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Chapter 174 Vigilance

However, when Hu Changan saw this, he said neither humble nor arrogantly: "My lord, when your colleagues wake up, they may still have to thank me for saving their lives!"

"When they wake up, they will definitely have symptoms such as dizziness and vomiting."

"These symptoms are completely different from ordinary symptoms of drunkenness."

"Just ask any doctor to take a look and you will know."

Although everyone still didn't quite believe Hu Changan's words, seeing how confident Hu Changan was, they felt a little bit more convinced.

So naturally this banquet cannot be held at the moment.

Everyone packed up their things and moved to the backyard, eating snacks while waiting for the poisoned officials to wake up.

Hu Changan also immediately ordered his servants to invite the doctor to come over.

But in a corner that no one noticed, a sneaky figure walked towards the private room where the crime occurred.

This person is none other than Ding Peng.

He wants to get rid of all the evidence before everything comes to light!

However, as soon as Ding Peng walked into the corridor, his heart felt cold.

At the door of the private room, there were actually five or six strong young men standing crowded together, filling the originally small corridor.

It seems that Hu Changan is probably aware of it!

However, Ding Peng still held on to a bit of luck.

He came to a few boys and asked casually: "Everyone, I left something in there. Can I go in and get it?"

"No, Mr. Hu has ordered us to guard the door of this elegant room and not let anyone in!"

When two strong boys saw this, they rushed forward to stop Ding Peng.

They were specially entrusted by Hu Changan to guard the door here and not let anyone in.

Although Hu Changan was shocked at first when he saw such a scene, he quickly realized that someone was plotting something secretly!

Although briquettes may indeed produce carbon monoxide when burned, Hu Changan was not unprepared for this.

First of all, the boiler is directly connected to the outside world, thus avoiding danger.

Secondly, the stove in the room is made porous, which can avoid incomplete combustion of briquettes to the greatest extent.

At the same time, Hu Changan also specifically told the boy that no matter how cold it was, there must be a window for ventilation.

With these multiple protection measures in place, carbon monoxide poisoning will theoretically not occur.

But when Hu Changan rushed in, he keenly noticed that the stove was covered with a layer of cotton!

As a result, when burned in an airtight environment, briquettes are prone to incomplete combustion and generate carbon monoxide.

Hu's servants and maids would never put a layer of cloth on the stove when they were full.

This is absolutely man-made!

Moreover, Hu Changan also noticed that the windows in the private room were completely closed!

Although it is possible that the servants forgot to open the window, when Hu Changan looked at the windows in other private rooms, they all had a small crack.

This shows that the window in the private room where the incident occurred was definitely closed intentionally!

Now that it has been confirmed that he is believed to have caused this disaster, Hu Changan naturally cannot allow the scene of the first crime to be destroyed.

If the crime scene is destroyed and Hu Changan is questioned, he will probably be unable to explain anything!

However, after Ding Peng heard this, he still wanted to try it again.

He didn't think Hu Changan could be so sharp.

What if this Hu Changan was just a sideways attack?

So instead of retreating, Ding Peng put on a condescending face and said arrogantly to the servants: "We are guests here, and you are just servants serving us."

"A mere servant wants to stop me, but who gave you the courage?"

Ding Peng came here to scare these boys.

In his opinion, the bones of these young men are very soft, and as long as they show some momentum, they will shrink on their own.

However, the boy chosen by Hu Changan did not follow Ding Peng's tactics.

The tall young boy at the head looked at Ding Peng, his eyes blazing: "Why, my boss gave me the courage to do this!"

"We are born as members of the Hu family, and we die as the ghosts of the Hu family."

"If you insist on going there, sir, please pass our level first!"

As he said that, the boy even showed off his plump muscles.

Under Hu Changan's instructions, these servants have become extremely loyal to the Hu family.

After all, the Hu family not only provides easy money, but also offers other benefits.

Where can I find such a good employer?

Ding Peng also turned pale when he heard what the young man said.

However, seeing the young boy Kong Wu's powerful appearance, Ding Peng had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​going in.

After all, he is just a weak scholar. Compared with these young men who do rough work all year round, his strength is not at the same level.

So Ding Peng had no choice but to glance at the boy guarding the door and ran away in despair.

When the boy saw this, he also touched his chin.

Ding Peng wants to go in so much, maybe he has some secret, right?

No, he must report to Hu Changan!


Du Yan felt that as he drank, he fell into a dark and sweet dream.

When he woke up again, he was already lying on the ground.

Just as Du Yan was about to stand up, he suddenly felt dizzy and had to fall back to the ground.

When everyone saw this, they quickly stopped chatting.

Finally, someone woke up!

Seeing this, the doctor on the side quickly stepped forward to take Du Yan's hand and carefully felt his pulse.

While feeling his pulse, the doctor asked Du Yan carefully: "Sir, are you still feeling unwell?"

When Du Yan heard this, he replied honestly: "I'm a little nauseous and have a headache, but nothing else serious."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be shocked.

What Du Yan described is actually very similar to what Hu Changan just said?!

The impatient official could not help but ask the doctor first: "Mr. doctor, is this gentleman drunk?"

Hearing this, the doctor shook his head with certainty: "Sir, I'm sure this is not just drunkenness."

"Looking at the disordered pulse, it may be a sign of physical weakness and poisoning."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but marvel.

Unexpectedly, this time, Hu Changan really got it right!

The impatient official suddenly turned red in the face and hesitated to say a word.

He was really blind before and wrongly blamed Hu Changan!

The doctor took Du Yan's pulse again and asked cautiously: "I wonder if this gentleman has taken anything before?"

Since it was poisoning, the doctor's first thought was naturally that he had eaten something unclean.

After all, in ancient times, poisoning was most likely caused by food poisoning.

The doctor asked this question for the purpose of better detoxification.

After all, only by knowing what the poison is can we better prescribe the right medicine.
This chapter has been completed!
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