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Chapter 133 Underworld (2)

Chapter 133 Underground World (2)

Author: Infinite Inflorescence

Chapter 133 Underground World (2)

Not only Wen Xu became serious, in fact, the expressions on everyone's faces became very serious.

As Jian Wenxu walked, he held a notebook and was writing and drawing. Sisi beside Wen Xu spat out a snake letter, "Sister Xu Xu, how far is it from the end of the tunnel?"

Wen Xu released her spiritual consciousness, which only allowed her to "see" the situation in the distance. Her spiritual consciousness did not have a scale, so there was no way to give detailed data.

"In about two hundred meters, we will see the first fork."


Xu Guoping heard the voice of Erfen Wenxu and asked: "Are there many forks in the road?"


Wen Xu replied: "Just like the roots of a plant, after the first fork in the road, every new tunnel branching out will create a new branch."

Some have two branches, some have three, and some have even more.


This is difficult to do.

It's like a maze, but it's not easy to find the right path.

No wonder, no wonder the previous search teams all returned without success.

In fact, shouldn't it be...

Could it be that the previous search team didn't find the right path?

In fact, Xu Guoping's spiritual consciousness was also spread out, but the scope he covered was not as large as Wen Xu's.

Xu Guoping also "saw" the first intersection.

He originally wanted to ask Wen Xu about the situation behind each forked road.

It seems that there is no need to ask now.

No wonder, no wonder the higher-ups have given such a big deal this time, saying that as long as they discover the clues left by the previous team, everyone can get a Xuanxinlian seed.

I thought this was the simplest search mission.

It is enough for Luo Ting to form a team of five, but there is no need to form a team of ten.

It seemed like he was overthinking it.

This reward is not easy to get.

The further you go underground, the harder it becomes to walk.

Fortunately, we only continued walking forward for 200 meters instead of going straight down for 200 meters.

"Inside the stone wall on the left, there are large earthworms about two thousand meters away. The two ends are very fast. They will arrive in front of us in three minutes." Wen Xu suddenly warned.

"Big earthworm?"

Wen Xu's description surprised everyone, "What is it?"

If it were just an ordinary earthworm, it wouldn't be that fast.

Besides, if they were just ordinary earthworms, the preface would not mention them specifically.

Luo Ting: "Are you sure it's coming in our direction?"

Wen Xu frowned and concentrated his outer consciousness to observe for five seconds, then took a step towards Sisi and said seriously: "I'm sure."

Wen Xu, who was approaching like a silkworm, added: "I don't know what this thing is. It is shaped like an earthworm, forty to fifty meters long and two meters in diameter. It has a mouth like a chrysanthemum, and the outer ring is covered with compound eyes.

, and inside are layers of triangular-shaped teeth.”

Wen Xu took a deep breath and concentrated on looking at this thing, which made her feel a little dizzy.

"Their teeth are so sharp that they can cut rocks as easily as chewing tofu."

They chew up stones and soil, eat them into their stomachs, and then quickly expel them from their tails.

Therefore, the places they passed did not cause collapse, but everywhere they went were rubble.

And these gravels will soon be pressed tightly by the heavy pressure of the mountain.

"They're really coming in our direction."

At this moment, Wen Xu and others had entered the first fork in the road. Wen Xu chose a fork in the road that the two "big earthworms" would not have passed based on the direction they had previously traveled.

The results turned out to be just as Wen Xu said.

These big earthworms were really coming in their direction.

"It seems that stones and soil are not their food, living animals are."

Cheng Peng slammed the long knife on the ground and stared with round eyes, "Then come on!"

He wanted to see whether the teeth of these giant earthworms were more separated, or whether his long knife was stronger.

"Cheng Yu, you are in charge of the birth gate."


Xu Guoping had already begun to set up the formation. Luo Ting looked at Zhao Liangqi and Wen Xu, "Take care of them in the formation, Sisi, and take good care of them."


Zhao Liangqi looked at Wen Xu and smiled, "It's okay, just get used to it. Don't feel any pressure."

Wen Xu nodded, with a nervous look on his face.

The long snake body surrounded Wen Xu and Zhao Liangqi, as thick and solid as a wall.

Sisi's neck was raised high, as if she was ready to open her bloody mouth to deliver a fatal blow at any time.

"Thirty seconds."

"Ten seconds."

"Three, two, one, here we come!"

The moment Wen Xu finished speaking, a dense and bone-numbing clicking sound sounded, and then, two big heads broke through the wall and came out almost at the same time.

When the searchlight shined over it, the cold triangular teeth were so densely packed that I was afraid that I would faint on the spot just by looking at them.

Even if he wasn't secretly afraid, seeing this scene, the impact on his heart was not small at all.

The person who had the funniest reaction among everyone was Wen Xu.

Nothing else.

It's not that Wen Xu is brave enough, it's just that she has seen it for the longest time.

Cheng Peng had already rushed forward, and the long knife that was about the same height as him was now swung out of his shadow.

However, the physical damage caused by one knife after another, except for sparking a burst of sparks, did not harm the big earthworm's fur at all.

When I heard this, my heart sank.

But if you think about it, you can understand that it would be strange if these giant earthworms, which chew rocks like tofu, are so easy to deal with.

These two big earthworms are one big and one small. They may be a mother and her son, or they may be a pair.

Wen Xu noticed that just as Cheng Peng was attacking the slightly larger earthworm, another chrysanthemum-like round mouth full of triangular teeth appeared behind him.

"Cheng Peng, take five or six steps back toward seven o'clock!"

When Cheng Peng heard Wen Xu's reminder, he immediately retreated without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, a huge mouth rushed towards him from the direction where he had just been standing.

The big earthworm flew out of the air, and when the meat in its mouth flew away, it immediately turned around and pounced again.

Cheng Peng's attention just now was focused on the big head, and there were no eyes on the back, so he didn't know that something was sneaking up on him from behind.

Now, how could he stand and be swallowed alive by a giant earthworm?

Although he is tall and strong, he is not a reckless man who can only rush upward.

On the contrary, his movements are very flexible.

Wen Xu opened his eyes wide and his heart was already in his throat. Fortunately, Cheng Peng was not reluctant to fight. He struck the ground with his long sword. He jumped up with the help of his strength. Cheng Yu immediately threw out a talisman. The talisman was in the air.

Turned into a flying carpet.

Cheng Peng stepped on and jumped over, already entering the formation.

"Brother, are you okay?"


Having said that, Cheng Peng was still injured.

He dodged the chrysanthemum-like round mouths of the giant earthworms, but was too late to deflect the gravel ejected around him.

He was scratched by gravel.

(End of chapter)

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