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Chapter 113

After hearing this, Hu Changan quickly defended himself: "Your Majesty, what I am mining now is not any known ore, but a brand new mineral called coal."

"It can be used as fuel like charcoal. But compared to charcoal, my coal has a better heating effect. It not only has enough heat, but also burns for a longer time."

"This coal can be used like charcoal to heat thousands of households, and can also be used in industries such as ironmaking to obtain higher temperatures."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately became interested.

Unexpectedly, Hu Changan, this kid, can not only invent all kinds of weird and wonderful things, but now he can even dig out new minerals?

"Oh, if that's the case, then you can demonstrate it to me."

Hu Changan quickly ordered someone to take out a small pile of prepared coal from the basket and light it.

Suddenly, the originally black coal revealed a bright red color and actually started to burn!

Zhu Yuanzhang came closer and touched it lightly with his hand, and a wave of heat suddenly hit his face.

I didn’t expect that this is really a new mineral that can burn!

At this time, Hu Changan also explained to Zhu Yuanzhang at the right time: "Your Majesty, this new mineral has many benefits compared to the charcoal we usually use."

"This coal not only burns longer than ordinary charcoal, but also burns hotter than charcoal. It is a rare treasure."

"If you ask me, this coal is the blood of future industrialization."

"With this coal, I will definitely be able to develop more high-yield machinery in the future!"

Listening to Hu Changan's words, although Zhu Yuanzhang didn't quite understand the truth behind it, he could tell that this coal was a good thing!

Fu Youde on the side saw Zhu Yuanzhang's happy look and became anxious.

Could it be that Zhu Yuanzhang wants to raise the flag high and put it down gently to Hu Changan this time?

No, he doesn't allow it!

He must seize this rare opportunity!

Fu Youde hurriedly came out, pointed at Hu Changan and said angrily: "Your Majesty, even if Mr. Hu discovered a new mine, it is an indisputable fact that he recruited nearby villagers. Who can guarantee that Mr. Hu is not hiding his eyes and plotting a rebellion?"

After hearing this, Hu Changan quickly retorted loudly: "General Fu, this is wrong. Look at these farmers, any of them are wearing iron armor?"

"What I gave them was just a shovel for mining. If you want to say that this is also a tool for rebellion, then I, Hu, have nothing to say!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the two people who were arguing and waved his hand to the Jin Yiwei who brought him: "Search!"

Although the suspicion of Hu Changan's rebellion has been basically eliminated, Zhu Yuanzhang still wants to investigate again.

This is not only to explain to everyone, but also to reassure himself.

After a while, the Jin Yiwei came back with a bundle of shovels: "Your Majesty, we have turned over this land and found nothing except these shovels."

With that said, Jin Yiwei placed the found shovel on the ground for everyone to check.

These shovels had obviously been used recently, and there were still traces of black coal on them.

They said it was a rebellion, but these shovels were the first to refuse.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the villagers standing in the open space again and said: "Everyone, I don't know why Mr. Hu came to you. Have you been coerced by Mr. Hu?"

At first, everyone was afraid of the emperor's authority and hesitated to speak.

However, under Zhu Yuanzhang's encouraging eyes, everyone gradually let go of their hands and feet, and everyone started talking.

"Before, Mr. Hu asked people to come to the village one by one to promote that we came to dig coal. We heard that the treatment was good, so we came."

"Hey, there's no coercion. Mr. Hu treats us so well. He serves us big meaty steamed buns every day. I really don't want to go back."

"Not only do we eat well, Mr. Hu also pays us two hundred cents in wages every day! This much wages is enough for us to spend the New Year happily!"

This is not a conspiracy, it is clearly a well-intentioned person trying to find employment for the people!

Now that all the witnesses and physical evidence are available, Fu Youde has nothing to say.

Looking at Fu Youde's uneasy face, Hu Changan took advantage of the victory and pursued him: "General Fu, you said that I am treason, what is your basis? You can't slander someone's innocence with empty talk!"

In fact, Hu Changan was still a little angry.

Anyone who is working normally and is suddenly labeled as a rebel would be angry.

At this time, Fu Youde was completely speechless.

Looking at the silent Fu Youde, Zhu Yuanzhang was also a little unhappy.

At first, he thought something big had happened, but he didn't expect that it was Hu Shilang who was mining, and Fu Youde and Li Shanchang were looking for trouble.

Zhu Yuanzhang said to Fu Youde displeasedly: "You should investigate carefully next time and then tell me."

"Hu Changan exposed you and Li Shanchang's occupation of the land before. I thought you would reflect on it at home, but I didn't expect you to hate Hu Changan and find troubles to stumble others all day long?"

"Hu Chang'an is doing things for the people, what about you? You are lying around all day long on your previous achievements, feasting on the people, you should be ashamed!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's words are very serious.

Fu Youde was a general who had conquered the world together with Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang had always treated him as an equal and rarely showed the magnanimity of an emperor to overwhelm others.

This time Zhu Yuanzhang was really popular.

It is simply shameful for a founding hero to bully officials who do practical things for the people!

Facing Zhu Yuanzhang's anger, Fu Youde did not dare to express his anger, and Nuonuo lowered his head.

This time, I really hit the wall.

Zhu Yuanzhang was still angry and yelled at Fu Youde: "You can shut yourself up and think about your mistakes after you go back! This time I deployed troops and generals privately, and I will fine you half a year's salary."

Fu Youde's face suddenly turned bitter.

I originally had little money, but now I have to be fined half a year's salary, which really makes it worse!

It seems that we can only sell a few concubines who have been brought in recently.

This time, I really lost my wife and lost my troops!

Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the soldiers to retreat, then looked at Hu Chang'an and said: "Hu Aiqing, I'm sorry this time, I made you endure an unreasonable disaster. How about I write a plaque for you in a few days."

When Hu Changan heard this, he was immediately overjoyed.

Regardless of how Zhu Yuanzhang's calligraphy is written, it would be very useful to get a plaque given by the emperor!

This proves that you are a person protected by the emperor. When you walk on the road, you must have the green light all the way.

Small officials dare not say no easily, but even if a senior official wants to touch you, he must think twice.

This is a great thing!

Hu Chang'an quickly knelt down to express his gratitude: "Thank you for your majesty's love. I will definitely work hard to build the mine to satisfy your majesty!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Zhu Yuanzhang also galloped towards the capital with everyone's respectful eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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