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Chapter 70 Rehabilitation

After hearing Hu Changan's words, the doctor who was lying on the stretcher quickly stood up, while the other two were also a little ashamed.

Oops, I was so happy to see something novel that I forgot about the patient lying down.

After carefully putting on protective clothing for the fallen seriously ill patient, the two men lifted the patient and followed the large army.

After a while, the valley arrived.

Before coming, Hu Changan specially ordered all the craftsmen of the soap workshop to build houses here.

Although this house is just a very simple thatched house, it can also protect it from wind and rain.

Inside the house, curls of smoke were slowly rising.

Everyone looked at this environment and couldn't help being shocked.

What the Living God said is indeed correct!

He said that where there is a place to live, there is a place to live, and he said that where there is food, there is food!

This environment is even better than that of some poor families in the village.

Especially when everyone who was tired from the journey sat down to eat, they were even more shocked.

What was on the table was not the porridge and pickles they usually eat, but big fish, meat and white rice!

Oh my god, are such good things really meant for them to eat?

I'm afraid that as a noble man in Yingtian City, the food will only be of this level!

Everyone looked at the table full of dishes in disbelief.

Hu Changan looked at the confused and shocked eyes of everyone, couldn't help but smile, and said generously: "Don't worry, this table of food is just for you!"

"I, Mrs. Hu, am the soap seller in Yingtian City. I have a lot of money and can take care of food and other things!"

After hearing this, everyone was moved and picked up the bowls and chopsticks at hand, and started eating with big mouthfuls.

Some people even couldn't help but burst into tears as they ate.

Although there are many rich people in Yingtian City, there are only a few who think about poor people like them.

The young man in front of me is really a kind man!

If they have a chance to recover in the future, they must repay this young man's kindness!

Even Imperial Physician Xu on the side was quite moved when he saw this scene.

As an imperial physician who specializes in treating high-ranking officials, he has also seen countless powerful and powerful people.

But no one values ​​the people as much as the young man in front of me!

Not only did he contribute money and effort, the young man even risked his life and went to the front line himself!

While Dr. Xu was stunned, Hu Changan also greeted Dr. Xu and his entourage warmly: "Come on, come on, you must have had a hard time walking all the way. Go quickly and change your clothes and take a shower. I've also prepared dinner for you."


Suppressing the emotion in their hearts, Imperial Physician Xu and his party bowed their hands slightly to Hu Changan to express their gratitude, and then followed the boy who led the way towards their residence.

That night, everyone ate and drank in the valley and fell asleep.


Early the next morning, Hu Changan ordered his servant to distill a large pot of medical alcohol in the yard, and called all the patients to the square to check on their conditions one by one with Dr. Xu.

Imperial Physician Xu and Hu Changan worked together to divide all patients into two types based on their infection status and physical condition.

The first type is patients who are not severely infected and have relatively good physical fitness.

Although these people are unfortunately infected with the epidemic, their symptoms are relatively mild and they can take care of themselves. They are also the group of people who are most likely to recover.

For such people, Hu Changan arranged a large courtyard for them alone and let them take care of themselves.

The servants will deliver prepared soups and meals to the door every day, and they only have to go and use them themselves.

The second type is those who have a relatively severe degree of infection and are unable to take care of themselves.

The seriously ill patient who fainted on the way yesterday was among them.

These patients are seriously ill and require special care.

Hu Changan also gathered these patients in a courtyard, but there were people in this courtyard taking care of the patients in shifts 24 hours a day.

On average, about seven patients are cared for by one person.

In this way, not only are there enough manpower, patients can also receive better care, which is very reasonable.

Next, it’s time to work step by step!

Every day, Hu Changan would take time to go around the village and screen out patients infected with the epidemic.

A group of doctors, headed by Imperial Physician Xu, were responsible for preparing medicine and taking care of patients in shifts.

Hu Changan transferred several boys from the soap workshop to be responsible for chores such as cooking.

The days went on in an orderly manner.

However, there is always a depressing atmosphere in the valley.

There is no other reason, too many people died!

Patients who were basically classified as the second category by Hu Changan died within three to five days.

Many patients who were originally classified as the first category by Hu Changan only persisted for a few days before lying in bed unable to move.

Every day, the boys had to bury many corpses.

Everyone felt sad when they saw the corpses being transported out like flowing water.

However, none of the patients had the thought of escaping.

After all, Hu Changan gave too much!

Meat dishes are served every day. In addition to not being able to go out, other entertainment facilities are not enough. There is even a person who reads story books every day to lighten the atmosphere.

This magical day is simply heaven!

If he died like this, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a loss!

This is also one of Hu Changan's strategies.

To recuperate from illness, naturally you need to be healthy both physically and mentally to recover quickly.

Not only must you eat well, but you must also keep up with spiritual entertainment!

Unfortunately, after so many days, no one in the valley has recovered.

Hu Changan couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

This plague is really terrible!

However, Hu Changan was very calm inside.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, and now it’s time to leave it to fate.

Finally, one calm morning, Hu Changan got the news he wanted.

"Master, a patient in the first group has recovered!"

Not only was Hu Changan very happy, but the doctors who were working in the yard were also dancing happily, barely even giving each other high fives in celebration.

After so many days of darkness, they finally saw the dawn of hope!

After that, Hu Changan carefully observed the recovered patient for several days.

Seeing that he was eating and drinking well, Hu Changan returned the man to the village along the same route.

Everyone in the village was shocked when they saw that he came back alive.

"Li Goudan, aren't you possessed by the plague ghost and were taken to the valley for treatment? Why are you back?"

"That's right, Li Goudan, won't you be dead if you get infected with the epidemic? Why are you so rosy now? I think you're a few pounds heavier than before you got sick!"

Everyone cautiously surrounded Li Goudan, all in disbelief.

Seeing everyone's amazed eyes, Li Goudan happily patted his chest and said, "Hey, this Taoist Hu is truly a living god worthy of the name!"

"It was him who cured me!"


Can this incurable disease be cured?

The villagers were shocked, with dozens of pairs of eyes staring at Li Goudan.

This chapter has been completed!
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