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Chapter 137 Glass

Just when Xu Miaojin was feeling disappointed, Hu Changan smiled slightly and said: "Miss Xu, if that's the case, then I'll add an additional condition."

"As long as you can rent this shop to me, I will promise not to make any changes to the overall layout of this shop."

"And I will promise that in my shop, a side hall will be named after your mother."

"This is just a thank you to Miss Xu for renting this shop to me."

When Xu Miaojin heard this, his face moved slightly.

Hu Changan's words spoke exactly to her heart.

The reason why Xu Miaojin didn't rent out the shop after all these years was that she couldn't bear to see the new tenants changing the place her mother left to her beyond recognition.

And now, Hu Changan made a promise to her.

Xu Miaojin feels warm in her heart when she thinks that she will be able to see this shop remain as it is in the future.

More importantly, Hu Changan actually said that he could name a side hall after her mother!

This is definitely the best way to honor her mother.

From now on, everyone who comes to Hu Changan's shop will know that such a woman once existed silently in the Xu family.

Xu Miaojin was completely satisfied with this proposal.

Now, Xu Miaojin was no longer willing to sell out the shop.

She is looking forward to seeing how this shop will shine under Hu Changan's hands in the future!

So Xu Miaojin happily signed the lease agreement.

Seeing Hu Changan's generosity, Xu Miaojin also exempted Hu Changan from three months' rent.

Hu Changan also smiled slightly.

As the saying goes, when doing business, peace is of course the most important thing.

If Miss Xu rents the shop to him unwillingly, there is no guarantee that Miss Xu will not regret it and take the shop back in a few years.

If this is the case, then Hu Changan really has nowhere to cry.

Rather than having a stalemate between the two sides, it is better to sell Xu Miaojin now to save face.

Anyway, Hu Changan had seen the shape of that shop.

This is a small courtyard with two entrances, which is very suitable for building a private club.

Therefore, keeping the courtyard as it is will not only leave a memory for Xu Miaojin, but will not delay Hu Changan's business. It is simply a beautiful thing that kills two birds with one stone.

After signing the contract, the two chatted harmoniously for a while, then each got into the carriage and left.

Holding the land deed in his hand, Hu Changan was very happy.

Finally, I took the first step to open a restaurant!


Next, is the decoration.

Hu Changan plans to use glass when decorating.

In the Ming Dynasty, people usually used gauze to paper their windows.

Yarn can not only block flies and other insects, but also has a ventilation effect. It is very popular among the rich in Yingtian City.

However, compared with glass, the light transmission effect of this kind of yarn is naturally much worse.

It's okay on a sunny day, but on a rainy day, the room can only be dark, and only by lighting candles can people move around normally.

Since he was going to open a hotpot restaurant, Hu Changan naturally didn't want to use gauze for the windows.

What fun is there in eating hot pot in a dark room?

Hot pot must be eaten under a spacious and bright glass window to be delicious.

Now that he had decided to produce glass, Hu Changan decided not to stop doing anything and just set up a glass workshop.

After all, glass can’t just be used as windows!

Hu Changan believes that if he can make glass into various gadgets such as cups and mirrors in the future, then these things will definitely be sought after by the nobles in Yingtian City!

Hu Changan plans to build this glass workshop near Yingtian City.

Glass is definitely a fragile item.

Nowadays, the ancient official roads are not very smooth. Even people walking on them in a carriage will feel bumpy, let alone those delicate glass!

If these glasses were broken on the road, Hu Changan would definitely be heartbroken.

Of course, large pieces of land near Yingtian City are not cheap.

But fortunately, Hu Changan is very rich nowadays.

In addition, Hu Changan is the minister of the Ministry of Industry, a proper high official.

So Hu Changan easily bought the land he needed.

Next, it’s time to recruit workers.

Currently, there are no workers specialized in making glass.

The closest thing to making glass is making colored glaze.

Therefore, Hu Changan could only settle for the next best thing and hire a glaze worker.

But in ancient times, colored glaze was very expensive.

Generally, only wealthy families can afford glassware.

Therefore, the price of hiring a glaze craftsman is naturally very high.

Moreover, most of the glaze craftsmen were employed by the royal family, and there were very few independent glaze craftsmen among the people.

Hu Changan and Manager Chen almost turned Yingtian City upside down before they found a glaze craftsman.

For this glaze craftsman, Hu Changan tried his best, not only promising a lot of money, but also expressing his love, and finally signed the contract for this precious glaze craftsman.

As for the other people, Hu Changan went directly to Yahang to select some honest and obedient men.

Finally, everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!

On this day, Hu Changan and Manager Chen came to the newly opened glass workshop.

Today is the first day of opening of the workshop. Everyone is excited and can’t wait to get to work right away.

Looking at the excited eyes of everyone, Hu Changan also smiled slightly and said: "Everyone, today I announce that Hu's Glass Workshop has been officially established!"

Suddenly, everyone cheered.

Among them, the happiest person is undoubtedly the glaze craftsman Wang Qing that Hu Changan spent a lot of money to hire.

He had made an agreement with Hu Changan that Hu Changan would share half of all profits from the shop with him!

Wang Qing was extremely excited.

The days of spending money like water are coming!

Hu Changan cleared his throat and continued: "Everyone, I will show you how to make this glass."

Wang Qing was stunned when he heard this.

He thought that glass was just another name for colored glaze.

Why, does this Hu Changan really want to create something new?

Wang Qing was the first to interrupt Hu Changan: "Master, isn't this glass just colored glaze?"

Hu Changan smiled slightly and replied good-naturedly: "Brother Wang, this glass and colored glaze are not the same thing."

"Liu Li is Liu Li, and glass is glass."

"However, the production method of this glass is similar to that of colored glaze. There is not much difference."

"Brother Wang, you are the best glass craftsman in Yingtian City. I believe you will soon learn how to make this glass and lead everyone to make progress together!"

Although Hu Changan didn't like Wang Qing's character very much, he had no choice.

After all, there are really not many glazed craftsmen in Yingtian City.

So Hu Changan had no choice but to coax Wang Qing as much as possible, hoping that he would work hard and make glass as soon as possible.
This chapter has been completed!
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