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Chapter 141 Transportation

After resting for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, Hu Changan led everyone into the glass workshop.

At this time, the temperature of the glass has dropped.

The liquid glass, which originally felt like a puddle of soft dough, became thin and brittle.

The color also changed from the original dark red to a light transparent light gray.

Although Hu Changan has tried his best to follow the prescriptions provided by the system, due to limited technology, the glass produced is still slightly behind modern transparent and colorless glass.

And since the glass is not polished by machine but pushed out by hand, some uneven marks can still be seen in the details.

But in the eyes of the ancients, this was still amazing enough.

Everyone was looking left and right around the five pieces of glass on the table, marveling at it.

Since Hu Changan had informed them in advance that the glass was easily broken, they did not play with it, but just stood aside and looked at it.

But even so, everyone was still amazed.

This is the first time they have seen such a translucent material!

Through the glass, everyone can clearly see the color of the iron table below.

They can even see the patterns on the iron platform clearly through the glass. This is simply magical!

They can already imagine how amazing this glass will be when it is made into objects!

Everyone watched for a long time, and finally reluctantly dispersed at Hu Changan's urging.

Next, it’s time to cut large pieces of glass.

Hu Changan took out the diamond in his arms and prepared to start working.

A long time ago, ancient working people invented diamonds that could cut porcelain.

As the old saying goes, if you don't have diamonds, you can't do porcelain work.

This old saying actually refers to an ancient folk craft, curium porcelain.

Curley porcelain is to pick up the broken pieces of porcelain piece by piece to achieve the repair effect.

In the craft of curium porcelain, diamonds are indispensable.

In ancient times, craftsmanship and technology were not very developed, and diamond drill bits could only be polished with ropes, which required careful grinding bit by bit, which was very laborious.

Under normal circumstances, it even takes one or two years to successfully produce a diamond.

But with this diamond, you can use it to make porcelain for a lifetime, so it is quite worth it.

The diamond used in curium porcelain is also one of the few tools that can cut glass.

Hu Changan also quickly traveled throughout Yingtian City before spending a lot of money to buy this diamond from an old craftsman.

The old craftsman was preparing to retire, and his child was still young. With so much money, he could grind out another diamond.

Hu Changan ordered someone to bring a ruler and patiently cut the glass.

Hu Changan's movements were extremely careful.

If it is cut off all of a sudden, everything you have done before will be in vain!

Each piece of glass cut by Hu Changan is not too big.

Although Hu Changan also wanted to make a magnificent floor-to-ceiling window, considering the craftsmanship, Hu Changan gave up this plan.

If the glass was accidentally smashed during installation, Hu Changan would really have no place to cry.

Hu Changan started very carefully.

Other craftsmen also gathered around Hu Changan, watching him operate quietly.

Finally, the glass cutting is completed!

Hu Changan wiped the sweat from his forehead and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Changan looked at the crowd and asked, "Do you understand?"

"I understand!" the craftsmen replied in unison.

So Hu Changan signaled the workers to start working on their own.

After everyone discussed it for a while, they selected a short worker to start the operation.

It is said that this worker helped his mother with needlework at home and was very careful with her hands.

So with the efforts of everyone, the newly made glass was cut into small square pieces.

Of course, Hu Changan didn’t throw away the scraps either.

With a little processing, these leftover materials can be made into compact portable mirrors.

In the Ming Dynasty, many women had the habit of carrying a mirror with them to tidy up their appearance.

Hu Changan believes that if a portable mirror made of glass can be launched, it will be a big hit!

Now that the glass for the windows has been made, the next step is to ship it.

Although the glass workshop is not too far from Hu Changan's newly purchased shop, transportation will inevitably be involved on the road.

Hu Changan didn't want the glass to turn into a pile of debris when it was transported to the shop.

So Hu Changan ordered the workers to carefully wrap the cut glass with the straw prepared before.

In ancient times, there was no foam plastic that was as convenient as modern times, so Hu Changan had no choice but to have the glass wrapped in straw.

At least this is better than nothing.

Everyone, under Hu Changan's instructions, started working enthusiastically.

After a while, all the glass was tightly wrapped in straw.

Careful workers also wrapped several turns of rope around the outside of the straw to prevent the straw from falling apart.

Looking at the results of the workers, Hu Changan nodded with satisfaction.

Next, there is transportation.

Hu Changan cleared his throat and said to everyone: "Everyone, I'm really sorry."

"This glass is really fragile. In order to prevent the glass from breaking, I really don't dare to use a carriage to transport this glass."

"Please do me a favor and take these glasses directly to my shop."

"Anyway, my shop is right by the Qinhuai River, so it's not too far from here."

After everyone listened, they naturally had no objections.

After all, Hu Changan is the boss. As a worker, he must do his best to meet such a small request.

What's more, they don't want the glass they worked so hard to make to shatter on the road for strange reasons.

So, Hu Changan led a group of workers and set off in a mighty manner.

When passing by on the street, everyone looks at me sideways.

Which house is this? Why are everyone walking with straw in their arms?

But after all, the road faces the sky on each side. As long as Hu Changan doesn't block the way, it's hard for everyone to say anything.

Facing the surprised looks of the onlookers, Hu Changan and his party finally walked into the new shop.

When they arrived at the shop, the workers quickly carefully placed the straw bags in their arms on the ground in the yard.

That way, it doesn't look like dropping glass, but like dropping some kind of bomb.

When Hu Changan saw this, he also laughed.

Fortunately, being careful here pays off.

All the glass, not a single one shattered on the road!

Hu Changan looked at the straw bales on the ground and felt very satisfied.

Next, it’s time for him to show off his skills and surprise everyone!

Hu Changan bets that when the renovation of his shop is completed, it will definitely be the brightest star in Yingtian City!

This chapter has been completed!
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