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Chapter 791 Shen Zhimu is so poor that his apprentice doubts his character

Shen Zhimu looked at the expectation in her eyes. Was she looking forward to her superior qualifications, or was she looking forward to her own truth?

Shen Zhimu has never told a lie, and he doesn't like to tell lies to encourage someone.

"Your qualifications are not very good, and training will be much more difficult than others."

Shen Zhimu told the truth.

But in fact, this sentence is told with a human face.

Shangguan Nannan's qualifications are difficult to get into, and I don't know why Junior Brother Jianyun fell in love with her and asked the disciples of the mountain sect to let her in. Shen Zhimu still thinks about this matter to this day.

Immortality is a kind of immortal fate, and her ability to enter the Tianzong sect and become her disciple is another kind of immortal fate. She has an immortal fate.

"It's much more difficult..."

Nan Qing's eyes drooped, she lowered her head and murmured these words.

How difficult is it to be much? How many is it?

Is it possible to tie it with hard work?

Or can’t catch up no matter how hard you try?

Er Er watched Nan Qing's performance quietly, her disappointed and confused look was amazing, and it even had a psychological reaction. He could see her expression and hear her inner monologue.

"Nannan, don't be sad, my teacher will teach you well, and one day you can become the kind of person you want to be."

One day.

How long will that take?

What Master said is inaccurate. It seems that hope is right in front of you, but it is far away from you.

She already had an answer to her situation in her mind.

The demon soul felt very happy now. This Shen Zhimu couldn't speak well. If he said something nice and didn't be so honest, maybe this little girl's self-confidence would not be damaged.

People in the Immortal Sect have this kind of rigid personality and don't know how to adapt at all.

She watched quietly as he pushed his disciple further and further away.

Soon the little girl will fall into her own trap.


Shen Zhimu saw that she finally had a smile, but now it sank again: "Are you still worried about cultivation?"

"If you don't worry, you won't worry anymore." Nan Qing raised his head, his face calm.

She already knew her situation, and there was no point in worrying. She could only find ways to become stronger.

But Shen Zhimu didn't understand what she meant. She just thought that her little apprentice had been enlightened by herself. She no longer worried, but planned to calm down and practice.

"It's good if you don't worry. It's dark now and the stars in the sky are brighter. Look."

After hearing his words, Nan Qing looked up at the stars.

The sky is full of stars, and the stars are twinkling.

"Obviously they are all the same, they are all stars, but some stars are brighter and can be seen at a glance, while some stars are dim and their faint twinkle can be ignored in the blink of an eye." Nan Qing sighed inwardly.

This sentence is specially for the demon soul to hear.

The demon soul also went up to the topic and said, "Do you want to be the brightest star in the sky?"


"Then practice with me, and you will become brighter and brighter, and you will become more and more dazzling."


The voice of loss.

The next second: "Two two! How was my performance? Pass it. I didn't mean to cultivate demons. I want to be strong. I went astray. If Shen Zhimu knew that he didn't guide me well, then I would be under his eyes.

I went astray down there, does he still have the heart to blame me?"

Er Er was enjoying Nan Qing's performance seriously, but suddenly she came to the scene with a thought and immediately stepped out of the show.

Fortunately, as long as Nan Qing thinks about talking to Er Er, the demon soul can't hear him.

"You are very smart, don't speak casually."

"A host who cannot differentiate is not a good host."

“Great performance.”

Er Er answered the question she asked at the beginning.

Nan Qing understood immediately, and even said arrogantly: "I will keep up my efforts."

Er Er rolled his eyes gracefully.

Shen Zhimu saw her looking at the stars in the sky seriously. There was no sadness in her eyes, and there was even a smile.

It seems that the solution was successful.



"You seemed to have said earlier that you would teach me some sword skills. Can you show me some sword skills under the moonlight and starry sky?"


Shen Zhimu stood up, waved his right hand lightly, and the white Lingqing Sword appeared out of thin air in his hand.

He is dressed in white, with dark lines outlined by gold threads. His face is so moving under the starlight, his posture is tall and straight, and his waist is strong when he turns over with a sword.

Nan Qing sat on the ground and held his chin in his hands, watching carefully.

The wind blew his hair, the jade crown remained motionless, and the Lingqing Sword flew up and down, showing both momentum and beauty.

"She looks so good-looking."

Er Er: "Immortal, of course you look good."

"Are all the gods so good-looking? Isn't there a crooked one?"

Er Er: "If you are not good-looking, you will have a disguised face. There is another requirement for entry into the Tianzong Sect. The facial features cannot be deformed, the body cannot be mutilated, and the appearance is pretty if you put it in order."

"Is Shen Zhimu's face real or an illusion?"

"Of course the face of the best actor in the world is real."

