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Chapter 718 Will you save me

I originally thought he was a person who wouldn't get angry, but I didn't expect that the bottom line was here.

The bottom line is actually desire.

Can't God have desires?

Why is desire so dirty?

"Why is desire dirty? Isn't it because people have desires? This matter cannot be said to be dirty."

Soboa said seriously: "The reproduction of life is not desire."

Nan Qing didn't quite understand. What he meant was that the desire to reproduce life is not dirty, but at other times it is?

I can’t understand God’s logic.

"Mr. Soboa, may I venture to ask you, do you have any desire?"



Nan Qing poked the fire with a wooden stick and was thinking about something in his mind.

The two spent the night together in the mountains and forests.

The two of them set off at dawn the next day, heading towards a nearby town.

Because people in the surrounding towns had heard about the coming of the Son of God, most people went to the church where the Son of God lived to worship.

So when Nan Qing and Soboa arrived at a small town, there were relatively few people in the town.

"Mr. Soboa, do you know what this birthmark on your face will bring to you?"

The girl asked suddenly.

Soboa raised his hand and touched the black birthmark under the corner of his eye: "I don't know."

To him, this birthmark is just a birthmark, and it will not affect the appearance too much, nor will it hinder others.

What will it bring?

Soboa found that he had indeed seen the world too one-sidedly. It was like he never knew that the forces of darkness were killing people with blond hair. He only knew that people with blond hair would be loved by others.

"Mr. Soboa, I advise you to keep your head low when you see people, and don't cover your birthmark too deliberately. Just wait and see if anyone finds it. If someone finds it, you will know that it will bring you harm."

What's going on?" Her eyes were filled with the look of someone watching a show.

Soboa felt that she was gloating about her misfortune, and all her bad intentions were revealed.

The more she said this, the more curious Soboa became.

He didn't wear a hat or deliberately lower his head, he just walked forward behind her.

Someone saw these two blond children from a distance.

A mother-in-law came over happily: "Oh, you two are from far away. I have never seen your faces in this small town. Your hair is so beautiful. You look like angels."

Nan Qing thanked him with a smile on his face: "Thank you for your compliment. I can be happy all day long with your compliment."

Soboa also spoke: "Thank you for the compliment."

The mother-in-law's eyes almost disappeared when she smiled. Just when she was about to continue talking, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at the boy behind the girl.

The mother-in-law couldn't believe it: "What's on your face?!"

Sopoya was stunned when he saw the old woman's reaction. He raised his hand and touched his birthmark.

"It's just a mark. It was with me when I was born. I'm sorry I scared you."

Soboa thought that he was very polite and had done nothing wrong.

But the old woman actually shouted loudly: "The mark of darkness! The darkness is shown on your face, your heart must be dark too. People like you should not step on the land of our town. Do you want to

Do you want to tarnish our light?!"

A smile flashed in Nan Qing's eyes, and she said deliberately: "Dear old lady, his face is just a birthmark, not a mark of darkness. Look at his hair and eyelashes, which are golden. He is full of light.


"No, can blond hair represent light? Look at the black mark on his face. It is extremely ugly, just as ugly as his heart!"


Soboa was at a loss.

How did ordinary people see his heart? How could they be sure that his heart was black and ugly?

The old woman screamed even louder: "Come on, come on, come on, tie up this damn dark cultist! He wants to tarnish our light, he wants to turn our town into a dark place!"

When the young people working heard the shouting, they all grabbed their hammers and came over.

The women who were baking bread in the house heard the noise and came out.

The children stood at the door and looked carefully.

It didn't take long for Nanqing and Soboa to be surrounded by people from the small town.

One citizen said angrily: "The mark on his face is so ugly, a dark mark. How did you have the nerve to enter our town, you damn dark believer!"

Soboa pursed her lips and looked at them with light blue eyes.

Nan Qing admired it from the side.

Great God of Light, when you are attacked by the people, can you still be tolerant in your heart?

Is it still possible?

There was no anger on Soboa's face.

He stood there and allowed the people to verbally humiliate him.

Humiliating with words is not enough, someone said.

"Dark believers should be burned on crosses or hanged!"

"Yes, burn this dark believer to death!"

"Burn him!"

Soboa pursed her lips and looked at the people teaching.

He closed his eyes.

Nan Qing was curious, is this a district service subject to death?

Obviously not.

After Soboa closed his eyes, the sunlight in the sky of the town suddenly disappeared, and a layer of dark clouds appeared in the sky.

Everyone couldn't help but look up.

"Why is there no sun? Damn, oh my God, where has the sun gone?"

