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Chapter 21 Price

Xin You knew that Xiao Wu had never dealt with him. As for why, Xin You actually had some guesses in his mind.

The little five are very smart, but they don't have a good father.

Thanks to his winemaking job, Xinji drinks alcohol every day and sometimes eats the lees directly.

This turned his nose into rosacea, which is rare in this era.

Xiaowu has been smart since he was a child, but his father can't teach him anything except drinking.

Later, Xin Jin couldn't stand it anymore, so he took Xiao Wu with him and taught Xiao Wu some etiquette and planning methods.

As Xiao Wu grew up, Xin Jin also began to let Xiao Wu handle some things in the clan, mainly helping Xin Jin sell some things.

The calm and capable Xiaowu never behaves like a child, whether he is organizing wheat harvesting, escorting goods, or going hunting with adults.

Compared with Xin You, the doctor of Yi, Xiao Wu is excellent in all aspects.

The only shortcoming is that he is just a side sect of the Xin family, and does not even have the title of "shi". He is just an ordinary Chinese.

It was decided from birth that he would only be a "drinker" in Xinyi from now on.

And Xin You is the doctor of Xinyi.

When Xiao Wu heard Xin asked him about wine making again, he thought Xin was making fun of him again, so he was naturally unhappy.

At this time, Xin You could certainly understand Xiao Wu's thoughts.

This idea was not formed overnight, nor could Xin You resolve it in a short while.

"Then... let's go, I have something to ask you."

Xin said to Xiao Wu again.

"ask me?"

"Bring the best wine your father brewed, let's talk while we drink it."

"I never drink."

Xiaowu stood there.

"I'll drink." Xin added, "Bring the best wine your father brewed."

"This is the best." Xiao Wu said.

Xin didn't say anything and returned home with Xiao Wu and Lian Zuo.

Before leaving, Xin You and Lian Zuo helped the drunk Lian Zuo into the house.

Xiao Wu held a pottery cauldron and stared at it blankly.

Xin You had just returned to the hall when Fan Ni's snoring came from the next door.

"This guy sleeps really well."

Wei was still waiting for Xin You in the hall. Seeing Xin You come in, she whispered: "Gentleman, is it time to rest? I've already made the quilt..."

"No need, it's still early."

According to the time of later generations, it is only after eight o'clock.

Xin called Ling Zuo and Xiao Wu in again, and he sat in the hall while Xiao Wu knelt down opposite him.

"Xianzuo, bring me this wine."

Xin took another sip of wine and felt that this wine was indeed better than the previous one.

"Xiao Wu, how is such wine brewed?"

Xin asked again.

Xiao Wu shook his head: "If you, gentleman, think that I can distinguish good wine and know how to make wine, you are totally wrong."

One sentence blocked Xin You's next words.

When he saw Xiao Wu taking out the good wine without thinking, he thought this guy was hiding his clumsiness.

After all, such a smart person grew up surrounded by wine, so how could he not know how to make wine?

"Okay, let me ask you something. You followed the tribe to Ganlu to sell wine. What did you find?"

"Discover? Gentleman means..."

"How is the sales of our Xinyi wine there?"

Ganlu is the largest city among several nearby cities and has a large market.

Chinese people and savages sometimes trade some goods here.

"Our Xinyi wine is considered top-grade among the wines sold by Ganlu." Xiao Wu answered honestly.

"It seems that if we in Xinyi can make wine well, we should be able to exchange for some grain." Xin added.

Wine is made from grain, so it is naturally more expensive than the price of grain.

"Actually, that's not possible." Xiao Wu said.

"No? Why?"

"Last year, we brought wine to Ganlu and sold it. Putting aside the losses along the way, the food for people and cattle, the cost of delivering it to the Ganlu market, and the wine given to the Cognac doctor, we put these aside, every time we go to Ganlu to sell wine

, in fact, you can’t make much money.”

"Oh I got it."

Xin nodded again, thinking what Xiao Wu said made sense.

"Last year, the price of corn was sixty yuan per stone. This year's harvest is not good, so the price may rise. However, the price of our wine has not changed..."

Xin said again.

Xiao Wu raised his head, as if he was surprised that Xin You could think of this.

However, the price of wine is set by Jiuzheng, and Xinyi cannot change it at will.

"In this way, if we continue to make wine and sell wine this year, we will actually lose money."

"Yes, gentleman." Xiao Wu replied.

"So... how can we make our wine more expensive?" Xin asked again.

Xiao Wu looked embarrassed. He felt that he had told Xin You too much.

Doctor Yi today seems to be different from before. Who knows what is going on in his mind.

However, this was the first time that Xiao Wu and Yi Dafu Xin You had talked. Xiao Wu also had a young mind and wanted to show off what he had gained in the past few years.

"If our wine can be classified as 'past wine', then the price will increase at least five times! In this way, we will not lose money every time we sell wine, and the surplus money can be used to buy some food."

"Okay! That's it!"

Xin patted his thigh again: "Starting from this year, we in Xinyi will sell old wine!"

"Shadow wine?! We can't make good old wine!" Xiao Wu couldn't help but feel funny: "We don't have the koji and techniques needed to make good old wine."

There is only one word difference between the first wine and the first wine, but the price is vastly different.

If it were old wine that could be sold to the nobles or princes in the royal city, the price would be even more outrageous.

However, the brewing process of Xijiu is not something that small families in a small place like Xinyi can master.

"The so-called Xijiu means that the taste is mellower than Shijiu and the color is clearer than Shijiu, right?"

"If you only look at the finished product, it's true." Xiao Wu said.

Xin added: "In that case, as long as we filter the brewed wine a little more cleanly, it's okay."

"Even so, the taste of alcohol cannot be changed."

"I have my own solution for this." Xin said again: "Xiao Wu, I want to make a brand new wine, are you willing to help me?"

"Brand new wine?"

"Yes, but I'm just trying. If it succeeds, we in Xinyi will have more food for the winter."

Xiao Wu's heart was a little shaken. He didn't want to help Xin You, and he didn't want to see Xin You succeed.

But Xinyi would have more food for the winter, which he also hoped for.

"If you don't want to help me, I won't force you." Xin added, "I just want to make Xinyi better and never let things like Papaya happen again."

When he mentioned "papaya", Xiao Wu's body shook violently.

Papaya was his neighbor when he was a child.

Seven years ago there was a severe drought in Wangji, followed by a horrific famine.

Papaya starved to death in that famine.

Although Xin Wubing, the doctor of the city at that time, used all the food at home to help the people, it was a drop in the bucket.

Many people still have not survived the cold winter.

"You are the doctor of Xinyi, you only need to tell me to do things."

Xiao Wu's expression returned to normal.

He actually knew in his heart that even if Xin didn't say anything about papaya, he still wanted to agree.

Because he was very curious about how Xin could brew old wine.

Did he get the koji to make good wine?

"Brewing can only be done in mid-winter, and the brewing time needs to be at least two or three months. The wine we are brewing now will never be the same as old wine."

He thought Xin was suffering from dementia again, so he kindly reminded him.

"What I want to do is turn these ordinary wines into old wines!"

Xin You's words made Xiao Wu feel dizzy.

Turn the wine of the past into the wine of the past? Does it rely on ghosts and gods?
This chapter has been completed!
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