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Chapter 77: The Tiger Hunter (1)

late at night.

Xinyi's team also arrived at where Xinyou was.

Yin Ke was a very careful person, so he sent out several scouts to investigate left and right.

I discovered some things that Xin did not discover.

"You mean, there are tigers here?" Xin asked again: "And it's a white tiger?"

"Yes, I found tiger excrement in the east, and also his shed fur." ​​Yin Ke took out a few white hairs.

Xin did not doubt it.

There are specialties in the arts, and Yin Ke is extremely good at this.

"I want to hunt this white tiger. If I can present the white tiger to the head of the Zhao family, maybe he can be more generous and let the Pu people go." Xin added.

Everyone nodded and did not object.

The white tiger is an auspicious thing and is very rare.

If you can catch it, you will definitely win the game.

"Tiger's activity range is very wide. If we want to hunt, we must act quickly, determine its location, and then keep driving it away until it is exhausted." Yin Ke said: "We don't need to rest tonight."

"Yin Ke, based on your estimate, how many people do we need to hunt tigers?" Xin asked again.

"Generally speaking, seven or eight people are enough." Yin Ke said.

For those who hunt in the mountains and forests all year round, hunting tigers is no longer difficult.

"The purpose of field hunting is to see how the overall military training of our Xinyi people is. We cannot put all our targets on this strange beast." Xin added: "Assign me a few hunters who have experience in hunting tigers. I will

Go hunt this white tiger. You can command the rest of us to find the group of wild deer we found earlier."


Yin Ke agreed simply.

After a night's rest, the hunting officially began the next day.

The crowd immediately divided into two groups. Xin You and the hunters, with two hounds, followed the tiger's excrement in search of it.

"Gentleman, I heard that you are proficient in the six arts, so you must be very good at shooting!"

Chinese Fan Dayu asked curiously.

Xin smiled again and said: "I dare not say that I am great, but I will definitely not hold you back."

In fact, Xin often practiced archery after traveling through time.

The former Xin You was indeed an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs, and an outstanding aristocrat trained under the education of Zhou aristocrats.

The only flaw is his character.

He is so cowardly that people ignore his abilities.

Although Xin You's shooting skills can't be said to be as good as "piercing a poplar with a hundred steps", it is indeed similar to these skilled hunters.

After all, this is the first of the six arts of a gentleman, and Xin You never neglected it in the past.

Xin, the time traveler, has a bow and arrow in his hand. In fact, he has been eager to try it for a long time.

Shooting targets from home every day, he has long been a little tired of this kind of life.

"There is movement ahead."

Fan Dayu said: "Gentleman, it's better to dismount first."

Xin You and Kong Si dismounted and followed Fan Dayu.

Fan Dayu squatted down, picked up a piece of soil from the ground, and rubbed it in his hands.

"It seems to be wolf blood." Fan Dayu said: "We are quite lucky, the wolf was injured."

Led by Fan Dayu, everyone slowly sneaked through the mountains and forests.

Occasionally they encountered some wild animals, but everyone ignored them.

Focus on looking for tigers.

Not long after, I saw an injured old wolf resting under a rock.

Fan Dayu quietly raised his bow, and the other two hunters surrounded him to prevent the old wolf from escaping.

At this moment, Fan Dayu heard a "whoosh" sound in his ear.

An arrow flew out and hit the old wolf directly in the chest.

Fan Dayu didn't dare to think too much and followed up with an arrow, hitting the old wolf in the neck.

After the old wolf was shot, he got up angrily.

But it was already seriously injured, with another arrow in its chest and neck, and staggered when it got up.

The two surrounding hunters swarmed up and stabbed the wolf mercilessly with the spears in their hands.

The ferocious old wolf fell down without any time to resist.

"The gentleman is good at archery!"

Fan Dayu admired sincerely.

That arrow just now was even more powerful than him!

Xin You was also quite proud. This was his first time participating in hunting, and it was good to be able to shoot the old wolf.

And he also secretly lamented that human beings are still powerful.

The old wolf is huge and may be the overlord in this area.

But when encountering the terrifying Ape erectus, there was no chance of resistance.

Presumably the tiger in the mountain cannot escape such a fate.

Fan Dayu quickly threw the old wolf away and took off the wolf skin completely.

Then he buried most of the wolf meat in the soil, marked it, and waited until he came back tomorrow to pick it up.

There was no way, there were too few of them, they couldn't carry the old wolf's carcass and continue hunting.

Yin Ke took off a wolf leg and used it as bait to hunt tigers.

Hunting tigers is the most difficult hunting activity.

Generally speaking, the method is to either track and expel the tiger, sneak attack it with a bow and arrow during the day while the tiger is sleeping, and then drive it away until it is exhausted before hunting.

Or you can use live animals to set traps and use them as bait.

What scares hunters the most is a head-on encounter with a tiger.

This means that it must be fought with real swords and guns, and there will definitely be damage.

The further he walked, the less Fan Dayu talked.

He kept looking at the vegetation and soil on the ground, which was mixed with some feces and hair, and relied on these to judge the tiger's whereabouts.


Fan Dayu whispered: "There are no other living creatures here. We should have reached the white tiger's lair. Let's find out its location first, and then set up a trap for it to take the bait."

Tigers are nocturnal animals.

Therefore, everyone needs to find its lair during the day, take advantage of its rest, and set traps in areas where tigers often hang out.

Or you can attack directly and slowly consume it while it is tired.

"Would you like to light a torch? I heard that animals are afraid of fire." A young Chinese asked in a low voice.

There was a little trembling in the voice.

"No need for now, let's not have a head-on conflict with the tiger. It's too easy for this kind of thing to kill a person." Fan Dayu said: "Always pay attention to your surroundings and don't get separated."

Everyone was also on tenterhooks and did not dare to speak loudly.

Kong Si walked beside Xin You, constantly alert to his surroundings.

Xin You was surprised to find that even in such a mountain forest with branches and leaves everywhere, Kong Si still made no sound when walking!

"This is Qing Gong..." Xin You thought to himself.


A dark wind blew.

Everyone couldn't help but stop.

Fan Dayu held his breath and stretched out his hand to signal everyone not to move.

"I seemed to have seen something just now." Fan Dayu's lips moved, but there was almost no sound.

Xin You also felt that the moment the wind blew, he saw a white shadow flashing past on the cliff in front of him.

Could it be that white tiger?

Everyone began to be alert to the surrounding area.

But there was no sound anymore.

"I want to go to the rock over there." Fan Dayu said.

That's most likely the white tiger's lair.

Xin was going to go there with Fan Dayu.

Fan Dayu's skills are not as good as his own, so if something happens to him, it would be nice to have someone to take care of him.

The moment he set off, Xin You felt a cold sensation on his back for some unknown reason.

It seems that a pair of eyes is staring at me secretly!

Xin grabbed Fan Dayu again and looked deep into the dark woods.

Nothing at all!

Xin glanced at Kong Si again.

Kong Si's expression was also quite solemn, and he seemed to feel something.

The two hounds also lost their voice for an instant and made a posture ready to pursue.
This chapter has been completed!
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