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Chapter 127 Excellent teammates

Chapter 127 Excellent teammates

Author: Infinite Inflorescence

Half an hour later.

The team stopped at a flat area with a wide view.

Drink water when you need to drink water, eat when you need to eat.

Along the way, they have been climbing up. Even if they are superpowers, they are still a little bit overwhelmed and need to take a good rest.

Sisi has transformed into a human body with a snake tail. Anyway, everyone here has seen his second form, and everyone is not an outsider, so he has not been seen outside.

How to feel comfortable, how to come.

Sisi doesn’t need to eat dry food, and neither does Maisuisheng.

Sisi can eat several meals in one meal, but Maisui Sheng is different. She eats the wind and drinks the dew, which is what she is talking about.

At this moment, she was staying quietly in the sun, looking like a not very smart person who didn't know how to avoid the scorching sun.

However, anyone who knows Mai Suisheng knows that this is her way of cultivation.

Her true form is winter wheat.

At this moment, she was standing in the sunshine, bathing in the sunshine. Her face still had no expression, but inexplicably, it made people feel that she was enjoying it at the moment.

Only Mai Suisheng herself knew that her roots had penetrated more than ten meters underground at this moment.

But it's a pity that she is not a spiritual plant, but just one of the unusual plants that have achieved success in cultivation.

Nowadays, the spiritual energy is thin, even though Mai Suisheng, whose body is a plant, has to rely on her spiritual plant relatives.

Beside her feet, there appeared some illusions that appeared and disappeared. Wen Xu looked carefully at those illusions for a few times and recognized them.

It's a silver fern.

It turns out that the symbiotic spiritual plant that grows on wheat ears is a rare type of fern.

In addition to Mai Suisheng, other people who had filled their stomachs also started practicing one after another.

Everyone, near or far, began to meditate and breathe out.

Doing this means taking a rest.


Real volume.

The only person who stopped and was really resting was Wen Xu.

Others are seizing the time to practice.

Even Sisi, who was always talkative, was hovering on a tree trunk not far away, closing her eyes and breathing quietly.

The tree he was hovering around was very special, it was located five or six steps behind Wen Xu.

The tip of his tail, which was left on the ground, was guarding Wen Xu in a semi-circular posture.

It seems that even when Sisi was resting, she did not forget the purpose of joining the team this time.

Next to him, under the tree he was surrounded by, there appeared some virtual or real honeysuckle vines.

Unlike Sisi and Mai Suisheng, Qian Dinghai, Zhao Liangqi and their spiritual plants were more in line with what Wen Xu had seen before.

Like the old talisman, those spiritual plants are contained in a portable flowerpot. They can be put out when needed and put away when not needed.

The pattern is pretty much the same.

The only difference is the size of the flowerpot, its level of luxury, and the types of spiritual plants inside.

Luo Ting came over and explained to Wen Xu.

Symbiotic spiritual plants like Sisi and Maisuisheng are imaginary because what they are using at the moment is their natal spiritual plant.

A person with superpowers can have many symbiotic spiritual plants at the same time, but for natal spiritual plants, there is usually only one kind.

Unlike symbiotic spiritual plants that provide aura to contracted caregivers, natal spiritual plants can also provide some of their own characteristics as benefits to contracted caregivers.

Of course.

At this point, Luo Ting stopped talking and did not continue to explain.

Hearing the order shows understanding.

It would be a bit impolite for Luo Ting to continue sharing.

After all, further down the line, we have to talk about everyone’s special skills.

In front of everyone, telling a teammate's best skills to a person who is new to the team and not familiar to everyone will inevitably cause resentment among some teammates.

Even if Luo Ting wanted to help Wen Xu get familiar with his teammates as quickly as possible, he also knew that this approach was not the best choice.

Seeing that everyone was so excited, Wen Xu's ambition started to show up.

However, she looked at Luo Ting beside her, "Why don't you practice for a while?"

Everyone is working hard, and I am embarrassed to show off.

Little did he know that Luo Ting shook his head at this moment, "It won't take long."

Hearing this, Wen Xu was honestly very disappointed.

She also wanted to see what Luo Ting's symbiotic spiritual plant was.

However, Luo Ting did not stay by Wen Xu's side for long. He jumped onto the big bluestone not far away, sat down, and began to clean his sword quietly.


Wen Xu blinked and wondered where Luo Ting got the sword.

At this moment, it was a hot time in the afternoon, and the sun was too strong. Even Maisui, who loved the sun, did not stay in the sun for long.

Wen Xu did not forget his mission.

She meditated on the spot.

He did not choose to practice, but focused on the valley he just passed through.

That valley is quite strange.

The surroundings were so quiet that it was unreal.

Absolute silence makes people feel nihilistic, empty, and without a sense of reality, and makes people feel vaguely uncomfortable.

This is how Wen Xu felt just now.

Although she reminded her aloud several times, when others asked her what she had found, she could not tell her anything.

It's no wonder that people's trust in Wen Xu's early warning is getting lower and lower.

Rested for two hours.

When the sun was not so poisonous, Luo Ting, who had already stopped wiping his sword, said, "Everyone, get ready. The team will set off in ten minutes."

Sisi was the first to respond to Luo Ting's words, "Captain Luo, where are you going now?"

If you ask him to say it, it would be appropriate to continue walking west.

But the road to the west is not easy to walk.

Because the last time I chose to go west, I met people who stole spiritual plants. What’s even worse is that not only did those people escape a fifth, but even their Master Hu was injured because of it.


After hearing Sisi's words, Qian Dinghai sneered, "Member, why are you bothering Captain Luo about finding the way? If you want to ask, you should ask our sentry - Boss Wen Xuwen."


Qian Dinghai enunciated the three words "boss" very clearly.

In his opinion, Luo Ting's choice to let Wen Xu join the team was a mistake.

There are only a few people with super powers, but even if they searched the entire Ding City, they still couldn't find a suitable person to take over Lao Hu's job.

After hearing the sequence, I won’t mention it if I’m timid.

If Wen Xu was brave, he probably wouldn't dare to take over his job.

But now, Wen Xu is the sentinel in the team.

If Wen Xu always "lies about military information" like this, they will also be very troubled.

But Sisi disagreed with Qian Dinghai's words, "Brother Qian, this is Sister Xuxu's first time entering the rainforest. There are some roads. She has never been there before and doesn't know how to walk. It's normal."

"She hasn't been here before, so do I come here very often?" Qian Dinghai immediately refuted Sisi's words and said seriously: "Member, I know you are partial, but when you protect her, can you not be so obvious?"

After saying that, he walked up to Wen Xu and brought up the old things again: "So, can you tell me now what is the danger?"

()Happy Children’s Day~

This chapter has been completed!
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