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Chapter 8 Who will play?

Xin looked at the boy again, who was about the same size as himself. He was Du Gan, the eldest son of the Du family.

“Isn’t it better to launch the driftwood into the water as early as possible?”

Fan Boyu seemed a little unhappy when he saw Du Gan standing up.

"Of course not! Driftwood is different from people. If the driftwood cannot be seen in Puyi, the driftwood will continue to flow down the river, and we will miss the time for Puyi to rescue."

Du Gan explained.

When Fan Boyu saw a son of a small clan, he dared to refute himself, and couldn't help but get angry: "Didn't you just say that when the driftwood arrives in Puyi, it will definitely be seen? Now you say that you can't see it, and it seems that this method can't be done. Reliable.”

Du Gan saw Fan Boyu's expression and knew that he had collided with Fan. He couldn't help but whisper: "Yes...but..."

"He said it was during the day, but according to the speed of the water flow, if the driftwood is released now, the time when the driftwood reaches Puyi should be at night." Xin spoke again, explaining for Du Gan: "So we have to calculate the time and let the driftwood Arrive at Puyi early in the morning so that the letter can be seen by people in Puyi."

After Xin You explained, Fan Boyu did not refute.

He just glared at Du Gan fiercely.

Xin You ignored Fan Boyu and said to everyone: "Each of the three major families will leave ten people, and the other families will leave some people according to the number of people. Du Gan will be in charge of the affairs here!"

After hearing Xin You's arrangement, Du Gan was surprised and happy.

This is the first time that the Du family has led other families to do things!

"Don't worry, gentleman, I will definitely deliver these driftwood!"

Du Gan's face was filled with excitement.

The other three major families didn't have any objections.

Cutting down trees and delivering letters is not a pretty job, nor is it profitable, so they are too lazy to take care of it.

"The remaining people should go back to the hometown school first and continue the discussion."

Xin issued another order.

At this time, no one had any objections, especially the elders of several wealthy clans. After arranging the affairs here, they followed Xin back to the rural school.

As soon as he entered the rural school, Xin felt that the atmosphere was different from before.

No one was careless in front of him, but they all looked at him with strange eyes.

Only Yi Sima, with the old god present, seemed to have not changed his attitude towards Xin You.

Everyone sat on the ground, in the same position as before. The three elders and Xin Jin sat in front of Xin You respectively.

Fan Mi's decision had just been rejected. In addition to Xin You's heart, the other person was also very happy.

That is Yi Sima Yinrong, who has always been at odds with Fan Mi.

Like Xin You, Yin Rong also took over the position of Yi Sima not long ago.

Compared to the sophisticated Fan Mi, he has never proven himself in unexpected places in Xinyi, and his prestige in Xinyi is completely incomparable to that of Fan Mi and Xin Jin.

Therefore, he has always wanted to use this incident to prove his ability. If possible, it would be best to suppress Fan Mi.

He was a staunch "warrior" and hoped to rely on the few remaining city walls of Xinyi to resist the Rong's attack.

As long as the flood recedes, he can ask for help from Puyi.

Previously, Xin completely refuted Fan Mi's opinion of "seeking peace". It was obvious that he was going to fight the Rong people, and Yin Rong suddenly felt that he had the upper hand.

Tomorrow afternoon is the deadline given by the Rong people. At that time, the Rong people will come to "get food".

According to the speed of the water flow, Puyi will receive the "letter" probably from tonight to tomorrow morning.

According to the time when Puyi sent troops in the past, even if he borrowed a letter, reinforcements would not arrive until the early morning of the day after tomorrow.

How can we resist the Rong's attack from tomorrow afternoon to the morning of the day after tomorrow?

This question was already placed in front of Xin You at this time.

What Xinyi has to do is to organize manpower to resist from tomorrow afternoon to the morning of the day after tomorrow.

"Sima Yi, how many troops do we have in Xinyi now, and how does it compare with the Rong people? Please tell the people first."

Xin said again.

Yin Rong stood up, took a special look at Fan Mi, whose face was ashen, then cleared his throat, and began to explain the current defense situation of Xinyi to everyone. Some information about Xinyi City also appeared in Xin You's mind.

The mountain range where Xinyi is located is actually a square platform with higher terrain.

It is surrounded by water to the east, and green water surges around the mountains.

The hillsides on both the west and south sides are cliffs, making it impossible to walk on them on weekdays.

Only the northern hillside can be walked down, leading directly to the Huantu in Wangji Nei.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, many small cities and Rongdi people lived on higher terraces.

This is a custom left over from ancient times. It can use terrain for defense and avoid floods.

The location is moderately close to the water source and does not affect water intake.

Only some big cities live on the plains next to big rivers.

The city of Xinyi was built in a very square shape, and the city wall actually only had a section on the north side.

After hundreds of years of changes, many of these city walls have collapsed and no longer play a very good defensive role.

The beacon tower occupied by the Rong people is also in the center of the northern city wall.

There are more than 200 households in the city, and about 2,000 Chinese people live in them.

Chinese people farm on daily basis, but when encountering war, they will fulfill their "obligation" to fight, which is actually their unique right.

For most Chinese people, they are both soldiers and farmers.

"Now we can gather about 810 Chinese people, all of whom are well-trained soldiers."

Sima Yinrong said.

"not enough."

Xin said again.

"But...the rest are old people, children and women."

"This is a life-and-death battle. Every Chinese citizen must stand up and fight. Otherwise, how can we possibly defeat more than 2,000 Rong people with just over 600 people?"

The combat effectiveness of the Rong people was developed in actual battles.

An army composed of Chinese people like Xin Yi was not very powerful in combat, and Xin knew this very well.

Every year during the off-season, military training is conducted under the auspices of Yi Sima, which is the so-called "spring search, summer seedlings, autumn hunting, and winter hunting."

Also called "Souhu".

It's just that in a small place like Xinyi, even "souyi" is just a small fight.

At most, Sima can be taught some small subjects such as "sitting, working, advancing, retreating, spacing..." and then hunt together to see which family has the most prey.

It is equivalent to today's militia training.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the Chinese people is also very average, and it is still incomparable with the real elite of the army.

Relying on less than a thousand men to fight against the Rong is a fool's errand.

"Gentleman, do you want our women and children to pick up swords and fight with those fierce soldiers? So what do you want our men to do? Just cut off the eggs!"

A descendant of the Yin family walked out from behind Yin Rong.

He was tall, strong, and had a hot temper. People in Xinyi called him Yin Huo'er.

Yin Huoer's words resonated with some people.

They often fight against the Rong people, but they are not afraid of the Rong people.

Just thinking about his wife and children going to the battlefield is naturally unbearable.

"If that's the case, I still think it's better to hand that woman over!"

Fan Boyu of the Fan family spoke.

There is a huge disparity in strength, and it is difficult to survive a whole night.

Some people want to fight tooth and nail, but naturally some people don't want to. Although Chinese people are brave, they are not professional soldiers.

Although it is possible to fight to the death all night, it is based on the unity of Xinyi.

Xin You knew this very well.

One night, now he wants to hold Rongren back for one night!
This chapter has been completed!
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