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Chapter 87 Harvest

However, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Hu Changan's sincere eyes and was not moved at all: "Hu Changan, please stop talking! I will never change my mind!"

This time it will not be as simple as last time implementing the new law.

After all, during the last reform, Zhu Yuanzhang and his ministers already had a general direction in mind. Hu Changan's words only helped them refine the general direction.

Therefore, Hu Changan's words were so quickly accepted by Zhu Yuanzhang and his ministers.

But this time it's different.

Hu Changan's words were clearly shaking Zhu Yuanzhang's belief.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang has always regarded the emphasis on agriculture and suppression of commerce as a national policy and promoted it unswervingly.

In the early Ming Dynasty, merchants were always inferior to others. Not only were they not allowed to wear silk clothes, they were even subject to various difficulties and restrictions when taking exams and serving as officials.

Hu Changan looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's firm eyes and knew that he could not rush for the moment, so he softened his tone and said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Your Majesty, do you still remember the bet between you and me about potatoes?"

"As long as I can grow potatoes, Your Majesty will agree that I will be solely responsible for the promotion of rum?"

"Oh, that seems to be the case." Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a long time before pulling this incident out of his memory.

After all, several months have passed, and Zhu Yuanzhang is so busy with state affairs every day that it is normal for him to fail to remember.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang remembered it, Hu Changan quickly said: "Your Majesty, how about this? If your potatoes are grown, how about your Majesty agreeing to take full responsibility for the production of rum and medical alcohol?"

"If this leads to ineffectiveness and collusion between government and businessmen, I am willing to accept the punishment according to the law!"

"Okay." Zhu Yuanzhang nodded casually.

If Hu Changan could successfully grow grains with a yield of twenty shi per mu, forget about this request of sesame seeds and mung beans. Even if Hu Changan was to be the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue someday, Zhu Yuanzhang would happily accept it.

In the face of great merit, everything is a small matter.

"In that case, your Majesty must keep your promise!" Hu Changan smiled slightly and said mysteriously, "My potatoes are mature now, and I should be able to harvest them!"


It actually grew!

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widened in surprise, and he even forgot to be angry: "Hu Aiqing, are these potatoes really the legendary yield of twenty dan per mu?"

"Return to Your Majesty, just a little more!"

"Quickly, prepare your horses, I want to go back and see with my own eyes!"

So, the group of people rode horses again and hurried towards the Forbidden City.


Returning to the Forbidden City, Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly changed into bright yellow uniforms and followed Hu Changan towards the potato fields.

At this time, three old farmers were chatting at the edge of the field. From a distance, they saw Hu Changan coming with a man in bright yellow clothes. The three old farmers quickly jumped up and bowed their heads.

Who else in the palace can wear bright yellow clothes?

It must be only Your Majesty!

When you meet His Majesty, of course you have to kowtow!

Zhu Yuanzhang casually waved his hand to excuse them, then pointed to the potato field and said to Hu Chang'an: "Hu Aiqing, where are the potatoes you mentioned? Could it be that the fruits haven't grown yet?"

There was only one green leaf on the ground. Zhu Yuanzhang looked left and right and saw that the leaf didn't look edible, so he couldn't help but ask Hu Chang'an doubtfully.

Hu Changan smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty, these potato fruits are grown in the ground. You can dig them out by just digging with a shovel."

"Go, get the shovel and the scale!" Zhu Yuanzhang quickly ordered the little eunuch beside him.

After a while, the shovel and scale were in place.

Seeing this, the three old farmers quickly took the shovel and started digging in the ground.

Seeing that the three old farmers were already working enthusiastically, Zhu Yuanzhang turned to Hu Chang'an and said, "Hu Aiqing, are you sure you can dig out twenty stones of potatoes from this small acre of land?"

"Your Majesty, I can definitely do it." Hu Changan replied confidently.

"If it cannot be dug out, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor!" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but beat it.

If Hu Changan didn't have potatoes to protect him, Zhu Yuanzhang could have punished him based on what he said about merchants.

After all, this was in ancient times, when the emperor and his family were the only ones.

Hu Changan's previous words were simply a challenge to the emperor's authority.

"Your Majesty, if you can't dig out twenty stones, then I'll ask you." Hu Changan didn't panic at all after hearing this.

What a joke, potatoes are a famously high-yielding crop in later generations.

The yield of twenty dan per mu is just an average value taken by Hu Changan for the sake of safety.

Under Hu Changan's careful care in the past few months, the output will only increase but not decrease.

While Zhu Yuanzhang was talking to Hu Changan, Zhang San had dug out a large bunch of potatoes.

Potatoes are rhizomes, and potatoes are attached to vines underground.

So if you dig casually, you can dig out a big bunch.

Under Hu Changan's careful care, the potatoes are growing well.

The smallest one in the bunch was as big as Hu Changan's fist, and the largest one was even half as big as Hu Changan's head. It was difficult for Zhang San to pull it.

Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked when he saw this bunch of weird-looking lumps.

Zhu Yuanzhang was born as a cowherd boy since he was a child, so he was naturally good at farm work and so on.

However, based on his many years of rural experience, Zhu Yuanzhang had never seen any plant that looked so strange.

It doesn't matter if it grows in the soil. Why is it covered in lumps and covered with soil? Can it be eaten?

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but asked Hu Chang'an in confusion: "Hu Aiqing, although you have grown it, can this thing be eaten? Hu Aiqing, don't just plant some inedible dirt lumps to fool me!"

Hu Changan smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty, how about we just eat these potatoes tonight? I guarantee that you can fill your stomach and be happy eating at the same time."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while and finally agreed to Hu Changan's proposal.

He has been marching and fighting for many years, but what has he not eaten?

As long as it can fill your stomach, anything is fine!

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang had already realized that potatoes were unpalatable.

But as long as it can fill the people's stomachs, it doesn't matter no matter how unpalatable it is!

At this time, the three farmers had dug half of the field.

Huge potatoes are neatly arranged in the aisle, like soldiers for inspection.

Several little eunuchs on the side were weighing the potatoes one by one with scales, and there was another one who was responsible for recording the total weight.

Hu Changan randomly selected a few plump and huge potatoes, and then, led by the young eunuch, he walked towards the imperial dining room.

Seeing everyone busy, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly became interested, took a shovel and joined in digging potatoes.

Zhu Yuanzhang was born as a peasant, and even after becoming emperor, he could not change some of his inherent habits.

Only when he saw the harvest of rice and vegetables with his own eyes did Zhu Yuanzhang feel that this year had not been in vain.
This chapter has been completed!
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