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Chapter 34 Azure

"Ling Zuo, go get Xiao Wu!" Xin ordered Ling Zuo early the next morning.

When it comes to selling wine, Xiao Wu is a professional.

Xiao Wu and Ling Zuo walked side by side, their faces seemed very reluctant.

"What does it smell like?"

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, Xiaowu stopped.

Having grown up in a wine shop, he has an extremely keen sense of smell.

Although Xin You hid it well, there was still a hint of wine smell coming out from the corner of the room.

"Wine...the taste of this wine is so strong..."

Xiao Wu remembered what Xin You said to him a few days ago.

Is it really possible to brew wine in just a few days?

And it smells pretty good?

Xiao Wu quickly walked into the hall, and Xin You was already sitting there.

"I have met a gentleman."

Xiao Wu nodded respectfully to Xin You, and then raised his head after Xin You returned the greeting.

"Gentleman...have you brewed the wine?"

Xiao Wu was a little anxious to know what the wine tasted like.

"Thanks to you growing up in a wine shop, your nose is really bright." Xin added.

"It's only been a few days? How can we make wine?"

This already goes against Xiao Wu's common sense.

Xin You didn't explain, he just asked Ling Zuo to carry out a Tao Zun.

A strong aroma of wine emanated from Tao Zun.

"This wine... looks like our Xinyi wine, but it's not like..."

Xiao Wu can already know so much based on taste alone.

Xin You couldn't help but sigh that he had really found an expert.

"Taste it."

Xin asked Ling Zuo to scoop out some wine, bumped it into Tao Jue, and handed it to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu passed Tao Jue, smelled it first, and then looked at the contents of the cup carefully.

"It's so clear..." Xiao Wu murmured.

He glanced at Xin You meaningfully, what kind of spell is this?

This family is really powerful, can they really use the power of ghosts and gods?!

Xiao Wu raised Tao Jue and drank it in one breath.

“Good wine.”

After just drinking, Xiao Wu only said two words.

Although he didn't like Xin You very much, if he said that this kind of wine was not good wine, he would be lying with open eyes.

"My father will never be able to make such wine in his lifetime," Xiao Wu said.

"Can this kind of wine be regarded as a past wine?"

"Of course!" Xiao Wu said with certainty: "Although I have never seen sake, I think it is nothing more than this."

Xin smiled again, it seemed that the efforts of the past few days were not in vain.

"How much can such wine be purchased in the surrounding towns?" Xin asked again.

Xiao Wu thought for a while, and then said: "It is at least five times more than the current Xinyi wine, and it may be sold for six or seven times."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu added: "Gentleman, at least in Ganlu, there is no such good wine."

As the largest public town nearby, Ganlu is also an important market in the Qingshui River area, and its commerce is very developed.

Xiaowu comes here every year with Xin's caravan to sell wine, and is very familiar with the wine market.

"So, can we take this wine to Ganlu and sell it?" Xin asked again.

"Of course." Xiao Wu said: "But before that, we still need to inform Dr. Ganlu and Ganlu's boss."

"Well, I will take care of this." Xin added, "In two days, there will be a market in Puyi. Are you willing to go with me?"

"...This..." Xiao Wu hesitated for a moment.

"Are you afraid that your uncle won't agree?" Xin asked again.

Xiao Wu said: "Yes, Xiao Wu must go back and ask his uncle for his opinion."

"You are you, hard work is hard work." Xin added: "A tall, seven-foot man, everything is dictated by other people's mouths. How can he become a great person in the future?"

"I'm just a wine drinker, but I won't be able to achieve anything great." Xiao Wu lowered his head and answered Xin You's question respectfully.

"Your father is a wine person, so you also want to be a wine person? In my opinion, you should not be such a person."

Xin You actually doesn't understand Xiao Wu, but he understands smart people.

A smart person like Xiao Wu must have an arrogant temperament.

Letting him stay in that wine shop for the rest of his life was definitely not what he had in mind.

Xiao Wu was silent.

After all these years, someone finally said what he wanted to say.

But he didn't expect this person to be Xin You.

"I'm just a drunkard's son."

Xiao Wu said it again.

Should he be allowed to believe Xin You?

He went to follow Xin You, and then failed together with Xin You and was laughed at by others.

"Since you are the son of a wine man, isn't it reasonable to follow me to sell wine?" Xin You leaned forward slightly: "Or are you just afraid of getting involved with me?"

Of course it's the latter.

Xiao Wu thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it with his mouth.

"Hahaha! Xiaowu, it seems that I still think highly of you." Xin took another sip of wine: "If you are so timid, then go back quickly and be careful that your uncle spanks you."

Xin waved his hand impatiently again.

"Gentleman..." Xiao Wu wanted to retort, but what could he dare to say?

He was just an ordinary drunkard's son, and the man in front of him was a doctor from the city.

No matter how bad it is, he is still a true noble.

It's not something that a little Xin Wu like him can afford to offend.

Xiao Wu stood up and turned around to leave.

"Xiao Wu, let me ask you something again." Xin looked at Xiao Wu's back and said.

Xiao Wu turned around and saluted respectfully: "Gentleman, please speak."

"Is this wine good to drink?" Xin raised Tao Jue again.

Xiao Wu knelt on the ground and didn't get up for a long time.

Wine must be good wine, Xiaowu knows this better than anyone in Xinyi.

If the gentleman told him the craft of making wine, or asked him to be responsible for selling such wine, he would definitely help Xinyi make a lot of money.

Xiao Wu was sure of this from the moment he saw the wine.

But should he help Doctor Yi?

Helping Doctor Yi means standing on the opposite side of Xin Jin.

Does Xiao Wu dare to offend Xin Jin?

He's weighing the pros and cons.

Xin You was actually very satisfied with Xiao Wu's performance.

He likes to cooperate with smart people. Smart people will weigh the pros and cons. As long as the interests are in place, they will not sway around.

"Gentleman, how many such wines have been brewed?"

"This is the only one."

"So little!?" Xiao Wu was surprised.

If it's just a little bit of wine, nothing will happen.

"My wine is not brewed." Xin You said to Xiao Wu: "I can turn ordinary Shijiu or Zhuojiu into this kind of wine. It's just that a piece of Shijiu can only be turned into old wine at most a quarter of the time.


"A quarter..."

Xiao Wu, who knows a little bit about dots and numerals, naturally knows the concept of one quarter.

"I understand!" Xiao Wu's eyes lit up: "So the price of our wine must be at least five times higher to make money!"

"Eight times." Xin said again.

In other words, every kilogram of wine will be sold for twelve pieces of cloth.

"Eight times..." Xin Wu swallowed. If this were the case, Xinyi's wine would not be sold at a loss.

After all, the price of old wine is much higher than that of accident wine.

"I didn't expect that we in Xinyi could have such wine." Xiao Wu said; "What kind of wine is this..."

"The name of this wine is...Tianqing." Xin said to Xiao Wu again.
This chapter has been completed!
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