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Chapter 62: The Xin Family

"Doctor Yi..."

Xin Wuzuo was surprised to see Xin here again.

He was just about to go over, but was pulled back by Xin Jin.

"Let's see what he wants to do," Xin Jin said.

Xin You didn't do anything, he just helped a few Chinese people to carry the loaded grain to the bullock cart.

When it comes to farm work, Xin is not good at it.

It can be said that he doesn't know how to do it at all.

Xin You can only rely on his own strength to do what he can.

"Gentleman, please take a rest." Xiao Wu breathed heavily.

"You go and have a rest. We must pack the food today." Xin added: "Food is the most precious! After loading our Xin family's food, a few people went over to help other people pack the food. Tomorrow evening

, we in Xinyi must finish all these things!"


The people of all countries shouted and worked hard again.


Xin Jin was a little surprised. When did the Chinese people listen to Xin You's words so much?

Is this Xinyou really capable of "magic"?

Xin stretched again and saw Xin Jin here.

"Uncle, why are you here?" Xin walked over again and greeted Xin Jin.

"Clan leader, my uncle will check on the clan's farming affairs every few days, and it has never changed for so many years," Xin Wuzuo said.

There was still a hint of resentment towards Xin in his tone.

Xin was silent again.

Neither his father Xin Wubing nor his grandfather seemed to care so much about these things.

The Xin family has always regarded itself as a direct descendant of the eldest son.

They abide by the Zhou rites, like to study classics, and always ask themselves according to the Zhou rites.

The tribesmen are also required to do things according to the ancient Zhou rituals.

For agriculture, as long as each family pays enough tribute from the public land.

But few people ask about what the weather will be like this year, how the harvest will be, how the soil will be after several years of planting, whether the river water will change its course, and whether better seeds will be needed.

These matters are all taken care of by the Xin family's small sect, that is, Xin Jin's branch.

Every spring, the Xin clan chiefs would go to the fields to farm, but after farming, they would hide at home and study the six arts and classics.

For the Xin clan, it was too small to run a public town.

They were born to manage the affairs of the country above the temple.

Over time, Xin You's lineage gradually drifted away from the people of the country.

It is true that they often use their own grain as tribute, but in the eyes of the Chinese people, this is just to protect the position of the official of their clan.

So when Xin You heard Xiao Wu relay Xin Jin's words, "I am enough for the Xin family," Xin You did not refute.

For so many years, the Xin family's large sect has actually been supported by the small sect.

But because Dazong was a direct descendant of the eldest son and had a respected status, he was selected as the chief official of the city.

However, Xin You's branch was not good at managing the city and was too lazy to manage it.

Slowly, power fell into the hands of others.

"It's been a long time, uncle, for all your hard work."

Xin bowed his head to Xin Jin again.

This was the highest courtesy a junior could give to their elders, which made Xin Jin feel a little at a loss.

"Gentleman, what do you mean by this? Get up quickly."

Although he was Xin You's elder, Xin You was still a doctor in the city.

"I'm telling the truth." Xin You was still kneeling on the ground. This was his respect for Xin Jin.

Over the years, if it had not been for hard work, the Xin family would have declined long ago.

This is a fact, he can endure this prayer.

As a doctor in the city, he never thought about keeping the people fed and clothed.

Even such a small town cannot be managed well, but the Xin family has always dreamed of returning to the court.

It’s no wonder that they are controlled by others because they have no support from the Chinese people at all.

However, Xinyou, a time traveler, first defeated the Rong people, then established a rural school, and now he also gave away all the accumulated resources of the central committee of the city to the poor.

The Chinese people's views on Yi doctors have already changed.

Over the years, Xin You may have been the most popular among the people of the country among the officials of the past dynasties.

Today Xin went to the fields in person to help the people work, so naturally many people supported him.

"For so many years, the Yi doctors have never thought about how the Chinese people live and how they should live. Therefore, even though Xinyi is a fertile land, it is still so barren." Xin shook his head again: "This is the responsibility of our clan.


Xin Jin was surprised, he didn't expect Xin to say that again.

But soon, Xin Jin returned to his previous attitude.

"A gentleman who knows this is much better than the previous officials in the city." Xin Jin said: "But people's hearts cannot be gathered in a day or two. They only rely on a year's food and some work from the fields.

, I’m afraid it’s not enough to make everyone in the Xin family listen to you.”

Xin was silent again.

Because what Xin Jin said is true.

"To win people's hearts, would you believe me if I said that I have never thought about it this way..."

"Do not believe."

Xin Jin said it categorically.

Xin smiled again and said: "It is indeed my uncle, but whether I am trying to win people's hearts or doing things for our Xin family, you will know soon."

"For the Xin family? This is what every generation of doctor said, but you only want to return to the court and serve as officials, but the people of the country can't even eat!"

The hard-working cane hit the ground hard.

This is what he has wanted to say for many years.

All Xinyi officials in the past dynasties have made it their mission to restore the Xin family to its past glory.

They never really care about the people of the country, they just regard the people of the country as their tools to become high officials.

Other cities and towns are reclaiming wasteland to feed more people.

However, Xinyi has always guarded those old lands, and would rather starve to death than violate "etiquette".

I hope that one day the emperor can see their small town that abides by the Zhou rites.

It's a pity that all this is just wishful thinking on their part.

If it weren't for a pragmatist like Xin Jin, the Xin family would have collapsed long ago.

"I'm different from them." Xin added: "I want the people of Xinyi to be full, and I also want the Xin family to return to the temple."

"It is enough to feed the people of the country and have new wine. You have done a good job in this, even better than me." Xin Jin said: "But it is not so easy to return to the temple."

In some matters, Xin Jin and Da Zong have great differences.

Xin was silent, this was indeed not easy.

"Xinyi was once rich before." Xin Jin said: "But your grandfather Xingen went his own way and took the central committee of the city to the important ministers in the court, hoping to get some errands from outside the court. You can do this."

Do you know?"

"I...never knew." Xin was ashamed. It seemed like it was a family scandal.

"Later, Rong Gong lost power and your grandfather's vision failed to be realized. Our city experienced a severe drought and many people died." Xin Jin said: "From that time on, the population of the Yin family and the Fan family increased.

The power of the Xin family has begun to exceed that of ours."

Only then did Xin understand.

Why does Xin Jin have so many prejudices against himself, a doctor in the city?

His grandfather Xingen used his capital from the city to seek an official position for himself.

When there was a famine in the city, he had no choice but to borrow grain from large households to help the victims.

As a result, the snowball got bigger and bigger, and the Xin family was not good at governance, and its debts increased.

Most importantly, even the power is slowly lost.

"Doctor Yi, you are a smart man. You should understand what I am saying." Xin Jin said: "Whether the Xin family, or most of your clan, can return to the court as officials again, is not the most important thing to the people of the country. There is.

Food and survival are the only wishes of the Chinese people. Above the temple, there are turbulent waves. If we are not careful, we will not even be able to live in Xinyi!"

After saying that, Xin Jin left.

Xin was left standing there, thinking alone.
This chapter has been completed!
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