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Chapter 721 She's a Good Child

Soboa had already noticed her other meaning.

Nan Qing really wanted to say in front of the great god, I want you.

No, this answer is too eager.

Nan Qing approached: "I want the great god to fall off the altar."

Soboa's blue eyes shrank.

No one has ever dared to say such treasonous words to the great god.

Soboa closed his eyes: "I can't fall. I have been the son of God since I was born. Everyone praises me as the incarnation of the God of Light. I have lived for tens of thousands of years. You are just a child. You can't pull me down."

I'm here."

“How will you know if you don’t try?”

Soboa suddenly couldn't tell whether the girl in front of her was joking for fun or if she had a premeditated plan.

Great gods can tolerate everything and have great patience.

But tolerance and patience also have a bottom line.

Seeing that these people were about to burn him, Soboa felt that it was almost done.

He has witnessed the evil deeds of these people with his own eyes, and he will record this incident and send it back to the Temple of Light, and the divine envoys in the world will carry out the punishment.

Soon, the whole world will try to avoid this kind of thing from happening, including the blond child getting hurt.

Soboa was about to untie the rope himself, when suddenly a warm hand touched his.

Soboa tilted his head.

She was untying him, pretending not to be close to him.

Joy flashed in Soboa's eyes, and at this moment the Son of God felt happy in his heart.

He won.

This girl has light in her heart.

She will eventually become his believer and believe in the God of Light like everyone else.

He will change her.

He would not let the beautiful girl in front of him fall into darkness.

Soboa suddenly felt that he had a responsibility, and there seemed to be something more in these ordinary four seasons.

This is what God should do.

Soboa said calmly: "You are saving me."

"Huh, I'm afraid that if you die, no one in the world will suffer."


Soboa thinks she is cute.

Soboa: "God cannot die."

Nan Qing raised his head: "But it will hurt you, right?"

Soboa was stunned and admitted softly: "Yes."

He won't die or grow old, but he will still be in pain.

For example, his wrists are very painful now. The rough hemp rope binding his wrists is very painful.

Nan Qing untied the rope and picked up a firewood stick from the ground. The stick was thick and strong.

"Your Highness, the Great Son of God, I will just rush out by myself later. I won't care about you whether you can escape or not. I believe you have infinite divine power and you won't be unable to escape, right?"

After saying that, Nan Qing took the stick and swung it at the people next to him.

The sound of a heavy stick hitting flesh.

The man screamed and fell to the ground without strength.

"Oh my God! Beautiful blonde lady, what are you doing?"

"Damn it, how did the dark believer's rope get untied?!"

"Oh my god, they're a team! Damn the dark cultists are so cunning!"

"Quickly, stop them, don't let them escape, we must burn them to death. The great God of Light is angry, and we must express our feelings to the God."

Those villagers wore long robes and it was not convenient to move at all.

Nan Qing lifted up his sleeves and struck each of them with a wooden stick.

She is very brave and savage. Some people are timid and dare not approach her at all, while some are hit with sticks as soon as they come close.

The thin girl forced her way out.

Soboa was closely behind her.

It seems that Nan Qing protected Soboa and left.

But actually when someone was about to touch Nan Qing, something suddenly blocked him.

There was a lot of commotion, and the two people quickly left after clearing a path.

They ran all the way into the woods.

The terrain in the forest is complicated. The sky was already dark, and the entire forest was even darker. From a distance, it looked like a dark giant beast opening its mouth.

The people suddenly did not dare to pursue forward.

It's too dark, so dark that it scares them.

In the past, they were not afraid of the dark night, because they knew that the God of Light would bless them.

But today, they suddenly felt weird everywhere, and the sense of security of being blessed was gone.

Deep in the woods, a golden ball of light followed two people.

The golden ball of light glowed, and Nan Qing could easily see the path under his feet.

Soboa followed her.

"Great Son of God, you have been liberated, won't you go back?"

"God is in heaven and earth."

