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Chapter 59: Xin You's Counterattack

After Fan Mi finished speaking, he looked around.

He thought he would receive loud praises from the Chinese people, but unfortunately what he received was silence.

No one agreed with him, and no one echoed him.

Of course, no one dared to stand up against him.

Fan Mi didn't understand why every time Xin You said something great, someone always agreed.

I have been talking for a long time, but no one stands up to speak to me?

Including Fan's descendants and close relatives.

But these are not important. What is important is that Xin You, the doctor of Xinyi, condoned people drinking. This is an established fact!

that's enough!

"Are you done? Master Situ?" Xin You finally spoke.

Fan Mi was stunned, it turned out that this guy was waiting for me to finish speaking.

"It's over!"

Fan Mi responded.

He wanted to see how Xin could argue.

"Master Situ, you said it very well!" Xin said again: "It is precisely because of people like Master Situ that Xinyi can prosper day by day."

"Huh?" Fan Mi was completely confused. Is Xin... praising himself?!

Has he surrendered? Is he going to take the initiative to plead guilty?

It turns out everything is so simple!

"There is a saying in the wine decree. The smaller the country, the bigger the country. It is not the wine that is used to mourn... This sentence means that the demise of the vassal states, large and small, is inseparable from too much drinking. For example, yesterday

, the fight between Fan Bing and Yin Luo was about having sex after drinking, and Fan Bing, who is usually honest, actually started to beat someone."

The eyes of the Chinese people were all turned to Fan Bing.

Fan Bing was a little embarrassed. Although he drank too much last night, he still remembered some of the things.

"Gentleman, don't blame me. I was very happy, but Fan Mu kept telling me that Yin Luo was talking bad about me. I couldn't help it..."

"Fan Bing, please make it clear, I didn't say anything bad about you!" Yin Luo said anxiously: "It wasn't Fan Mu who said you were blaming Xia Tian. My family accidentally crushed your fence while cutting down the tree. You

Do you want to settle a score with me?"

"What kind of debt should I settle with you? Do you want to settle it with me soon in the summer?" Fan Mu was also confused: "Can you say that I am petty and that I am always against you?"

The two of them exchanged words with each other, and gradually turned their attention to Fan Mu, who was sowing discord.

"Stop talking!" Fan Mi said with a cold face: "No matter what, it is a fact that you drank and fought! Who knows what you said when you drank too much!"

The two quickly lowered their heads, not daring to dwell on the matter any longer.

After all, if you make a blunder while drunk, who can tell what happened at that time.

However, some Chinese people have different views. Different people have different answers in their minds about what happened last night.

"What Situ taught you is this." Xin added: "Drinking too much will inevitably lead to such disputes. There is no need to mention this matter again."

"The doctor will see you clearly," Fan Mi said.

Xin continued: "As for drinking, I naturally agree with Situ's statement. You can't mess up your affairs by drinking, let alone lose your morality because of drinking!"

"That's right." Fan Mi nodded.

It seems that Doctor Yi finally gave in.

"We drank wine yesterday to test the quality of this new batch of wine. This is the consistent tradition of our Xinyi winery. After all, our winery has to pay tribute to the countryside."

In previous years, at Xinji's winery, every time a pot of wine was brewed, some people would be invited to taste the wine.

This is to ensure the quality of the wine and is also a tradition.

However, in previous years, the people who tasted the wine were usually the city officials and the three elders, and the rest of the country could only watch.

This time, Xin You invited everyone to taste the wine.

Fan Mi squinted his eyes, and Xin said this again, obviously trying to find a valid reason for drinking last night.

"Generally speaking, wine tasting only requires city officials and local sages. All Chinese people drink alcohol, so it is inevitable that there will be a suspicion of gathering in groups to drink." Fan Mi retorted calmly.

