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Chapter 64 Distribution

However, Hu Changan's actions made a group of doctors very dissatisfied.

The old doctor at the head looked at the people kneeling together, twirling his beard expressionlessly and said: "These people are really ignorant. If you can cure diseases with his water and stones, why do you need us doctors?"

To many doctors, Hu Changan's method of treating diseases is really messing around.

They don't even prepare medicines for internal use, just get some water and stones and say they can cure diseases, which is simply an insult to the audience's IQ.

Moreover, when the old doctor saw Hu Changan dressed as a Taoist priest, he even looked at him with displeasure.

You must know that most doctors in ancient times were very dissatisfied with Taoist priests and other alchemists.

There is no other reason. Not only can these alchemists not cure diseases, they also cause trouble for people.

The Taoist priests put mercury, cinnabar and other heavy metals into pills as if they were free of charge.

In this way, even if you are not sick, you will get sick from eating it.

As for the poor doctors, they could only follow the Taoist priests to study antidote decoctions, and they were so busy that they couldn't even move their feet.

It can be said that if there was no such profession as Taoist priests, the courage on the shoulders of ancient doctors would be at least half lighter.

So ever since Hu Changan put on the Taoist uniform, all the doctors in the yamen automatically classified him as one of those who fooled the common people.

However, the imperial doctors could still ignore him before, but it was different now.

Prince Zhu Biao wrote down a handwritten message. Even though these doctors were extremely dissatisfied, they had no choice but to obey Hu Changan's wishes. They wore masks and went out every day and used his weird stones and water.

These doctors were really heartbroken.

The imperial doctor on the side saw the old imperial doctor frowning and couldn't help but comfort him and said: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, after these common people try the alchemist's crooked ideas to no avail, they will definitely turn around and listen to us again."

"The man named Hu has a good relationship with the current prince. We have no choice but to hold our noses and endure it."

After hearing this, Mrs. Xu sighed deeply.

However, Hu Changan did not pay much attention to the complaints from all the imperial doctors.

Right now, the epidemic is still the most important thing!

On this day, Hu Changan was dressed as a Taoist priest again and opened the door of the county government office.

When the people waiting at the door saw this, they quickly knelt down and shouted for the living gods.

Hu Changan smiled slightly and said mysteriously: "Everyone, now you know the identity of my great immortal who has descended to earth. As long as you listen to me sincerely, this epidemic will definitely be subsided!"

After hearing this, all the people knelt down and prayed, begging Hu Changan to teach them how to break the situation.

After hearing this, Hu Changan also smiled with satisfaction.

Oh, he has been waiting for this day for a long time!

Hu Changan waved his hand, and a tall guard posted a notice on the gate of the county government office.

While the guards were posting, Hu Changan explained to everyone: "These methods are what I sensed the destiny of heaven and begged the Jade Emperor to come down personally. You must follow them carefully."

"If there is a patient at home, please immediately put the patient in a separate compartment, deliver meals through the small door every day, and do not have any contact with the patient."

"If the patient dies, please immediately burn all the things used by the patient on the spot and do not continue to use them, otherwise the plague ghost will attach themselves to these things and continue to cause harm to the world!"

"After the patient dies, please bury it on the spot immediately and do not hold any funeral ceremony."

"When in contact with patients, please wear the masks distributed by Pindao and put on an old piece of unused clothes. When you go home, destroy the used masks and old clothes immediately, and smear your whole body with sacred water."

"Please do not move into the place where the patient has lived immediately. You can only move in after the epidemic ghosts have completely evacuated in 20 days."

"Before moving in, you need to apply Pindao's sacred water on the entire surface."

Originally, Hu Changan wanted to burn the patient's body, but in ancient times, when the body and skin were affected by the parents, if Hu Changan used such a radical statement, there was no guarantee that he would not arouse public outrage.

Therefore, Hu Changan had no choice but to do the next best thing and ask the people to bury the bodies of the deceased as soon as possible.

However, despite this, everyone still broke out into a buzzing discussion.

"Great Immortal, how can we not hold a funeral after passing away? In this way, the soul of the deceased will never be reincarnated!"

"Yes, yes, please have mercy on us and allow us to bury our deceased relatives properly!"

After hearing this, Hu Changan's eyes immediately widened and he shouted sternly at everyone: "Don't you remember the bet I made with you before?"

"If I say more than half of them die, then it means more than half."

"It's okay if you want to make a big deal out of it, but don't blame me for not reminding you. When the whole family is dead, how will anyone be able to collect the bodies for you?!"

After everyone heard this, they were all as silent as a cicada.

Forget it, this is a special period after all, it’s better to listen to the master.

Seeing that everyone was convinced by him, Hu Changan ordered someone to bring in a large bucket of concentrated alcohol, a large basket of Chinese medicine soap and a large basket of masks, and distributed them to the waiting people.

Now, in order to fight the epidemic, Hu Changan has suspended all production in the soap workshop and directly ordered people to use full power to produce only anti-epidemic materials.

For this reason, Manager Chen specifically put aside all his work in Yingtian City and came to the soap workshop to support his young master.

Fortunately, the soap workshop has just been rectified by Hu Changan, and the craftsmen are all very motivated.

Under the leadership of Zhou Yi and Manager Chen, the workshop is thriving and producing anti-epidemic materials at an extremely fast speed.

It seems that Hu Changan doesn't have to worry about supplies recently.

When the people saw that Hu Changan generously took out the supplies, their faces turned red with excitement and they reached out to grab them.

However, the guards of the Prince's Mansion were not vegetarians. The tall guards glared, and the people regained their senses under the pressure and queued up obediently.

When Hu Changan saw this, he also shouted loudly: "Don't grab it, everyone, the poor man's things are enough, and everyone who sees them will have a share!"

At this time, everyone's enthusiasm for competing has faded a bit.

These are the words of a living god. The words of a living god are absolutely correct!

With the joint efforts of Hu Changan and the guards, the items were distributed quickly.

The people all received the things and went home happily.

However, Hu Changan was still worried.

Although concentrated alcohol and soap can disinfect, and masks can physically isolate viruses, these are ultimately a drop in the bucket and treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

It is simply a fantasy to try to completely isolate an infectious disease as severe as the plague by such a simple method.

What's more, these ancient people were also exposed to modern medical methods for the first time. In a hurry, they would inevitably use errors and reduce the defense effect.

This chapter has been completed!
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