There is no saying that he will not return, it will be the same wherever he is.


The blond girl moved a little away from him, and then kicked the grass on the roadside as she walked.

Soboa let the ball of light follow her: "Don't go too far. It's too dark here and you won't be able to see clearly if you go too far."

"Your Highness, Son of God, are you following me? Why are you following me?"

"Follow you so that you can see the light."

Nan Qing glanced at the light ball beside him and suddenly felt that his words had a double meaning.

"Your Highness, Son of God, you don't think I believe in you, do you? Or do you think I need you?" Nan Qing sneered: "Where were you when my whole family believed in you? Where were you when my family was hurt and needed you?"

"I'm sorry, such a tragedy will never happen again."

"I don't care about other people, I care about myself."

"I know you have resentment in your heart, but you are still a good boy."

He sounded like an elder, and indeed he was an elder! He had been alive for who knows how long! But he looked like a teenager now, so it was a bit strange to say such words to her.

Nan Qing glanced at the marks on his hands.

Son of God, please be more careful.

The two of them had just run a long way to avoid the crowd. Nan Qing was a little tired and planned to take a good rest here.

The grass here is very soft and does not hurt you when you sleep on it. It is a good place to rest.

Nan Qing took out two oil paper bags from his arms and handed one to Soboa.

Soboa took it and opened it to find fragrant bread.

She only had these two pieces of bread with her, so she gave one to him.

Soboa took a bite happily.

But then she suddenly said: "I stole this. Does the Son of God also eat stolen things?"

She looked at him with a naughty smile, obviously wanting to see him spit it out in a hurry.

Soboa chewed the bread carefully and said: "It's delicious."


Suddenly I felt that the Son of God was not so holy anymore.

Nan Qing and Soboa went to bed after eating the bread.

Lying on the ground, this golden ball of light was shining above their heads.

Nan Qing was shaken so hard that he couldn't sleep. He turned his head and looked at Soboa who seemed to be asleep.

His golden eyelashes were drooped, and his sleeping posture was particularly good. He was obviously just sleeping on the grass, but he seemed to be sleeping on a high-end goose feather quilt.

Nan Qing saw the red marks on his fair wrists under his clothes.

Nan Qing quietly stood up and crawled to his side, his movements very light and cautious.

Being close to him, he didn't wake up.

Nan Qing took out a small lidded box from his arms and opened the ointment inside.

She applied ointment with her fingers and gently wiped it on his wrist, carefully applying ointment to the red marks on his hand.

My breathing became lighter, especially because I was afraid that it would wake him up.

But realizing that he didn't seem to be woken up that easily, Nan Qing became a little bolder.

In the dark forest, the girl whispered.

"Isn't he a god? Why are you still injured? Why can't you heal yourself immediately?"

The ointment has a strong medicinal smell and feels ice-cold when applied to the wrist.

She applied medicine to both his hands one by one.

"The stories about gods I heard when I was a child are all false. Gods are neither great nor can they save people, and they can also get hurt... I thought you wouldn't be hurt. It hurts. I didn't mean to bully you... Okay.

, it was intentional.”

After the ointment was applied, she carefully put the ointment back into her pocket. It was obvious that the ointment was very precious to her.

I have been running around all day, and I was exercising vigorously just now.

Now that the whole world has quieted down, Nan Qing is particularly sleepy.

She simply lay down next to him and closed her eyes to sleep.

The two of them were very close, and her face was glued to his hand.

It was extremely quiet in the forest.

Soboa opened her eyes and glanced down at the girl who was sleeping well beside her.

He raised his hand and looked at his medicated wrist.

The corner of Soboa's mouth curled up: "What a good boy."

He lowered his hand and gently touched the top of her hair with his fingers.

"Sweet dreams, Miss Philina Allison."


Ahem, I'm a little stuck. Next, Nan Qing will sneak into Guangming Academy!

Sweet dreams, beautiful little cuties~

By the way, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!

This chapter has been completed!
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