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Chapter 25: Fan Dou

"Go to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow morning." Xin said again.

Wei carefully withdrew and returned to her cabin.

Looking at Wei's back, Xin couldn't help but sigh, this is what a slave whose thoughts have been imprisoned since childhood is like this.

From Wei's point of view, whatever she did to Xin was appropriate.

On the contrary, anything Xin does for her is a punishment for her.

After a night of silence, when Xin woke up again, Wei had already filled him with water for washing.

The nobles in the Spring and Autumn Period had good habits of bathing frequently and being hygienic.

You need to bathe when you are offering sacrifices, you need to bathe when you go to war, you need to bathe when you meet at court, you need to bathe when you are visiting...

When entertaining guests, you must also allow the guests to "wash their hair every three days and bathe every five days." That is to say, you have to allow the guests to wash their hair once every three days and take a bath every five days. This is in line with etiquette.

When it comes to washing your face, Xin You still likes to do it yourself.

Wei served Xin You carefully from the side, her eyes full of love.

"Gentleman, you seem to have really changed as a person." Wei said again.

This time, her feeling was even stronger.

Xin was helpless, women's intuition was so accurate.

"I am who I am, and this will not change." Xin replied: "It's just that I don't want to live the way I did before."

In fact, after merging the memories of the previous owner, Xin You couldn't tell who he was now.

He has the emotions of the previous Xin You, and also has the thoughts of the time traveler Xin You.

The two people are completely merged into one.

So Xin thought that he was still himself, but...it seemed like he had evolved.

Wei didn't dwell on this problem anymore. It was already dawn, and she knew that Xin You still had a lot of things to do.

She took out clean clothes and put them on for Xin.

After everything was arranged, he summoned Ling Zuo.

She knew that Xin You would definitely take Lian Zuo out again.

After casually eating some noodles, Xin hurried out with Xinzuo.

"Gentleman, will you stop looking at those bamboo slips today?"

Leng Zuo asked.

"You don't have to look at those things all the time." Xin said again: "Today, follow me to the place where the Fan people live. I want to find a potter."

"Fan Clan?"

Ling Zuo asked, but he didn't dare to say anything anymore.

Xin also knew that Ling Zuo was very afraid of the Fan people.

He was a slave and was often bullied by several boys from the Fan tribe.

If it weren't for You Xin You's protection, Ling Zuo would have been bullied to death by a few boys from the Fan clan.

He was a slave anyway, so no one would care if he died.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Xin said again.

The two of them arrived in front of Fan Mi's house, one behind the other.

Although Xinyi is a county official, when he comes to the area where the Fan clan lives, he still has to inform the Fan clan leader first.

Fan Mi's home is much better than where Xin You lives.

The yard is newly built, and there is a road paved with gravel outside the door.

There were two members of the Fan clan standing there at the door of the Fan clan, like soldiers at the door of a noble noble's house.

However, these two "family soldiers" were obviously not professional. When they saw Xin coming again, they all rushed in.

"Uncle, uncle! The doctor is here!"

shouted a loud voice.

The two men pushed each other and stumbled.

"Old Fan, if he wants to put on airs, he needs to find two quality people. It's really embarrassing to let these two idiots stay here." Xin You thought to himself.

"Except for them, no one is willing to look after people's homes and homes, and they don't pay them," Leng Zuo said.

These two people were well-known lazy men of the Fan family and had neglected their own fields. Fan Mi gave them such a job so that they could fill their bellies.

"Does anyone cultivate the land of these two people?" Xin asked again.

"Of course! But most of the food we grow has to be taken away from others." Lian Zuo whispered, "It was the old man Fan Mi who 'borrowed' their land."

"That's it..." Xin You already understood in his heart.

In the middle and late Spring and Autumn Period, the well-field system had been basically destroyed.

Under the well-field system, land is state-owned.

Farmers' farmland is allocated by the state. People not only have to cultivate their own land, but also cultivate certain "public fields" as tribute.

The land divided by the state is customized and private buying and selling is not allowed.

However, with the development of productivity, there were more and more private lands, and the princes and officials reclaimed a large amount of land for themselves.

The officials of the Qing Dynasty have understood the preciousness of land, so they occupy a large amount of private land.

So in this era, many countries have allowed private ownership of land.

Qi State's "taxation based on land", Lu State's "initial tax per mu", etc., whether public land or private land, are taxed according to the amount of land, which is equivalent to a disguised recognition of the legality of private land ownership.

Naturally, the Cheng family did not dare to blatantly annex the land of small households like the big princes, so they changed their approach.

The two gatekeepers, Fan Da and Fan Jia, didn't like farming anyway, so Fan Mi simply gave them a bowl of rice, and then "borrowed" their land to help them farm.

Fan only took the bulk of the food grown.

These two people don't have to work, and they can get a little food, which is enough for them to survive, so they are naturally happy and relaxed.

Not long after Fan Da and Fan Jia entered, Fan Mi walked out of the house.

It was obvious that he was very unhappy on his face.

These two gatekeepers are a bit out of place.

"Gentleman." Fan Mi saluted: "Gentleman, please come into the hall and have a talk."

Xin You was not polite and took Lian Zuo into Fan's hall.

The two sat opposite each other, with Ling Zuo standing behind Xin You.

"Gentleman, why did you come to me, Mr. Fan?" Fan Mi asked.

Xin added: "My mother is about to pass her birthday. I want to find a potter to help her make something for her."

"Potter?" Fan Mi said: "My Fan family does have two potters, but Fan Fou is too old and seriously ill in bed, so he can't do much. His son Fan Dou can help Junzi make something."

Xin did not expect that Fan Mi would agree so readily, but Xin soon figured out the reason.

Fan Mi thought that Xin came to him again to persuade him to let Chinese people come and learn how to read.

The classroom at the township school after dusk today is where Fan Mi exerts his strength.

Like Yin Rong and Xin Jin, he had already told his clan members that they were not allowed to go to rural schools to learn how to read.

So Fan Mi thought that Xin came back to ask him to let the Chinese go to rural schools, but it turned out that Xin just wanted a potter to make pottery.

This made Fan Mi feel relieved and agreed immediately.

"It seems that this nerd doesn't know what will happen at night. If he wants to make some pottery for his family, I just need to give you a bad pottery." Fan Mi thought to himself.

Fan Mi heard from the potter Fan Fou that his son Fan Dou was not very good and could not learn more than 10% of his skills.

He just deliberately went against Xin You and wanted to regain some ground from Xin You.

Soon, Fan Mi called the potter Fan Dou.

Fan Dou was an honest man. When he came in, he kept rubbing the mud on his hands.

There was no clean spot on his body, so he stood in the yard and did not dare to come in.

"That's him. Whatever a gentleman wants to do, just tell him."

"So good."

Xin You felt very satisfied, but he didn't want Fan Dou to get involved.

No one can know how to make distilled liquor by yourself, and the technology involved cannot be mastered by others.

If it weren't for Xin who didn't know how to make pottery, he wouldn't want a potter.

However, Xin Youyi had already thought of some methods one night. Even if the potter could copy a set of pottery, he would still not know the secret of distilled liquor.
This chapter has been completed!
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