Shen Zhimu originally planned to perform a few sword moves casually, but seeing how serious his disciple was, he performed a full set of sword moves.

He didn't know that Nan Qing was looking so seriously, not at his sword dancing, but at his face and body.

The Lingqing Sword is put away.

Shen Zhimu put one hand behind his back and said, "Did you see clearly the move just now?"


Nan Qing hesitated for a second and said with a smile: "I didn't see clearly."

Shen Zhimu didn't blame her. Her disciple had only learned some boxing and kicking skills, so naturally he couldn't see these sword skills clearly.

"Nothing, I will teach you every move from now on."

"Can I dance as beautifully as Master once I learn it?"

"The purpose of learning swordsmanship is not to look good in dancing, but to use this swordsmanship to strengthen yourself and defend yourself and help others."

"Master who is strong in self-defense can dance so beautifully. Master, your every move, glance and smile are all very beautiful. I wish I could be like you."

He was obviously sweet and complimentary as usual, but Shen Zhimu could inexplicably sense the teasing tone.

It seemed as if his disciple was teasing him. It was impossible. How could his simple disciple be teasing him?

"You didn't pay close attention to your sword moves just now. You were all too focused on looking good." Shen Zhimu reached out and tapped her forehead.

Nan Qing feigned pain and exclaimed, covering his head, and then looked at Shen Zhimu with resentful eyes.

Shen Zhimu was surprised. Could it be that he had strong hands?

"Ahem, isn't it easy for you to look good? My teacher is also good at sword dancing, and women are so heroic in sword dancing."

"Master also knows how to dance the sword dance performed by women!"

"If you live long, you will naturally be able to do anything."

Shen Zhimu lived for more than a hundred years. Although he was often unable to go down the mountain due to lack of transportation, he also traveled to many places in the world in the past few decades.

He has been smart since he was a child, has a photographic memory, and can learn many things at a glance.

"Master, please teach me, I want to learn."


"Master seems to know a lot of things. Master, can you teach me everything?"

"As long as you can learn it, you can teach it as a teacher."

"Qi sinks in the Dantian, do you feel the Qi? Hold back enough Qi and turn around the whole body, moving it to the heart."

The reversal of Qi and body, this is the difference of Demonic Cultivation.

If you are not careful, you may explode and die.

Late at night, the harsh and old voice of the demon soul guided Nan Qing in his ears.

Nan Qing was sitting on the bed wearing close-fitting clothes. Her face was red now, her brows were furrowed and she was trying hard to control her anger.

"So hot."

"Little girl, stay calm and don't get distracted."

Time passed bit by bit.

One second it felt like being roasted by fire, and the next second it was like falling into an ice cellar and making one shiver with cold.

It was getting brighter and Nan Qing slowly opened his eyes.

"Little girl, if you practice according to my method, you are indeed a genius! You have reached the third level of Qi refining."

Demon Soul never said it was a demon cultivator.

And she didn't ask, but she probably knew it in her heart.

It was effective in one night, and she was indeed suitable for the path of cultivating demons.

The demon soul was particularly excited. In addition to finding a suitable person, she was very likely to help her save her people in the future. At the same time, she also had an abnormal sense of joy. This was the disciple of Shen Zhimu, the founding elder of the Tianzong sect, and it bewitched her to cultivate demons.


Shen Zhimu, Elder Shen, how will you be so angry?

The demon soul is already thinking about the future.

Nan Qing's body is not hot and cold now, but she sweated last night and wanted to take a bath.

As soon as the genius dawned, Nan Qing came to the kitchen and planned to boil water himself.

As soon as the firewood was set up, Zhong Yu came.

Zhong Yu is used to coming over so early to make breakfast, but he didn't expect his junior sister to be there too.

"Junior sister, what are you doing?" Zhong Yu opened the pot and took a look: "Do you want to boil water? I will do it."

"I want to take a bath myself. Senior brother has taken good care of me on weekdays. I can just do things like boil water by myself."

"There's no need to be polite to senior brother, I should take care of you. Senior brother is happy to take care of you." Zhong Yu said gently, and he took the firewood in her hand.

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Nan Qing had no choice but to sit aside and watch.

Zhong Yugang set up the firewood and used a fire technique to light the fire.

Nan Qing's eyes lit up.

Zhong Yu: "Junior sister, do you like Yangchun noodles?"


"Okay, then today's breakfast is Yangchun noodles."

Shen Zhimu went into the kitchen to make medicine as usual, but he saw his two apprentices there. Zhong Yu was making noodles, and Shangguan Nannan stood on tiptoe and watched.

"Why did you get up so early?"

Shen Zhimu spoke up.

You don’t need to think about it to know that this question is about your junior sister.

