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Chapter 37 Thanks

After Zhu Biao was established as the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang directly gave all his team to Zhu Biao, which was extremely rare in history.

You know, the relationship between the emperor and the prince has been very delicate since ancient times.

On the one hand, as the heir to the empire, the emperor naturally had to carefully cultivate the prince.

On the other hand, the emperor also needs to be wary of the prince, and appropriately suppress the forces in the East Palace to ensure the majesty of his emperor, otherwise he may accidentally be rebelled by the prince.

For example, Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty and Ruizong of the Song Dynasty were overturned by their sons, and their subsequent lives were not easy.

Therefore, the team of the Prince of the East Palace are either seniors with high moral standing but no real power, or middle-level officials who are talented but have not yet reached their peak power.

Letting an immature team assist the prince can be said to be the best choice for emperors in the past.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang let his team also lead the East Palace, which undoubtedly showed great trust and cultivation for Zhu Biao.

It can be said that as long as Zhu Biao is here, there will really be nothing to worry about other princes and grandsons.

However, things are never as beautiful as imagined.

In the twenty-fourth year of Hongwu, when Zhu Biao was thirty-seven years old, Zhu Yuanzhang sent Zhu Biao to Shaanxi for inspection.

Originally, this was just an extremely common thing.

But after returning from Shaanxi, Zhu Biao fell ill due to cold.

A few months later, Zhu Biao died of illness.

Suddenly, a thick cloud enveloped the officialdom of the early Ming Dynasty.

First it was the emperor's grandson Zhu Xiongying, then Queen Ma, and finally it was the turn of the prince Zhu Biao.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man away three times in a row, which dealt a fatal blow to Zhu Yuanzhang, a tough emperor.

Resisting his grief, Zhu Yuanzhang finally skipped all his sons and chose Zhu Yunwen, who was only fifteen years old at this time, to become the heir to the Ming Empire.

Zhu Yuanzhang was afraid that young Zhu Yunwen would not be able to control the situation, so he even raised a butcher's knife and killed all the rebellious military attachés in the court.

It's a pity that God's calculations are not as good as those of humans. Although the throne was smoothly transferred to Zhu Yunwen in the end, Zhu Yunwen was just a naive young man and was unable to shoulder the burden of the entire empire.

As soon as he ascended the throne, Zhu Yunwen quickly reused his group of corrupt Confucian teachers, and couldn't wait to show his butcher's knife to all the vassal kings.

In the end, Zhu Yunwen's ending can be imagined.

Less than four years after taking the throne, Zhu Yunwen was dethroned by the powerful King of Yan Zhu Di.

And Zhu Di, King of Yan, eventually became the famous Yongle Emperor in history.

Hu Changan looked at Zhu Biao's serious face and couldn't help but think about it.

If Zhu Biao could live to ascend to the throne of God, who would be better than Emperor Yongle in later generations?

While Hu Changan was thinking, he saluted Zhu Biao solemnly and said: "Hu Changan, a common man, pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Imperial Grandson."

The three farmers had not noticed Zhu Biao and Zhu Yunxi at first, but when Hu Changan reminded them, they quickly knelt down and followed Hu Changan's example, shaking their heads and giving Zhu Biao and the others a big salute.


But Zhu Biao didn't take it seriously and just waved his hand casually, signaling Hu Changan and the others to get up and talk.

Compared with the serious Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao is indeed much kinder.

As soon as Hu Changan straightened up, he saw Zhu Yunxi running to the simple barbecue grill with his calves, staring at the mutton skewers on it without blinking, almost drooling.

When Hu Changan saw this, he also laughed.

Children's emotions are direct and they can't hide anything they want.

This expression was no different from the group of cousins ​​who surrounded him in his previous life.

Hu Changan saw that the mutton skewers were almost done, so he moved the grilled skewers to the plate, then held up a skewer of sizzling and oily mutton skewers and handed it to Zhu Yunxi, saying: "Your Highness, I want to try it."


There is no need to ask, Zhu Yunxi definitely wants to eat it.

However, without Zhu Biao's approval, Zhu Yunxi did not dare to accept the mutton skewers. He could only stare at Zhu Biao eagerly, hoping that his kind father would allow him to eat some snacks.

Before Zhu Biao had time to speak, the eunuch chief who was following behind him hurriedly tried to persuade him: "Your Highness, this must not happen. How can the food eaten by common people get into the mouth of the emperor's grandson? What if he eats it?"

Come anyway, wouldn’t it be..."

Before the chief eunuch could finish what he said, he was interrupted by Zhu Shou in a bad tone: "Why, Gu is a commoner of the Ming Dynasty just like them. Why can't I eat what they can eat?"

"As a ruler, it is basic to understand the sufferings of the people. This is why Gu Gu visits the prefectures and counties every three days."

"What's more, Mr. Hu saved my son Xiongying's life. I don't even have time to thank him, so how can I casually dislike the food he eats?"

After hearing this, the chief eunuch was immediately frightened, confessed repeatedly, and stepped aside.

After Zhu Biao finished speaking, he gently rubbed Zhu Yunxi's head and said, "Yunxi, if you want to eat, go ahead and eat some. Remember not to eat too much, or you won't be able to eat dinner by then."

After hearing this, Zhu Yunxi burst into cheers, took the mutton skewers from Hu Changan's hand and eagerly started chewing them.

Hu Changan was also shocked.

It seems that this so-called generous and kind prince also has a tough side.

Seeing that Zhu Yunxi was eating happily, Zhu Biao also freed his hands and bowed solemnly to Hu Changan: "Master Hu, thank you for your life-saving grace some time ago. If it weren't for you, Xiongying might not have been able to be saved."

"Also, I would like to thank Mr. Hu for helping Yunxi out of the siege. I have been severely punished by the Lu family."

Zhu Biao's words were extremely sincere.

If it weren't for Hu Changan, his family would really be doomed.

Zhu Xiongying and Zhu Yunxi were both sons of the late Chang family. Zhu Biao and the Chang family had a deep love for each other. Naturally, they loved each other very much, and they were very fond of Chang's two sons.

However, after all, Zhu Biao was the prince of a dignified empire, and he was already too busy dealing with various political affairs. Naturally, he could not spare any time to take care of the affairs of the back house.

However, Zhu Biao never expected that this moment of negligence would cause disaster to the two young children.

God knows how painful Zhu Biao felt when he learned that Zhu Xiongying was lying in bed waiting to die and Zhu Yunxi was secretly bullied by Lu.

Fortunately, there is always a path, and everything is developing in a good direction in the end.

Today, Zhu Xiongying is in good health and even stronger than before he got sick.

And Zhu Yunxi was also raised by Empress Ma. He had a lot more smiles on his face and his temper became much bolder.

All of this is thanks to Hu Changan!

After hearing this, Hu Changan also blushed a little.

It's really deceiving that Prince Zhu Biao was so grateful for such a casual thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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