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Chapter 186 It was quite sudden

...just, it was quite sudden.

...Is this, is this still the familiar Jinding Mountain? Is this still the most popular leisure destination in Ding City?

Rainbow Bridge?

There is a Rainbow Bridge somewhere in front of me, and it is unclear whether it is Jinding Mountain or not.

Looking around, between the valleys, the rocks are exposed and overgrown with weeds. The occasional low shrubs that are malnourished grow pitifully in the gaps between the rocks, as if they will wither and die at any time.

The tourists who were as excited as rice disappeared. Between heaven and earth, as far as the eye could see, Wen Xu could no longer find anyone of the same kind except himself.

Faced with this sudden change, Wen Xu did not panic.

The first time she was born, the second time she was familiar with it, not just in space transformation, she was already very experienced.

No tourists were seen, but snakes were seen.

The valley here is simply a holy land for snakes. They are reveling here, climbing everywhere in the grass, on rocks, and in streams. They are holding their heads high, or spitting out scarlet snake tongues in boredom. None of them seem to be easy to mess with.


Although Wen Xu is not afraid of them now, he doesn't have to fight them if he is full and has nothing to do.

It's fine for both parties to live in peace, or just ignore each other.

Wen Xu raised his eyes and looked up at the foggy dome.

The sun, moon and stars cannot be seen in this sky, and only the thick mist like thick smoke permeates the dome. In the mist, countless roots grow, hanging down from the thick mist in long and short lengths.

It is brown, and only the delicate ends are light milky white.

This is like the aerial root of a banyan tree, or... this is the aerial root of an old banyan tree. Wen Xu thought with such certainty in his heart.

Herds of sambar deer and blue sheep hurried through the valley, as if there were ghosts chasing behind them.

Before Wen Xu could figure out what was going on, a rustling sound came from above his head.

Ha, good guy.

Densely packed spiders crawled down the aerial roots of the banyan tree, reached the tail of the aerial roots, and hung upside down. The silver-white spider silk was as thick as a baby's forearm.

The bulging back is dotted with red dots. The layout looks a bit like a seven-star ladybug, but the color and shape are not as good-looking as the other.

The wind beast held up Wen Xu, and Wuhua jumped off Wen Xu's back. The roots firmly penetrated into the ground, and in an instant it grew from the size of a table tennis ball to more than three meters tall.

The branches moved automatically without wind, and the whole plant looked very excited, just like the conspicuous octopus monster in the movie. It seemed that it couldn't wait for the order to be given, and it looked like it was ready to rush out and fight at any time.


It was really for her.

"Come on, Wuhua."

Wu Hua got the order and immediately started fighting. The branches were swung like a whirlpool, and all the poisonous insects that entered the scope of its whirlpool were, without exception, turned into powder.


If Wuhua doesn't want to fight in the future, it should be easy to find a hot pot restaurant to make noodles for others. Wen Xu thought distractedly.

The big raven is quite a dog. He spread his wings and flew to a high place a long time ago. He would rather hover in the air than find a place to stay. This shows that there are many poisonous insects on the ground.

Wen Xu felt that she was becoming less and less like a good person. Well, she was just an ordinary person to begin with.

She took out a seed from the space and activated her supernatural power. The seed immediately grew into a vine. Wherever the vine went, it was not spiders, snakes and insects, but ravens hovering in the air.

Raven was accused, shocked, speechless... furious!

Wenxu's consciousness captured the anger of the raven boss: [What are you doing? You are almost buried by poisonous insects. If you don't deal with them, why are you arresting me?]

This chapter has been completed!
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