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Chapter 104 Miracle

As the furnace temperature rose, a large amount of molten iron continued to pour out of Hu Changan's furnace.

If the molten iron flowing out of Mashi's furnace is a drop of water, then what's coming out of Hu Changan's furnace is a rushing stream!

Ma Shi rubbed his eyes, almost unable to believe what he saw.

After so many years of making iron, he has never seen molten iron flowing so fast!

This is simply a miracle!

Ma Shi was stunned on the spot.

The craftsman under his command saw that Ma Shi had not spoken for a long time, so he couldn't help but raised his head and asked: "Mr. Ma, what's wrong with you?"

However, as soon as he raised his head, he saw a sight he had never seen before.

The poor craftsman suspected that there was something wrong with his head, so he quickly pulled the person next to him and said, "Look over there!"

The craftsman who was pulled over was full of displeasure: "What's the matter with you? Didn't you see that my hands are busy?"

However, with just one glance, the man froze on the spot.

It's like a horrifically contagious disease.

After a while, everyone on Ma Shi's side raised their heads and looked at Hu Changan in shock.

This is simply a spectacle comparable to Mars hitting the Earth!

Even Manager Jiang's eyes widened and he was speechless and couldn't say a word.

He never expected that the young man Hu Shilang could develop such a good recipe?!

Hu Changan's craftsmen, on the other hand, were busy loading iron ore into the furnace.

Although they did not stop their hands, the shock in their hearts was no less than that of Ma Shi and others.

Originally, Hu Changan asked them to replace it with large-diameter special pipes, but they were still secretly mocking Hu Changan in their hearts.

But now, the person who should be ridiculed has become themselves!

But fortunately they are all well-trained workers.

Even though they were shocked, after all, they had been doing ironmaking for more than ten or twenty years, and they wouldn't go wrong even if they did it with their eyes closed.

Everyone was shocked and their souls left their bodies, leaving only a body working.

Hu Changan's side even seemed to be short of manpower.

After all, the molten iron flowing out of Hu Changan's side was too fast. It was the first time for these craftsmen to see it, so they were a little unsure.

In the end, Ma Shi was the first to look away and sighed: "Shilang Hu, we don't have to compete anymore. This time, you will win for sure!"

The people on Ma Shi's side also nodded one after another, convinced that they had lost.

This gap is really too big and cannot be compared.

Hu Changan also smiled and ordered his men to extinguish the fire, walked up to Ma Shi and said, "Mr. Ma, I accept the offer."

"You asked me before about the use of knowing the principles of iron-making. Now I can say that this is the use."

"It is precisely because I know what particles in the air the iron ore can react with that I can put in a tailor-made catalyst for this reaction."

"The thing I put in is called coke, which is the product of burning charcoal."

"With this substance, the number of particles in the air that can react with iron ore will increase."

"With more particles in the air, the reaction speed between iron ore and particles will naturally be greatly accelerated."

At this time, Ma Shi was convinced.

I didn’t expect that this Minister Hu could be so amazing at such a young age!

Ma Shi suddenly bent his knees, knelt down towards Hu Changan and said, "As the saying goes, if three people are together, there must be me as their teacher. I, Ma Shi, am completely convinced today."

"I wonder if Mr. Hu can accept me as his apprentice and teach me the principles of ironmaking?"

As an old craftsman who studies his craft every day, Ma Shi saw that the career he had been pursuing all his life was suddenly overtaken by a young man. In addition to sighing, he wanted to learn more.

Just imagine how excited a gold digger would be when he suddenly saw a huge mountain of gold one day!

Seeing this, the other craftsmen also knelt down one after another and said to Hu Chang'an in unison: "Shilang Hu, please accept us as your disciples and teach us the secret recipe for iron smelting!"

When Hu Changan saw this, he also smiled slightly. He was not polite at all. Instead, he said calmly: "In that case, I won't be polite."

"In the future I will open a private school in the Ministry of Industry."

"This private school does not teach the Four Books and Five Classics, it only teaches me new knowledge."

"I guarantee that after you become a master in the future, you will be able to outperform others, draw inferences from one example and master the secrets of iron-making!"

In fact, Hu Changan had long wanted to start teaching physics knowledge in the Ming Dynasty.

After all, only physical knowledge can enable ancient people to move from ignorance to civilization and gradually enter industrialization.

People who understand physicalization are simply the indispensable blood of industrialization.

As the saying goes, hard work will make a country prosperous.

Only by having talents with modern thinking and building a modern army can Hu Changan make full use of the knowledge in his mind to realize modernization in Ming Dynasty!

However, some craftsmen raised objections: "Hu Shilang, we are all rough people and almost illiterate. I wonder if we can understand your works, Hu Shilang?"

Hu Changan slapped his head.

Oops, I forgot about this.

In ancient times, the literacy rate among adults was extremely low.

Most of those who could read were the children of officials or wealthy families.

Ordinary classes like craftsmen basically have no chance of being literate.

Hu Changan waved his hand and said: "It's okay. When the time comes, I will pay to help you with your illiteracy and strive to make all of you literate."

Suddenly, everyone was moved.

As craftsmen at the bottom of society, they never thought that one day they would be able to read and write like those officials.

Being able to read has always been the dream of these low-level craftsmen.

Today, Hu Changan helped them realize this dream.

Some people were even a little unbelievable: "Shilang Hu, did you really mean it just now? Are you really going to ask a master from outside to teach us how to read?"

"Yes." Hu Changan gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.

Suddenly, everyone cheered.

Even Ma Shi had tears in his eyes.

Finally one day, they can also write their own names with a pen!

After a burst of excitement, Hu Changan quickly called everyone to stand up.

After all, the people who knelt down to Hu Changan included both young and old, and there were even gray-haired old craftsmen like Ma Shi. Although Hu Changan didn't show it on his face, he still felt a little guilty in his heart.

After traveling for so long, some ancient people are still not used to the habits.

Looking at the three furnaces, Hu Changan suddenly had an idea and said: "Everyone, I have another method that can help you increase iron production. I wonder if you are willing to listen?"

"Yes, of course I do!" Everyone responded quickly.

At this time, they had developed infinite admiration for Hu Changan. They were afraid that if Hu Changan pointed at the moon and said it was square, they would think carefully about whether the moon was square or not.

This chapter has been completed!
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