"It must be that these dark believers entered our town and took away the sunshine from our town!"

"Oh, great God of Light, please give us light. We are your loyal believers. We will definitely punish these dark believers."

"The great God of Light..."

"The great God of Light..."

Nan Qing approached Soboya: "Mr. Soboya, how are you feeling now?"

"have no idea."

"The warm sunshine is gone. Great God of Light, are you disappointed too?"

Soboa's golden eyelashes trembled slightly, and he looked at the girl in front of him seriously: "Will you save me?"


Nan Qing didn't react.

"They are insulting and accusing me, and you are watching from the side. When they want to kill me, will you save me?"

Soboa's eyes were particularly sincere, but behind the sincerity was indifference.

God will not take any emotion seriously.

Nan Qing looked at his beautiful orb-like eyes and smiled wickedly: "I won't save you."

Every word is extremely clear.

Then the blond girl suddenly moved away from him.

"Oh, you have been deceiving me. Are you really a dark believer? How could I know a friend like you? I am so disappointed in you." Her eyes were full of sadness after being deceived, and then

Cover your face and cry.

The people were drawn back by her crying voice.

This girl is so thin that it makes people feel distressed, but her blond hair and delicate facial features are so beautiful, just like the people around the gods.

Someone comforted Nan Qing: "Beautiful lady, don't be too sad. You are a dark religious person who is too despicable and cunning. Come over to our side and we will protect you."


Nan Qing wiped away tears and walked towards the people, without even giving Soboa a look.

Soboa stood in the open space in the middle, accepting the criticism and humiliation from the people around her.

All this is just because of a birthmark on his face.

"Tie him up and put him in a dungeon, and we will burn him to death in the sun when the sun is at its hottest!"

"This is a good proposal. Dark believers should be punished like this."

"I also agree with this punishment."

The people brought thick hemp ropes. They originally thought he would struggle, but they didn't expect him to stand obediently and the people tied him up easily.

Someone pushed Soboa hard.

"Go, go quickly!"

Soboa staggered as he was pushed.

Nan Qing stood in the crowd and looked at him, and Soboa looked at him too.

"How could he not be angry even after he was so wronged? He's not even good-looking. He's not only easy to deceive but also easy to bully." Nan Qing said in her heart.

Er Er swayed his calves: "You are so arrogant to the gods, aren't you afraid that they will be angry with you?"

"He knows everything I do. He can hide if he doesn't want to, but obviously he jumped into the pit on his own. He is full of curiosity about all this. If you want to be angry, you shouldn't blame him, you should blame me.

It’s his fault for creating all this.”

22: "The male protagonist of the world is the God of Light, but not all of him. The God of Light died after creating the entire world. Soboa is only a small part of his soul left behind. Soboa Pudu looks after the world.


"No wonder it's so easy to deceive."

Soboa was imprisoned and imprisoned in a dungeon.

This place was originally used to imprison criminals in the town.

Nan Qing was invited to eat at home by the women, and even nice clothes were prepared for her. The mayor wanted her to stay, and the mayor also asked what kind of men she liked.

Soboa had no food or drink in the dark dungeon, and even the criminals in the next room had to scold him.

Different treatment from day to day.

Nan Qing politely rejected the mayor, saying that she was still young and had no plans to get married.

It was dark and the whole town was quiet.

The moonlight shone on the small town, and occasionally a few dogs barked.

The room where Soboa was held could let in moonlight.

The moonlight shines in.

When Soboa saw light for the first time, he didn't want to touch it. He sat quietly on the edge of the wooden bed, looking at the white moonlight.

After looking at it for a long time, he raised his hand to touch it, and the moonlight shone on his white hand.

At this time, there were footsteps outside.

A smile flashed across Soboa's eyes, and he put his hands down, then lowered his head and huddled together.

When Nan Qing came to the dungeon, he saw the great god sitting on the bed with his legs curled up.

This was a shock.

Obviously it's impossible.

But even if he wasn't hit, he should still feel a little bit sad in his heart.

Being treated like this by your own people.

Nan Qing walked to the door with a smile: "Mr. Soboa, how are you feeling? Are you hungry? I brought you delicious bread."

Soboa did not raise his head or speak.

Nan Qing frowned, and she opened the lock and went in.

"Mr. Soboa?"

Soboa raised his head, and there was no sadness on his face. He said: "You opened the lock and you came to save me."


Okay, today's update is complete, right? Isn't Sui Sui awesome today?

Stop being so talkative and go write a mistress' manuscript.

This chapter has been completed!
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