"There is a saying in the wine certificate, the boy's only sister is a native of the country, and he has a buttocks and a humeral body. He is pure in his art and millet millet. He is running around and doing things to test his skills. He leads the chariot and oxen, and serves the emperor from afar. He is a filial piety and supports his parents. He celebrates his parents and cleanses himself.

, Zhiyongjiu... Sir Situ, does he know what this means?" Xin asked again.

Fan Mi said: "It means, remnants of the Yin Shang Dynasty! You must stay in your homeland wholeheartedly, use your own hands and feet to concentrate on planting good crops, and serve your father and brother diligently. Work hard to drive oxen and carts, go to other places to engage in trade, and be filial.

And your parents who support you; your parents must be very happy and will prepare sumptuous meals themselves, and you can drink wine at this time."

Xin nodded again, expressing deep admiration for Fan Mi's classical Chinese skills.

"Yes! Jiu Gao warns us that when our people can honor their parents by doing business and farming, and when their parents are happy and start cooking, they can drink alcohol. This is the filial piety practiced by my ancestor Zhou."

"It's just that last night, people from the country gathered together, not at home." Fan Mi said.

"Home country, home country." Xin waved his hand again and walked up to everyone: "We in Xinyi have been based on farming for generations, supplemented by wine making. Part of the tribute from the public town is replaced by wine. Okay.

Winemaking is the most important thing for me in Xinyi besides farming!"

The Chinese people nodded, they agreed with this.

Every year, they would use the surplus grain to make wine.

Either they paid a part of the tribute, or they stayed to trade and exchange for some other things.

After all, wine is more expensive than food.

"Yesterday we brewed a new wine in Xinyi. The price of this wine is eight times that of ordinary wine! If this wine can be successfully sold, the proceeds will definitely ensure that the elderly in Xinyi have something to rely on and the young children have something to support.


Xin You spoke in public about the benefits of making wine.

"Yes! Gentleman's new wine, just from selling part of Xinji Winery, the grain earned from the sale is enough for us to survive the winter in Xinyi!"

Du Gan said.

The people of the country also nodded: "Yes! This new wine is the wine of my Xinyi. If the city is rich and the accumulation increases, we don't have to worry about surviving the winter and the famine years!"

"Yes! So the person who ruined the wine is the thief of Xinyi!"

Everyone again directed their anger towards Yin Qiu and the others.

Xin continued: "The old have someone to rely on, and the young have something to support. If this is achieved, how can parents not celebrate? Xiao Wu went on a business trip with me and got two stones of grain, so I poured out the first pot of wine.

Giving it to him is also Xiaowu's filial piety."

Fan Mi was speechless.

Xiaomi's filial piety is obviously Xinji's alcohol addiction.

But Xin had such good reasons that he couldn't refute it.

"Other Chinese people in Xinyi have been working hard all year round, but they still have difficulty surviving the winter. Some people have to buy food from large households at high prices. Yesterday, the Wu family brought their food to us, which solved the food crisis in Xinyi. Everyone was at the township school.

Why not have a drink and celebrate!? Master Situ and Master Sima, it’s okay for you to drink and have fun at home, but it’s not okay for the countrymen to drink a glass of wine in the village school!? Or, you can’t see the people of the country being well-fed and happy.


Xin You's tone gradually became serious.

He did not avoid Fan Mi's question, but put it directly in front of the Chinese people.

Situ Fanmi and Sima Yinrong were both big households in the city.

Naturally, their lives are more luxurious than ordinary people, and everyone in the country knows about drinking at home.

Hearing what Xin You said, the Chinese people seemed to be emboldened.


Isn’t it just a glass of wine? Can Situ drink it? I can’t drink it?!

"Doctor Yi, what you said..."

"If there is anything wrong with what I said, you will know by asking the people behind you!" Xin pointed at Fan Mi and Yin Rong: "On the contrary, I want to ask you why you deliberately destroyed my winery. Are you afraid?

New wine has been exchanged for food, but you can no longer control the people with food?!"
This chapter has been completed!
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