Nan Qing turned around: "Master, I got up early because I couldn't sleep."

"You slept late last night. After breakfast, go back to your room and continue to rest. You can practice swordplay in the afternoon."


Zhong Yu was confused, how did Master know that Junior Sister slept late last night? Did Junior Sister sleep late last night?

I always feel that there is a secret between Master and Junior Sister, a secret that I don't know.

Shen Zhimu told Nan Qing to have a good rest, because they would leave the village tomorrow.

The incident with the dragon monster delayed them here for a few days, but they agreed to go to Jiangnan and rest for a few days before continuing on their way.

At night, Nan Qing went into Er Er's space to sleep.

"Er Er, have you bought this reclining chair?"

I haven't entered the space for just a few days, and Er Er actually bought furniture again.

Er Er sat elegantly on his little chair, with a light blue light screen floating next to it.

Nan Qing lay down on the recliner: "It's quite comfortable. It's the size of an adult. You're such a small one... Do you want to get bigger and lie down here to rest?"

Er Er rolled his eyes gracefully: "Asking knowingly."

"Thank you Er Er!"

Bought for her.

Because a demon soul lives in her body, Nan Qing has trouble sleeping at night. She is used to Erer staring at herself, but she is not used to the demon soul staring at her.

To truly get some rest, Nan Qing chose his soul body to enter the space to sleep.

There are only chairs and carpets in the 22 space. Nan Qing usually sits on the carpet. She also plans to come to the 22 space to lay the floor.

But I didn't expect that Er Er understood her so well and was so considerate that he directly bought a recliner.

"Tomorrow you will set off to Jiangnan. The coordinates of the heroine of the world are in Jiangnan, and the coordinates of the hero of the world are also in Jiangnan." Er Er opened the map on the light screen. There were two red dots on it that were relatively far apart, but they were both at the same time.

on an area.

Nan Qing looked up and said, "The men and women of the world have met."

"Well, the beginning of love." Er Er slid the light screen and said: "The male protagonist in the world does not have the help of Senior Demon Soul. Now he is just a little demon and has to cultivate on his own. He is the male protagonist and the protagonist has a strong aura. A few years later

He will also become a great demon."

"I hope senior sister can keep an eye on him and not do anything bad."

Er Er smiled evilly: "If the male protagonist in the world is bad, you are even worse than him. Make sure that the male supporting actor's attention is all on you and you have no time to interfere with the protagonist's affairs. Naturally, he will not be able to meet a tragic fate."

"According to your plan, Shen Zhimu will not have a tragic fate, but I will definitely have a tragic fate."

Immortal disciples cultivating demons already smell the smell of tragedy.

Er Er said lightly: "I wish you good luck."

Nan Qing: "..."

Er Er is a bad boy.

"I hope to get to Jiangnan soon. Jiangnan in this world should be similar to Jiangnan in other worlds. I haven't had Jiangnan rice wine for a long time."

Er Er: "Is it so delicious?"

"Yes, sweet rice wine is super delicious. It's better to drink it with children. When you come out, I'll treat you to some rice wine."

"I'm not a child..." Erer emphasized weakly.

"Rinse the glutinous rice, steam it in a pot, let it cool, then add distiller's yeast, cover it and leave it in a warm place for a few days to make rice wine, which is fragrant, sweet and sweet."

"It's sweet, but not too sweet."

"You can add sugar."

Er Er was moved.

Nan Qing figured out its preferences.

In the private room of the big ship, exquisite pastries were placed on the table, and incense was lit in the empty room.

Such good travel conditions made Zhong Yu feel like he was in a dream.

The most dreamy scene was when we just boarded the ship, Master actually took out an ingot of gold from his purse!

Zhong Yu felt at that time that he was dazzled.

The ferryman's eyes lit up.

Zhong Yu: This ferryman must have been dazzled.

Next they checked into the best room in the cabin. Not only did they live well, they also had good food and were cared for.

Zhong Yu: These people are definitely dazzled.

Until An sat down and ate the cakes, Zhong Yu looked at the master and junior sister who looked calm.

Zhong Yu hesitated and finally spoke: "Master, don't you always teach us to treat others with sincerity and not to use magic to deceive ordinary people?"

"Huh?" Shen Zhimu didn't understand.

Zhong Yu gritted his teeth and lowered his head and said disrespectfully: "Master, you can't use illusions to deceive mortals!"


Pfft! Nan Qing tried hard not to laugh.

How poor was Shen Zhimu in the eyes of his disciples? So poor that he couldn't even guarantee his character.


Is it okay every year?

Ahem, thank you little cuties for the great certification!! I will try my best to work overtime! Grit my teeth, GP, I love you~ Holding the little broken bowl.

This chapter has been completed!
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