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Chapter 30

Seeing everyone's nervous look, Hu Changan was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "What do you think of me? Master, I am not one of those black-hearted landlords outside who forces my workers to work day and night."

"My method can improve your soap-making efficiency and produce more soap in the same time."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel even more puzzled.

Is there any room for improvement in this efficiency?

We are all skilled workers, and our hands and feet are already very fast. Does the young master want them to grow three heads and six arms?

Seeing the confused looks in everyone's eyes, Hu Changan smiled slightly and said, "I wonder if you have ever thought about splitting the entire soap making process into several specialized processes, and then completing them by dedicated personnel?"

"This method is called the assembly line production method. As the name suggests, it completes production tasks quickly and efficiently like flowing water."

"Take soap making as an example. Soap making can be roughly divided into four stages: making lye, concentrating lye water, adding lard and stirring, and cooling the mold."

"Among them, making lye requires a filter, and concentrating lye requires burning firewood. If one person is responsible for all the work, he will definitely need to take out the filter from the warehouse and put it back before burning firewood."

"But if a person is only responsible for concentrating the lye, then he doesn't need to think about the filter at all. He only needs to concentrate on burning firewood. This can save a lot of time."

"Furthermore, division of labor can also greatly save the cost of craftsman training, allowing more people to invest in soap production in a short period of time."

"If one person is responsible for all the work, then he must spend a lot of energy and master all the details of all the processes. This will take at least one or two years, and we cannot afford to wait."

"But if a person only needs to be responsible for a simple job, such as just making alkaline water, it may only take a few months for him to master this skill and start working."

"In a short period of time, a large number of people will be able to work, and naturally more soap will be produced."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but marvel.

Why didn't they think of this method before?

With the young master's wonderful method, they will definitely be able to produce more soap!

Seeing the craftsmen eager to try and put into production immediately, Hu Changan couldn't help but smile.

It seems that more money and worship points can be earned again!

Hu Changan struck while the iron was hot and ordered Manager Chen to call in a dozen servants who had been purchased a few days ago. He told Zhou Yiyi: "These are the servants I newly recruited into the house a few days ago. From now on, I will leave them to you to manage."

Yes. You can train them well on Monday and follow my method to build the assembly line in a month."

"Yes, Master." Zhou Yiyi immediately accepted the order excitedly.

Following the young master, life is indeed getting better and better! No, the little leaders have become.

After hearing this, the other craftsmen were also eager to give it a try and wanted to perform well in front of the newcomers.

In order to further boost the morale of the craftsmen, Hu Changan used a secret weapon: "On Monday, I wonder how your wages will be paid?"

Zhou Yi leaned over and said gratefully: "Master, our wages are paid every month. We get five taels of silver every month, which is much higher than the craftsmen outside!"

Yes, in order to prevent technology leakage, Hu Changan made two preparations.

On the one hand, the people involved in soap making are all servants of the Hu family, and they have the contract to sell themselves, so there is no need to worry about their disloyalty.

On the other hand, the salary Hu Changan paid to the craftsmen was quite generous.

With five taels of silver per person per day, he can keep up with the officials in the capital!

This salary is much higher than that of craftsmen outside.

No wonder these craftsmen are willing to work like chicken blood.

After hearing Monday's reply, Hu Changan also smiled slightly, and then said: "I wonder if you guys want more wages?"

After hearing this, all the craftsmen suddenly became short of breath.

The original five taels of silver was already far beyond their expectations. They didn't expect that the salary now could be higher?!

As the saying goes, people die for wealth and birds die for food. Everyone is old and young.

With money, children and wives can live a good life, and the table at home can be richer. These craftsmen are naturally very happy.

Seeing everyone's excitement, Hu Changan continued: "From now on, as long as you come to work every day, you can get three taels of silver. For every piece of soap made, you can get an extra penny."

Everyone counted with their fingers and suddenly became very happy.

Although the salary is less on the surface, but including the bounty for each piece of soap, it is a lot more!

At the current rate, ten people produce 3,000 pieces of soap per day, which translates into 300 pieces of soap per person per day, which is 300 cents.

Even though these three hundred copper coins may not seem like much, in one month it will be a full nine thousand copper coins, which is nine taels of silver!

According to the current speed, everyone has nearly twelve taels of silver per month. If we speed up according to the young master's method, wouldn't it be even more money?

Everyone's faces were flushed with excitement, and they quickly expressed their loyalty to Hu Chang'an one after another.

"The young master cares about us. We will live up to the young master's trust and concentrate on making soap."

"The young master is such a good boss, he is basically our reborn parent! I will do whatever the young master says!"

"Don't worry, young master, we will strictly control the method of making this soap and will never let it out."

Seeing the excitement of all the craftsmen, Hu Changan nodded with satisfaction.

As the saying goes, a horse cannot get fat without grass. If you want the horse to run, you must give it enough fodder.

Of course, appropriate encouragement is also indispensable.

Hu Changan coughed slightly, interrupting the heated atmosphere, and said seriously: "You guys work hard, Master, I will not treat you badly, and I will earn you money every month."

"But if anyone is discovered by me and secretly sells this soap-making secret recipe to others, not only the person's family will be used as official slaves, but everyone else will also be demoted to the lowest level of the Hu family and will never be able to stand up again."


After everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

Official slave, that is really scary.

The women go to brothels and the men work as hard labor and are unable to get out of trouble for generations to come. It is simply the worst of misfortunes.

Being demoted to the lowest level servant in the house is also uncomfortable.

As a craftsman, at least you can still have your skills close to you, and you can still get a little bit of respect.

But once you become a handyman, you have nothing!

Not only was the money gone, but his social status also plummeted, and he had to do all kinds of chores such as sweeping floors and picking manure.

Everyone was frightened and quickly expressed their determination to Hu Changan.

At the same time, everyone also made a secret decision in their hearts to supervise each other well and not to let others become unconscious and do bad things to harm themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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