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Chapter 739 Killed

The forest was filled with the smell of blood. Nan Qing looked at the blood splattered on her skirt. Her beautiful white skirt was stained like this.

Nan Qing recalled the memory of the original owner, the memory of this person.

Ma Defu, the only son of a business owner in a small town, has been arrogant and domineering since he was a child, bullying the girls in the small town.

Growing up, he loved to play with those disabled blond children for fun, and even indirectly killed two children...

Madford's father is rich, and besides, he is just a disabled wild child that no one wants. Naturally, no one will seek justice for these children.

Ma Defu lived so arrogantly and never received any retribution.

Nan Qing's hands were stained with blood: "Er Er, the script I have set for myself now is to kill someone if I defend myself. Are there any points?"


The original owner, Philina Alison, was originally a person who could do anything in order to survive and have a good life.

Madford discovered her secret, threatened her, and even wanted to rape her just now.

Er Er: "Your script is smooth, but... you have killed someone with your own hands, and your hands have been stained with darkness. The light that shines on you in the next Holy Light assessment will turn black."

Madford also killed people, but indirectly and not with his own hands, so the Holy Light did not notice his sin.

Nan Qing is different. She killed someone with her own hands, and she has already fallen into darkness.

Nan Qing looked at the blood on her white skirt, then looked at the blood on her hands, her eyes were deep.

"two two."


"The Son of God wanted to save the girl, but the girl fell into darkness. How do you think the Son of God would react when he knew this result?"

The child in the blue space laughed, Er Er said: "He will be crazy?"

"It's not much different. There will definitely be a big response."

"I want to bury this body so that I can hide it for a longer time. The next Holy Light assessment will be in a month. The inspection will be done once a month. God will forgive me as long as I don't commit any serious sins, but God will still forgive me for my sins."

Will you forgive me?"

If you conquer a Son of God, you won't be able to defeat him easily.

What choice will he make under the stimulating blow, and what will be his reaction?

Tianni had already finished washing and was sitting on the bed before Nan Qing came back.

Tianne probed her head: "Where have you been? You obviously left before me, but I came back before you. I looked for you for a long time during dinner but couldn't find you. Where have you been for so long?"

"Going for a walk."

"Take a walk? No matter how beautiful the scenery of Guangming Academy is, you don't need to take a walk for so long. Feilina, where is your robe? I remember you wore a robe today."

"If you accidentally get it dirty, throw it away." Nan Qing took the clothes and went to take a shower.

Tianni looked at her curiously.

I always feel like something is weird.

At night, Nan Qing covered himself with a quilt and slept with his eyes closed.

Tianne had just finished writing a letter and folded it.

"Feilina, you can deliver the letters together tomorrow morning. Why don't you write a letter to your family now? It will be too late to do so if you get up early tomorrow morning."

Nan Qing closed his eyes and replied: "I have no family, so I don't need to write a letter."

"Oh my god, Felina, what are you talking about? You don't have a family?" Tianni was shocked. Her voice was a little louder at first, and then she asked cautiously: "Are you the one who doesn't have a family as I understand it? You are



Because of her blond hair, she became an orphan.

From an extreme perspective, she became an orphan because of the gods.

This chapter has been completed!
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