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Chapter 163 Space Upgrade (1)

After Ah Ling said this, she stopped talking to Wen Xu and turned towards Black and White Wuchang.

It turns out that when A Ling came to talk to Wen Xu, Wu Chang was not idle either. He had already organized other ghosts and was waiting for A Ling.

Ah Ling joined the team, and all the souls that had been trapped here for many years due to the soul locking formation were pulled away.

Before returning to the underworld, Bai Wuchang suddenly paused.

He looked at Wen Xu, with a friendly smile on his pale face, and said, "My little friend, please remember to get some sunshine when you go back."

Wen Xu was stunned, never expecting Bai Wuchang to talk to her, and quickly thanked her.

Bai Wuchang nodded, swung the mourning stick, and saw a cloud of green smoke coming out.

After the smoke dissipated, they disappeared.

The thunderstorm also disappeared with them, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, the stars emerged from the gaps in the clouds, and the moonlight shone on the earth.

In the valley, the tinkling sound of running water echoed in my ears, and in the distance, there was also the call of unknown birds.

The birdsong was a little timid and suppressed at first, but soon it became louder and louder, and you could clearly hear the flapping of their wings.


The wind and rain just now were so strong that the little birds that had been soaked in the rain had to be busy preening their feathers.

Wen Xu lowered his head and looked at the two fresh branches in his hands, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long while, he sighed deeply.

With a flash of figure, she entered the space.

The wind beast was stunned, hey hey hey?

What about its contractors?

Where did you go? Why did you disappear?

The wind beast searched in panic, but it was clear that there was a contract between them, and the wind beast could easily trace Wen Xu's aura, but at this moment, it was like a headless fly, and could not find Wen Xu's whereabouts no matter how hard he searched.

The wind beast didn't know where Wen Xu had gone, but Zi Yue among the clouds had some guesses.

She was about to leave, but she stopped slightly, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She is the origin of A-Ling. Now that A-Ling has gone to the underworld and re-entered reincarnation, they have completely become two different existences.

Even if they were destined to meet each other in the future, there would be no possibility of compatibility. Even if they did meet, she might recognize A-Ling, but after reincarnation, there is no possibility that A-Ling would recognize her again.

Ziyue was just standing among the clouds to calm down, but she never knew that she would see such a scene.

Space magic weapon?

I really didn’t expect that even if they rely on spiritual plants, no matter how talented the monks are, their cultivation is as high as the sky and they can only reach the garbage plane of the pill formation stage. When the spiritual energy is so poor, they actually still have space magic weapons?


Ziyue raised her hand and gently stroked the raven standing on one foot on her shoulder, "Go."


Within the space, more intense spiritual energy smoothly entered Wen Xu's body, repairing her body, restoring her energy, and replenishing her physical strength.

Enough spiritual energy allowed the nebula above Wenxu's Dantian to stretch out, and under the nebula, even the "roots" that grew out of his breakthrough in cultivation seemed to have quietly grown a little longer.

It stands to reason that the Wen Sequence of returning to space should be like every time he exhausted himself before, and he should be able to be active again soon.

However, this time, Wen Xu felt very tired.

A kind of fatigue that came from her bones and pervaded her whole body and mind, like the fog in Taoyuan Village, enveloped her deeply.

Wen Xu dragged her tired body to the stream, put the branches of the strangled fig tree given to her by A Ling, soaked them in the Lingxi stream, then dug two holes nearby and planted them.

I don’t know whether I should say that the spiritual liquid is effective, or that the vitality of these two branches is really strong.

These two small fig branches quickly stood up.

Their branches and leaves spread out, and new buds sprouted from the tops.

After Wen Xu tied climbing poles for each of them, he sat down on the grass and lay down casually.

The sky is the quilt, the earth is the bed, and I sleep in a hazy state.

While she fell into a deep sleep, the two figs did not slow down their growth.

They twitched upwards and spread, pulling out something like roots from their bodies, embracing the pole set up by Wen Xu, growing along the pole, pursuing it, and spreading branches and leaves.

When Wen Xu opened his eyes again, deep doubts inevitably appeared in his eyes.

For a moment, Wen Xu was confused.

I don’t know what year it is, let alone where I am.

I can't help it, it's too strange.

The branches and leaves that blocked the sky completely blocked the sky, leaving only a few pitiful rays of light. She almost thought she was in a primeval forest.

Fortunately, Wen Xu did not lose her memory, and her confused mind quickly cleared up.

But didn’t she just cut two fig tree branches?

Who will tell her what happened to this fig forest covering an area of ​​at least two acres under the cover of spiritual consciousness?

After hearing the sequence, I got up and walked around in the fig forest.

What originally looked like roots and vines has now grown to at least the thickness of an arm.

They are intertwined irregularly. Some places look like a ladder, some places look like a net, and some are intertwined horizontally and look like a hammock.

There is no way to go.

After hearing the sequence and getting ready to lie down on the "ladder", she held the branches with both hands and looked up: those leaves were translucent green under the sunlight. In the translucent leaves, those complex veins like meridians were clearly visible.

So pretty.

The fig tree is indeed a foliage plant that many people like.

Of course, what’s more beautiful is the green snake with a small head peeking out from the layers of leaves.

It has a green body, a triangular head, and a withered yellow tail that is curled up at the tip.

Its color is so deceptive. It is hidden among the dense green leaves. It is really difficult to find it without looking carefully.

Isn’t this Bamboo Leaf Green?

Wen Xu frowned, wondering why there were spicy strips in the space.

I thought it was strange, but I wasn't scared. On the contrary, Zhu Yeqing looked like he was scared.

The vertical pupils in its red eyes almost shrank into a vertical line. It looked at Wen Xu warily and stuck out its forked tongue.

A beam of light happened to hit its body, and its purple-black tongue reflected light slightly.

It rolled up the branch and the branch swayed. It stayed on the branch for a while, then turned around and swam away.

As he was wandering around, he seemed a little panicked and fell down from the tree.

As a result, before it landed, Wen Xu saw a black shadow and rushed towards it at an extremely fast speed. He grabbed it with his claws and flew away.


Why is there an eagle in space?

This is impossible.

She raised animals in the space, but those were limited to poultry, cattle, sheep, and aquatic products that could be purchased at the farmer's market.

Wen Xu didn't know whether Bamboo Leaf Green protected animals, and she hadn't specifically inquired about it.

But it must be an eagle. If she remembered correctly, all eagles must be at least level two or above.


So, how can there be an eagle in space...

This chapter has been completed!
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