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Chapter 54: Xinyi's Guest

"Xiao Wu, tell me, what are you going to do in the future?" Xin walked up to Xiao Wu again.

Xiao Wu is a useful talent, and Xin also wants to keep Xiao Wu by his side.

But if Xiao Wu keeps wavering like this, Xin will not let him entrust him with important tasks.

"I want to follow Junzi..." Xiao Wu said.

He understood very well that Xin You's ability was far superior to Xin Jin.

It's just that he doesn't know how he will choose when Xin and Xin Jin face off again in the future.

"I hope you will do what you say."

Xin You's voice was cold, and he naturally knew that he couldn't believe Xiao Wu's words.

"Tomorrow morning, Wu will come to our Xinyi, and you will be responsible for entertaining him then." Xin added, "This business is done, and our life in Xinyi will be much better."

Yuan Shouguo left Xinyi early in the morning.

This workaholic in the Spring and Autumn Period never allows himself any leisure time.

Before leaving, Xin gave Yuan Shouguo a carrier pigeon and told Yuan Shouguo how to use the carrier pigeon.

Yuan Shouguo seemed to be frightened again. He thanked Haotian repeatedly for the divine rain that brought him to Xinyi.

This trip to Xinyi was so rewarding!

After Yuan Shouguo left, Xin ordered the people to clean up the rural school.

According to the agreement between him and Wu Ye, Wu Ye will deliver grain and wine to Xinyi today.

There are also Pu-eup wine-making utensils.

As for the large amount of original wine collected by Su, they are probably still on the way and will take some time.

At Si hour, several children ran from the beacon tower to the city.

"The caravan is coming! The caravan is coming!"

Children are the best messengers, and soon the news spread throughout Xinyi.

Wu Kuo was naturally the boss of the caravan. He drove a carriage painted black and walked at the front with his head held high.

One was following behind his vehicle and was not in the vehicle.

After all, he is just a slave.

Behind him were bullock carts, horse-drawn carriages, and baggage carts pulled by manpower.

It was filled with grain and wine and marched into the rural school.

"Gentleman Wu, you are indeed punctual." Xin handed over his hand again.

Wu Shi jumped down from the carriage and shouted in a loud voice: "Stop talking so much, hurry up and make me a few jars of good wine!"

After saying that, he was going to get the wine jar at the back.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, wait until the Pu people come." Xin smiled again.

"Puren hasn't come yet? He should be the one closest to you in Xinyi!" Wu Kuo was a little dissatisfied.

"Making pottery is not that easy in the first place. People from Pu have already sent me a letter. They will arrive this afternoon at the latest." Xin added.

"Didn't it rain heavily a few days ago? It's not a big deal for a messenger to deliver a message in the rain. The relationship between your two families is really good." Wu Shen said with a smile.

Xin took Wu Suo to the pigeon coop again.

"This is our messenger. No matter whether it's windy or rainy, it can always deliver the letter on time." Xin added.

"This...pigeon?" Wu Kuo was surprised.

Xin also explained to Wu Suo how to use homing pigeons, and Wu Suo and Yiwei were amazed.

With such a messenger, sometimes there is no need to send dead soldiers to deliver messages during wars.

"Ren Xin, can you give me one of your homing pigeons?" Wu Kuo said curiously.

"Of course you can." Xin added, "I hope that all the cities in the Luohe and Qinghe basins can have each other's carrier pigeons, so that once an invasion by the Rong occurs, we can communicate as soon as possible."

"So that's it..."

Wu Shen scratched his head: "To be honest, our Wu clan has a good relationship with the Yiluo Zhirong, so we shouldn't have any difficulties in this regard."

Xin smiled again, noncommittal.

He didn't want to keep the matter of the carrier pigeon a secret.

The more people who use it, the better.

If all cities and towns could contact each other at any time, mutual support would be much more convenient.

All the food brought by the Wu family was piled in the township school.

The Chinese people gathered around the gate of the rural school, looking at the piles of food, feeling a little dreamy.

In addition to the most common millet, there is also a cart of wheat.

Although some people grow wheat in Xinyi, the yield is not good due to the variety.

What they mainly grow is millet, which is the "ji" of Sheji.

There is little wheat in the diet of Xinyi people.

This is something Xin can't stand. He is from the north and loves everything.

I thought that since I was a noble, I didn't have to worry about food and drink.

Unexpectedly, he was completely wrong. Although he would not die from hunger, he would not be able to eat well.

Just like wheat.

There was not much wheat in Xinyi, and it was not ground into flour.

When eating wheat, the wheat is steamed or boiled into "wheat rice" or "wheat porridge" without removing the bran. Although it is also delicious, it is not as colorful as pasta.

Even though it is such a simple food, Jin Jinggong wanted to eat a bowl of wheat rice made from new wheat before he died.

As a result, as soon as the meal was served, his stomach hurt, and the toilet collapsed again when he went to the toilet.

Jin Jinggong used his own life to verify the prediction of the Sangtian shaman that he would not eat new things.

By the way, a minor minister's life was also involved - because he dreamed of carrying Jin Jinggong to heaven on his back, so everyone asked him to fish Jin Jinggong out of the manure pit and bury him with him.

It's a dream come true.

Xin called Xin Yun again and asked him to be responsible for distributing the food to the people in urgent need first.

All the remaining grain is placed in the township school and will be distributed uniformly during the winter solstice.

"Don't touch these wheat, these are the seeds I bought." Xin said again.

The land in Xinyi is fertile and can be used to grow wheat.

It’s just that the wheat seeds in the past were not good, and coupled with the habits over the years, the wheat yield was not high.

After learning that Wu was good at growing wheat, Xin had a new idea.

It’s not too much to make some noodles with soybean paste, right?

Xin Yun, the deceased, quickly settled Xin You's settlement.

When the people of the country saw that Xin You was really willing to distribute grain to them, they were all very excited and took the initiative to help Yi Zhong carry the remaining grain in.

Some Chinese people also took the initiative to guard the granary. No one can destroy the grain until it is all there.

This reminded Xin You.

In the past, Sima Yinrong was generally responsible for the public security in the city.

But today, so much grain, as well as grain to pay tribute, were in the township school, but Yin Rong was not seen.

He didn't even send anyone over to ask how the grain should be stored, nor did he arrange for anyone to take care of the grain.

Xin was suspicious again, and it seemed that Yin Rong was about to jump out.

Some of the Chinese who took the initiative to guard the food were descendants of the Yin family.

Xin also recognized one of them, named Yin Ke, who was Yin Rong's cousin and whose relationship with Yin Rong was not very good.

He was also one of the first people to come to Xinyou to study.

"Yin Ke, come here."

Xin called Yin Ke again.

Yin Ke was very excited because he was the first one to get the food.

Although he is Yin Rong's cousin, the relationship between the two families is not very good.

The Yin Ke family had a large population but little land. Because they had offended the Yin Rong family in the early years, their family did not receive much land.

Yin Ke's daughter-in-law was frail and sick, and Yin Ke was a family man. He bought medicine even if he had some surplus food, which made their family's life very difficult.

Originally, he was forced into a desperate situation this year and had to go to Yin Rong's house to borrow food. Who would have thought that Xin You would actually pay out the savings.

How could he not be grateful to Xin You in his heart?
This chapter has been completed!
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