bath.

The light screen in front of Er Er went black.

When Nan Qing started washing, the water around him turned black.


Nan Qing disliked him so much that he retched.

She actually has no mysophobia, but she has never been so dirty!

The water around him turned dark, so Nan Qing walked a meter or two further and continued washing. It took a lot of effort to wash himself clean.

"It's quite white, so white that there's no blood." Nan Qing felt disgusted, and the skin was not smooth at all.

Nan Qing took a long time to undo the knotted hair. Finally, when he couldn't undo it, he used the original owner's knife to cut off the ends of the hair.

After washing her hair, she discovered that she had blonde hair.

Nan Qing could already smell the pumpkins on the shore being roasted, and bursts of sweet fragrance came from them.

Nan Qing swallowed his saliva frantically, washed his hands quickly, and then went ashore.

After going ashore and putting on the clothes he had just stolen, Nan Qing cut off the ends of his hair, but the length of his hair was still below his waist.

Nan Qing stared at the water with curiosity, and then realized that she was quite good-looking.

Blonde and blue-eyed, she has a delicate and good-looking appearance, but unfortunately her eyes are full of cunning calculations. Her long blond hair is obviously dry due to malnutrition, her skin is pale and bloodless, and her figure is thin and flat.

"It will definitely not be bad if you eat well and drink well and take care of yourself for a few months."

Nan Qing wants to find a way to be chosen by God and go to God's college. After going there, there will be no distinction between poverty and poverty, and there will be good food and drink.

As the sun set, Nan Qing turned his back to the setting sun and let the last sunlight shine on his hair.

She devoured a simple roasted pumpkin.

"Can you be more elegant when eating?" Erer couldn't stand it anymore.

Nan Qing took a big bite of the soft, glutinous and sweet pumpkin flesh: "When you are about to starve to death, you won't think about being classy or graceful. I really feel that without this pumpkin I wouldn't be able to survive this long cold night today."

Nan Qing ate more than half of a whole large pumpkin, and finally lay down on the grass beside the lake with a bulging belly.

The sun has gone down, the sky is getting dark, and the evening breeze is a bit cold.

Nan Qing lay down and rested unconcernedly.

She had just accepted the memory of this body.

Philina Allison, a very miserable girl, her whole family was murdered by the darkness, she went to live with her aunt, but her aunt disliked her uncle and did not want to see her, and her aunt's daughter even beat and scolded the original owner.

Finally, the original owner left his aunt's house and wandered and begged.

In order to survive, she snatched food from wild dogs, fought with other beggars, stole, deceived and abducted as part of her daily routine.


Nan Qing sighed and closed his eyes and went to sleep.

a few days later,

The moment the sun came out early in the morning, all the people walked onto the street with enthusiasm.

The golden sunshine shines on the entire street, and the streets are full of people.

Nan Qing was also in the crowd. She was a little different, because everyone around her was smiling, but she was the only one who was expressionless.

"My dear daughter, you must stand forward for a while. You are so beautiful and kind, you should bathe in the holy light more and let the holy light of the Son of God shine on you."

"Mom." The girl was shy.

Nan Qing had goosebumps all over his body.

Even though she had been in this world for a few days, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

Today the Son of God is coming to the town.

Everyone came to the street to greet him and worship in the street.

The sun rose higher and higher, shining in the center of the town. At this time, the sound of bells came from the sky.

In a golden light, two white horses with wings were seen flying towards them. The white horses were dragging a holy white carriage with gold rim.

The carriage landed on the street of the small town. The white horse folded its wings and walked slowly with long hooves.

Today's holy carriage has a white gauze curtain, and you can vaguely see a blond boy wearing a white robe sitting inside.

Surrounding the carriage are men wearing temple robes, these are the envoys of the Temple of Light.

The people were extremely excited, but no one dared to shout.

Everyone voluntarily surrendered and knelt down, placing their hands on their chests and worshiping their faith.

Nan Qing was almost out of place for a moment, and she quickly followed suit and knelt down.

She didn't want to kneel down, but she had no choice. If she didn't kneel down, she would probably be torn apart by these people.

The moment all the people knelt down, the carriage emitted a golden light.

That is the Holy Light!!

As long as you are illuminated by the Holy Light, it is equivalent to receiving the blessing of the God of Light.

The carriage passed by, the holy light shone on the people, and some people wept with joy.

The angels surrounding the carriage sang songs.

The people also sang along.

Nan Qing opened his mouth and listened to the lyrics, which were about worshiping light, the God of Light...

Nan Qing quietly raised his head to look at the Son of God in the carriage, and could only see an outline clearly through the gauze.

"Er Er, is he good-looking?"

"Of course God is pretty."

Yan Gou Nanqing was relieved.

Everyone was singing with their heads down, and Nan Qing's slight raising of head was very conspicuous in the crowd.

One of the divine envoys frowned and was about to give a warning.

Suddenly the young man in the carriage spoke: "Don't worry about it."

God is tolerant of everything and will not be angry because of a little girl's fault.

The angel lowered his head: "Yes."

The Son of God can see everything. He can see everything clearly about everyone while sitting in the car.

He had long noticed the girl in the crowd. She was a little different from others. There was no light on her, but there was no darkness either.

"Does she not believe in God?" Soboa thought for a moment.

The white horse walked across the street, and the crowd still followed.

Nan Qing continued to worship for a whole day and felt numb. After dark, it was finally over.

When it got dark, everyone returned to their homes.

Only Nanqing was homeless.

Both the angel and the son of God went to the church to rest.

Nan Qing walked alone on the dark street. During the day, it was full of people, lively and bright, but at night it was quiet, deserted and dark.

Nan Qing went directly in the direction of the church without thinking.

The church is so big, there must be a space where she can sleep, right?


Do you like New World??

The PS background is empty + private and cannot be combined with the real background~

When I saw a young reader's comment: blasphemous, the first reaction in my mind was the Son of God in the Western Fantasy setting, hee hee, the filthiest beggar and the most holy Son of God~

ok, good night, continue tomorrow~ This world is getting more exciting every year!

This chapter has been completed!
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